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How Saudi-Iranian war would play out(not for stupid people)

-Arabs start with Israel before Iran, from the direction of Egypt, because Israel and the US will attack Arabs if they invade Iran
-Arabs defeat Israel, then head to Saudi Arabia to repel Shia invasion
-Arabs begin invading Iran, Iranians who say death to US and Israel, and accuse Arabs of being client stats of US, will make calls to US/European media/forums and beg them to come save them citing reasons such as if Iran fell an Sunni Caliphate will be established and they will invade Europe and subjugate minorities and how they are brothers in ideology and share common enemy(Sunni Muslims).

Not for stupid people? Quoted part is for stupid people.
Saudia -Iran , if they go to war, they will end up like Syria , population will be living in tents

There will be massive oil and water shortages

Israel will expand into Lebanon and Jordan

France will Annex UAE

Qater will be effected in Iran-Saudi war possibly will disintegrate, gas fields will be taken over by USA/Israel

Yamen will stay as a poor nation

The Oil fields will be handed over to mercenaries or Global Security force will look after it after making a large wall around the oil areas and desert

Border between Iran / Iran will disintigrate

War in Sudan will be kicked off

Prices of food products (Agricultural products will skyrocket after Iran's demise )


It would be a slow genocide
Syrians are living now in tents like this

This could be Saudia or/and Iran

Some architect person will recommend , a great solution for refugee

The world will claim they have no obligation to help rebuild the destroyed cities

A war between Saudia and Iran will be a bigger disaster for the middle east than it currently is. Iran will launch ballistic missiles at Saudi and Arab nations whilst arab nations will bomb Iran with their advance air force. Also USA will send their army to defend saudi and Gcc just like they did in the 1st gulf war. Shia Militias from Iran, Iraq, Syria will attack Saudi and Gcc whilst the salafi militias will rush for jihad to defend Saudia and Gcc.

I can clearly see Egypt and Pakistan sending a large number of armed forces to defend Saudia and Gcc. I highly doubt Iran would be able to enter anywhere near Haram shareef. This would be unacceptable to the majority Muslims.

Israel will be left untouched and they will expand to Syria and Jordan. The greater Israel dream will become closer than ever.

Over all I can see a greater loss for the Ummah.

If we believe this will be the end of the times war then we can expect a greater Israel emerging. Imam Mahdi army will come afterwards and they will raise their flag in Saudia and then lastly at israel but this will be right at the end. At the moment I think we expect world war 3 with nuclear weapons. I doubt we all would be alive after that.

Not for stupid people? Quoted part is for stupid people.

Arabs needs to open their skulls and if they find anything in there then need to realise Israel is a regional power. I highly doubt any Arab nation would invade israel. They would rather fight Bashar al assad and hamas who are both anti israel, or let me suggest, go fight Hizbollah. Israel is out of their hands for the moment.

The only great arab nation were iraq and Syria and they both are destroyed. Egypt is another powerful nation but I think they are happy being African.
KSA and Iran dont share any border so a ground offensive by either side would not be possible. Iraq will try to remain neutral to avoid getting entangled in the war and loose what little national coherence it has left. Any attempt to forcefully use its territory by either side would not work as the Iraqis wont allow it without a fight.

Iranians cant use their Air force for any kind of offensive against KSA due to RSAFs surveillance and advanced Air defenses. Any kind of air battle between Iran and KSA would be a one sided blood bath. Saudis will take advantage of this fact and attack the Iranian coastal targets. Any Iranian attempt to launch an Amphibious Assault against the Saudi mainland will fail and suffer huge losses because the Iranians wont be able to provide any Air cover to their Forces. Saudis on the other hand dont have the manpower and Sea based assets to attempt such an intrusion.

The IRGC will use its missile forces to attack as much Saudi infrastructure as they could. They would be able to knock out Saudi Airbases and infrastructure in the north of the country but the thicker Air defenses of South will make this less far less effective in the south. Even if US doesn't directly involve itself in the conflict its Naval assets in the Red Sea would be used to intercept the Iranian Missiles. Keep in mind US is already moving additional Air defense units to Saudi northern territories to fill the hole in the Saudi Air Defense there. Next time it wont be this easy for Iran to Attack KSA. Keep in mind Saudis too have a Size able Ballistic Missile Arsenal. If they use it and they certainly would, they would be able to do serious damage to Iranian Critical Infrastructure.

