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Pakistan can have friendly relations with its neighbors and thats it.
Roflz :blah:
Afghansitan is a joke. we can take this joke of a country down in a month. Dont worry Unlimited supply of advance weapons to Taliban and then we will see where kabul stands.
Iran will never attack Paksitan in favour of India. You are a day dreamer. With only conventional force we can tackle india heads on. Their army is just Twice big. An an agressive invasion does not work like that a double sized army fighting on hostile land agaisnt a whole country and wish to dominate.

Lolz why i am even replying to a troll like you. Roza lag raha hai bhai lagta mujhe bohat :rofl:
This is hilarious, Why some Pakistanis here think we are going to attack Pakistan?
Because of Commander Baqir's rant that Iran will carry out attacks inside Pakistan for attacks on Iranian border guards. While there is no history at all that Pakistan assists Jund Allah or Jaish al Adl. Also Iranian hate towards main stream Muslims which is very much clear with imperialistic policies of Iran against Syrian Muslims, destruction warning to land of Saudi Arabia.
What ARE Pakistan's options?

...and I mean, like, long long term. Like 30-40-50 years from now.

For example, you see, not much has changed today, in ten years, from when I first came to this forum in 2008.

...and the way things seem to be going, I don't see them changing in my lifetime at least.

Pakistan and Pakistanis have to realize a few things and behave with some maturity:

1. Forget Kashmir. No point chest beating about something you're never gonna wrest from a 6 times bigger country with 10 times the economy and growing. Forget it. Move on.

2. Keep religion in your homes. That's how Europe did it. That's how America did it. That's how China did it. I wish that's how India does it. Islam is not in danger. You're not the sole proprietors of Islam. Europe reigned church in. The Muslim world, including Pakistan, needs to reign the Mullahs and the Wahhabis in.

3. Army belongs in the barracks, not in the political corridors, and certainly not in every other TV show 'rejecting' civilian authority. Civilian authority is supreme and no matter how crazy your politicians may be/seem, there is literally no excuse for army to interfere in internal and foreign policy. The present state of your country is proof of it. Let civilian authority flourish. It will take anywhere from 20-30 years. The the institutions become stronger and then you will see the real fruits of democracy.


Dead men tell no tales, eh! :D

We don't need Indian West supported DemoCrazy!
Because of Commander Baqir's rant that Iran will carry out attacks inside Pakistan for attacks on Iranian border guards. While there is no history at all that Pakistan assists Jund Allah or Jaish al Adl. Also Iranian hate towards main stream Muslims which is very much clear with imperialistic policies of Iran against Syrian Muslims, destruction warning to land of Saudi Arabia.
What Major general Bagheri meant is we want to attack Jund Allah assets in Pakistan soil, not the Pakistan state, I didn't know his words were token out of context, maybe he should have choose his words more carefully. And when it comes to Jund Allah and Jaish Al Adl, we have a problem with those guys, cause sadly the use Pakistan's soil to lunch cross boarder attack against us, here's some examples:
Militants kill 10 Iranian border guards in attack on frontier with Pakistan
8 Iranian guards killed in clashes near Pakistan border
Report: 14 Iranian border guards killed in clashes
And as a matter of fact, I know there are some smaller incidents that never make it to the news.
Look, we have a cross boarder attack problem in our boarder with you, we are not faking it. And after each incident when we address those attacks, for any reasons, Pakistan government manages to neglect them, That's why the reactions to the last incident was so furious.
And when it come Saudi Arabia, we don't have any problems with the land itself, we have problem with the House of Saud, and that's their own fault, when Saddam Hussein invaded Iran, they jumped on the ship and started helping him functionally and logistically, maybe they should had a second thought before doing that. Let me ask you a question, if right tomorrow the Afghanistan government declares "Three Whom God Should Not Have Created: Pakistanis, Jews, and Flies" and starts attacking Pakistan and killing Pakistanis with chemical weapons, and the House of Saud helps them functionally and logistically, after you manage to kick the Afghan Army in the butt, you are going to be cool with the House of Saud again?
And their enmity didn't stop there either, right after Saddam, they started funding terrorist groups like ISIS ideologically and financially against us.
And here's the best proof that i can get you, a classified document recently leaked by Wikileaks, in which Hilary Clinton is suggesting that we should use our diplomatic and more traditional intelligence assets to bring pressure on the governments of Qatar and Saudi Arabia so they stop their financial and logistic support of ISIS. Hilary Clinton had access to classified information herself, and wouldn't be lying in a classified document either.

