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How secure is Indian nuclear program?

You contradict yourself in your post. If you claim to be the largest democracy of the world, you must also learn to be patient and learn to lend a ear to the grievances of certain groups of people who certainly have not taken up arms against your government because they think its fun to do so, but rather feel so deprived of their political rights (not to forget the civil and social rights) that they feel violence is the only avenue of expression they have left with them.

Thus, they end up challenging the state's monopoly on violence to make the state more amenable to their point of view.

Intolerance only breeds more intolerance, suspicion, fear and finally conflict.

Fighting for a 'cause' does not absolve these people killing women and children.

And to let you know that the MHA has adopted a 2 pronged approach to the problem like Naxalism...they are focussing on the socio-economic development of the naxal areas, along with fighting them weherever required, so that the wheat is separated from the chaff.
Fighting for a 'cause' does not absolve these people killing women and children.

Of course. But see now you change your 'tone' after I pointed a few things out. Your earlier posts would make these 'other' people sound like vermin.
Adnan is not a reporte.

as far his article its not fiction, he had been researching on issues relating to nukes and stuff and hez writting wth logics.

Bull the insugencies or the struggles Tom Cat has pointed out in India, do u deny that?

yeh may be ISI is all behind those struggles :P :P
Amazingly, I have never seen such lack of online debate and discussion etiquettes as portrayed by you. And surprisingly enough, the Admin is snoring away.

Let me tell you abt some PFF etiquettes..."dont behave like a Modif you are not one"
wow really?!

lets start calling names at BJP!

I dont think calling BJP or PDP or Mushraff bad name is the same as calling bad names at some unknown guys who puts up hate and divisory websites.

just my opinion.
Bull the insugencies or the struggles Tom Cat has pointed out in India, do u deny that?

No i dont.
Let him/or anybody leave in their own fantasy land.

What?More than 30 seperatist movement in such a small area and such low incidence of violonce.
Let me tell you abt some PFF etiquettes..."dont behave like a Modif you are not one"

Certainly NOT. I am not trying to enforce any forum specific rules. Online forum etiquettes are unwritten guidelines that a civilized debater should understand without any Mod having to tell him.

A sudden barrage of posts by you makes me wonder if you're high on caffeine?
Certainly NOT. I am not trying to enforce any forum specific rules. Online forum etiquettes are unwritten guidelines that a civilized debater should understand without any Mod having to tell him


A sudden barrage of posts by you makes me wonder if you're high on caffeine?

Keep wondering
Of course. But see now you change your 'tone' after I pointed a few things out. Your earlier posts would make these 'other' people sound like vermin.

Listen Sid mate,
i dont think your actually getting what im saying here
let me start again

these people LIKE BHINDERWALA, terrorists are absolute "somethings", no amount of causes can or will justify their killing women and children. They think they can operate above the law. Now you as being a person in Pakistan will support their 'movement' no doubt to rid them of 'evil' India. But they are looked upon and frowned upon in the way i have mentioned above here.Similarly you would look upon the Baloch leaders rebelling against Pakistan, tthough you may think we are supportive of them or our intelligence agencies, whereas 'we' might think they are freedom fighters.So as i dont say anything in that regard, you must not either.

As regards to name calling etc of parties like BJP,,,you are free to do or say whatever you like about them, but like Bull said, calling such people and parties like BJP, Musharraf, etc is wayy different than calling such terrorists anything. My 'tone' has not mellowed down, i accepted not saying anything to such people directly because the admin asked me so in a very polite manner to which i could not refuse. And which i am abiding by even now.

Try to think what you are saying for 1 min mate...you are comparing extremists with political parties.I can do the same with Musharraf or whomsoever else, but i there is a difference b/w name calling the people say in Balochistan who want to separate off from Pakistan and any political party. So think before you say anything...Regarding my having some ethics of debating or not, i think they are limmited to me not in any way demeaning the other person im having a debate/argument/whatever with. I think the mods did not/have not warned me is because of the above rule that i talk with the other person in a civilised manner insipte of being name called before. I should be free to say anything i want about terrorists, And as a matter of fact i think you should support me in the issue of denouncing such people.

As regards to BJP again, i think the democracy in India showed itself in full light yet again, when they were voted out of power in the last elections. If you still have any apprehensions by all means post them, and i shall reply to them in a civil manner wrt to YOU as well as the Pakistani political establishment.
Yes they are,who is disputing it.