The Saudis will keep using their air power to attack Iranian coastal infrastructure and Military Targets they wont try to intrude deeper into the Iranian Heartland due to Saturated Iranian Air defenses but would use SOWs to engage targets deep inside Iran. The Saudi gulf fleet would face heavy losses due to saturation attacks by Iranian Missile boats.

In the end both sides would exhaust themselves, there would be no clear winner and both would lick their wounds. Most of the infrastructure in both countries would be destroyed and would take years to rebuild.

I have not taken into account the Iranian blockade of Strait of Homruz because USA would then forced to intervene directly and the result would be far different than the above scenario.

Iranians caught Saudis with their pants down in the recent attack because Riyadh wasn't expecting anything from that front
now it does and will not allow it to happen that easily again.
Saudis may not be the best specimen for Martial prowess but they arnt stupid.
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How a Saudi/Gulf-Iranian would play out, excluding what ignites such a war:

-Iranian, Iraqi, Lebanese, Yemeni strikes on Saudi Arabia and maybe UAE
-Saudi monarchy collapses but Saudi army fights on
-Invasion of Saudi via Iraq by Shia militias/volunteers from around world, maybe Iranian forces too
-Saudi civilian population not accustomed to war and has to organize/regroup, during this Saudis will be taking lots of casualties and losing ground
-Because no authority is left, calls for Jihad begin
-Arabs start with Israel before Iran, from the direction of Egypt, because Israel and the US will attack Arabs if they invade Iran
-Arabs defeat Israel, then head to Saudi Arabia to repel Shia invasion
-Arabs begin invading Iran, Iranians who say death to US and Israel, and accuse Arabs of being client stats of US, will make calls to US/European media/forums and beg them to come save them citing reasons such as if Iran fell an Sunni Caliphate will be established and they will invade Europe and subjugate minorities and how they are brothers in ideology and share common enemy(Sunni Muslims).

Ironically it is presence of Israel protecting Iran. If Arabs made an effort to invade Iran, they will be accussed of being ISIS and international coalition will invade much of Arab world. But Shia militias can invade Saudis no problem. Arabs have to deal with Israel first, which will deter any international coalition from intervening in the process of repelling Shia militias/Iran.


Israel/Nato/US are protecting Iran. If Arabs invade Iran whole of US/NATO/Israel and other coalition countries will invade from Arabs from behind to stop invasion of Iran. Because it will become Jihad fard if Saudi Arabia is invaded and the Saudi regime collapses. Lots of Muslims from Egypt, Tunisia, Morocco , Algeria will come to help the Saudis and they have to get through Israel first(via Egypt).

Because it also becomes jihad fard(organized, no ISIS like atrocities), it will still freak the world out that the Arabs will finally done with Israel and Iran and establish Sunni Caliphate so there is huge risk of international coalition invading Egypt(to help Israel) and maybe Syria/Iraq to help Iran and try preventing Sunni Caliphate from being established(even though Sunnis decide what they want and that's no one business).

So fighting Iran means fighting Israel, US and NATO and maybe other countries who help Iran. Unless Trump lets go of Israel and Iran and lets the people decide their fate.

The colonialists left Iran to be a very big nation and not many small ones like they did with Arabs because they saw it as essential to prevent Sunni big bloc or empire in the region. Iran was intended to be like a big Israel for colonialists. Israel meant be line of defense for Europe(because they felt threatened at that time). And Iran to prevent corridor between Sunni Arab Muslims and Sunni Asian Muslims.
Holy Sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet.
Top class stuff you're smoking mate. Care to pass it on?
How a Saudi/Gulf-Iranian would play out, excluding what ignites such a war:

