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How much of Pakistani culture is Indian?

Can a sepoy claim he is the Chief of Staff or he is the Supreme Commander ? :no:

He just takes orders from his superiors, who in this case were foreign invaders.

So realistically speaking the only population who were ruled over were you people and not us.

But the sepoy can say my army ruled that place.

BTW invaders totally absorbed themselves with locals.
"In their pledge to uphold Indian traditions, the British – according to Prakash – first had to discover and invent these traditions by alleging that slavery had a base in indigenous laws. Recognition of slavery started with a declaration in 1774 of the Provincial Council at Patna, stating that slavery should not be hereditary but lifelong, and that a particular form of slavery was "almost as if no bondage existed." With this, slavery was put under the category of "unfreedom" with the only antonym as "bondage". Further recognition of slavery was the Orientalist interpretation of classical texts, such as H.T. Colebrooke's Digest of Hindu Law on Contracts and Successions (1801), which allowed the British to assume inherent classifications of polluted and non-polluted labour to certain groups, with corresponding categories for unfree and free. In 1808, a Magistrate from Bundelkhand sent a letter to the court in Calcutta in which he denounced the existence of slavery in India, leading to a series of questions being made to pundits and muftis attached to the court whose replies were interpreted as support for the indigenous existence of slavery."
None. Pakistani culture is original Pakistani culture, there is nothing Hindi in it.

Unfortunately today’s modern generation have adopted Bollywood & star plus in their life style & these people are changing their culture, which is totally BULLSH*T.
Actually Hindus were fighting the British - the British sent them to jail, tried them for sedition, hung them as well for fighting for and demanding independence. Of course the dude who created Pakistan never spent a night in jail for fighting the British or contributing anything worthwhile to the independence movement. Since, we were discussing British slaves...

He was kidding.

If I am right no one from the Muslim league spent a day in jail either.
Talking about resisiting invaders, then the Hindus lay silent while the british were pummeling their mothers in the dead of night. What funny creatures they are.

Invaders were Ghazni, Ghori, Timurs, etcs.Moghuls were muslim but much indian than any present day indian muslim. British rule over india was a combined failure of hindus & muslims in India.

By the way,It was hindus who fought & brought freedom to India.You got Pakistan & Freedom just because of hindus & their efforts.
Otherwise Sir Syed Ahmad Khan (originator of concept of seperate muslim state) wanted British rule in India & most educated muslims wanted to polish shoes of goras instead of fighting with british.
New title should be how much of Pakistani culture is Indian. Indians have copied our IVC culture and tradition, religion, language etc.

Good point. The source of all civilization in South Asia came from the IVC, which exists almost entirely in modern-day Pakistan.

I am curious to know: which parts of your culture has descended from the IVC? None of ours has, except for a very dubious identification of one seal with Siva, and of a speculation that the language of the seals might be a Dravidian language, or an Indo-Aryan.

Can you list some features?
Invaders were Ghazni, Ghori, Timurs, etcs.Moghuls were muslim but much indian than any present day indian muslim. British rule over india was a combined failure of hindus & muslims in India.

By the way,It was hindus who fought & brought freedom to India.You got Pakistan & Freedom just because of hindus & their efforts.
Otherwise Sir Syed Ahmad Khan (originator of concept of seperate muslim state) wanted British rule in India & most educated muslims wanted to polish shoes of goras instead of fighting with british.

:lol: the slaves of the masters and they still are...
I am curious to know: which parts of your culture has descended from the IVC? None of ours has, except for a very dubious identification of one seal with Siva, and of a speculation that the language of the seals might be a Dravidian language, or an Indo-Aryan.

Can you list some features?

Well for one there was elements of IVC stolen by Hinduism such as worshipping of cow and the Swastika.. .There are also proof Vedas may have been written in Pakistan
Actually Hindus were fighting the British - the British sent them to jail, tried them for sedition, hung them as well for fighting for and demanding independence. Of course the dude who created Pakistan never spent a night in jail for fighting the British or contributing anything worthwhile to the independence movement. Since, we were discussing British slaves...

He was kidding.

Lozzzzzz & lozzz on you again & again & again. Anything that is said against Indians becomes nothing more than "oh he was joking or he was kidding". This is the truth you guys never admit anything.
Rana sanga was not muslim he did invite babar and fought with his army against ibrahim lodhi thinking babar will loot delhi and will go back.ultimately he had to fight babar.

Later on his descendants used rajput converts to expand their empire.
i have visited North African countries and there people too have involved themselves with this Indian crap. Something needs to be done fast to stop it growing. Already, this influence has caused most of the world to think that India and Pakistan to be the same. I say shoot the bas**ds that go to India for film shoot!

India and Pakistan are the same? Please shoot them the moment they say something like this. We have a reputation to keep up.
Are those pics of Pakistanis servicing Americans in NWFP ?

can see that you have eye sight problem, may I suggest a Doctors name to you for eye check up.

This is the reality about the Indians & people like you never admit the truth. All I will say is go & shine your Dull India because this is what you are good at & you all hindis love to live in the world of fiction.
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