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How Pakistan can become an economic force in the region?


Apr 20, 2011
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@RiazHaq bhai

It is kind $tupid to play "could have would have games".

Why not talk about will be and can be scenarios. you have enough knowledge and stats to support that kind of thinking.

Thank you

p.s. I opened this thread to avoid the negative discussions about the past when in reality we should learn from the past and talk about the future.
Pakistan Could Have Become an Asian Tiger By Now
1) By dilinking itself from terror
2) practicing secularism
3) Improving relationship with India.
4) Self reliance.
5) Focusing on science and technology.
6) realigning itself with its cultural identity
7) By stop bagging from international community
8) Dropping China as strategic partner.
Jaibi, I see you are a think tank chairman. What does this mean?
@RiazHaq bhai

It is kind $tupid to play "could have would have games".

Why not talk about will be and can be scenarios. you have enough knowledge and stats to support that kind of thinking.

Thank you

p.s. I opened this thread to avoid the negative discussions about the past when in reality we should learn from the past and talk about the future.
Pakistan Could Have Become an Asian Tiger By Now

The answer to your question can be found in my post if you read it completely and fully comprehend it. Also check out the related links on my blog.
@RiazHaq bhai

It is kind $tupid to play "could have would have games".

Why not talk about will be and can be scenarios. you have enough knowledge and stats to support that kind of thinking.

Thank you

p.s. I opened this thread to avoid the negative discussions about the past when in reality we should learn from the past and talk about the future.
Pakistan Could Have Become an Asian Tiger By Now

The article seems to suggest that only dictatorships and totalitarian regimes give way to success. While the article pays heed to the wealth part, it completely forgoes the humanitarian cost paid to achieve that in terms of lives and families destroyed. There need to be basic steps taken:

1. De-linking external policy from internal development.
2. De-linking State from Religion.
3. Creation of a strong and empowered bureaucracy, de-linked from political control.
4. De-linking military objectives from State objectives.

The above are changes required at the strategic level. From an operational level, once the above are agreed upon:

1. Land reforms.
2. Educational reforms.

Economy should drive policy. Unfortunately, policy drives economy.
The article seems to suggest that only dictatorships and totalitarian regimes give way to success. While the article pays heed to the wealth part, it completely forgoes the humanitarian cost paid to achieve that in terms of lives and families destroyed. There need to be basic steps taken:

1. De-linking external policy from internal development.
2. De-linking State from Religion.
3. Creation of a strong and empowered bureaucracy, de-linked from political control.
4. De-linking military objectives from State objectives.

The above are changes required at the strategic level. From an operational level, once the above are agreed upon:

1. Land reforms.[ De-linking farmers from the farms]
2. Educational reforms.[must be De-linking somewhere there too :lol:]

Economy should drive policy. Unfortunately, policy drives economy.

I think your posts subject line should be "De-link" hahaha.
Initiative mass crack down down on terrorists and their clerics and political sympathizers, get all the religious institute under 24*7 surveillance and take severe action if anyone found preaching sectarian and religious hatred, ban organization who tries to disrupt economy for something happening at far away places or some stupid movies, deport all illegal Afghans refugees and especially ones who engage even slight bit of criminal activities,stop letting middle eastern monarchs do poaching of endangered species in your country and if possible make poaching completely illegal, renovate and preserve sites of historical importance these steps will make Pakistan more tourism and Investment friendly destination
Some of what Android suggested is actually right. There has to be some guidelines given to Imams and other clergy, that they can teach people anything they like to teach but really not any kind of hatred. It is easy to evoke negative emotions in humans on the lines that "certain people are bad or we are really good" kind of things. Better to ask Imams to preach as much good as they can for their adherents to follow but just not say bad things about any other sect, religion, nation etc. I think it is better to improve ourselves but not teach hatred for others.

That is like a good Pakistani. Carry on . Best
Thank you. Your compliments taken at their face value.
So now we'd have to learm secularism from those who want to establish a Hindutva state in India, ain't that cute? :D



1: A politically active society with free and fair elections, unlike these ones.


3: Extraction of our vast
natural resources on a 'war footing'.

4: Education emergency with ~ 7% of GDP reserved for Education. With special focus on TEVTA like VT institutes.

5: Boost the small medium enterprise apparatus.

6: A fully automated FBR taxation system with all of our 30 million strong middle class paying taxes.

7: Boosting trade with organizations like ECO,ASEAN,D-8,EU, GCC, SCO, Mexico, African union and Brazil.

8: Facilitate the transit between regional nations for financial gains.

9: Boost competetion in the ICT sector, have protectionist claws making local companies buy local software and ICT solution,

10: Build at least one mega university for postgrad research.

11: Invest heavily in military industrial complex....HIT,PAC,DESTO,GIIDS etc should become an ecosystem for R&D. Anyone selling to Pakistan should be asked to provide TOT. Pakistan needs to have its military exports in a billion figure.

12: Allow GM crops and domestic nano technology firms to create and establish a framework leading to greater agricultural output.

13: Use above factors for ONE goal. A fully industrialized Pakistan !!!!
Initiative mass crack down down on terrorists and their clerics and political sympathizers, get all the religious institute under 24*7 surveillance and take severe action if anyone found preaching sectarian and religious hatred, ban organization who tries to disrupt economy for something happening at far away places or some stupid movies, deport all illegal Afghans refugees and especially ones who engage even slight bit of criminal activities,stop letting middle eastern monarchs do poaching of endangered species in your country and if possible make poaching completely illegal, renovate and preserve sites of historical importance these steps will make Pakistan more tourism and Investment friendly destination

Just like it is very difficult for India to control Hindutva goons, or Naxalites,

It is difficult to control Islamism in Pakistan.

Because in all these cases, the goons enjoy popular support.

It is not impossible. Don't take me wrong. But is not easy either.
I think HariPrasad was quite right in ideas and Aeronaut got it about right in specifics. Specifics and tactful implementation of ideas is a much harder part.
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