-Iranian, Iraqi, Lebanese, Yemeni strikes on Saudi Arabia and maybe UAE
-Saudi monarchy collapses but Saudi army fights on
-Invasion of Saudi via Iraq by Shia militias/volunteers from around world, maybe Iranian forces too
-Saudi civilian population not accustomed to war and has to organize/regroup, during this Saudis will be taking lots of casualties and losing ground
-Because no authority is left, calls for Jihad begin
-Arabs start with Israel before Iran, from the direction of Egypt, because Israel and the US will attack Arabs if they invade Iran
-Arabs defeat Israel, then head to Saudi Arabia to repel Shia invasion
-Arabs begin invading Iran, Iranians who say death to US and Israel, and accuse Arabs of being client stats of US, will make calls to US/European media/forums and beg them to come save them citing reasons such as if Iran fell an Sunni Caliphate will be established and they will invade Europe and subjugate minorities and how they are brothers in ideology and share common enemy(Sunni Muslims).

Ironically it is presence of Israel protecting Iran. If Arabs made an effort to invade Iran, they will be accussed of being ISIS and international coalition will invade much of Arab world. But Shia militias can invade Saudis no problem. Arabs have to deal with Israel first, which will deter any international coalition from intervening in the process of repelling Shia militias/Iran.


Israel/Nato/US are protecting Iran. If Arabs invade Iran whole of US/NATO/Israel and other coalition countries will invade from Arabs from behind to stop invasion of Iran. Because it will become Jihad fard if Saudi Arabia is invaded and the Saudi regime collapses. Lots of Muslims from Egypt, Tunisia, Morocco , Algeria will come to help the Saudis and they have to get through Israel first(via Egypt).

Because it also becomes jihad fard(organized, no ISIS like atrocities), it will still freak the world out that the Arabs will finally done with Israel and Iran and establish Sunni Caliphate so there is huge risk of international coalition invading Egypt(to help Israel) and maybe Syria/Iraq to help Iran and try preventing Sunni Caliphate from being established(even though Sunnis decide what they want and that's no one business).

So fighting Iran means fighting Israel, US and NATO and maybe other countries who help Iran. Unless Trump lets go of Israel and Iran and lets the people decide their fate.

The colonialists left Iran to be a very big nation and not many small ones like they did with Arabs because they saw it as essential to prevent Sunni big bloc or empire in the region. Iran was intended to be like a big Israel for colonialists. Israel meant be line of defense for Europe(because they felt threatened at that time). And Iran to prevent corridor between Sunni Arab Muslims and Sunni Asian Muslims.

NOTHING is going to happen. Saudis don't want to fight, Iran is too powerful now and the americans are in no position to attack after their debacles in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Saudia -Iran , if they go to war, they will end up like Syria , population will be living in tents

There will be massive oil and water shortages

Israel will expand into Lebanon and Jordan

France will Annex UAE

Qater will be effected in Iran-Saudi war possibly will disintegrate, gas fields will be taken over by USA/Israel

Yamen will stay as a poor nation

The Oil fields will be handed over to mercenaries or Global Security force will look after it after making a large wall around the oil areas and desert

Border between Iran / Iran will disintigrate

War in Sudan will be kicked off

Prices of food products (Agricultural products will skyrocket after Iran's demise )


It would be a slow genocide
Syrians are living now in tents like this

This could be Saudia or/and Iran

Some architect person will recommend , a great solution for refugee

The world will claim they have no obligation to help rebuild the destroyed cities
This guy's right. We'll end up with some more car parks in the middle east. There is simply no alternative outcome to a total ksa Iran war. Neither nation will fall and instead we will have two big car parks either side of the Persian gulf. Israel will be the only "winner".
Sorry are you smoking something?

Why would I be, Israel will be weakened after regional war and attacks from Hezbollah/Iran. Possibly instability in Egypt due to war in Saudi Arabia/Gulf, as Egypt will lose one of its primary sources of support/funding. Every Jew in Israel has citizenship and a home in a European or US country and will just cop out of the Middle East if they don't see it worth being there anymore.

This guy's right. We'll end up with some more car parks in the middle east. There is simply no alternative outcome to a total ksa Iran war. Neither nation will fall and instead we will have two big car parks either side of the Persian gulf. Israel will be the only "winner".

