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How Pakistan can become an economic force in the region?

you mean extremism?

Noops dear dear.

I meant Islamism in Pakistan.

-- Extremism is but one dastardly outcome of Islamism.
-- But Islamism impacts on much broader scale on things like our economy, our foreign policy, and our internal policies.
1) By dilinking itself from terror
2) practicing secularism
3) Improving relationship with India.

4) Self reliance.
5) Focusing on science and technology.
6) realigning itself with its cultural identity
7) By stop bagging from international community
8) Dropping China as strategic partner.

We seek prosperity not demise. Since when Secularism became a merit for Prosperity ?
Lack of normal relations with neighbors hasn't stopped India or China from progressing. Neither did it stop Japan or South Korea.

Pakistanis have a habit of looking for external excuses; it's a procrastination tactic.

The cause and solution to Pakistan's problems lies within Pakistan itself.

Well said.

IN all the cases you mention,

Ordinary population of these countries has some characteristics that are severely lacking among Pakistanis

1. Ordinary population in these countries welcomes people from the West,
2. Ordinary population in these countries works super hard to get business from the West,

This is the reason China has accumulated trillion dollar chest.
or S. Korea and India both have 100s of billions of dollars in their state banks.

Remember Chinese and Indians and S, Koreans did not print those dollars, they forking earned them by working 24 hours a day, 365 days a year for the Western consumer.

So yes,

We can have bad relations with INdians (we shouldn't but...) or fork Afghanistanis or put black paint on Ayatullahs.

It won't matter as long as we develop and keep the two characteristics I listed above.

Thank you.

We seek prosperity not demise. Since when Secularism became a merit for Prosperity ?

Oh bhai

Secularism shlecurims is just a slogan.

What people really want us Pakistanis is to reduce our fundoo Islamist habits and become normal human beings.

Human beings that are inclusive and tolerant.

That's all.

Please do not get the panties in a bunch over on terminology over the other.

Thank you.
Well said.

IN all the cases you mention,

Ordinary population of these countries has some characteristics that are severely lacking among Pakistanis

1. Ordinary population in these countries welcomes people from the West,
2. Ordinary population in these countries works super hard to get business from the West,

This is the reason China has accumulated trillion dollar chest.
or S. Korea and India both have 100s of billions of dollars in their state banks.

Remember Chinese and Indians and S, Koreans did not print those dollars, they forking earned them by working 24 hours a day, 365 days a year for the Western consumer.

So yes,

We can have bad relations with INdians (we shouldn't but...) or fork Afghanistanis or put black paint on Ayatullahs.

It won't matter as long as we develop and keep the two characteristics I listed above.

Thank you.

Oh bhai

Secularism shlecurims is just a slogan.

What people really want us Pakistanis is to reduce our fundoo Islamist habits and become normal human beings.

Human beings that are inclusive and tolerant.

That's all.

Please do not get the panties in a bunch over on terminology over the other.

Thank you.
Finally I see you are talking and making sense !!!:pakistan:
I have seen wonder of good primary education with my eyes. I have seen average students transforming into extra ordinary students by virtue of good primary education. Indians are shining all over the world. If you analyze the root cause, it is primary education. The way primary and secondary education is improving there in India today, I am more than hundred percent convince that the children will shine globally. I have little doubt that No body in world will be able to compete them when they will enter into profession or Corporate or Research or any other field of their area.

If Pakistan can do single job to uplift the country, I would recommend Pakistan to build a robust Primary and secondary education system.

Hari Parsad bhai

When you propose something for 200 million people,

please do not forget to do some study and see if 20 million out of those 200 million prove your point or not.

That means

scaling up your proven theories.

IN Pakistan we have Karachi as a prime example where primary and secondary education + College is pretty high.

I mean as high as any major city in India or even China.

But we are not getting the same results as Indians or Chinese or South Koreans.

Then the question becomes

What is NOT working in Karachi?

if my fellow city dwellers are as primary schools and secondary schooled as any other big city in the region.

The answer if you think about it, may surprise you.


I really suggest Pakistani and Indian Army should have regular/weekly tea meetings/parties of soldiers deployed on both sides of the border. They will get to know/respect each other and there will be far less chances of skirmishes and exchange of fire.

They do.

LOC is an exception

But international border (IB) does have regular flag meetings and Biryani followed by tea is a must item.

The problem is less with our jawans and officers. They know and they see.

The real problem lies with the educated but blind net warriors who look at Pakistan-India border as a proving ground for Hindutvadi and Islamist madness.

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That begs the question, what stops us from doing it if we do know what to do?