Your kind is. Read message # 3. it clearly says, “how WEIRD...all sources are from pakistani establishments?surprise surprise!”

There was a much bigger recovery after that,go and find out yourself.

1. on one hand you whine about things ‘blown out’, then in very next paragraph you are declaring even bigger recoveries. Please make your mind. Are things ‘blown out’ or are you clueless?
2. there is no need to look for it. We are already very well aware that Naxalites have already successfully infiltrated all levels of government agencies and Indian military.

But before you suggest that they might launch a blazing raid on any N-est and get away with the N-bomb or will blast the nuke est and cause N radiation please do go back and read how many tons of explosives is required to blast out a N-ractor.

1. before you make another naive comment, please do go back and read how many tons of explosives are required to blast out e.g. cooling ducts that keep the reactors from meltdown?
2. beside how hard do you think it will be to collapse the faulty domes that had been collapsing themselves without any external force? E.g. in 1994, owing to faulty design, the concrete containment dome of the Kakrapar Atomic Power Station collapsed. How much explosive do you think it took to bring it down? Could it ZERO? :lol:

This was after they recieved a speacific info that terrorists might strike Nest,we have S-300 also gurading the skies around N-est.

never knew S-300 to be some supper defensive systems that could shoot down undetectable low-flying UAVs at every single nuclear facility. But then, you guys might have invented some super secret version that we maybe unaware of. :rolleyes:

read the article.

Please do tell me what kind of protection is available in the world now, that will protect it from an earthqauke?

it doesn’t take a genius to pick sites that do not lie on fault-lines or areas known for earthquakes. To get more info on how safe Indian plants are please visit http://owlstree.blogspot.com/2006/07/indian-nuclear-program-disasters-in.html

In intl waters???How can India build anything in Intl waters?

do not role your eyes on me... ask the idiots who were dreaming of such nonsense. :rofl: For a complete source please visit http://www.nti.org/e_research/profiles/India/Nuclear/2296_5276.html and roll down to the date of 13 November 2003.

Im asking you the same Q back.

nice try. A person with even marginal commonsense should be able to answer without passing the buck. Therefore, I am guessing, you could answer it too.

It takes a few '000 $s to keep a website alive.I can do it,you can so it.
It doesnt mean anything more than that.

It takes more than $s and bunch of idiots to keep a movement alive. Had you taken time to read the messages in these sites, it might have dawned on you that the movement is alive, kicking, and has a huge following. E.g. read their latest press releases: SIKHS SEND S O S TO SENATORS LUGAR AND BIDEN AGAINST US-INDIA NUKE DEAL http://www.khalistan-affairs.org/home/senate.aspx
or read the S O S

From were did u get these names,it a wonderfull work of fiction,appreciate that.

just because you have no clue about these popular movements, doesn’t mean they are “wonderfull work of fiction”. Such ignorant remarks only goes to show your limited knowledge. Here is one reference: http://www.globalsecurity.org/military/world/war/assam.htm Please do not forget to read the list in the right column.

And mushi still bends over whenever he sees him,how sick?

hey, its only fair... if the senile-Vajpayee was disgustingly spread-eagle by offering Indian bases and resources to Bushi without any conditions or questions then why couldn’t mushi bend?:sick:
I am qouting my post in response keep dreaming. :lol:

Tomcat111 - Adnan is a reporter who has been doing Nuclear related reporting for few years he has accused all the nations trying to digout possible links, Nobody trusts such articles they lie somewhere in the net archives or ruddi ki dukan.

Below is the fact and points to how US feels about it.

Indo-US N-deal to be okayed: Terror outfits originate from Pakistan: US

By Iftikhar Gilani

NEW DELHI: Many of the groups blamed for terrorist attacks in India have ‘origins’ and ‘links’ in Pakistan, US Assistant Secretary of State Richard Boucher said on Friday.

“Many of the links (of groups) that are talked about go back to their origin and ties in Pakistan. We all need to work together against terrorism through effective actions so that people in India do not suffer from these blasts,” Boucher said. He however said that all the groups blamed for terrorism in India had been banned in Pakistan.

Boucher, who discussed terrorism with Foreign Secretary Shivshankar Menon, described the upcoming Indo-Pak foreign secretary-level talks as a ‘very good thing’. He hoped the Indo-Pak joint anti-terror mechanism would produce results.

