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How PAF Should Counter the SU-30 MKI

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Ok guys chill.... Sukhoi MKI is not as good as F16.... Agreed... Now lets move on.... I dono why indians are trying hard to proov MKI is a better aircraft.... If Pakistan is happy and estimate that sukhoi is not a greatone you should be happy about it... and as we all know.... We will never know till it is been used.....so till then... Lets agree with pakistani friends that it is not a worth an aircraft.... chillll just chillll...
Not really, the MKI has to be a superb Fighter most likely on par with F-16 B52. But it will have to fight PAF where it will not have any SAM or AWACS cover whereas PAF will have not only that but ground based EW assets as well. This may tild the advantage in favour of PAF.

Well in your opinion where will be the first strikes on, Command and control centeres of pakistan or horse stables ?

You are merely proving my point further, the IAF had tried Mirages and was aware how good non Russian technology was. But that's just my take on things. However, you might be able to explain the need for MMRCA.
IAF classifies MKI as an Air dominance air craft. With a better bank balance, IAF has decided to transition from it's point defence fighter Mig 21 to a mix of Lmrca (LCA MK2) and MMRCA (Rafale). It brings additional power projection capabilities.

Outperform American Munitions? Hardly!

And China does not merely 'clone', it actually produces more advanced 'versions'.
Sure why not. It's your belief

This is what I had written:

"So Phalcons will be pinpointing target locations deep inside Pakistani Air Space from hundreds of KM's inside Indian Air Space? You are probably mistaking the Phalcons with Satellites!!!"

Now look at your response.
Whats the point of objective responses when you are programmed to believe mujhideens carrying stingers on passenger bogies of rajdhani express are going to bring down phalcons. Phalcons that see 400 Sq Kms, for 2 m2 targets and upto 600 m2 for bigger targets (ahem.. eriye or chinese awacs) will some how have to go inside pak airspace?

and if you were looking for an objective response after all: there you go

Dear members,

I would like to present my views on this thread which seems to have gathered a lot of momentum. I will not be able to go into critical data on an open forum. I have been following aviation posts and have certain perspective that I would like to present to remove the a few misconceptions regarding the SU30 MKI.I have worked for HAL nasik division and have interacted with quite a few CTP’s to be in a decent position to give you a general perspective on the SU30MKI and its subsystems.

SU 30 MKI Airframe: MKI’s airframe is very similar to Russian base model irrespective of what others claim. It differs slightly on the load requirements that were presented to the Russians during the development. I left HAL 4 yrs ago, back then there were plans to use domestic material instead of Russian with same or better physical characteristics which is not necessarily an improvement performance wise but a cost saving measure.

Radar: PESA BARS N011 Bars is the biggest ace up IAF’s sleeve, without divulging into the details detecting range, I can very confidently say that this radar has better resolution, noise cancellation and detection range than Captor and RBE2 hands down. Nothing in the subcontinent can come close to this radar today. I am not fully aware of Chinese subsystems, but this was the take of two Russian CTP’s 4 years ago. I don’t think PAF’s jf 17 radar is as good, but that’s my perspective and I could be wrong.
SU 30 MKI another advantage it can function as airborne command post and has excellent ability to function as such due to the two person crew and its radar.

Avionics: Additional subsystems like the Israeli HUD, OLS 30, laser/infrared hybrid IRST or also called optical laser tracker is very handy device. IAF and USAF goes gaga over the litening pod, it is as good as it gets.

Upgrades: have been discussed to death, so won’t go there again

Misconception on this forum about MKI

Airshow aircraft

There is a general American sentiment of flanker that it is a airshow aircraft which has permeated especially in Pakistani members here. Although the thrust vectoring is something I wouldn’t credit in WVR, without its pucgahevs and tail slides, its still a very high tvr and is a very nimble and agile dogfighter. Its weapons loadout gives immense amount of firepower in WVR conflict with its inherent disadvantage being size.

Lets not forget a fact that SU 30 MKI despite its airshow maneuvers is an excellent high speed performer. Its avionics, radar and weapons load out makes it a deadly BVR platform.

MKI is a huge blip on the radar waiting to be shot down

To begin with I am not a big believer in BVR combat to the ranges that people think it is effective. BVR regime is most effective to half the radar tracking range sometimes even less. Jammers awacs , Self protection suites have equally evolved as have the BVR missiles. MKI is RCS is not much different from that of a F15SE and I don’t hear the American complain about it. Indian pilots that I have interacted with will never say anything against their plane , but from what I have heard from the Russian ctp’s SU27 and su30 are not straight up traditional A2A packages. The A2A combat philosophy is more of simultaneous staggered formations entering tactical area to obtain maximum results . Su 30 MkI is not a lone gun slinger which will go up and bring down an aircraft with every pull of the trigger as some of my fellow countrymen here believe.

