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How Muslims Are Treated In USA: ABC primetime

Assabia means tribal prejudice, racism, or belief in the excellence of one's own race and tribe, over others. What was condemned in Ahadeeth was ganging up on others, based on tribe and clan.

A famous example is when a Companion was involved in a tussle with someone, and he cried "O sons of so and so", to call his fellow tribals. When this was heard, the Prophet said that such a war cry, is the cry of Jahiliya (Of the period of Ignorance before Islam)

This has nothing to do with identifying onesels as part of a tribe and nation, which is not only allowed, but Ordered in the Qur'an, where it is said " We have created you into tribes and nations so that you may know one another" It is a symbol of recongintion, yet when it becomes a symbol of prejudice, then it is condemned.

"Assabia means tribal prejudice, racism, or belief in the excellence of one's own race and tribe, over others."

True, but As-Sabiyaah as some prominent Islamic scholars will tell you also expands to and includes Nationalism. When Muslims begin to divide themselves up into Nations, trouble will brew, disunity, hostility, and lack of brotherhood will occur. This is one reason why it is recommended to have a Dar-ul-Islam, where the Islamic Shariah reigns, it is Allah's law, it is not oppressive, in fact it is sufficient for life in any time or period, using a practical method of implementation...

The Kilafah is an essential system and nation to have for the Muslims, as it brings the Muslim's resources economically, militarily, socially, politically, and religiously together for the good of the Muslims, and historically this has happened.

I don't mean to give you a history lesson, just explaining here.

Again this concept of "American Muslim", what is this nonsense?

Now if your a native white American and you convert to Islam, yes legally you are an American, but remember America is a man-made name and country a superficial title because these Americans (at least White ones) are the offspring of various European peoples Germans, Irish, British, Polish and others...So again a superficial man made title really, I'm not saying it doesn't exist but it is really more of a social construct than a genetic one...

But Islam's stance is you are a Muslim first...So why do they put their nationality first when they say "American Muslim"...?

As-Sabiyaah is haram, and for the sake of the Ummah remain loyal to the Ummah not to the land where you are supposedly born.

You cannot choose where you are born, but you can (generally speaking) choose your ideas and beliefs.

I think we can agree it's best for Muslims, especially in our current predicament to remain united to and only The Muslim Nation...Not so much our "adopted homelands" or somewhere else...
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Damned rednecks. Still, its better than how muslims treat non-muslims in most of their countries.

I doubt you've even been to a Muslim country... You're probably brainwashed by your media!

In Islamic countries non-muslims are treated better!
I doubt you've even been to a Muslim country... You're probably brainwashed by your media!

In Islamic countries non-muslims are treated better!

Can you give some legal provisions in those countries to support that view. People normally have the opposite view, this will help them understand better.
I think most people in America have an understanding. That understanding is no matter what you believe there really are no true Americans except those who were here first. Most of us here have family members from the recent past who came from another country and settled here.
Interesting video, thanks for sharing...

I live in the US as well.

But what I find the most disgusting is "true Muslims" calling themselves "Americans"...silly disgusting vile thoughts...Ignorant Maaa dii....

If you are a Muslim you must understand the Islamic stance on "nationality' and patriotism. Al-Nabi Muhammad Sallahu alayhi wa sallam said that those who fight in the name of nationalism/patriotism do not fight for the cause we are fighting for (Islam). (Paraphrasing here)

As-Sabiyaah is haram in Islam. A Muslim is not just your religion but your only true nation or Muslim Nation/ Dar-ul-Islam (rather it exist materially or not).

Again those Muslims who adopt Western nationalities are contradicting their Religion. Not Just western nationalities but also all other. Again As-Sabiyaah is Haram.

Look at how Arab Nationalism during WWI helped to create the destruction of the Ottoman Empire, the Arab revolt led by T.E. Lawrence was self-destructing...

To those who think calling yourself a "Muslim-American" yuck, think it's okay let me ask you this...

If the Mujahideen were to attack your country "America" then whose side would you choose, you must go with the Mujahideen the true Muslims....
I personally do not agree to those views.

I quote from the Quran:

O mankind! We have created you from a male and a female, and made you into nations and tribes, that you may know one another.

Being race-aware and racism are two different things. Where Islam forbids the preferential treatment of one race over the others, its got nothing to do with dispelling notions of nationhood.

Islam never had ONE country. The Ummah of the yesteryears was a union of sorts, loosely bound together through a center. This did not mean that city dwellers did not recognize themselves to belong to a certain location rather than a member of the whole Ummah instead.

People living in America, have a responsibility to America itself. Yes they should use their rights as an American to prevent anti-Islamic views. Debate, write to newspapers, approach lawmakers, do community out-reach programs and fulfill their duties to Islam, and making America less hateful, more understanding of other faiths would be a service to the nation as well.