Why do you guys make everything about Israel, it's embarrassing and childish. They are not in control of our fate and they are not responsible for Iranian regimes policies towards Saudis/Gulf Arabs.

I do not consider them to be most evil people in region. Although I still want Arabs to take over Palestine against because of its strategic worth, nothing more.

Like I said, this thread isn't for simple people and isn't for 'people not in the know'. You guys know nothing.

NOTHING is going to happen. Saudis don't want to fight, Iran is too powerful now and the americans are in no position to attack after their debacles in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Iran is powerful, they are innovative/educated people with lots of nations that want open and extensive ties with them and we saw this after the nuclear deal. Germany, France, China, Japan, Russia, EU, etc.... They have had lots of help and they have lots of political backers who will prevent international consensus for a war against Iran.

Arabs would suffer a lot in a war with Iran but nevertheless, for sake of their future, have to go through this. Else they will become a subjugated people for the next century.
Who would win if Saudi and Iran go to war?

While the Saudi kingdom has developed a compact fighting mechanism aided by superior air support, Tehran has gained significant battleground experience in the last few decades, accompanied by long-range ballistic capability.

Saudi Arabia and Iran have been engaged in brutal proxy warfare since 2011, beginning in Syria, followed by Yemen.

While the two sides had seemingly taken the decision that direct conflict is not in their interests, that’s all changed with what Saudi Arabia has alleged was an Iranian drone attack on a Saudi Aramco oil facility which forced nations around the world to resort to petroleum reserves as global supply took a hit.

Further escalation could possibly lead to military provocations by Iran in the region, catalysing a stronger Saudi response.

If war breaks out between Saudi Arabia and Iran, the winner will largely depend on how the war is fought.

Both countries are significantly different in terms of the size and the capabilities of their militaries.
Iran has a much larger military, composed of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) and the Artesh normal military; which feature distinct combined arms branches.

Its conventional military has an estimated 350,000-soldier complement, and is backed up by most of Iran’s advanced warfighting capabilities, including the air and navy branches. The IRGC, on the other hand, features a fighting force of 125,000; but specialises in asymmetric warfare, and mobilising regional partners through the minimal use of embedded commanders as far away as Afghanistan, Syria and Yemen.

The IRGC also makes heavy use of unmanned aerial drones, and strategic missiles. It is distinctly known for its infamous Quds Force special operations division, who carry out the bulk of its foreign operations.

But Iran’s ability to fight a war has suffered due to heavy on-and-off sanctions since the 1980s, preventing it from acquiring foreign military technology and weapons; leaving its military outdated in many respects.

Iran’s defence budget totalled around $12.3 billion in 2016, and is meagre compared to Saudi Arabia’s defence spending which is considered one of the largest in the world at $69.4 billion in 2018. To this end, Iran’s defence technology is a step behind other states.

Its air force operates old platforms such as the F-5 and F-14 Tomcat variants, which have seen domestic development, but the air fleet struggles with extended tempos of operation. Iran’s armoured divisions feature an old mix of pre-1979 US tanks (M60A1) and old Soviet-era tanks (T-72) purchased from Russia after the fall of the USSR.

Because it has been unable to modernise its defence capacities, Iran has instead invested heavily in other fields; specifically, ballistic missiles.

These ballistic missiles, such as the Zulfiqar, with a 700 km range, and the Shahab-3, with a 1,600 km range are credible threats to strategic targets, cities and bases deep into Saudi Arabian territory.

The threat of the missiles is actualised strategically given the large stockpile they maintain of these missiles, allowing for a massed fire approach to any conflict that could seriously degrade an opponent’s ability to bring the battle to them before landing operations begin.

This was most recently seen in June 2017, when Iran fired six Zulfiqar missiles at the Daesh-held city Deir Ezzor, Syria, some 700 kilometres from launch pads in western Iran.

But Iran realises that hard deterrents aren’t enough to win wars. The IRGC has also invested heavily in less expensive platforms that can carry out asymmetrical warfare.

Aside from drone warfare, these include the IRGC Navy’s significant fleet of fast strike crafts, which vary in size and can deploy missiles, 107 mm rockets, or anti-ship cruise missiles. They most recently used to great effect in the Gulf tanker escalations between Iran and the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC).