Pakistan’s counter to SU30 MKI.

Theoretically you can bring down any aircraft with from fro any platform that PAF fields. Hitting a MKI is not miracle and is possible by almost every platform, But in my honest opinion the most effective platform that counters the threat of MKI’s firepower and range is PAF’s SAAB ERIEYE. Awacs platform has given the capability to PAF to detec MKI, SMT, UPG, M2k even a rustom that flies into Pakistani airspace and device a counter to thwart the treat. Hence I wouldn’t be rushing to order f22’s as of yet, PAF is very well prepared to faceoff IAF successfully at the present movement. SAAB erieye and the chiniese awacs platform will provide a stiff counter to whatever IAF throws at them.
Each and every thing can be beaten. If you believe in quantum physics, there is even a possibility that I can throw a pebble from the ground which can take the F22 Raptor down. But that doesn't mean that IAF will recruit me to prepare for a scenario when US attacks India. The scenario you suggested (about using JF17 to put down our AWACS) was extremely unplausible, laughable in every respect.

Listen kid I told you before this tactic has been employed successfully by the Israeli's, the US, the Swedes and the Japanese.
As a matter of fact an Indian Air Force Mirage pilot and squadron leader made the same suggestion for a AWACS busting mission. The only difference between what I suggested and what he proposed is the armament since the IAF Mirage does not have anti-radiation missile he proposed the use of BVR missiles and since the Mirage does not have short take off capability he proposed following low flying fighters on a ground strike mission popping up to take a BVR shot once beyond the slant range of the airborne radar.
But then wasn't it cheaper to simply upgrade the MKI's and purchase 2x more upgraded MKI's if the advantages of Rafale are lost post MKI upgrade? I mean IAF may have been able to procure 250+ Super MKI's for the same amount of money and if the Rafale then holds no advantage then why buy Rafale?

Or is it a lot to do with politics and attempts to derive PAF of French avionics/radars etc.?

I said most of the advantages not all, such as rcs, spectra+mica combo etc would still be an advantage exact comparison is possible only when the mki upgrade details are revealed. rafale is a multi role fighter, designed for that from scratch and it's medium weight category(mki is heavy class air superiority fighter upgraded into strike fighter , lca is light weight class ) jack of all trades.Every air force needs different class fighters, otherwise every country would have had a single type fighter jet..

it's like cricket you need specialist bowler , specialist batsman as well as all rounders too..rafale is our all rounder.
Hello and a happy a new year to you too.I'm Kathy's husband, Kathy's busy with our beautiful baby girl. I sometimes log in using her account. PAF know they don't have the territorial depth to protect their airborne radar and they train to be almost as effective without it. As for what the Phalcon can see, the problem is the Phalcon sees too much. I admit I don't know much about the Phalcon but I assume it is as good or better than the USAF E3.

Heartiest felicitations for this wonderful news and a pleasure to meet your acquaintance Good Sir. Please convey our regards and felicitations to DBC whom is one of our most esteemed members.

Belated Merry Xmas and a Happy New Year
Ok guys chill.... Sukhoi MKI is not as good as F16.... Agreed... Now lets move on.... I dono why indians are trying hard to proov MKI is a better aircraft.... If Pakistan is happy and estimate that sukhoi is not a greatone you should be happy about it... and as we all know.... We will never know till it is been used.....so till then... Lets agree with pakistani friends that it is not a worth an aircraft.... chillll just chillll...

Do you see a thread dedicated to countering F16's? :undecided:
No one on the Pakistani side believes that SU30MKI is an ordinary aircraft. It is a very well oiled machine, a very good one if i might add. But it is also not 'God's Gift to Aviation' as some of your fellow brethren's have been advocating.

:lol: I agree.

not working...
bt i suppose u r counting H-2 and H-4....
well these r state secrets and we don't even know with proofs wether these r BVR Missiles or BVR bombs....
soo better don't count them......
well as far as i know these r bombs according to PAF officials and i never read if PAF was BVR capable...
well BVR capability of block 52 is a bonus....
and PAF was not expecting them as their bird...
and u can't attack with it outside of PAF airspace without uncle sam permission....
thats why i counted JF 17 as 1st BVR platform...
well i dont know if F 16 block 50 was delivered 1st of JF 17.....
its obvious pak got BVR from americans for F 16 block 50 and all this happened after arrival of these birts soo i suppose JF 17 was 1st one in PAF....
well yep u were right...
H 4 is bvr missile in PAF service....
it was supposed to be used on mairages bt dont have any info on it...
its tests were conducted on mairages....
Developed by NESCOM 120km range.......
resemblance to SA A Darter i suppose...
I stand corrected. Wiki showed sales of C7 for PAF the last I checked.

