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How Pakistan can become an economic force in the region?

I think HariPrasad was quite right in ideas and Aeronaut got it about right in specifics. Specifics and tactful implementation of ideas is a much harder part.

Hariparsad, is an Indian, which means that he sees things from a specific angle. Its up to us to decide if thats correct or not.

There are many issues that have to be fixed before we can have normal relations with India.
So now we'd have to learm secularism from those who want to establish a Hindutva state in India, ain't that cute? :D



1: A politically active society with free and fair elections, unlike these ones.


3: Extraction of our vast
natural resources on a 'war footing'.

4: Education emergency with ~ 7% of GDP reserved for Education. With special focus on TEVTA like VT institutes.

5: Boost the small medium enterprise apparatus.

6: A fully automated FBR taxation system with all of our 30 million strong middle class paying taxes.

7: Boosting trade with organizations like ECO,ASEAN,D-8,EU, GCC, SCO, Mexico, African union and Brazil.

8: Facilitate the transit between regional nations for financial gains.

9: Boost competetion in the ICT sector, have protectionist claws making local companies buy local software and ICT solution,

10: Build at least one mega university for postgrad research.

11: Invest heavily in military industrial complex....HIT,PAC,DESTO,GIIDS etc should become an ecosystem for R&D. Anyone selling to Pakistan should be asked to provide TOT. Pakistan needs to have its military exports in a billion figure.

12: Allow GM crops and domestic nano technology firms to create and establish a framework leading to greater agricultural output.

13: Use above factors for ONE goal. A fully industrialized Pakistan !!!!

Above and most important of all, build a very strong primary and secondary education system.
Hariparsad, is an Indian, which means that he sees things from a specific angle. Its up to us to decide if thats correct or not.

I got his angle right about China. You need not worry too much. Rest of the things he mentioned are actually right.

To Clarify something to most Pakistanis here. He talked about secularism which I did not bother to remove. As far as religious minorities are concerned, in Pakistan, we must never impose Muslim laws on them and treat them with great respect. This is the message of both Islam and secularism.

For the rest, since we are Muslims, I have no problems with a ceremonial state religion. But we should not let religion interfere with workings of people or impose it on them in any way. My stance.
i think pakistan has some chances of revival under nawaz sharif , the guy seems practical , he is already laying out some plans to reduce load shedding which is good.

but for that its really important that he gets total control , this army interference in each and every matter is the real problem , it must be really frustrating for pakistani politicians , after doing all the hard work and winning the elections they have to share power with these hot head brigadiers ,

give them total authority and they might do some good work.
I have seen wonder of good primary education with my eyes. I have seen average students transforming into extra ordinary students by virtue of good primary education. Indians are shining all over the world. If you analyze the root cause, it is primary education. The way primary and secondary education is improving there in India today, I am more than hundred percent convince that the children will shine globally. I have little doubt that No body in world will be able to compete them when they will enter into profession or Corporate or Research or any other field of their area.

If Pakistan can do single job to uplift the country, I would recommend Pakistan to build a robust Primary and secondary education system.
1 Free Education
2 Get rid of corruption
3 get rid of terrorism.
4 Collect more tax from big shots.

That's all.
i'm sorry but they look too ideal to be practical.everything has limitations and exceptions!
You know it does not seem much but normal relations with neighbouring countries go a long way. I mean we have Indian and Pakistani soldiers dying on border skirmishes all the time. If that was not there and instead open trading was going on so many thousands/millions of people could have better jobs and more money.
I mean look at EU they have speed trains going around every where and we can not even get visa owing to bad relations.
You know it does not seem much but normal relations with neighbouring countries go a long way. I mean we have Indian and Pakistani soldiers dying on border skirmishes all the time. If that was not there and instead open trading was going on so many thousands/millions of people could have better jobs and more money.
I mean look at EU they have speed trains going around every where and we can not even get visa owing to bad relations.

I really suggest Pakistani and Indian Army should have regular/weekly tea meetings/parties of soldiers deployed on both sides of the border. They will get to know/respect each other and there will be far less chances of skirmishes and exchange of fire.
I really suggest Pakistani and Indian Army should have regular/weekly tea meetings/parties of soldiers deployed on both sides of the border. They will get to know/respect each other and there will be far less chances of skirmishes and exchange of fire.

And you guys have same problem on your afghan border and we on our bangladeshi border as well. Peace in South Asia is a distant dream. And economy cant be good without peace as it takes a chunk of our money on military that could have been used to developing the country.
And there should be some kind of pre-agreed mechanism of resolution of problems that occur. If one side complains of a problem, the soldiers will have to go by that mechanism of resolution of conflict instead of starting to shoot each other. Just a suggestion.
You know it does not seem much but normal relations with neighbouring countries go a long way.

Lack of normal relations with neighbors hasn't stopped India or China from progressing. Neither did it stop Japan or South Korea.

Pakistanis have a habit of looking for external excuses; it's a procrastination tactic.

The cause and solution to Pakistan's problems lies within Pakistan itself.
Just like it is very difficult for India to control Hindutva goons, or Naxalites,

It is difficult to control Islamism in Pakistan.

Because in all these cases, the goons enjoy popular support.

It is not impossible. Don't take me wrong. But is not easy either.

you mean extremism?

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