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How many ppl from Pakistan in this forum justify this act ?

Mainly for Pakistanis Do you want those resposible in PA punished ?

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your friend there showed a video..I am commenting on the video ...Please stop embarrassing yourself further ....

Pakistani (in the video) said they came to attack us we shot em...We called them to come pick your dead bodies...They were invited to come take the dead bodies....No one came! Listen and if you dont understand Urdu then dont present videos where your point doesnt stand!

Either provide evidence or just dream of it in bed not on a public forum...This isnt your circus to come over ever so often to behave like a monkey begging for applause!
Stop trying too hard. it took few years for Pak Establishment to accept it was their own army who was involved in Kargil. There is nothing which can convince us on this matter.

And regarding that personal jibe ... I think even you wouldn't appreciate if I even remotely mentioned your dreams. Personal jibes goes both ways. Make sure you would leave yourself vulnerable to such attacks.
Lt Saurabh Kalia and his men were in captivity from 15 May 1999 – 7 June 1999 (over twenty-two) days, and subjected to torture as evident from injuries to their bodies when they were handed over by the Pakistani Army on 9 June 1999.[3] Post-mortem examinations revealed that the Pakistanis had tortured their prisoners by:

1. Burning their bodies with cigarettes,
2. Piercing the ear-drums with hot rods,
3. Puncturing eyes before removing them,
4. Breaking most of their teeth and bones,
5. Fracturing their skulls, cutting the lips,
6. Chipping of nose,
7. Chopping off limbs and private organs of the soldiers,

and finally shooting them dead, as evidenced by bullet wounds to the temple. The post-mortem also confirmed the injuries were inflicted ante-mortem (before death).

Why is Pakistani military so unprofessional ? and Why do we here barbaric things like beheading soldiers on patrol and carrying there heads back..

And also is there any news that India has also done something similar if yes please enlighten me. But above all i just want to know what does Pakistanis think about it your views..
Sounds like BS. You got pics to prove it ?
Stop trying too hard. it took few years for Pak Establishment to accept it was their own army who was involved in Kargil. There is nothing which can convince us on this matter.

And regarding that personal jibe ... I think even you wouldn't appreciate if I even remotely mentioned your dreams. Personal jibes goes both ways. Make sure you would leave yourself vulnerable to such attacks.
Then provide evidence or shut up! Is that soo hard?

BTW, it wasnt a person jibe...Where else did you conjure such a scenario without evidence if not in the head (dreams)??
Then provide evidence or shut up! Is that soo hard?

BTW, it wasnt a person jibe...Where else did you conjure such a scenario without evidence if not in the head (dreams)??
I provided the evidence its not my fault if you can't digest it.

As far as conjuring a scenario ... who killed those Ismailis in Karachi? RAW or one of your own misguided youth?
Sipahi Maqbool Hussain:He was prisoned in 1965,tortured to the extent that mental and physical health gave up..Do you really think you can give us lectures on Humanity and human rights violation..First punishment should be given those who tortured Maqbool Hussain and then we can talk about the rest...
Sipahi Maqbool Hussain - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Pakistanis have small hearts, what can we expect from them. I am blaming Indian government from keeping mum on the whole issue for the last 15 years.
Your largest media is just learning you Indians all the times negative about Pakistan! That`s why its not your fault about having so negative thoughts about Pakistan!
Ranger - Lance Naik Maqsood brutally tortured and murdered by indians:

Tortured,burnt with cigs,electricuted ,shot in the legs n than shot in the head at point blank...


Pak calls for a UN investigations ... indians (culprits) chicken out n reject it...

I have more pics of the Shaheed Ranger but posting them will be disrespectful !
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There has been a long history of war crimes committed by both countries.

Even Pakistanis complaint of some beheading of their soldiers plus media persons claimed that some pak pak POW were caught alive later to be killed.

We are ideological enemy so this is expected from both sides.
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I provided the evidence its not my fault if you can't digest it.
What evidence? Where? Oh you mean coz you said it? Good luck convincing a squirrel with that!

