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How many push ups can the PDF member perform?

Yaar, what is better. Lose fat first and then build or build to lose fat?

You need to build to lose fat - I mean mixing cardio and weight training is better than cardio alone to lose fat. When you are in weightloss mode - do increased cardio while doing weighttraining(but less intense) to preserve the muscle mass which might get affected due to intense cardio - when you are in maintenance mode(after cutting enough fat - balance cardio with weighttraining)
Yaar, what is better. Lose fat first and then build or build to lose fat?
Sir, aapko 1 tu kerna perhega.

The process of exercising with proper diet, will give you superior endurance, strength and will reduce fat.
If you have fat, and you start weight training with high protein diet with sufficient carbs, it will increase your "build", but you wont get ripped.

But if you tweak you protien carb/fat intake in right amount, you can get ripped while loosing fat.

From my personal experience I have found It is quite productive to build and lose fat at the same time. the trick is always to keep your body guessing, keep changing your workouts.
Yaar, what is better. Lose fat first and then build or build to lose fat?

Sir, aapko 1 tu kerna perhega.

You need to mix it up. I was about 80 kgs beginning of this year mostly fat and plus I'm about 5'8. But lost about 20 kgs up til now. I work different muscle groups every other day, but stick to running about half an hour. One day work out biceps, the next work out chest and tris and then third day legs and shoulders.
I do about 30, and if I stretch it a bit, 40.

I am not really a bodybuilding type freak kind of person, just some casual workout sometimes, although I do alot of sport (football, squash)
I do 30 push ups per set. Never tried more. But I can do no more than 1 pull up and that too because I launch off my feet.
I could just type some random number like 40 0r even 52 but i will tell the truth :

Push ups : 6-7

Pull ups : 1.5

If i train for a few weeks i am sure i can do a lot more pushups but not sure about pullups :smokin:
Once upon a time, up to 80 in one set, and properly, when I was underweight /

Now no practice :( but getting bulkier.
Is there any one who has been doing smoking and cardio for many years?

How is your experience? Can you still do as much cardio as before by not affecting by smocking?
P.S Ditch the cardio for this because cardio is a 'waste of time' ! Build muscle instead - You'll burn more calories even at rest !

I would go for cardio, not muscle building, if the time is not enough, because the heart fails, but the muscle do not easily.
Hehe, googled for push up tables/charts and numbers and found my old thread again :lol:

Currently at 51 proper ones.
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