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I think it's the other way round!!! For all of them the wildest card is Pak with nukes!! Afganistan is already a quagmire with the Hakiki Afgans gaining increasingly more control. Iran is checkmated and Mollas control the folks by selling dreams and chopping heads!!! And, India knows that the games are being set for her for the final push!!!!
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Well, war is an unlikely scenario, and a three-pronged one is nearly impossible. Pakistanis could either realize that no one wants to fight them and stop looking for military situations to escalate or continue to live in paranoia.

That is not to say that India will not try to hurt Pakistani interests. Obviously, the war of thousand cuts inflicted upon us will not go unanswered. Every attempt will be made by the Indian government to hinder Pakistan's economy and diplomatic standing. Before Pakistanis jump in to say that "see! We knew it all along!!", they should pause to consider what we now know decisively.

- The civilian government in Pakistan is not going to decide foreign policy vis-a-vis India anytime soon. Security establishment calls the shots and they will never allow peace with India as it would take away the basis on which they have hijacked Pakistan.

- The confusion as to what kind of Pakistan is in India's best interest has been made quite clear. There was earlier a school of thought that a strong, stable and economically secure Pakistan will be in India's interests. The reality is that the Pakistani establishment has been easier to deal with when the threat of economic and political dissolution of the Pakistani state seems impending. The moment Pakistan Army gets breathing space from fighting terrorists within Pakistan, Kashmir starts heating up and the rest follows from there. So, while the total collapse of Pakistan can obviously not be in anyone's interest, the best-case scenario is that the Pakistani establishment stay busy trying to handle domestic security and economic concerns.

Bottom line, don't believe a word if an Indian tells you that we want to be friends and don't want to hurt you. Pakistani enmity towards India has no expiry date and Kashmir, etc., are simply pretexts. Now that we know that,the least we can do is undermine Pakistan in every manner possible. However, war is definitely not on the agenda as it will harm us every bit as much.

Unless the Pakistani security establishment suddenly starts believing that a limited war with India is in their interest and starts stoking some real terrorism trouble in India, in which case insanity might descend upon the collective will of Indians and lead to a war scenario, but I think that's an unlikely possibility.
With the passage of time the situation for Pakistan's security and even existence is getting worse. One can expect a three pronged simultaneous attack on Pakistan from India, Iran & Afghanistan which will without doubts will break Pakistan into pieces. There are chances that with the following chaos, Pakistan will be nuked by India & Israel to finish it off for once and for all. Does the situation not demand that the government and armed forces leadership start arming and training its citizens to help armed forces in such an all out attack which they can't stand due to millions of trained Iranian and millions of Indian fighters, soldiers, militias available.
Please give your thoughts as the attack looks imminent, what steps Pakistan needs to take for its ultimate survival, should it ask for Chinese cover to prevent getting nuked?, should it take any kind of help from Turkey or get Turkey involve to counter attack Iran in such a scenario to divide Iranian forces? What help Pakistan can ask from Saudi as there will be no Saudi once Iran finishes Pakistan?
You have very valid points !!! India will attack one day , and I am pretty much sure , Afghanistan will also , let me remind every one here , Afghanistan is our enemy from day one , and even before (try to find out in history what happened to those Indian Muslims migrated to Afghanistan in Raj Times) and these Afghanis are the same who killed our first PM Khan Liyaqat Ali Khan .
I only doubt about Iran , Persians are very cleaver , they know 3 side attack on Pakistan means All out Atomic War and we will burn Iran to ground .
Israel on other hand try to stay away , they will only use India and Afghanis , we only need 4 medium size bombs for them and they are in our reach and they know it very well.
Having said all above , I really want to see Pakistan Grow , Our Armed forces get more strength , More weapons and more man power . Better FC and Rangers with 1 year Military training Program for Youth ,
Its better to think all worse things before they happen , Cries wont help afterword.
With the passage of time the situation for Pakistan's security and even existence is getting worse. One can expect a three pronged simultaneous attack on Pakistan from India, Iran & Afghanistan which will without doubts will break Pakistan into pieces. There are chances that with the following chaos, Pakistan will be nuked by India & Israel to finish it off for once and for all. Does the situation not demand that the government and armed forces leadership start arming and training its citizens to help armed forces in such an all out attack which they can't stand due to millions of trained Iranian and millions of Indian fighters, soldiers, militias available.
Please give your thoughts as the attack looks imminent, what steps Pakistan needs to take for its ultimate survival, should it ask for Chinese cover to prevent getting nuked?, should it take any kind of help from Turkey or get Turkey involve to counter attack Iran in such a scenario to divide Iranian forces? What help Pakistan can ask from Saudi as there will be no Saudi once Iran finishes Pakistan?
Why will Iran or Israel will attack us?
Any way ever body know that what will be our response: Mushroom clouds on the map of every country that attacked us.
hahaha , same english back WHAT if we attack nanga land of indianshits population spreading country all around the world in countainers after countainers .

Means Russia and china and WE .just few each and at least not more coming in ONLY THOSE UNDER WAY , check every sea every land route will be on their way to every COUNTRY . HOW can Any 1 sure if we can not detect in our ROWS indianshits .OR NOT ALLOWED TO SAY ANYTHING TO IT AFTER DETECTING EVEN ?? that FROM RUSSIA OR CHINA PERSON WE ARE MEETING IS NOT INDIANSHIT ?? WHAT action can we FINISH on ? what ever INDIANSHIT LIKES ?

false flag ?
I am thinking of an all out nuclear attack by Zionist Israel & Saffron India which will wipe out major military and economic centers of the nation which will destroy the response capability.

If they have means, capability and courage to do so, they would have done it at the time when Pakistan was developing nukes three decades ago. Nuke powers simply dont nuke other on one fine day, with the intention of neutralizing the other party nukes in preemptive strike. Its too risky proposition when there is a strong probability of being hit in return with a second strike. And with state like Isreal who is only one nuke away from total destruction, it would be madness on their part. That is why they have employed 4th and 5th generation warfare against Pakistan because there is no military option as far as Pakistan goes.
If they have means, capability and courage to do so, they would have done it at the time when Pakistan was developing nukes three decades ago. Nuke powers simply dont nuke other on one fine day, with the intention of neutralizing the other party nukes in preemptive strike. Its too risky proposition when there is a strong probability of being hit in return with a second strike. And with state like Isreal who is only one nuke away from total destruction, it would be madness on their part. That is why they have employed 4th and 5th generation warfare against Pakistan because there is no military option as far as Pakistan goes.
And, like an adept Ping-Pong player, Pak is smashing the "balls", thrown at her, right and left!!!
Plz close this stupid thread.
This is a scenario which might develop any time as Islam, Muslim and Pakistan hating Hindu ISIS Saffron Brigade is ruling India now. I don't know how much guts they ave but their extreme hate can take them to any extent and that also with a backer like Zionist Israel behind them which is waiting to target the Pak nukes which is a major hurdle in creation of greater Israel.
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