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How Pakistan's Largest Religious Minority Has Come Under Siege

@Truth seeker you conviently forget that these same terrorists that you consider a threat to liberty justice and democracy were the glamorized heroes against the soviets.It was your own funding that supplied them with weapons.Now you seem to have a problem with the same people.I wonder why u dint have the same attitude in 1980's?
Shias are not a minority, I would not classify them as one, they are firmly a part of the majority Muslim population however they can be classified as a Muslim minority sect within Pakistan.

But in recent times, Shias have been classified by many others outside of Pakistan as a minority, more specifically a religious minority. The reason for this is simple, they are being severely persecuted by extremist religious groups over a couple of decades. The way they are attacked savagely is akin to what minorities have to suffer in some 'difficult' countries.

Even the majority Barelvi sect is under attack by hardline sects (you all know who), even they will be considered a religious 'majority' minority soon the way things are going.

This is why you do not mix religion with politics and play the sectarian card. When different ethnicities, sects and caste's are highlighted more than a singular identity, there is bound to be friction and discrimination.

This is why our only identity should become a Pakistani, this is why Jinnah insisted that we be known as Pakistani's and Pakistani's alone.

Until then we will suffer and continue to slide further down into complete state of chaos.
You didn't get it. I am suggesting that it has less to do with the victim's religion and more to do with the Taliban ideology. Religion has played a factor no doubt but when they kill they don't care that who is getting killed. TTP has attacked everyone irrespective of the victim's religion.

I think it is in a sense recent proliferation of an old benign tumor....
The assumption that if people of some community are killed, the population would decrease is a dubious assumption. You have to take into account the number of people getting killed, and the size of the community. The number of shias in Pakistan vs number of shias getting killed means the killings will have zero effect.
That is because, you currently deal with the notion of relative proportions, and in this case a notion of parts-per-million and contemplations of the form "hey, 10 out of 20 million does not make the population of my ilk lessen, hence no population decrease because 0.00005 % people lessened to me is a miniscule value ; Hence i can sit and argue all day long with the OP about semantics in his statement, while the next massacre brings that to 0.0001% which in my opinion is still too low." Good luck with that.
Dear if we follow the money trail of any of the captured terrorist we will find out why this random pattern of killing and terrorizing a NATION exists.

So, you said nothing about why and who is behind the terrorism in Pakistan. Who is the money man, dear? Please tell us. Don't leave us in suspense. If the motive in not religion, what is the motive of the puppetmaster moneyman?
@Truth seeker you conviently forget that these same terrorists that you consider a threat to liberty justice and democracy were the glamorized heroes against the soviets.It was your own funding that supplied them with weapons.Now you seem to have a problem with the same people.I wonder why u dint have the same attitude in 1980's?

They were the creation of Benazir Bhutto's ISI. The USA supported them as freedom fighters. Are they freedom fighters now? I think not, unless you consider that their cause is the cause of freedom and the rest of Pakistani society, whom they are attacking, is like the Soviets in Afghanistan. Is that the analogy you see here? I don't. I see Pakistan's trained attack dog has turned on it, Big Time. If the 9/11 was OUR blowback from helping them in the 1980's, then Pakistan's blowback is now taking place all over your country. This is Paklistan's problem pure and simple. Your Pashtuns are running amok, in both parts of their nation, Pakhtunkhwa and Afghanistan.
1.To correct you benazir bhutto was a shia herself she was threatened by the same sectarian groups how can she create them herself?...she came into power after the soviets had left.The ISI was under ziaul haq during the soviet war.If benazir created them after 1988...and the soviets left in 1989...USA supported them as freedom fighters..well if i would say they funded heavily all the weapons they had.We had no such problem in pakistan prior to soviet invasion.we HAVE suffered.
So, you said nothing about why and who is behind the terrorism in Pakistan. Who is the money man, dear? Please tell us. Don't leave us in suspense. If the motive in not religion, what is the motive of the puppetmaster moneyman?

Dear i can only talk about previous cases and past incidents.
Fox example the targeted showdown between the SALAFI WAHABI AKA SAUDI RULING ELITE and the MULLAH'S of Iran containing pitched battles through proxy groups and stupid patsies and dupes that were stupid enough to play this bloody dirty flirt with INNOCENT PAKISTANI CIVILIANS in past is a good example.
And then we have a shia president. Indeed the case of Shia's under siege. :agree:
sure you 've shia president who is being targeted by all in pakistan .who has barricaded himself in presidential house and who sacrifice a goat daily for his long life and who can not attend the NAMAZ-e-janaza of another shia salman taseer. and he is husband of another shia Ex-PM of pakistan Benazir bhutto who was assassinated in pakistan and he is also son in law of another Ex-PM ZAB of pakistan who was hanged by zia-ul-haq after coup.
zardari is also a shea....i work in a shea company my best freind is a shea....they love and pray for pakistan even indian sheas in my company... we all know where these bombers come from and who finances them....no need to reply to these usless indians all they can do is rant...foools....
sure you 've shia president who is being targeted by all in pakistan .who has barricaded himself in presidential house and who sacrifice a goat daily for his long life and who can not attend the NAMAZ-e-janaza of another shia salman taseer. and he is husband of another shia Ex-PM of pakistan Benazir bhutto who was assassinated in pakistan and he is also son in law of another Ex-PM ZAB of pakistan who was hanged by zia-ul-haq after coup.

Didn't know Taseer was a Shia, I actually do not look into a religious background of a person or their sect affiliations because religion is a personal matter, between God and man.

However, him being a Shia explains why some religious groups reacted the way they did.

Shameful really, its a sad time in our nation and its been like this for some time now that individuals are judged by their religious background and not by character.
Shias form mainstream society in pak along with sufi leaning sunnis.these two form the majority of the population.They have lived together for centuries.The problem arises in the one to two percent hardline extermists who are trying to impose their ideology on the rest.
Didn't know Taseer was a Shia, I actually do not look into a religious background of a person or their sect affiliations because religion is a personal matter, between God and man.

However, him being a Shia explains why some religious groups reacted the way they did.

Shameful really, its a sad time in our nation and its been like this for some time now that individuals are judged by their religious background and not by character.
If various reports after his death are to be believed than they confirm many times that he was shia.

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