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How The Islamic Alliance Led By Pakistan’s Raheel Sharif Could Pose A Threat To India

1971 is just an old story .Now India is changed very much .
First these green lands need to iron out the differences among themselves before taking on & posing a threat to anyone rest we know immortal death of Umaah concept...
Maybe but the result is on world map. Let's say that is proof enough.

so is the other result, so much so that India has to raise issue with different search engines every week LOLOLOL
so is the other result, so much so that India has to raise issue with different search engines every week LOLOLOL

Nope, says Azad Kashmir when I use Google...PAK occupied Kashmir, not Pakistan. I wonder why pakistan cannot change the name ?
no you said what India did the results are on map, so I showed you what Pakistan did those results are on map and news constantly.

What is new...what you showed is disputed in UN. It is not a new country.

I mean if pakistan respect the institution of UN.
If this alliance succeeded to survive effectively for 5 to 10 years then it will surely pose a threat to india .
If i understand correctly, Pakistan is slowly coming out of shadow of Indo Pak rivallry into global stage...I am not sure, how much Pakistan posters are following some of the political moves by NS in this game. But he is trying to assert Pakistan as a more like a Islamic power rather than looking everything as India Pakistan issue only...Good vision and Nice step..

At any point of time, if Pakistan really realize its true potential and focous on been more assertive, then it can be a rising power in Islamic world...Again, these article is just another paranoid article...Both Indian and Pakistani people always think that whatever we do in our daily life, is always against each other....Which is not always true...

Finally, a sane poster :enjoy:

I hate when people get very emotional about the smallest things on this forum.
This Alliance is for ME internal Wars .. this Alliance even lead by Raheel sharif will not have Courage to attack or invade any Land, so this Alliance is no Threat to anyone , RS is there to serve Arab Interest not Pakistan's ..
:lol: India feeling so much insignificant that she tries to drag herself into things which are not even remotely related to India
Too early to worry or not worry. As of now the following is unclear

- common goals of this 'alliance'
- whether military or political
- actual troop or employee strength, if any

In its present form it is a facsimile of the OIC which has historically backed Pakistan so I don't see any additional development.
This alliance is a joke to begin with but Indian obsession with anything Pakistan is hilarious. India is like that ugly every neighbourhood has that butts in every conversation to feel important. :lol:

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