Along with a large stockpile of mines, the boats would serve as an effective buffer in the narrow Strait of Hormuz, which prevents strategic manoeuvring and limits the number of maritime adversaries that can operate effectively without providing a target-rich environment for Iranian coastal batteries and installations.

What about Saudi Arabia?

Saudi Arabia features a smaller but better-armed military. Organisationally, its land, air, naval and strategic missile branches are controlled by one Ministry of Defence. When alongside its National Guard, Royal Guard, and Border Defence Force, Saudi Arabia’s military also boasts nearly 250,000 active personnel.

Saudi Arabia enjoys a better, stronger air force and relatively effective air defence network.

Its air force features several F-15C/D and F-15 Strike fighters, three squadrons of Tornado multirole fighters, and nearly 70 Eurofighter Typhoon fighters. It’s air defence forces are also significantly equipped, relying mainly on US Patriot batteries focused on strategic infrastructure, bases, and cities. Saudi Arabia has also exhibited signs of a growing missile stockpile.

Saudi missile forces are alleged to own dozens of older Chinese DF-3 liquid-fuelled medium-range missiles (4,000 to 4,988 km range), and possibly a number of solid-fuelled DF-21 medium-range missiles (1,689 km range).

Is hardware enough?

While military hardware and state-of-the-art technology can make all the difference, a conflict between Saudi Arabia and Iran would be determined by geography and experience, the latter of which is critical to any professional army’s development.

Both countries have seen military action recently but in entirely different settings.

Iran’s military expertise was gained from its near eight-year war with Iraq, where it fought a stronger foe who enjoyed regional support, teaching its armed forces to focus on asymmetric tactics and preserving fighting ability at any cost.

These lessons have been reflected in the IRGC’s engagement with Hezbollah, and various militias in Syria, Iraq, and Yemen; allowing Iran to fine-tune its command methods, integrated operations doctrine and tactics.

Many doubt that Iran’s recent battlefield successes came about due to veteran tactics. Without air strikes by the US in Iraq, and Russia in Syria, Iranian-led militias could not have made significant in-roads against either Syrian rebels or Daesh. Moreover, combat records note a heavy reliance on artillery in their operations, which take mobility and air-support for granted. In a war with Saudi Arabia, the same conditions may not be repeated.

Saudi Arabia has significantly less warfighting experience. In 1991, both Saudi and Kuwaiti armies struggled and failed to liberate the small Saudi town Khafji of an Iraqi tank group, only winning the battle later with the US support.

Prior to the current campaign against Yemen, Saudi 2009 interventions across the border in support of Ali Abdullah Saleh’s war against the Houthi rebels, including Jordanian troops, only operated for a few months and kept a distance with heavy stand-off bombing of the Houthi targets near the border.

While Saudi forces did take and hold ground in the operation, it heavily relied on aerial support, with no risk of retribution, and with a marginal effect on the overall campaign. However, the longer the war in Yemen continues, the more experience Saudi Arabia is set to gain.

In effect, Saudi Arabia’s war on Yemen has provided its military with practice, with a significant toll in civilian casualties. More critically, it allowed Saudi Arabia to fine-tune its joint operations practice in air and land missions with the UAE.

Altogether though, the Yemen campaign has had terribly little success. While the Saudi-led coalition initially succeeded in pushing Houthi allied forces out of key targets in the south, it suffered in the north even with significant, unhindered bombing campaigns.

In the meantime, many have questioned Saudi Arabia’s targeting, reconnaissance and intelligence abilities after the grievous civilian deaths in Sanaa, and the northern regions.

Drawing the Line

With their unique abilities and recently gained warfighting experience, neither country has a significant advantage over the other.

Saudi Arabia could maintain air superiority in a conflict with Iran, making it able to strike strategic infrastructure and coastal bases, and possibly penetrate Iran further,

Iran however, would achieve maritime superiority easily, using a combination of fast strike boats, diesel submarines and mine-laying ships that devastate Saudi shipping, naval combat ships, and ports. Iran could also deal a heavy blow to cities and strategic targets within the country.

