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How Muslims Are Treated In USA: ABC primetime


Nov 3, 2008
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United States
United States

What you guys think??????

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Damned rednecks. Still, its better than how muslims treat non-muslims in most of their countries.
Dude, I was more moved by seeing that people are still taking a stand for justice in America. It's more of the America we remember from the yester years and it shows all is not lost.

I hope America doesn't lose this battle within itself otherwise the terrorists have already won. Otherwise they took down Americanism with the twin towers. Good people are still there and I hope good Americans can still bring themselves up to this real fight to save America.
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Dude, I was more moved by seeing that people are still taking a stand for justice in America. It's more of the America we remember from the yester years and it shows all is not lost.

I hope America doesn't lose this battle within itself otherwise the terrorists have already won. Otherwise they took down Americanism with the twin towers. Good people are still there and I hope good Americans can still bring themselves up to this real fight to save America.

Yeah. Americans aren't bad at all. Good people with good heart. Very understanding with caring in nature.

Interesting video, thanks for sharing...

I live in the US as well.

But what I find the most disgusting is "true Muslims" calling themselves "Americans"...silly disgusting vile thoughts...Ignorant Maaa dii....

If you are a Muslim you must understand the Islamic stance on "nationality' and patriotism. Al-Nabi Muhammad Sallahu alayhi wa sallam said that those who fight in the name of nationalism/patriotism do not fight for the cause we are fighting for (Islam). (Paraphrasing here)

As-Sabiyaah is haram in Islam. A Muslim is not just your religion but your only true nation or Muslim Nation/ Dar-ul-Islam (rather it exist materially or not).

Again those Muslims who adopt Western nationalities are contradicting their Religion. Not Just western nationalities but also all other. Again As-Sabiyaah is Haram.

Look at how Arab Nationalism during WWI helped to create the destruction of the Ottoman Empire, the Arab revolt led by T.E. Lawrence was self-destructing...

To those who think calling yourself a "Muslim-American" yuck, think it's okay let me ask you this...

If the Mujahideen were to attack your country "America" then whose side would you choose, you must go with the Mujahideen the true Muslims....
My Message to Muslims Living in Non-Muslim Lands....

Get an education, make money, GTFO of the West/US go back and build your country.

Dedicate your skills and knowledge to the construction of the Muslim lands.
Damned rednecks. Still, its better than how muslims treat non-muslims in most of their countries.

no not really
go to pakistan or saudi arabia
one of my hindu friend lived in s.a. for 12 years and didnt mention one point where she was segregated and where i live in pak christians and muslims have never collided in the past
Interesting video, thanks for sharing...

I live in the US as well.

But what I find the most disgusting is "true Muslims" calling themselves "Americans"...silly disgusting vile thoughts...Ignorant Maaa dii....

If you are a Muslim you must understand the Islamic stance on "nationality' and patriotism. Al-Nabi Muhammad Sallahu alayhi wa sallam said that those who fight in the name of nationalism/patriotism do not fight for the cause we are fighting for (Islam). (Paraphrasing here)

As-Sabiyaah is haram in Islam. A Muslim is not just your religion but your only true nation or Muslim Nation/ Dar-ul-Islam (rather it exist materially or not).

Again those Muslims who adopt Western nationalities are contradicting their Religion. Not Just western nationalities but also all other. Again As-Sabiyaah is Haram.

Look at how Arab Nationalism during WWI helped to create the destruction of the Ottoman Empire, the Arab revolt led by T.E. Lawrence was self-destructing...

To those who think calling yourself a "Muslim-American" yuck, think it's okay let me ask you this...

If the Mujahideen were to attack your country "America" then whose side would you choose, you must go with the Mujahideen the true Muslims....

Jhoo Thali may ka (eat) tha ho, oos Thali may thuck(spit) tha ho!!!

Don't bite the hand that feeds you!!

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Interesting video, thanks for sharing...

I live in the US as well.

But what I find the most disgusting is "true Muslims" calling themselves "Americans"...silly disgusting vile thoughts...Ignorant Maaa dii....

If you are a Muslim you must understand the Islamic stance on "nationality' and patriotism. Al-Nabi Muhammad Sallahu alayhi wa sallam said that those who fight in the name of nationalism/patriotism do not fight for the cause we are fighting for (Islam). (Paraphrasing here)

As-Sabiyaah is haram in Islam. A Muslim is not just your religion but your only true nation or Muslim Nation/ Dar-ul-Islam (rather it exist materially or not).

