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US Senate poised to okay Indo-US nuke deal

WASHINGTON: The US Senate is on the verge of approving the Bush administration’s nuclear deal with India after lawmakers rejected the first attempt to kill the agreement by a 73-26 margin.

Both Republican and Democratic senators came together to decisively vote against an amendment brought to the floor by New Mexico Democrat Jeff Bingaman which would have required the President to determine that India committed to a cap on its fissile material production before Washington could proceed with nuclear exports to India.

The administration had said such an amendment would be a deal-killer because India would not agree to the condition considering the geopolitical realities and the neighbourhood it lived in. A majority of Senators agreed with this assessment. The vote on this amendment, the first of many that will follow later in the day, offers a broad indication of how much support the deal has.

While most Republicans voted against the Bingaman deal-killer amendment and kept the deal alive, several prominent Democrats joined them in support – among them Senators John Kerry, Hillary Clinton, Paul Sarbanes and Joe Lieberman.

The non-proliferation constituency that supported the amendment that could have killed the deal included Massachusetts Democrat Edward Kennedy, California’s two Democrat Senators Barbara Boxer and Dianne Feinstein and Illinois Democrat Barack Obama.

The Senate also defeated by a 71-27 margin a similar killer amendment moved by North Dakota Democrat Byron Dorgan, after which the Senator did not push for a roll call vote on his second amendment. Following the three votes, the Senate repaired to a closed private session to consider a fourth amendment.

The final vote on the bill will come later in the evening and if the roll call on the amendments so far is any indication, the bill is as good a through in the Senate.
US Senate poised to okay Indo-US nuke deal

BTW, after India gets the nod, it will still have a long way to go before the Americans will transfer even a single bolt. India would still need to get approval for the deal from the Nuclear Suppliers Group and it will also have to negotiate a safeguard agreement with the UN’s International Atomic Energy Agency. Only once these hurdles have been overcome, technical negotiations would need to be completed between the two countries before the US Congress holds another vote on the overall deal.

How about we see you back on this page after, lets say, 5 years?;) Meanwhile pray to Bhagwan none of Indian piece of junk melts and takes couple of million poor Indians sleeping on footpaths down with them.

Admin Edit: Please cut down on the personal attacks. Keep it cool, dont loose it.
Dude do not talk about religion ( Bhagwan or Allah) and degrade the topic started by you.

So far good response in US. already lots of interest in US is generated for Nuclear deal and so many companies are lined up for this lucarative buisness.
Its only a civilian nuclear deal.
Check out the add on the right side of the Washington Times' page http://washingtontimes.com/op-ed/ or you can simply click on http://www.washingtontimes.com/advertise/sos.html

Just because you are oblivious of reality doesn't mean the "Khalistan movement is long dead." :lol:

haha, is this a joke or something??

there is NO movement on the ground...i live in India and i am telling you that no1 talks about khalistan, no1 advocates khalistan, there are no messages or insurgencies, there are no bombs, there are no diplomatic measures, there are no peace deals, there is NOTHING related to khalistan. is that hard for you to get? are u so immersed in your desire for India to split up that you cant accept a movement that its DEAD? There has to be SOME kind of action on ground for anything to be called a movement...and i repeat, there is NOTHING happening.

If im so oblivous of reality, im sure the newspapers would report if there was insurgency or anything of sort in punjab? or is this the Great Indian Coverup?!?!

man, you refuse to believ such simple things.

you know, forget it, i take all i'v said back...khalistan movement is there, and very soon there will be a new country in India. Happy? Now im no longer oblivious to the truth!!!
haha, is this a joke or something??

Here is another joke.. haha

Curfew in India town after deaths

By Subir Bhaumik
BBC News, Calcutta

An indefinite curfew has been imposed on a town in India's north-eastern Assam state after clashes killed seven.
Officials say trouble erupted on Saturday when police detained two young men allegedly involved in a road accident in the town of Moirabari.

Elections were being held in a college union and hundreds of students rushed to demand their release by the police.

Rumours that the pair had been arrested following clashes during the college union elections fuelled the unrest.

Police armed with batons tried to break up the protest, but the crowd grew to well over 1,000 and turned more violent.

The town's police station was set on fire. Some of the protesters dragged out and lynched three policemen who subsequently died.

The police then opened fire, killing four protesters.

Tense situation

More than 20 people, including some policemen, were injured in the violence.

Seven of those hurt were in a critical condition, according to hospital sources.

The administration has enforced curfew orders at Moirabari, in Moregaon district, and deployed additional police and paramilitary contingents to control the violence.

Officials said the situation was still very tense, but now under control.

Assam has seen many violent separatist movements over the past few decades and tensions often flare when people are detained for questioning by the police or even searched at routine checkpoints.

Another article by a reporter known for writing ridiculous comments as usual.
Well known among real millitary guys, not among teens though.
Another article by a reporter known for writing ridiculous comments as usual.
Well known among real millitary guys, not among teens though.

So much of Indian writers.

How about we discuss the "message" instead of who has written the article. If you find any wrong things in it, do let us know. :rolleyes:
See Webby and tommy,
Indian and pakistan Nuclear plants are WELL PROTECTED from these kind of things,
if plorifiration happens that will happen through a person as scientist not attack on nuke plant for gods sake.

Adnan Gill IS KNOWN among millitary circle to be a writer with non-plo lobby, u know these things happens in India.

just look at 100's of articles bout India purchasing honrte for gods sake even RFQ isnt released, these all are funded articles...
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