Boucher said he expected the bill on the Indo-US civil nuclear deal to go through Senate next week, as both Republicans and Democrats were very supportive of it.

Tomcat111---a movement is only alive as long as there is actual movement or action on ground...happy to say on this occasion that NOTHING whatsoever related to the khalistan movement is alive on the Indian Soil.
Simply keeping a website and giving random messages that, plz dont agree to nuke deal signed 25 mil Sikhs does not amount to a movement. Like i said, a movement would be like a naxal movement, or naga or ulfa or something like that.im sure several here are dissapointed to hear this.

You dont live here, dont force something down our throats, there is nothing happening in Punjab, it is a peaceful state trying to develop itself like every other Indian state. At the university, there are many people from Punjab, and there is no resentment whatsoever. The Khalistan movement is long dead.
1. on one hand you whine about things ‘blown out’, then in very next paragraph you are declaring even bigger recoveries. Please make your mind. Are things ‘blown out’ or are you clueless?:

Blown out was referred to the "whole article".The 50 odd indurgneices in NE,the risk on N est ect etc.

2. We are already very well aware that Naxalites have already successfully infiltrated all levels of government agencies and Indian military.:

Hiw are you aware of it?by reading such fiction artcile?

never knew S-300 to be some supper defensive systems that could shoot down undetectable low-flying UAVs at every single nuclear facility. But then, you guys might have invented some super secret version that we maybe unaware of. :rolleyes: :

UAVs. now you are speaking abt UAVs?What sort of UAV?Who has UAV that has a range to reach Southern india?

hey, its only fair... if the senile-Vajpayee was disgustingly spread-eagle by offering Indian bases and resources to Bushi without any conditions or questions then why couldn’t mushi bend?:sick:

So he did bend over lol
just because you have no clue about these popular movements, doesn’t mean they are “wonderfull work of fiction”. Such ignorant remarks only goes to show your limited knowledge. Here is one reference: http://www.globalsecurity.org/military/world/war/assam.htm Please do not forget to read the list in the right column.

You said the site says there are as many as dozens of popular movements.I checked the site and it mentions 5 major and inumerable (20 odd) minor ones.

And also look at the way the article starts...

Assam belongs to the Seven Sisters Region of Southeast Asia, which consists of Arunachal Pradesh, Meghalaya, Manipur, Mizoram, Nagaland and Tripura

Its NE India,not SE asia !!!

The state of Assam has been badly affected by armed insurgency over the last one and a half decades with various insurgent groups like the ULFA, NDFB, DHD, UPDS, NSCN waging a low intensity war against the lawfully established Government

the article confesses that the fight is against a lawfully est govt.So whats ur beef abt?

Ever since they were formed, the major insurgent groups ULFA and NDFB have committed scores of incidents of mindless violence like murders, bomb explosions, kidnapping for ransom etc. which have had a serious bearing on the law and order situation of the state.

See what ur "popular movement is upto".

From May 15th, 1996 till November 30th, 2000, as many as 5860 militants of different groups have been captured and 842 hardcore terrorists have been killed. Apart from this, a huge quantity of arms and ammunitions as well as cash have been recovered from different militant groups. This is a remarkable achievement on the part of the State Govt. in its fight against terrorism against all odds. 367 security personnel laid down their lives in this fight against terrorism during this period. .

And we are giving them what they deserve.

The kidnaping of NGO environmental activist Sanjay Ghosh in July 1997 and his death at the hands of his United Liberation Front of Assam (ULFA) captors led to wide public criticism.

Popluar movement doesnt look like they are very popular.

the wake of reverses suffered by the outfits due to the counter insurgency operations, a very significant shift in the stance and the strategy of the extremists groups has been noticed. The constant reverses suffered by the outfits have brought about a sense of frustration and desperation amongst the cadres of the militants outfits, who have started attacking soft and defenseless targets indiscriminately resulting in the increase in casualties of civilians.

popular movement!!!
Tomcat111---a movement is only alive as long as there is actual movement or action on ground... The Khalistan movement is long dead.
Check out the add on the right side of the Washington Times' page http://washingtontimes.com/op-ed/ or you can simply click on http://www.washingtontimes.com/advertise/sos.html

Just because you are oblivious of reality doesn't mean the "Khalistan movement is long dead." :lol:
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