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How to deal with the Afghanistan situation?

Should Afghanistan be nuked due to being unsalvageable?

  • Yes, nuke it and end the madness.

  • No, we have other valid options. (Suggest below)

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People talking about nuking Afghanistan.

If only we had the same energy when it comes to India. We should nuke kaffir Hindus and put our faith in Allah. Instead we failed to take advantage of 27 Feb and showed our true bravery with the ceasefire on loc.

Our real enemy is india. India is the abba of terrorists in the region. You cut the head of the snake to kill it.

I was zapped like most Indians were.

That was the day we knew that Pakistan's back was broken. Finally.

Things like the Brahmos do not surprise us anymore.

Pakistan strategy towards Afghanistan is flawed. Firstly, we have Talibs in control who are no less than snakes and continue to sabotage our efforts for peace. Secondly, just to minimize the damage we did in Afghanistan, we are going overboard in providing everything to Afghanistan without even advertising the good that we are doing for Pakistan.

For starters,
  • India (The great friend of Afghans) invested 3 billion dollars in Afghanistan while Pakistan has invested 1 billion dollar (compare the economies of both countries to understand which country has done more)
  • Pakistan is issuing 2000 visas a day to Afghans
  • We are giving scholarships to Afghan students
  • Their professionals are being trained in Pakistan
  • Afghanistan has a trade surplus with Pakistan because we are reducing the import duties
  • We continue to advocate for Afghans at global stage
Unfortunately, no one from govt of Pakistan has highlighted what we are doing for Afghans and our enemies continue to highlight the proxy wars and whatnot.

Pakistan needs to understand that Afghanistan is just like another country and should not be given preferrential treatment without conditions.
Close the border, and constantly watch the area within 10km of the Duran line within their border via drones.
Any incoming talib should be shelled the Sh*t out of by our artillery and mortar platforms.

The border should be manned, but with the same amount of soldiers as the current moment. we just need the surveillance to be able to move our troops to the locations where they are needed, rather than aimlessly standing at the border, completely unaware of whether a whole army is marching towards you

This. Let them starve and shoot anything that moves near our border.

Anyone who's ever trained a dog knows how to deal with the Taliban.
Ask the people who are making Afghanistan Policy for last 30 years.

Our opinnion does'nt matter here.
Vote above, I just want to see what the common sentiment is and if people would agree. (Obviously the actual possibility of it happening is close to zero)

Any other suggestions on how to handle the Afghanistan situation below.

There is one very simple and effective solution.

SEAL the goddamned border.

Bullet proof and water tight and manage the transit trade agreement with a microscope.

6 months of that, is enough to put things in order.
Here goes yet another discussion based on IBNE control, IBNE capabilities, IBNE enemies, IBNE resources, IBNE history.

There is no justification for their hostility.

The war has ended, NATO has left and Pakistan have preached nothing but peace and coexistence.

This is nothing less than an act of war.

These racist Talibs need a Punjabi bomb on their heads in Kabul to teach them a generational lesson.

- Seal the border
- Monitor the border 24/7
- Any incursion mishap by TTP Taliban AQ ISS or IEA will be met with 10x the response
- Build a narrative around Taliban and the groups are extremist terrorists and will never integrate with the civilized world
- If and when in due time, God forbid there is another strike from Afghanistan then be prepared to strike deep and create a buffer zone
- If this doesn’t stop then escalate the intensity of the strike
I was zapped like most Indians were.

That was the day we knew that Pakistan's back was broken. Finally.

Things like the Brahmos do not surprise us anymore.

Rogue states and their elements do test their luck by indulging into misadventures, North Korea being one prime example as it often fires projectiles over South, however it really matters when real bullets are flying.
Take 27.2.2019 for example, after unexpectedly trying to sneak in during the middle of night, the IAF was on full alert for a response from Pakistan, and it did come in broad daylight and the results are obvious due to which Shiri Chaiiwala was hopping around threatening with missile strikes.
Here's a refresher for you.

They may have capacity issues and some problematic people in their ranks. Will take time to resolve. I am sure they don’t want attacks on Chinese hotel like they are forced to deal with. Just hit back hard locally like we did and eliminate problematic elements for the leadership there. Negotiate and keep ties with them. No point making a new enemy on another border.
Increase diplomatic ties, help them actually control their footsoldiers through command chains and such, convey the message of we can be your greatest ally, but can also become your greatest threat, and also help identify certain trouble makers in the area and those in their ranks causing such border conflicts.

Nuke is just retarded as Pakistan and other neighboring countries will be affected. Conveying the message through force is an option but will just lead to more conflict.

At the end of the day, both Pakistan and Afghanistan are Islamic nations. Islam can and should be used a major factor to why we should not be fighting. Also help them with education. It's a must.
Increase diplomatic ties, help them actually control their footsoldiers through command chains and such, convey the message of we can be your greatest ally, but can also become your greatest threat, and also help identify certain trouble makers in the area and those in their ranks causing such border conflicts.

Nuke is just retarded as Pakistan and other neighboring countries will be affected. Conveying the message through force is an option but will just lead to more conflict.

At the end of the day, both Pakistan and Afghanistan are Islamic nations. Islam can and should be used a major factor to why we should not be fighting. Also help them with education. It's a must.

Afghanistan did not recognise Pakistan after partition and do not recognise the durand line as a hard border. They are guilty of political terrorism, attempting to spread mutiny in the ranks, espionage and direct attacks on military and civilians.

If Pakistan had the balls of our 50s/60s generation this would be a declaration of war and for our troops to march through the heart of Kabul and make them sign a 100 year treaty in which they can't even scratch their own a*s without our approval.
Afghanistan did not recognise Pakistan after partition and do not recognise the durand line as a hard border. They are guilty of political terrorism, attempting to spread mutiny in the ranks, espionage and direct attacks on military and civilians.

If Pakistan had the balls of our 50s/60s generation this would be a declaration of war and for our troops to march through the heart of Kabul and make them sign a 100 year treaty in which they can't even scratch their own a*s without our approval.
I know of the history between Afghanistan and Pakistan

People change, nations change
Pakistani economy has literally collapsed, Glorified security Guards who's job it is to protect her from external and internal enemies brought back thieves and Murderess to power for personal gains and continue to protect them and you geniuses are questioning why the border with Afghanistan isn't being taken care of or secured. Billions are made from Afghans trade by few on Pakistan side and those who are benefitting don't give a rat's *** about few Pakistanis dying hell they don't even care if few soldiers' heads are chopped off as long as they make the money.

Don't believe me then answer this question. How come no other Afghan neighbors (Iran, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan) suffering from Afghan terrorist, when you get that Answer then you will understand why Pakistan continues to suffer from Afghans Terrorist and nothing happens.
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