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How Saudi-Iranian war would play out(not for stupid people)


Apr 13, 2013
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Palestinian Territory, Occupied
United States
How a Saudi/Gulf-Iranian would play out, excluding what ignites such a war:

-Iranian, Iraqi, Lebanese, Yemeni strikes on Saudi Arabia and maybe UAE
-Saudi monarchy collapses but Saudi army fights on
-Invasion of Saudi via Iraq by Shia militias/volunteers from around world, maybe Iranian forces too
-Saudi civilian population not accustomed to war and has to organize/regroup, during this Saudis will be taking lots of casualties and losing ground
-Because no authority is left, calls for Jihad begin
-Arabs start with Israel before Iran, from the direction of Egypt, because Israel and the US will attack Arabs if they invade Iran
-Arabs defeat Israel, then head to Saudi Arabia to repel Shia invasion
-Arabs begin invading Iran, Iranians who say death to US and Israel, and accuse Arabs of being client stats of US, will make calls to US/European media/forums and beg them to come save them citing reasons such as if Iran fell an Sunni Caliphate will be established and they will invade Europe and subjugate minorities and how they are brothers in ideology and share common enemy(Sunni Muslims).

Ironically it is presence of Israel protecting Iran. If Arabs made an effort to invade Iran, they will be accussed of being ISIS and international coalition will invade much of Arab world. But Shia militias can invade Saudis no problem. Arabs have to deal with Israel first, which will deter any international coalition from intervening in the process of repelling Shia militias/Iran.


Israel/Nato/US are protecting Iran. If Arabs invade Iran whole of US/NATO/Israel and other coalition countries will invade from Arabs from behind to stop invasion of Iran. Because it will become Jihad fard if Saudi Arabia is invaded and the Saudi regime collapses. Lots of Muslims from Egypt, Tunisia, Morocco , Algeria will come to help the Saudis and they have to get through Israel first(via Egypt).

Because it also becomes jihad fard(organized, no ISIS like atrocities), it will still freak the world out that the Arabs will finally done with Israel and Iran and establish Sunni Caliphate so there is huge risk of international coalition invading Egypt(to help Israel) and maybe Syria/Iraq to help Iran and try preventing Sunni Caliphate from being established(even though Sunnis decide what they want and that's no one business).

So fighting Iran means fighting Israel, US and NATO and maybe other countries who help Iran. Unless Trump lets go of Israel and Iran and lets the people decide their fate.

The colonialists left Iran to be a very big nation and not many small ones like they did with Arabs because they saw it as essential to prevent Sunni big bloc or empire in the region. Iran was intended to be like a big Israel for colonialists. Israel meant be line of defense for Europe(because they felt threatened at that time). And Iran to prevent corridor between Sunni Arab Muslims and Sunni Asian Muslims.
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Anyone who disagrees with how an Saudi-Iranian war would play out is misinformed , a hater, or stupid. This is exactly how it would play out with overall situation in region. Saudi Arabia with lack of authority is going to be a big deal for whole Sunni world and Sunni clerics as it what safeguards Sunni Islamic ideology and school of thought. If it were to be conquered by Shia's, they see it as destroying Sunni ideology and school of thought and taking control of Islamic ideology. Which will make the region more Shia over time and will make Iran very powerful and have ability to influence lots of Muslims around the world.

That's why Saudi Arabia is so important and why Iran is so focused on it.
Saudi Arabia with lack of authority is going to be a big deal for whole Sunni world and Sunni clerics as it what safeguards Sunni Islamic ideology and school of thought. If it were to be conquered by Shia's, they see it as destroying Sunni ideology and school of thought and taking control of Islamic ideology.
I beg to differ on that.Most of sunni clerics and education organisations are based in Pakistan.Bringing down KSA won't bring any harms to Sunnis.
Shia militias walking into holy land is last thing we need,since many of them have claimed that they would dig graves of Ashab.

Rest all you said looks plausible.
I beg to differ on that.Most of sunni clerics and education organisations are based in Pakistan.Bringing down KSA won't bring any harms to Sunnis.
Shia militias walking into holy land is last thing we need,since many of them have claimed that they would dig graves of Ashab.

There is a lot of huge religious institutions in the Arab world, I don't know who told you there aren't. In Pakistan too. And it's very plausible that Pakistan/Afghanistan will play a role too but I didn't mention it for now. All of these wars we don't need and want to avoid but sadly they are reality and will continue to be and this will all happen.
There is a lot of huge religious institutions in the Arab world, I don't know who told you there aren't. In Pakistan too. And it's very plausible that Pakistan/Afghanistan will play a role too but I didn't mention it for now. All of these wars we don't need and want to avoid but sadly they are reality and will continue to be and this will all happen.
You can count on People living on Khorsan,Persians have fear about them.
Very much plausible!!! And, this is the plan!! However, no plan gets realized unless it gets synced with the PLAN!! Now, the Muslim history of the last thousand years shows that the folks living in the present day Turkey and Pak (including Afganistan, CA etc.) are the ultimate thrusts through which the PLAN gets materialized....
I also suspect the Mahdi will be leading either the Muslims from North Africa or Muslims from Khorosan. He will be a leader before he is given allegiance at the Kaaba from what Ahadeeth/Scholarly analysis suggest. Assuming we really are close to major signs. Otherwise it will just play out like in OP. Allah knows best. These events would last years, however. The war would be at least a decade long.
A one on one War will be interesting , if Allies join in it will be a whole different thing .
A one on one War will be interesting , if Allies join in it will be a whole different thing .

Indeed. One vs One. I think everyone wonders how credible is Iranian AD. And if Saudis can put to use their advanced birds in a sustained manner without taking much losses.
Indeed. One vs One. I think everyone wonders how credible is Iranian AD. And if Saudis can put to use their advanced birds in a sustained manner without taking much losses.

Iran have experienced AD crew and Technology while Saud's enjoy Advance jets with Jamming pods .. when it comes Land forces , I will say Iran has a slight edge over cause of real fight experience their Soldiers and General have, but KSA gain a lot of that experience to from Yemen Ground offensive . Cant comment on Navy , I don't have much knowledge on that part .
Saudia -Iran , if they go to war, they will end up like Syria , population will be living in tents

There will be massive oil and water shortages

Israel will expand into Lebanon and Jordan

France will Annex UAE

Qater will be effected in Iran-Saudi war possibly will disintegrate, gas fields will be taken over by USA/Israel

Yamen will stay as a poor nation

The Oil fields will be handed over to mercenaries or Global Security force will look after it after making a large wall around the oil areas and desert

Border between Iran / Iran will disintigrate

War in Sudan will be kicked off

Prices of food products (Agricultural products will skyrocket after Iran's demise )


It would be a slow genocide
Syrians are living now in tents like this

This could be Saudia or/and Iran

Some architect person will recommend , a great solution for refugee

The world will claim they have no obligation to help rebuild the destroyed cities
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