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How Modi turned India into a CPEC loser.

In an ideal world India would welcome economic activity in the region and offer to join in. Discuss transit routes through Pakistan for access to other markets. Be a willing partner in the region. Pakistan would no doubt reciprocate ten fold.

But sadly in India where a prominent intellectual like Swamy spitting pure venom, vitriolic horrible things against Pakistan on national TV.

Its a damn shame, thats what it is. There are good Indians, but the ones with bad intentions are more in numbers and their regional foreign policy is not win win at all.

Err... you are the ones who insist that nothing else until Kashmir is resolved. So why all this wailing?
Yeah right. NS came since modi even after how you exPM treated him once he came before neither PM came back when our PM invited.

Modi is not Manmohan Singh. Modi has accepted an invitation to visit Pakistan for the SAARC summit.
You guys has superiority complex, and soon that will take you down.

That's your opinion, one we don't share.

Herat bomb was not done by Pakistan. If someone was stopping then it was us.

It was an attack by the LeT. No one in India is in any doubt of how that works.

All FS talks decided in India yet many time our side try to go but each time your side were putting some conditions. Again superior conflict.

Poor knowledge. Talks with Pakistan were put on a backburner after an Indian soldier was beheaded & before that because of the attacks of 26/11. Nothing to do with Modi.

Ohh come on,whh you defending... You Indians vote for anti-Pakistan stand. Where it happens in Pakistan.

Don't flatter yourselves. No one votes because of anyone's stand on Pakistan. We have other things we want.
Where did I talk about attack? I meant harshly in diplomacy not war or something. Indians will of course vote for someone who is better for India not someone better for Pakistan. If Pakistan really wanted peace she would not have invited third party. Again you can all call Modi names but right now he is way better than any of our previous PMs and he was the best option in the election. Any how your forum your rules, I was just stating facts. Enjoy.
its like somewhere stuck in your brain that Pak invited third Party ... it was Nehru who went to UN... we are just following up... india is not intrested in Peace or other wise if she feels she is stronger then would have become take steps ahead instead shelling on civilian population in Pakistan...
its like somewhere stuck in your brain that Pak invited third Party ... it was Nehru who went to UN... we are just following up... india is not intrested in Peace or other wise if she feels she is stronger then would have become take steps ahead instead shelling on civilian population in Pakistan...
Why do not PAK allowed Camera / vids and jurno to visit LOC.
The CPEC pictorial which is presented in the opening post has small description of some wind power, thermal power coal or possibly nuclear power plants and a hospital which I assume all to be gifted to be free to Pakistan from the best friend China and also a highway to be build to a port.

Dunno what is beneficial for India from a thermal or wind power plant or a China -Pakistan hospital...

If we want power we should simply build it.

And connectivity with Arabian sea through a highway which will be build in future for free by China, we will pass.

And connectivity with Central asia through the peaceful terrain through pakistan, no thanks.

Just get the goodies and freebees and stop thinking how India become loser to the Multi Bumber Mega project.

Horus, please grow up, its high time.
Why do not PAK allowed Camera / vids and jurno to visit LOC.

when you have all that facility then why dont you presented to UN that look Pak is attacking us... why you want Pakistan to invested to install everything which you are doing for us..
Plus Pak already requested to UN peace observer to visit sites multiple times.. dont worry we know what to do... we are just not indian who attack on civilian.
IS CPEC running away anywhere?
Is it completed? Is there any limitation on who can participate or take benefit from it?

Why so much of ho halla ?
India can use any trade routes that it likes, CPEC is not completed as of now and as an when there is some normalization in relations with Pakistan, India can ultize the CPEC network. Until then we are already building Gwadar.
Since CPEC is the biggest and possibly the only project which Pakistan thinks will change its future hence they feel so much proud about it and feel that there is nothing bigger or more beneficiary then CPEC in entire world. But for India we are having many projects which are much bigger then CPEC and thus are more focused on putting our resources there.
For a joint india pakistan venture to happen -with other neighboring countries involved also- we would have to totally revamp our thinking and emotions, both India and Pakistan.

We get this a lot that we are a emotional lot. It's ok to be emotional. We are human after all and expressing emotions is a human triat. But what matters is how we express our emotions to the benefit of not just our nations but the regions also.

Look at Europe for instance. Those countries fought two world wars against each other. Germany had a fascist regime. France and England Never got along. But look where they are post ww2. They put aside their differences, petty squabbling And were able to develop their region.

I wish, at some point not just india and pakistan but afghanistan, iran, Bangladesh, Srilanka, all of us we could truly come together and help and learn from each other develop this part of asia. It would truly be a life changer, in great position way, for the people of s.asia.
First of all, congratulations for a post that has more than one line.

Secondly, what the fcuk is a CPEC loser?

India could have been a larger beneficiary of CPEC had it not been for the utterly stupid and misguided policies of its current Hindutva regime lead by Modi for following reasons.

There are a number of other possibilities i,e an upgraded railway freight system etc since India has good experience with railway engines and transit. Pakistan is open to India joining CPEC, however the short sighted and bigoted government lead by Modi is either too stupid or too ignorant or both to see this in the greater interest of India. They have not only missed the boat but are busy investing in funding proxies in Pakistan to somehow subvert this mega project. This is enough for me to say that India is in wrong hands.