While Saudi’s use of the US Patriot missile battery would mitigate their effect to an extent, recent events have led many to question their effectiveness. Even in the case of normal effectiveness, they would not be able to shoot down salvos of mass-fired missiles.

Iran could also strike Saudi strategic infrastructure and population centres with ballistic missiles. Although Saudi Arabia’s Patriot missile defence systems would likely reduce the effectiveness of such strikes, it is unlikely that those defences could prevent all strikes from landing, especially were Iran to fire missiles in salvos.

Perhaps most significantly, if a war between Saudi Arabia and Iran were to take place without external factors or involvement, the goal of the war would not be about claiming geography, or changing regimes.

Neither country has the ability to fight across the Arabian Gulf, carry out mass troop landings and airdrops, or even take and hold key land in enemy territory.

Instead, the war would be brutal, and punitive: focused on inflicting the highest possible amount of damage to force the other side to end aggressive activities.

While Saudi Arabia is more capable of carrying out a protracted conflict of this sort due its financial standing and access to foreign military hardware, Iran has consistently exhibited the ability to endure conflict and pressure from forces stronger than Saudi Arabia.

But in reality, open war between Saudi Arabia and Iran wouldn’t just be limited to the two states. Instead, it would likely launch a regional conflagration of conflict and bloodshed. While Iran is limited in terms of allies with the exception of Syria, whose military standing is heavily reduced; it does maintain a broad regional network of allied militias throughout Syria, Lebanon, Iraq and Yemen.

Campaigns waged by Hezbollah or Iraqi militias in support of Iran would go a long way, but would not be able to project force against Saudi Arabia itself effectively.

On the flip side, Saudi Arabia enjoys deep alliances with Arab countries including Egypt, Jordan, and the UAE, not to mention the US.

Given Saudi Arabia’s strategic energy partnership with the United States, the US would likely support Saudi Arabia military in some form which could well make all the difference between a pyrrhic victory or a stalemate.

In the eventuality of US involvement, Iran could target US assets in the region, at significant risk of drawing the US into a full-on conflict at worse or reducing offensive pressure on Saudi Arabia at best.


Why would I be, Israel will be weakened after regional war and attacks from Hezbollah/Iran. Possibly instability in Egypt due to war in Saudi Arabia/Gulf, as Egypt will lose one of its primary sources of support/funding. Every Jew in Israel has citizenship and a home in a European or US country and will just cop out of the Middle East if they don't see it worth being there anymore.

Why do you guys make everything about Israel, it's embarrassing and childish. They are not in control of our fate and they are not responsible for Iranian regimes policies towards Saudis/Gulf Arabs.

I do not consider them to be most evil people in region. Although I still want Arabs to take over Palestine against because of its strategic worth, nothing more.

Like I said, this thread isn't for simple people and isn't for 'people not in the know'. You guys know nothing.

Iran is powerful, they are innovative/educated people with lots of nations that want open and extensive ties with them and we saw this after the nuclear deal. Germany, France, China, Japan, Russia, EU, etc.... They have had lots of help and they have lots of political backers who will prevent international consensus for a war against Iran.

Arabs would suffer a lot in a war with Iran but nevertheless, for sake of their future, have to go through this. Else they will become a subjugated people for the next century.

Being honest and impartial, Iran would EASILY defeat the Arabs unless the americans/Israelis join in. Even then, they would all have to pay a heavy price in fighting the Iranians.
Being honest and impartial, Iran would EASILY defeat the Arabs unless the americans/Israelis join in. Even then, they would all have to pay a heavy price in fighting the Iranians.

Only the Saudis and Gulf Arabs you mean. All due to misguided and incompetent political leadership. In Saudi Arabia for example, the internal security force is better trained and equipped than the Saudi army. All they care about is protecting their failed regimes from the people and no wonder they won't be able to stand up to Iran.

Saudis are very prepared to protect regime from internal strife but not prepared at all for any kind of war. They should be embarrassed. And now they are still continuing the 'investigation' to determine culprit, which will never end just like the UAE 'investigation' for the oil tanker hit.

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