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How many push ups can the PDF member perform?

Read omewhere moderate exercise good for fertility , over exhaustion decreases spurm quality ,
If u want to impress girl this will not help . If u want to impress boys , then more the better !

haha you have to be kidding me. :cheesy: And why should a good body not impress girls :O ????
For those who cant do more than 10, try out this programm: one hundred push ups - week 1

I found out that a 6 days of exercise a week works out fine for me. 3 days cardio (6-7 km running) and 3 days which I spend doing workouts for my upper body.

Results are quite good. And you definitely feel much better after you are exhausted. (Only a person who exercises will understand what I mean with that :) )
I do about 4 km walking in the morning... 40 crunches.. 50 push ups.... 400 jumps with rope... and still find my self fat and overweight.. please advice somebody...
I do about 4 km walking in the morning... 40 crunches.. 50 push ups.... 400 jumps with rope... and still find my self fat and overweight.. please advice somebody...

Diet control - period. Simple science helps here.

Resting metabolism + calories spent through exercise + calories spent through various activities during day = say you are spending 3500 calories

You are eating 4000 calories food oer day = 500 calories is the excess

Do it for 7 days, 3500 calories is 1 pound of fat. Do it for over 2 months, you have gained 8 pounds.
Exercise can almost never make you lose weight, actually will probably make you hungry & therefore add weight. Exercise can tone your body & make you fit but you simply can't lose weight by only exercising. You need to start by reducing your calorie intake and drastically, if you want to see any real difference in weight soon (doing gradual reduction, while advisable requires real will power over a longer period & can get people to give up). Stick to very moderate/light exercise when you are doing the early dieting. When you are down to a weight you can live with, start eating what you have missed out but moderately, If you eat like before, you will get back to the weight that you were:sick:. A combination of exercise & watching what you eat will help in maintaining that weight.
Diet control - period. Simple science helps here.

Resting metabolism + calories spent through exercise + calories spent through various activities during day = say you are spending 3500 calories

You are eating 4000 calories food oer day = 500 calories is the excess

Do it for 7 days, 3500 calories is 1 pound of fat. Do it for over 2 months, you have gained 8 pounds.

On weekends I do gain some weight... Guess what?? Kababs, chicken, biryani... and much of that sort of stuff.... Thanks for advice...
@Hyperion : Just stick to this StrongLifts: Gain Muscle And Strength While Losing Fat StrongLifts

Its got everything your body needs !

Just 3 exercises per work out 3 times a week ! Progression is simple & painless & it saves up on time...a lot of time.

Because these exercises are functional to the core & they do work out the 'core', you'd neither end up with a woman like bosom for a chest as most body builders do nor would your abs not get a killer work without actually doing those useless crunches & what not !

P.S Ditch the cardio for this because cardio is a 'waste of time' ! Build muscle instead - You'll burn more calories even at rest !

P.P.S Don't go for a split routine working out the chest on Mondays, the back on Tuesdays & so & so forth ! Stick with functional exercises like deadlifts, squats, barbell rows instead of isolation exercises like the bicep curls.

Stay away from the machines because they balance the weight for you & don't build your stabilizing muscles ! Focus free-weight functional exercise.

The program I posted is really...really good ! Try it for about 12 weeks (36 workouts) & then see the results for yourself.

P.P.P.S Weight loss is a very simple equation :

Consume less calories than your body requires whereas burn more ! *You'd loose weight*

Vice Versa for Gaining weight !

If you're not loosing that last bit of fat than you're consuming more than you're burning ! Also concentrate on 'fat loss' instead of 'weight loss'; if you can get you're body fat percentage under 10% you're the man !
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Another crucial factor - resting metabolism reduces as one age. So even if one is maintaining the same lifestyle exercising little bit but eating the same as one were 10 years ago, still one will gain weight. So gaining muscles is also very important. A pound of muscle needs 30 calories to maintain it on daily basis as muscles are active tissues. So gain 4 pounds of muscles, your resting metabolism goes up by 120 calories.

Also doing compound exercises releases HGH which increases metabolism and energy which are natural fat burners - so do pushups, pullups, squats with weights, deadlifts, benchpress, lunges as these are effective compound exercises.

So mixing cardio plus weighttraining will help than simple cardio to burn fat better.
On weekends I do gain some weight... Guess what?? Kababs, chicken, biryani... and much of that sort of stuff.... Thanks for advice...

I suggest eat in moderation than neglect it totally. But Indian foods are high in calories - a malabar parotta(not paratta) has 800 calories in 1 piece. The dosa served in restaurants has more than 600 calories.

Also simple carbs like rice and sugar in dessert items boosts the sugar level and thereby increasing insulin levels and would contribute to storing fat. Stress produces cortisol hormone and high levels will store fat.

In short, reduce simple carbs and sugar and get good sleep and reduce the stress.
Whenever i can, i go for a game of squash but most days i go for a run. The way to loose weight through exercise is not to eat anything one hour before and after the work out......however i find taking a glucose drink like lucozade, 20 minutes before my run gives me enough carbohydrates to go flat out for over an hour.
I do about 4 km walking in the morning... 40 crunches.. 50 push ups.... 400 jumps with rope... and still find my self fat and overweight.. please advice somebody...

Start to run the 4 km in the morning, together with a healthy diet you will loose fat fast. As long as you are not a body builder, morning cardio is the best way to loose fat, since there is no food in you stomach.
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