In early 2006 the Pakistan Air Force (PAF) ordered 500 AIM-120C-5 AMRAAM missiles as part of a $650 million F-16 ammunition deal to equip the PAF's F-16C/D Block 52+ and F-16A/B MLU fighters

AIM-120 AMRAAM - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

One thing is sure you cannot be wrong... Its has generally been the case with your types.

You serious? The net is full of engagements of US Jets and Russian Jets almost all around the world and stats clearly are in favour of US Jets.

As assumed earlier and rightly so... It goes over your Head... No point in explaining.
Not at all, war is a very dirty and tricky business as DOB pointed out. Expect both sides to employ dirty techniques to harass the enemy. To prevent something like this, you would need Neighbourhood Community Watch pretty much all around the country similar to what the Israelis have.

To put it in one word: No. IAF is not the USAF.

So your mean only PAF have EW assets and awacs block IAF awacs? lol funny argument think tank..
Whats the point of objective responses when you are programmed to believe mujhideens carrying stingers on passenger bogies of rajdhani express are going to bring down phalcons. Phalcons that see 400 Sq Kms, for 2 m2 targets and upto 600 m2 for bigger targets (ahem.. eriye or chinese awacs) will some how have to go inside pak airspace?

Rajdhani express was funny... :rofl:

BTW.. Its a radius of 400Km for 2m^2 targets... Phalcons contain over 600 TRMMs that too working in L-band which provides better resolution for low RCS targets at much longer ranges as compared to S-band Ere-eye which has a total of 192 TRMMs... out of which only 96 would be used for tracking and locating targets due to the antenna design.. while a Phalcon would use about/over 400 TRMMs radiating any time full power to see deep inside Pakistani airspace... I have not yet gone into power radiated or antenna size or processors or etc..etc.. Just making a rough estimation on the number of TRMM and their working band gives the idea as to how pun the Pakistani AEW&C are against Phalcons of IAF.

Besides IAF would have AWACS cover in dual band with DRDO Emb-145 AEW&C aircraft providing the coverage in S-band.. along with Phalcons in L-band.. and If we add the long range radar capabilities of Su30MKI[X-band]... It becomes a total coverage in triple bands... a coverage even a stealth planes would like to stay away from.

So your mean only PAF have EW assets and awacs block IAF awacs? lol funny argument think tank..

PAF AEW&C cannot perform active/offensive jamming It only has ECM to defend itself.... due to the power limitations and its small size... while an AWACS like Phalcon can perform additional duties like communication links jamming or Signal jamming all the while providing coordinates for enemy aircrafts and ground vehicles[upto certain distance] simultaneously.
So your mean only PAF have EW assets and awacs block IAF awacs? lol funny argument think tank..

Where did i say that? How did you interpret that? Lets look at what you said:

doesn't our awacs and EW assets block PAF awacs?

What i can interpret is that you are asking whether your EW or AWACS can jam PAF AWACS. I replied with a 'No'. So pray tell me, how did you come up with the conclusion that i stated that PAF assets could jam IAF EW and AWACS? If you are having a hard time communicating in English, please let me know i will switch to Hindi.
@notorious_eagle: read mav3rick post number 1355.. I guess you have problem with english... are you might closed your eyes.
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War is dirty business kid and if you don't believe me google "The CIA saboteurs handbook" the edition used during WW II was recently declassified. I'm sure the latest edition is a million times nastier. Don't expect the enemy to fight fair and the best way to loose a fight is to go into it thinking you can't be beaten.

well nice to have you here sir but do you think indians who burned there fingers in 1965 and 1971 with PAF and there croonies to do sabotage work will be sleeping this time unlike pakitan we sir are not so soft to keep people roaming around with guns and after mumbai be rest assured we have taken evry sceanario into account let me tell you we have a dedicated force just to do this job and about your thoughts about pakitanies sending there Super duper JF17 + F 16 to wipe off owr Air defences well sir i guess you must be having sme knowledge about greenpine radars and other isreali and french stuff + ever heared of SPYDER sam systems and let me assure u they are just the tip of the ice berg here and as for Phalcon well sir you are quite able yourself and fave an idea about its real range dont you ? SIR
AIM-120 AMRAAM - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

One thing is sure you cannot be wrong... Its has generally been the case with your types.

If only you had been smart enough to read the last modification date.

"This page was last modified on 28 December 2012 at 07:44."

I don't give a lot of weight to Wiki usually and most likely I must have ignored the C7 thing when I read it before it was 'corrected'. Anyway this is the best thing about me, I am man enough to say that I am corrected when I am instead of continued nonsense ranting like you. You can continue your rant because we all know the ratio of downed Jets in US/Russian Jets fights.
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