We can't compare what comes first, nation or Islam. They aren't the same things. Every human being wants to be part of a good nation. As long as you're confident your nation is not dwelling minions from hell, I think you're in the greenlight and should learn to co-exist and be a contributing member of society. As long as you're on the side of the Good, you're on the side of Islam.
I think most people in America have an understanding. That understanding is no matter what you believe there really are no true Americans except those who were here first. Most of us here have family members from the recent past who came from another country and settled here.
Haha, how are whites true Americans then?

They came there just like the Pakistanis did today. If its a cultural thing, then, the whites did not adopt the native American culture and made their own thing.

I think that's a good thing about America. Everybody comes there and contributes to its growth in a positive way. The only reason the whites gripe about foreigners is because of the increase in competition.

Cultures are made to be changed. Live with it.
I personally do not agree to those views.

I quote from the Quran:

Being race-aware and racism are two different things. [Nobody said anything about race-aware....lol]Where Islam forbids the preferential treatment of one race over the others, its got nothing to do with dispelling notions of nationhood.

Islam never had ONE country. The Ummah of the yesteryears was a union of sorts, loosely bound together through a center. This did not mean that city dwellers did not recognize themselves to belong to a certain location rather than a member of the whole Ummah instead.

People living in America, have a responsibility to America itself. Yes they should use their rights as an American to prevent anti-Islamic views. Debate, write to newspapers, approach lawmakers, do community out-reach programs and fulfill their duties to Islam, and making America less hateful, more understanding of other faiths would be a service to the nation as well.

We can't compare what comes first, nation or Islam. They aren't the same things. Every human being wants to be part of a good nation. As long as you're confident your nation is not dwelling minions from hell, I think you're in the greenlight and should learn to co-exist and be a contributing member of society. As long as you're on the side of the Good, you're on the side of Islam.

"Islam never had ONE country."

The Islamic Kilafah was substantial and befitting for the Muslim Ummah, it was the most appropriate form of Governance as it is ordained by Allah.

"O mankind! We have created you from a male and a female, and made you into nations and tribes, that you may know one another."

Yes I am aware of this, and one of these "Nations and tribes" is the Muslim Nation. Yes we have Persian, Arab, Pakistani,Turkish Musulmans and more, and that is fine and completely natural and correct. However, I am arguing As-Sabiyaah is haram, so Muslims in a larger sense should support the Ummah more rather than only their nation-state or tribe they belong to.

If we look at the situation today in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq and other places we have tribalism and feudalism, you have tribes establishing their own laws, and tribes who remain more loyal to their own tribal leaders/war lord, or in the case of Iraq local sheikhs. Instead of the local Muslims people being loyal to the Ummah.....This is one of the root sources of balkanization, and Allah has warned us about this.

Hence we should avoid As-Sabiyaah not only because of the divisive dangers it presents to us but because it is unlawful period.

"People living in America, have a responsibility to America itself." -Asim Aquil

Yes they do, but not so much Muslim people! Again A Muslim is commanded to have the utmost loyalty to his/her community that is in the larger sense Muslim Nation/ Dar ul-Islam/ Kilafah (whether it exist materially or not). And if it does not exist the Muslim lands must endeavor to restore it, failure to do so will invite invasions, turmoil, destruction and humiliation of the Muslim lands...sound familiar?

"We can't compare what comes first, nation or Islam."

It is clear by Islamic precedent and by the actions of the Prophet Muhammad Sallahu Alayhi Wasallam....Let me make this point to convince you.

When the Prophet Muhammad Sallahu Alayhi Wasallam waged Jihaad Mashallah, he did not do it in the name of Arab Nationalism (this would be consider As-Sabiyaah as well), but this surely would have united Arabia with him! But however he did not choose this course Mashallah! He chose the path of uniting the different tribes, nations, languages, and cultures under Allah's divine blessings, Islam!

So to answer your comment, yes we can compare! And we've done it since Muharram 1, 1AH....MashAllah!
Anyways can the mods please move my posts and the all the other post related to Nationalism/As-Sabiyaah vs Ummah to a new thread...It would be helpful because this thread is going off course, as interesting as it is...
i'VE lived in various countries of Europe, and have visited relatives in teh US on anumber of occasions. I must say there is less racism, and less prejudice against muslims in America, than I've seen anywehre else.

In fact, I've found most Americans quite respectful of Islam, they consider it one of the great world religions, and appreciate the family ethos it is perceived to inculcate.

are you kidding me?
i lived in new york for the last 12 years, i have seen all the racism
and there is barely any appreciation [only from educated individuals who actully know true islam, the rest of the american population is just filled with morons.]
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