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How many ppl from Pakistan in this forum justify this act ?

Mainly for Pakistanis Do you want those resposible in PA punished ?

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Lt Saurabh Kalia and his men were in captivity from 15 May 1999 – 7 June 1999 (over twenty-two) days, and subjected to torture as evident from injuries to their bodies when they were handed over by the Pakistani Army on 9 June 1999.[3] Post-mortem examinations revealed that the Pakistanis had tortured their prisoners by:

1. Burning their bodies with cigarettes,
2. Piercing the ear-drums with hot rods,
3. Puncturing eyes before removing them,
4. Breaking most of their teeth and bones,like
5. Fracturing their skulls, cutting the lips,
6. Chipping of nose,
7. Chopping off limbs and private organs of the soldiers,

and finally shooting them dead, as evidenced by bullet wounds to the temple. The post-mortem also confirmed the injuries were inflicted ante-mortem (before death).

Why is Pakistani military so unprofessional ? and Why do we here barbaric things like beheading soldiers on patrol and carrying there heads back..

And also is there any news that India has also done something similar if yes please enlighten me. But above all i just want to know what does Pakistanis think about it your views..

If the allegations are true then it is barbaric inhuman and against islamic law a soldier is soldier he should be treated humanly and professionally as a soldier .
If the allegations are true then it is barbaric inhuman and against islamic law a soldier is soldier he should be treated humanly and professionally as a soldier .
Against Islamic law? Is that your interpretation of Islam or theirs?

Another side is that it does happen in armies around the world, and Indian Army has history of misconduct with or without higher rank support. That being said, the Pakistani army, has and had lost its professionalism the day they took over the country and started ruling it from the shadows. An army exists to serve the people, but the Pakistani army exists with its own country and own people whom serve it. Weather Pakistanis admit it or not, the elected government of Pakistan has less power than ISI/Army and that is why Pakistan is not prospering despite its head start in the 80s.
WTF, he was a shot down during attack on our country, we have the right to use all means to investigate, next time don't send sissy cunts.

Lt Saurabh Kalia and his men were in captivity from 15 May 1999 – 7 June 1999 (over twenty-two) days, and subjected to torture as evident from injuries to their bodies when they were handed over by the Pakistani Army on 9 June 1999.[3] Post-mortem examinations revealed that the Pakistanis had tortured their prisoners by:

1. Burning their bodies with cigarettes,
2. Piercing the ear-drums with hot rods,
3. Puncturing eyes before removing them,
4. Breaking most of their teeth and bones,
5. Fracturing their skulls, cutting the lips,
6. Chipping of nose,
7. Chopping off limbs and private organs of the soldiers,

and finally shooting them dead, as evidenced by bullet wounds to the temple. The post-mortem also confirmed the injuries were inflicted ante-mortem (before death).

Why is Pakistani military so unprofessional ? and Why do we here barbaric things like beheading soldiers on patrol and carrying there heads back..

And also is there any news that India has also done something similar if yes please enlighten me. But above all i just want to know what does Pakistanis think about it your views..
Lt Saurabh Kalia and his men were in captivity from 15 May 1999 – 7 June 1999 (over twenty-two) days, and subjected to torture as evident from injuries to their bodies when they were handed over by the Pakistani Army on 9 June 1999.[3] Post-mortem examinations revealed that the Pakistanis had tortured their prisoners by:

1. Burning their bodies with cigarettes,
2. Piercing the ear-drums with hot rods,
3. Puncturing eyes before removing them,
4. Breaking most of their teeth and bones,
5. Fracturing their skulls, cutting the lips,
6. Chipping of nose,
7. Chopping off limbs and private organs of the soldiers,

and finally shooting them dead, as evidenced by bullet wounds to the temple. The post-mortem also confirmed the injuries were inflicted ante-mortem (before death).

Why is Pakistani military so unprofessional ? and Why do we here barbaric things like beheading soldiers on patrol and carrying there heads back..

And also is there any news that India has also done something similar if yes please enlighten me. But above all i just want to know what does Pakistanis think about it your views..

What you are saying is BULL CRAP and Propaganda made of smoke! Religiously we are barred from killing the wounded ones, let alone mutilating dead.
Lt Saurabh Kalia and his men were in captivity from 15 May 1999 – 7 June 1999 (over twenty-two) days, and subjected to torture as evident from injuries to their bodies when they were handed over by the Pakistani Army on 9 June 1999.[3] Post-mortem examinations revealed that the Pakistanis had tortured their prisoners by:

1. Burning their bodies with cigarettes,
2. Piercing the ear-drums with hot rods,
3. Puncturing eyes before removing them,
4. Breaking most of their teeth and bones,
5. Fracturing their skulls, cutting the lips,
6. Chipping of nose,
7. Chopping off limbs and private organs of the soldiers,

and finally shooting them dead, as evidenced by bullet wounds to the temple. The post-mortem also confirmed the injuries were inflicted ante-mortem (before death).

Why is Pakistani military so unprofessional ? and Why do we here barbaric things like beheading soldiers on patrol and carrying there heads back..