As far as conjuring a scenario ... who killed those Ismailis in Karachi? RAW or one of your own misguided youth?
Reported for derailing!
There has been a long history of war crimes committed by both countries.

Even Pakistanis complaint of some beheading of their soldiers plus media persons claimed that some pak pak POW were caught alive later to be killed.

Your own 2-3 stars admitted of committing war crimes in your national TV.. And you accuse us of war crimes ?

We have proof .. You have BS excuses !
Your own 2-3 stars admitted of committing war crimes in your national TV.. And you accuse us of war crimes ?

We have proof .. You have BS excuses !
Point out where did I (personally) accused Pakistan.

I know these war crimes committed by both countries even before Kargil and i am afraid it will happen in future.
Lets remember these are the same indians who murder and rape in Kashmir
Pakistanis have small hearts, what can we expect from them. I am blaming Indian government from keeping mum on the whole issue for the last 15 years.

A seven-year-old girl, Pooja Meghwal, who strayed into Pakistani territory while grazing cattle was handed back by the Pakistani authorities to BSF officials on Monday evening.

The girl is hale and hearty and returned with new dress, footwear and candies offered by Pakistani Rangers, Indian officials said.

Soon after getting the custody of Pooja, the BSF authorities took her to a hospital at an Indian post in Bikaner. The doctors found her in good health.

“We have also intimated her family members and will try to hand over her today,” said a senior officer of BSF.

BSF authorities were in touch with Pakistani Rangers since Friday and had several rounds of flag meetings to get her back. BSF officials said they were waiting for the flag meeting since morning. “The meeting started in the evening when a commandant from their side and a commandant from our side participated in the meeting. They handed over the girl to us at 7:30 pm and we have given her custody to the local police,” said a BSF officer.

“The girl was smiling and was seen in a new dress given to her by Pakistani Rangers,” a BSF officer said.

The girl told Indian officials that she was offered timely meal, candies, new footwear and a new dress by Pakistani Rangers. A woman officer was also deputed by them to take care of her,” Bishnoi added. Pooja had crossed the international border and entered Pakistan through a damaged fencing in Bikaner on Friday.
Pakistan returns strayed Indian girl with new dress, candies | Pakistan Today
Here is more credible evidence:

Pakistan returns Indian girl who strayed across border
By Narayan BarethRajasthan
  • 3 April 2013
  • From the sectionIndia

Pooja Meghwal returned wearing new clothes and carrying toffees
Residents of a remote village in India's Rajasthan state are celebrating the return of a seven-year-old girl who had accidently strayed into Pakistan.

Pooja Meghwal went missing on 29 March while grazing cattle near the border.

She was returned to her family on Monday after Indian security forces got in touch with Pakistani officials.

Every year, hundreds are arrested for straying across the border and securing their release is difficult because of the hostility between the two nations.

Pooja's family lives in a small village in Bikaner district, just 2km (1.2 miles) from the India-Pakistan border fence.

'Emotional moment'
"After she went missing, we were worried, but we were hopeful because we believed that no one would harm an innocent child," village head Ravindra Kasva told the BBC.

On Monday night, Pooja returned wearing new clothes and shoes and she had also been given toffees by Pakistani Rangers, police said.

"It was an emotional moment for her family when the girl returned and was reunited with them. Her mother hugged and blessed her," a police officer said.

The happy villagers distributed sweets to celebrate her safe return.

Police said Pooja had crossed over into Pakistan from a breach in the fence. They said they found her footprints going across the border while searching for her.

The police informed the paramilitary Border Security Force officials who raised the issue with the Pakistani Rangers.

On her return, Pooja said she had walked a long way before she came across a hut where she fell asleep, Mr Kasva said.

"She said later some people came and took her away. The girl said she had been well cared for on the other side," he added.

Hundreds of Indians and Pakistanis accidentally go across the border ever year and negotiations for their release are usually lengthy and difficult because of the hostile relations between the neighbours.

Pakistan returns Indian girl who strayed across border - BBC News
Yes,we are small hearted people because we can't see a little Indian girl lost in here.We would have been stone hearted if she was ill treated?Shame on you to think about us like that without establishing any interaction with us.
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