Everything starts and ends at leadership and sadly all we had is either illegal, incompetent or corrupt leaders. Now unless we'll have a true representative of this country's common people at top, nothing's gonna change.
Everything starts and ends at leadership and sadly all we had is either illegal, incompetent or corrupt leaders. Now unless we'll have a true representative of this country's common people at top, nothing's gonna change.

now now now.

I thought Hazrat Imran Khan raziall Unho is the leader. At least KP is under his thumb.

Why then such melancholy?
1) By dilinking itself from terror
2) practicing secularism
3) Improving relationship with India.
4) Self reliance.
5) Focusing on science and technology.
6) realigning itself with its cultural identity
7) By stop bagging from international community
8) Dropping China as strategic partner.

(1) Not listen to some random Indian over the internet for Pakistan's policies.
Invest heavily in Education and control corruption.
Lack of normal relations with neighbors hasn't stopped India or China from progressing. Neither did it stop Japan or South Korea.

Pakistanis have a habit of looking for external excuses; it's a procrastination tactic.

The cause and solution to Pakistan's problems lies within Pakistan itself.

You know. I don't know much about economy, but the impression I have gotten as being a common citizen of Pakistan is that, Education is very strongly linked with economy.
But, unfortunately our "statue que" of wadaras, sains, etc, do not want the population they have "authority" over to be educated because they fear people would not be in their control any more.

This fear of our statues que has hindered development in our country, especially in the rural areas. If this fear of statues que can be addressed. Maybe then they may allow people to be educated.

One way, I can think of is that, to convince the statues que, that "they are as strong as the people they stand on". (Their constituency).

E.G, I see PPP get humiliated on t.v by PML-N, because PPP has been reduced to a political party limited to rural sindh. No body cares about them, because, they stand on people who are weak, poor, and uneducated. This is all because, PPP has spend great time, not allowing the people to grow. In the end, PPP only made itself weaker by weakening the people it stood upon.

If PPP ( The statues que) tries to develop and educate the people of its rural sindh constituency, it would only make PPP stronger, and maybe wont get humiliated all the time.

I think each political party is a statues que of its region/constituency. It would be better if they realize they are as strong as the people they stand upon.
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You know. I don't know much about economy, but the impression I have gotten as being a common citizen of Pakistan is that, Education is very strongly linked with economy.
But, unfortunately our "statue que" of wadaras, sains, etc, do not want the population they have "authority" over to be educated because they fear people would not be in their control any more.

This fear of our statues que has hindered development in our country, especially in the rural areas. If this fear of statues que can be addressed. Maybe then they may allow people to be educated.

One way, I can think of is that, to convince the statues que, that "they are as strong as the people they stand on". (Their constituency).

E.G, I see PPP get humiliated on t.v by PML-N, because PPP has been reduced to a political party limited to rural sindh. No body cares about them, because, they stand on people who are weak, poor, and uneducated. This is all because, PPP has spend great time, not allowing the people to grow. In the end, PPP only made itself weaker by weakening the people it stood upon.

If PPP ( The statues que) tries to develop and educate the people of its rural sindh constituency, it would only make PPP stronger, and maybe wont get humiliated all the time.

I think each political party is a statues que of its region/constituency. It would be better if they realize they are as strong as the people they stand upon.

Education or lack of it, is not a good indicator that the masses will elect the right party.

Take the case of our city of Karachi.

We as community are highest educated. Some estimate as high as 96%.

But for years we elected religious fascists (Jahliyya fil Islam - JI), or ethnic fascists like murda wa Qatil movement (MQM).

It is time we look in our gariban instead of pointing fingers to the poor villagers of Sindh.

Education or lack of it, is not a good indicator that the masses will elect the right party.

Take the case of our city of Karachi.

We as community are highest educated. Some estimate as high as 96%.

But for years we elected religious fascists (Jahliyya fil Islam - JI), or ethnic fascists like murda wa Qatil movement (MQM).

It is time we look in our gariban instead of pointing fingers to the poor villagers of Sindh.


I am not talking about people electing the "right" political party. I am talking about developing the country within the existing frame work of statues que, whether the statues que is MQM, ANP, PPP, PML-N, Baloch tribal leader, etc.

What I mean is, make the people rich, and the statues que even richer.

It may not be the ideal way to look at economic development, but it is one of the ways....

though, I hope God gives us a better future than that.
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The best thing about Pakistan is its location. It connects energy poor South and East Asia to energy rich central Asia and beyond. If it takes a similar role to what Singapore is being doing since 50's, not only will Pakistan become trading hub, but will create thousands of new jobs.

The second best thing is Pakistan lies at the door step of two mega markets (China and India). Not only can Pakistan exploit these markets, but could act as a bridge between China and India given Pakistan is a ally of China and knows India better than any other country on the planet.

On both counts Pakistan failed.

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