And also is there any news that India has also done something similar if yes please enlighten me. But above all i just want to know what does Pakistanis think about it your views..

Brother, PA is a very professional and intelligent army. I doubt that your claims are factually correct. Professionally , I do not think they can stoop down to Indian levels and they are intelligent enough that even if they ever act like Indian army, they will hide the evidence not gift it back to India.

However, I must say, if someone does these or similar things e.g., Indian treatment of our POWs etc those morons need to be punished.

Brother, kindly prove that this took place in an international court and if the facts are overwhelming, we will accept and punish the responsible otherwise stop this bullshit.
All what you said doesn't apply to the PA. They are a law unto themselves. The Geneva Conventions for them are not worth the paper they're written on!

Hell, the PA even refused to take back the dead bodies of their soldiers killed in Kargil after which the Indian soldiers gave them a decent burial with full military honors. Now compare this with what the PA did to Lt Saurab Kalia. What a shame.
Did you watch it or just got excited for no reason?

The guy said Kalia came- he crossed the border and they shot him....they asked the indians to come pick the bodies chicken didnt come...Where is the details of the torture as imagined by indians?

During Kargil conflict our posts were taken up by Pakistani forces so they had moved the LOC so what the soldier is talking abt is the new LOC they had created. Why would a indian patrol party want to patrol on the Pakistani side of the LOC ??

More over those who were patrolling were there to see if the snow has receded and if the Army can occupy the posts back.

your friend there showed a video..I am commenting on the video ...Please stop embarrassing yourself further ....

Pakistani (in the video) said they came to attack us we shot em...We called them to come pick your dead bodies...They were invited to come take the dead bodies....No one came! Listen and if you dont understand Urdu then dont present videos where your point doesnt stand!

Either provide evidence or just dream of it in bed not on a public forum...This isnt your circus to come over ever so often to behave like a monkey begging for applause!

Yes but the Pakistani Army had shot them because they had occupied our posts and or patrol party had come to check if the snow had receded and the posts can be reoccupied

WTF, he was a shot down during attack on our country, we have the right to use all means to investigate, next time don't send sissy cunts.

How can a patrol party sent to check if the snow had receded so that the posts can be reoccupied attack your country ??
Really would we send 5 men to attack a post ??

More over you guys had taken over our posts so had technically shifted the LOC ?? and called it your posts..
In principle this is a crime and contrary to rules of war. I would expect if responsibility was established the accused to be punished accordingly and to the fullest extant of the law. Any such acts by anybody anywhere should be condemned without any reservations. However as regards to these allegations they are utterly fallacious. I was not there but if I was there and this happened on my watch I would dispose of those bodies. Thus nobody would be the wiser.

I would not like a muppet let those bodies leave the scene in case higher command took action against me and if I did I would expect somebody up the chain of command order "don't be retard get rid off bodies". Thus all you would have today is Lt Kalia "MIA" not Lt Kalia "forensic evidence" and you would not be posting this stupid thread.

In short the fact that those bodies were handed over which according to you were "evidence exhibits" tells you that either your allegation is baseless or the Pakistan Army is full of morons. In other words why would PA hand over those bodies to indict themselves?

To use Sherlock Holmes "it is elementary" .........

Not so simple. They were 6 soldiers on a patrol, not like they would go & do aggressive patrolling inside Pakistani territory as claimed. The actions were deliberate, the assumption being that it was done very early in the conflict so it would cause the morale of Indian soldiers to suffer. It had worked with the Russians in Afghanistan, why would one assume that it wouldn't work against the Indians? The bodies had to be given back, otherwise there would be no point in the act because no one would know.

This incident is not being raised by either the GoI or by the Indian army, it is the heart broken parents of Capt. Kalia and the media supporting them who are in effect forcing the government to respond. The Indian army did not wait for the ICJ or any other organisation to avenge what it saw as a deliberate slur, it's revenge was very ruthless & was exacted within a few months of Capt.Kalia's murder as did the IAF to avenge the murder of Squadron Leader Ajay Ahuja.
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Oh yes. Postmortem report from a possible Hindu is not valid.
Soulless creatures.
Doesnt take a postmortem to see those injuries you defined:
Lt Saurabh Kalia and his men were in captivity from 15 May 1999 – 7 June 1999 (over twenty-two) days, and subjected to torture as evident from injuries to their bodies when they were handed over by the Pakistani Army on 9 June 1999.[3] Post-mortem examinations revealed that the Pakistanis had tortured their prisoners by:

1. Burning their bodies with cigarettes,
2. Piercing the ear-drums with hot rods,
3. Puncturing eyes before removing them,
4. Breaking most of their teeth and bones,
5. Fracturing their skulls, cutting the lips,
6. Chipping of nose,
7. Chopping off limbs and private organs of the soldiers,

Postmortem shows INTERNAL injuries not external....THOSE are obvious when you pick the body ...Didnt hear anyone screaming and whining about it when they picked up the bodies ....your authorities didnt complain why are you? Sure took them YEARS to do this to their own and throw the blame :tsk: sickening..

