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How realistic is UNSC permanent seat for India???


Mar 13, 2011
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Views vary greatly among the nations from supporting, opposing or keeping silent on this question ........

one view goes..
"After an emphatic endorsement from the US, India has called on other nations of the United Nations to support its bid for a permanent seat at the Security Council. "Most recently, India received affirmation of support from US President Barack Obama. The Indian delegation takes this opportunity to thank the US side for this kind gesture," said Bhubaneswar Kalita, Member of Parliament. "We also call on other nations to extend their valuable support to us," he told the diplomats gathered in the UN General Assembly to discuss Security Council reform.
Negotiations to reform UNSC to reflect the realities of the 21st century have been on for nearly two decades. India, however, has expressed confidence that "concrete results" would be achieved next year. "We are happy that with each passing day, countries and leaders around the world are publicly articulating their support for India's candidature as a new permanent member of an expanded Security Council," said Kalita.

The Indian parliamentarian also underlined the need for UN chief Ban Ki-moon to put his force behind the process. Ban has voiced support for reform but under existing rules the member states will have to agree on how to expand the council.

"We also hope that the UN Secretary General will complement your initiative and enthusiasm in the context of Council reforms," said Kalita. "This issue, without doubt acquires salience in the coming year as the Secretary General prepares for his second term," he said.

Negotiations have shifted from the so called "Open Ended Working Group" of the 1990s to text-based negotiations but some basic questions need to be resolved, including how many new seats should be added and should the new permanent members have veto power.

On the question of the veto, India said it was willing to "engage with an open mind," and stressed "the need for an outcome that ensures the democratisation of decision-making within the Council". The US said the next round of negotiations on Security Council reform will require "pragmatism and flexibility".

"While we know that genuine disagreements remain on certain aspects of this issue, we hope these talks lead to reform that is member-state driven and enjoys broad consensus," said Rosemary DiCarlo, US deputy envoy to the US.

DiCarlo also reiterated the US position as "open in principle to a modest expansion of both permanent and non-permanent members" and that "expansion of permanent members must be country-specific in nature". "The US will take into account the ability of countries to contribute to the maintenance of international peace and security," she said, adding, "my government is committed to engaging emerging powers into the international architecture"."

but another view is...

"New York, Feb 13: India is very much concerned about the permanent seat in United Nation's Security Council (UNSC). Many countries including United Nations of Amenrica welcomed India's new move. But neighbouring nation China yet to express any reaction openly which raised question - is China unhappy with India's gains?

India has arrived in UNSC; terrorism on agenda

India's foreign secretary Nirupama Rao, during her speech in US, stated, "China is not expressing itself openly in terms of India's candidacy."

Rao also stated that Beijing would block India from getting a seat when the matter came to a vote. Indian officials informed that currently 128 out of 192 countries in the UN support India's permanent presence in the Security Council.

UNSC permanent seat: India seeks China's aid

Rao, talking about China's relations with Pakistan, claimed that New Delhi had some genuine concerns about some aspects of the relationship between Beijing and Islamabad.

China's support for Pakistan nuclear ambitions were two aspects, which Rao said, was an areas where India was "seeking more clarity and transparency" and "welcomed an open discussion."

Reminding China's stapled visas issue in Jammu-Kashmir, and Arunachal Pradesh, Rao claimed, "The relationship between India and China would be stronger when China shows more sensitivity on issues that impinge on our sovereignty and territorial integrity."

So lets discuss this topic using our brains and not hearts that...
  1. is india ready to take the responsibilities and to face situations where one has to choose a side between the U.S or Russia?
  2. Is it only disadvantage for Pak to see India at the high table or it may benefit?
  3. is india ready to divert hard earned money and resources from national use to international commitments?
  4. Is india ready to take sensitive issues in hand despite the vastly differing foreign policies of the national parties?

only time will tell....
it has been talked to death not again check the threads that are already there
We do not need permanent membership. I dont understand what it will bring to us. It will be extra headache for us.
We do not need permanent membership. I dont understand what it will bring to us. It will be extra headache for us.

but i think its time to take up some real time responsibilities for india apart from peacekeeping in some african civil war
the UN is a load of crap

their should be no permanent members with veto powers

since it is united nations... every single country should be a permanent member, and none of them should be able to veto anything
In order the amend the UN Charter, and to allow new permanent members into the UNSC... it needs to be ratified by ALL of the P5 permanent members.

Charter of the United Nations: Chapter XVIII: Amendments

This is a direct link to Articles 108 and 109 of the UN Charter.

So it looks like it will be VERY difficult.

O ye dear CD!

Looks like only YOU are the genius here. Everybody else is just fooling around including all those aspirant nations of the UNSC seat.

You assume much master Frodo.
In order the amend the UN Charter, and to allow new permanent members into the UNSC... it needs to be ratified by ALL of the P5 permanent members.

Charter of the United Nations: Chapter XVIII: Amendments

This is a direct link to Articles 108 and 109 of the UN Charter.

So it looks like it will be VERY difficult.

Degree if difficulty does not constitute impossibility.

If it is possible, it will happen. If it is impossible, it will still happen.
not again,
free invitation to chinese trolls
it is a Dream and will remain a Dream .

can you point out why pakistan flames up everytime it hears india achieved smthing strategic??
i mean india may be pak's enemy but its not the primary one
pakistan is in its current state coz its internal political instabilities you cannot blame india for that
and you too must admit that pakistan's existance is becoming too india centric sort of living on hate-india energy!!:disagree:
the UN is a load of crap

their should be no permanent members with veto powers

since it is united nations... every single country should be a permanent member, and none of them should be able to veto anything


The concept of veto is just like dictating a state. You just veto something and you dont need to justify the logic. Crap.
UN itself seems to be replaced or go so ineffective in the near future that seat would be worthless. if not and India is able to access and become part of the new world disorder, definitely it would open new dimensions for her and a role to play... this is a dream come true !

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