Again those Muslims who adopt Western nationalities are contradicting their Religion. Not Just western nationalities but also all other. Again As-Sabiyaah is Haram.

Look at how Arab Nationalism during WWI helped to create the destruction of the Ottoman Empire, the Arab revolt led by T.E. Lawrence was self-destructing...

To those who think calling yourself a "Muslim-American" yuck, think it's okay let me ask you this...

If the Mujahideen were to attack your country "America" then whose side would you choose, you must go with the Mujahideen the true Muslims....

Assabia means tribal prejudice, racism, or belief in the excellence of one's own race and tribe, over others. What was condemned in Ahadeeth was ganging up on others, based on tribe and clan.

A famous example is when a Companion was involved in a tussle with someone, and he cried "O sons of so and so", to call his fellow tribals. When this was heard, the Prophet said that such a war cry, is the cry of Jahiliya (Of the period of Ignorance before Islam)

This has nothing to do with identifying onesels as part of a tribe and nation, which is not only allowed, but Ordered in the Qur'an, where it is said " We have created you into tribes and nations so that you may know one another" It is a symbol of recongintion, yet when it becomes a symbol of prejudice, then it is condemned.
Interesting video, thanks for sharing...

I live in the US as well.

But what I find the most disgusting is "true Muslims" calling themselves "Americans"...silly disgusting vile thoughts...Ignorant Maaa dii....

If you are a Muslim you must understand the Islamic stance on "nationality' and patriotism. Al-Nabi Muhammad Sallahu alayhi wa sallam said that those who fight in the name of nationalism/patriotism do not fight for the cause we are fighting for (Islam). (Paraphrasing here)

As-Sabiyaah is haram in Islam. A Muslim is not just your religion but your only true nation or Muslim Nation/ Dar-ul-Islam (rather it exist materially or not).

Again those Muslims who adopt Western nationalities are contradicting their Religion. Not Just western nationalities but also all other. Again As-Sabiyaah is Haram.

Look at how Arab Nationalism during WWI helped to create the destruction of the Ottoman Empire, the Arab revolt led by T.E. Lawrence was self-destructing...

To those who think calling yourself a "Muslim-American" yuck, think it's okay let me ask you this...

If the Mujahideen were to attack your country "America" then whose side would you choose, you must go with the Mujahideen the true Muslims....

man i feel you are on the way of turning your self extremist or rather a hardliner.but i agree that blind nationalism is really does more harm.

be a nationalist but with mixture of humanity so you can stand against your state when something terrible is done by state.
Interesting video, thanks for sharing...

I live in the US as well.

But what I find the most disgusting is "true Muslims" calling themselves "Americans"...silly disgusting vile thoughts...Ignorant Maaa dii....

If you are a Muslim you must understand the Islamic stance on "nationality' and patriotism. Al-Nabi Muhammad Sallahu alayhi wa sallam said that those who fight in the name of nationalism/patriotism do not fight for the cause we are fighting for (Islam). (Paraphrasing here)

As-Sabiyaah is haram in Islam. A Muslim is not just your religion but your only true nation or Muslim Nation/ Dar-ul-Islam (rather it exist materially or not).

Again those Muslims who adopt Western nationalities are contradicting their Religion. Not Just western nationalities but also all other. Again As-Sabiyaah is Haram.

Look at how Arab Nationalism during WWI helped to create the destruction of the Ottoman Empire, the Arab revolt led by T.E. Lawrence was self-destructing...

To those who think calling yourself a "Muslim-American" yuck, think it's okay let me ask you this...

If the Mujahideen were to attack your country "America" then whose side would you choose, you must go with the Mujahideen the true Muslims....

You are one step away from turning to exremist.
I live in the USA, and im proud to be a citizen of the second greatest country in the world. The american people are some of the most kindest people on the planet, and most americans treat muslims with the utmost respect and kindness. I sometimes don't agree with america's policies, but i forever will be american and pakistani inside.

Pakistan Zindabaad
America Zindabaad
i'VE lived in various countries of Europe, and have visited relatives in teh US on anumber of occasions. I must say there is less racism, and less prejudice against muslims in America, than I've seen anywehre else.

In fact, I've found most Americans quite respectful of Islam, they consider it one of the great world religions, and appreciate the family ethos it is perceived to inculcate.

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