The post on page 1 talks of Kargil- it was a war zone...no one have time to give the soldiers your type of imaginary "special" attention ....Seriously the guy was shot at the post...So how can anything be done prior to death?

Either you lack common sense and cant add 2 and 2 or you are good at hallucinating :tup:

During Kargil conflict our posts were taken up by Pakistani forces so they had moved the LOC so what the soldier is talking abt is the new LOC they had created. Why would a indian patrol party want to patrol on the Pakistani side of the LOC ??

More over those who were patrolling were there to see if the snow has receded and if the Army can occupy the posts back.
1stly, I wasnt present during Kargil so I dont know who took what post but for the sake of the argument lets agree....We took your post...According to any dictionary on war, what is taken in war is already the property of the one who took it. So we took it and why the hell was INDIAN PATROL PARTY patrolling that area which was no longer theirs?
More over those who were patrolling were there to see if the snow has receded and if the Army can occupy the posts back.
You dont send patrol for that you send scouts for that...

And if someone is shot and killed than he is killed what is the remainder of the cry? Why didnt you come get their bodies and left them to rot on our land?

Yes but the Pakistani Army had shot them because they had occupied our posts and or patrol party had come to check if the snow had receded and the posts can be reoccupied
Ok now at least you agree they shot them...Lets go to post 1....How did indians "IMAGINE" this part?

Post-mortem examinations revealed that the Pakistanis had tortured their prisoners by:

1. Burning their bodies with cigarettes,
2. Piercing the ear-drums with hot rods,
3. Puncturing eyes before removing them,
4. Breaking most of their teeth and bones,
5. Fracturing their skulls, cutting the lips,
6. Chipping of nose,
7. Chopping off limbs and private organs of the soldiers,

and finally shooting them dead, as evidenced by bullet wounds to the temple. The post-mortem also confirmed the injuries were inflicted ante-mortem (before death).

How did all this delusional part happen? You shoot the guy died...So how did they "torture" them ANTEMORTEM?

Kindly do explain how when shot while "patrolling" were these "imagined torture" afflicted THAT TOO ANTEMORTUM?

And your Army's source of barbaric things come from where...?????
indians hallucination
Not 1 indian has been able to explain their series of BS!

shot DEAD while patrolling yet had antemortum injuries...

Another round of applause for the level of intelligence here!
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Why are people getting emotional? Some times soldiers face a fate worse than this one. You can not expect mercy from enemies.
Don't waste you're breath these A** holes won't accept it. They want solid proof than I suggest the Indians should read "War that never Was" by Ravi Rakhia. Quote this book to Maroof raza his a** tears apart because it is the word of an "Indian" author who has acknowledged that Pakistan was successful in capturing and that the indian army tortured their own soldiers in order to get international sympathy ans support.

Doesnt take a postmortem to see those injuries you defined:

Postmortem shows INTERNAL injuries not external....THOSE are obvious when you pick the body ...Didnt hear anyone screaming and whining about it when they picked up the bodies ....your authorities didnt complain why are you? Sure took them YEARS to do this to their own and throw the blame :tsk: sickening..

The post on page 1 talks of Kargil- it was a war zone...no one have time to give the soldiers your type of imaginary "special" attention ....Seriously the guy was shot at the post...So how can anything be done prior to death?

Either you lack common sense and cant add 2 and 2 or you are good at hallucinating :tup:

1stly, I wasnt present during Kargil so I dont know who took what post but for the sake of the argument lets agree....We took your post...According to any dictionary on war, what is taken in war is already the property of the one who took it. So we took it and why the hell was INDIAN PATROL PARTY patrolling that area which was no longer theirs?

You dont send patrol for that you send scouts for that...

And if someone is shot and killed than he is killed what is the remainder of the cry? Why didnt you come get their bodies and left them to rot on our land?

Ok now at least you agree they shot them...Lets go to post 1....How did indians "IMAGINE" this part?

How did all this delusional part happen? You shoot the guy died...So how did they "torture" them ANTEMORTEM?

Kindly do explain how when shot while "patrolling" were these "imagined torture" afflicted THAT TOO ANTEMORTUM?

indians hallucination
Not 1 indian has been able to explain their series of BS!

shot while patrolling yet had antemortum injuries...

Another round of applause for the level of intelligence here!
Don't waste you're breath these A** holes won't accept it. They want solid proof than I suggest the Indians should read "War that never Was" by Ravi Rakhia. Quote this book to Maroof raza his a** tears apart because it is the word of an "Indian" author who has acknowledged that Pakistan was successful in capturing and that the indian army tortured their own soldiers in order to get international sympathy ans support.

I am sure the according to you Pakistan conducted Peshawar massacre themselves to get international sympathy .
[QUOTE"kurup, post: 7225348, member: 140104"]I am sure the according to you Pakistan conducted Peshawar massacre themselves to get international sympathy .[/QUOTE]
There Is no logical reason in doing that. Whu would we kill ourown childeren .We're not insane like some people
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