Have you heard of Delhi Mumbai Freight Corridor & the associated Industrial Corridor which will be commissioned much before CPEC ?

As a Mod, you should do some research of your own before opening a thread such as this! If you had done some research, you would have saved yourself some effort and could have just settled for your one-liners.

Delhi-Mumbai corridor runs almost parallel to your own corridor. It is also built with high capacity rail freight infrastructure with funding from Japan as opposed to 2 lane road infrastructure that you are only beginning to build.

  • CPEC's far eastern alignment already connects India via Lahore and Sialkot, therefore only an upgrade to the infrastructure and construction of a dry port would have been needed to link India with CPEC.

Like I said, India has been building a freight corridor for the last 10 years, that will ultimately link Ludhiana to Gujarat & Mumbai! Not only is it the direct route, but it is also the fastest. So thanks, but no thanks!

  • India could have had a permanent trade route via ground with China, Afghanistan, all of Central Asia, Iran, even Turkey.

FYI, Pakistan already rejected simple trade access to Afghanistan but you think it will have a change of heart once this corridor is complete? What kind of logic is this?

If you forgot, we not only share a much longer border with China, but we also do trade along some of those border outposts already!

  • Had India invested in CPEC, Pakistan would have taken it positively and relations would have improved. Instead Modi is busy investing in terrorism.

Why didn't you guys invest in Delhi Mumbai Corridor? It started much before you even conceived this corridor!

  • Pakistan would have liked to sell its coal or gas produced out of coal reserves in Thar to India. Coal projects are now underway as part of the CPEC project.

If India was seriously interested in buying coal, it didn't need to wait for CPEC corridor. Besides, everybody is moving away from even the normally clean coal.

What you have in Thar is really substandard coal, which is exactly why it hasn't been mined so far.

  • Investing in CPEC would have allowed greater market integration with India, interdependence between Pakistan and India would create something to lose for both countries, hence improving relations would become a necessity not a show off.

This is what I call unadulterated BS!

So who is stopping this trade now? Remember, who backtracked from giving India the MFN status?

The fact is, you guys prioritized Kashmir over trade. And ended up losing a market of 1.2 Billion people who would have liked to buy many of your products due to similarity in food/clothing.

India is actually building at least 6 corridors that are higher in capacity (due to use of dedicated Electric rail infrastructure), bigger in size, larger in impact than this one corridor. You should read sometimes.

Dedicated Freight Corridor Corporation of India - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

But when it comes to CPEC, India will continue to voice her opposition to the part of corridor that passes through disputed territories of J & K - the part that you guys call GB! So no change in that stance.

If China wants to ignore and go ahead with building infrastructure in GB, India will consider it legitimate to venture into China's disputed seas and elsewhere. It is as simple as that.
Lets not ruin it by bringing India in. We have other countries showing interest and we can do without India. Lets stop thinking about India for sometime and focus on what we have coming in the future for ourselves.
total agree that lets not infest this..its their lose let them figured out what they losing.... some of them even talking about local corridor and we talking about international thing... involve with centeral middle east russia china and some indians here comparing with delhi mumbai corridore .. i was like wow... its better to stay away from them
Where did I talk about attack? I meant harshly in diplomacy not war or something. Indians will of course vote for someone who is better for India not someone better for Pakistan. If Pakistan really wanted peace she would not have invited third party. Again you can all call Modi names but right now he is way better than any of our previous PMs and he was the best option in the election. Any how your forum your rules, I was just stating facts. Enjoy.

So there is no one better than BUTCHER OF GUJRAT
India could have been a larger beneficiary of CPEC had it not been for the utterly stupid and misguided policies of its current Hindutva regime lead by Modi for following reasons.

  • CPEC's far eastern alignment already connects India via Lahore and Sialkot, therefore only an upgrade to the infrastructure and construction of a dry port would have been needed to link India with CPEC.

  • CPEC would have ensured India's gas link with IP and TAPI which now are highly unlikely.

  • India could have had a permanent trade route via ground with China, Afghanistan, all of Central Asia, Iran, even Turkey.

  • Had India invested in CPEC, Pakistan would have taken it positively and relations would have improved. Instead Modi is busy investing in terrorism.

  • Pakistan would have liked to sell its coal or gas produced out of coal reserves in Thar to India. Coal projects are now underway as part of the CPEC project.

  • Investing in CPEC would have allowed greater market integration with India, interdependence between Pakistan and India would create something to lose for both countries, hence improving relations would become a necessity not a show off.

  • CPEC with Indian investment could have created more logistical routes which India and Pakistan could have used for conducting trade. India could have also used the same routes to trade with other countries linked to CPEC project i.e connecting Lahore with major Indian cities across the border.

    There are a number of other possibilities i,e an upgraded railway freight system etc since India has good experience with railway engines and transit. Pakistan is open to India joining CPEC, however the short sighted and bigoted government lead by Modi is either too stupid or too ignorant or both to see this in the greater interest of India. They have not only missed the boat but are busy investing in funding proxies in Pakistan to somehow subvert this mega project. This is enough for me to say that India is in wrong hands.
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All this assuming of course that India would like to put its money into a endemically unstable nation which keeps changing bedfellows and is run by religious bigots who shall never get over their persecution complex.

Not to mention investing in a project that goes through disputed territory would be a tacit approval of the Pak ceding areas to a third party ? Not adequate ROI.

No. India is not interested.
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