>> forward, we need to use our diplomatic and more traditional intelligence
>> assets to bring pressure on the governments of Qatar and Saudi Arabia,
>> which are providing clandestine financial and logistic support to ISIL and
>> other radical (Wahhabi) groups in the region. This effort will be enhanced by
>> the stepped up commitment in the KRG. The Qataris and Saudis will be put
>> in a position of balancing policy between their ongoing competition to
>> dominate the Sunni world and the consequences of serious U.S. pressure. By
>> the same token, the threat of similar, realistic U.S. operations will serve
>> to assist moderate forces in Libya, Lebanon, and even Jordan, where
>> insurgents are increasingly fascinated by the ISIL success in Iraq.


And now that all of their pawns have failed, they want to take the role of Saddam Hussein themselves.
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With the passage of time the situation for Pakistan's security and even existence is getting worse. One can expect a three pronged simultaneous attack on Pakistan from India, Iran & Afghanistan which will without doubts will break Pakistan into pieces. There are chances that with the following chaos, Pakistan will be nuked by India & Israel to finish it off for once and for all. Does the situation not demand that the government and armed forces leadership start arming and training its citizens to help armed forces in such an all out attack which they can't stand due to millions of trained Iranian and millions of Indian fighters, soldiers, militias available.
Please give your thoughts as the attack looks imminent, what steps Pakistan needs to take for its ultimate survival, should it ask for Chinese cover to prevent getting nuked?, should it take any kind of help from Turkey or get Turkey involve to counter attack Iran in such a scenario to divide Iranian forces? What help Pakistan can ask from Saudi as there will be no Saudi once Iran finishes Pakistan?

For the bold part, do you think Pakistani nukes are duds or just there to be put in showcases?
Aah you know what.. despite to be a rival enemy. both pak & india will never nuke to each other even they both will never go to short period war now except on LOC to satisfy their own people.. india has ambition to be a super power & pak has ambition to lead islamic world. but they both will keep on fighting diplomatically & by using other soils against each other because of kashmir. both countries don't wanna lose people's satisfaction on their army.. neither india can capture Azad Kashmir nor Pak can capture IOK & that's the bitter truth.

looks like both countries are hostile.. india because of pak & china.. pak because of india & afghanistan & iran.. but no one will come to help for pak or india during war if ever happen. but because of war both countries have to lose their future ambitions
For the bold part, do you think Pakistani nukes are duds or just there to be put in showcases?
I am thinking of an all out nuclear attack by Zionist Israel & Saffron India which will wipe out major military and economic centers of the nation which will destroy the response capability.
Three dozen of nasr at each border will do the job perfectly

Right and we are chutiya spending 60 billion dollars annually.you are the only one smart here with 8 billion dollar budget.
With the passage of time the situation for Pakistan's security and even existence is getting worse. One can expect a three pronged simultaneous attack on Pakistan from India, Iran & Afghanistan which will without doubts will break Pakistan into pieces. There are chances that with the following chaos, Pakistan will be nuked by India & Israel to finish it off for once and for all. Does the situation not demand that the government and armed forces leadership start arming and training its citizens to help armed forces in such an all out attack which they can't stand due to millions of trained Iranian and millions of Indian fighters, soldiers, militias available.
Please give your thoughts as the attack looks imminent, what steps Pakistan needs to take for its ultimate survival, should it ask for Chinese cover to prevent getting nuked?, should it take any kind of help from Turkey or get Turkey involve to counter attack Iran in such a scenario to divide Iranian forces? What help Pakistan can ask from Saudi as there will be no Saudi once Iran finishes Pakistan?
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