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How one gets positive and negative ratings?

There is a term called "silver tongue", its probably a fictional term, i am not sure. A children's movie, Inkheart, used the term silver tongue to show that anyone who possesses the capability of silver tongue can bring life to words. In simple words whatever book a silver tongue reads, he can bring those characters alive in real life. The movie is childish of course yet it delivers a very critical theme - words brought to life. In real life, when a book is read, the story forms an image in our minds and the characters take shape. The words we read from the book transform into a visualisation in our minds. So anybody or everybody is a silver tongue per say. The posts on these forum work in similar manner. What words are you providing to the readers which can be visualised in their minds and they will rate you on it.
You can send here the post link.
And get post link from here: https://defence.pk/pdf/account/reactions

Another bug. Probably because the first positive rating was from WebMaster and the 2nd from EagleEyes. :pdf:

Or if the original thread (from before 2015) got taken down? Who knows....it's a unsolved mystery!

Another bug. Probably because the first positive rating was from WebMaster and the 2nd from EagleEyes. :pdf:

Or if the original thread (from before 2015) got taken down? Who knows....it's a unsolved mystery!

View attachment 687177
Right click on Complete List of Mrap and click copy link and send me. I will see what's up.
Right click on Complete List of Mrap and click copy link and send me. I will see what's up.
Webby can you undo my ratings and restore original ones? I was dealt over 20 -ve by a non TTA, who rated my posts Just out of spite.
just speak some real truth, negative rating comes
Webby can you undo my ratings and restore original ones? I was dealt over 20 -ve by a non TTA, who rated my posts Just out of spite.
I can't access your ratings, you will need to provide one by one through links to the posts.
I can't access your ratings, you will need to provide one by one through links to the posts.
Around half of them are on my profile messages
Right click on Complete List of Mrap and click copy link and send me. I will see what's up.

Post: https://defence.pk/pdf/threads/comp...sed-by-pakistan-military.352559/#post-6637120

Thread: https://defence.pk/pdf/threads/complete-list-of-mraps-apcs-ifvs-used-by-pakistan-military.352559/

I realized the screenshot was too close. So here's this:


What do you want me to do? Reverse the positive rating?
What do you want me to do? Reverse the positive rating?

1) Stop banning me over silly matters. Your new mods....Krash, Foxtrot, Agnostic & Kambo are on my tail. Get them off please.

2) Yes, please reverse the positive rating...and the last 2 negative ratings too.
1) Stop banning me over silly matters. Your new mods....Krash, Foxtrot, Agnostic & Kambo are on my tail. Get them off please.

2) Yes, please reverse the positive rating...and the last 2 negative ratings too.
Take it to GHQ, i have reviewed your warnings all are related to name calling or trolling. 2) is already addressed.
How to give someone positive or negative rating? How one gets positive or negative rating?
It is same question, but just to be clear as giving/getting ratings may follow same method.

I have an even more serious question, how could someone rate above post as "Haha"
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