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How many ppl from Pakistan in this forum justify this act ?

Mainly for Pakistanis Do you want those resposible in PA punished ?

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A seven-year-old girl, Pooja Meghwal, who strayed into Pakistani territory while grazing cattle was handed back by the Pakistani authorities to BSF officials on Monday evening.

The girl is hale and hearty and returned with new dress, footwear and candies offered by Pakistani Rangers, Indian officials said.

Soon after getting the custody of Pooja, the BSF authorities took her to a hospital at an Indian post in Bikaner. The doctors found her in good health.

“We have also intimated her family members and will try to hand over her today,” said a senior officer of BSF.

BSF authorities were in touch with Pakistani Rangers since Friday and had several rounds of flag meetings to get her back. BSF officials said they were waiting for the flag meeting since morning. “The meeting started in the evening when a commandant from their side and a commandant from our side participated in the meeting. They handed over the girl to us at 7:30 pm and we have given her custody to the local police,” said a BSF officer.

“The girl was smiling and was seen in a new dress given to her by Pakistani Rangers,” a BSF officer said.

The girl told Indian officials that she was offered timely meal, candies, new footwear and a new dress by Pakistani Rangers. A woman officer was also deputed by them to take care of her,” Bishnoi added. Pooja had crossed the international border and entered Pakistan through a damaged fencing in Bikaner on Friday.
Pakistan returns strayed Indian girl with new dress, candies | Pakistan Today
Here is more credible evidence:

Pakistan returns Indian girl who strayed across border
By Narayan BarethRajasthan
  • 3 April 2013
  • From the sectionIndia

Pooja Meghwal returned wearing new clothes and carrying toffees
Residents of a remote village in India's Rajasthan state are celebrating the return of a seven-year-old girl who had accidently strayed into Pakistan.

Pooja Meghwal went missing on 29 March while grazing cattle near the border.

She was returned to her family on Monday after Indian security forces got in touch with Pakistani officials.

Every year, hundreds are arrested for straying across the border and securing their release is difficult because of the hostility between the two nations.

Pooja's family lives in a small village in Bikaner district, just 2km (1.2 miles) from the India-Pakistan border fence.

'Emotional moment'
"After she went missing, we were worried, but we were hopeful because we believed that no one would harm an innocent child," village head Ravindra Kasva told the BBC.

On Monday night, Pooja returned wearing new clothes and shoes and she had also been given toffees by Pakistani Rangers, police said.

"It was an emotional moment for her family when the girl returned and was reunited with them. Her mother hugged and blessed her," a police officer said.

The happy villagers distributed sweets to celebrate her safe return.

Police said Pooja had crossed over into Pakistan from a breach in the fence. They said they found her footprints going across the border while searching for her.

The police informed the paramilitary Border Security Force officials who raised the issue with the Pakistani Rangers.

On her return, Pooja said she had walked a long way before she came across a hut where she fell asleep, Mr Kasva said.

"She said later some people came and took her away. The girl said she had been well cared for on the other side," he added.

Hundreds of Indians and Pakistanis accidentally go across the border ever year and negotiations for their release are usually lengthy and difficult because of the hostile relations between the neighbours.

Pakistan returns Indian girl who strayed across border - BBC News
Yes,we are small hearted people because we can't see a little Indian girl lost in here.We would have been stone hearted if she was ill treated?Shame on you to think about us like that without establishing any interaction with us.

Countless examples:

Indian BSF soldier says he had 'comfortable' stay in Pakistan - Pakistan - DAWN.COM
We don't support any kind of torture on POW's which never happened with Capt Saurabh Kalia and is just part of propaganda that India launched during Kargil War.

We however fully and proudly support PA's swift and effective action against the aggressive patrol of Capt Kalia and his party.

His death however was unfortunate but then again deaths always happen in wars.

I hope this answered the OP's and other Bharatis concerns on this topic.
This thread reminded me of an incident that happened back in 2002 when Indians tortured a Pakistan ranger to death.

Pakistan to lodge protest with UN: Soldier’s killing by Indian troops - Newspaper - DAWN.COM

ISLAMABAD, June 22: Pakistan will lodge a protest with the United Nations over brutal torture and killing of a soldier of Pakistan Rangers by the Indian army, who was allowed in no mans land for the recovery of two stray camels on Wednesday at Fort Abbass in Bhawalpur sector.

An autopsy of Lance Naik Maqsood’s body, handed back to the Pakistan Army on Thursday, showed that he was subjected to “third degree torture” and was shot at a close range, ISPR Director-General Maj-Gen Rashid Qureshi told a press conference on Saturday.

A video film of the body was also screened at the press conference where many foreign newsmen were also present.

The doctor, who conducted the autopsy, narrated on the occasion that there were 14 wounds on Maqsood’s body including the signs of electric shocks. Severe bruises on the wrists showed that he was tied with ropes. One of his ears was amputated, and his face and eyes also bore injuries.

The film also showed a bullet hole in the chest, which, the doctor said, was fired at a point-blank range as it had pierced through the heart breaking the ribs cage.

“It is evident from the mutilated body that the soldier was subjected to intense torture by burning his skin with cigarette butts, shooting him in the leg and beating before the fatal shot at a point-blank range,” Mr Qureshi said. He refuted the Indian claims that Maqsood had been killed in cross fire.

It was a blatant violation of the Geneva Conventions, and Pakistan would launch a protest with the UN, he added.

Straying of animals was not an unusual incident as normally soldiers of both countries would go to each other’s area for the recovery of these animals, he added.

On June 19 at 5.15pm, when Maqsood went to no mans land for the recovery of camels, he was captured and dragged by eight to ten Indian soldiers to their post, where he was later tortured and killed.

Mr Qureshi said that later in an exchange of fire, seven to eight Indian army soldiers, including an assistant commandant, were killed. Mr Qureshi, appealing to the international community to take stock of the situation, said the incident or the Indian spy plane’s entry into the Pakistani airspace could have resulted into an all-out war between the two countries.

He also called upon the Indian government to carry out a probe into the incident and punish those responsible for the blatant violation of the Geneva Conventions.

He also urged New Delhi to move its troops to the peace-time positions for removing chances of an accidental war between India and Pakistan.

In reply to a question, he said the current incident on the international borders had worsened the situation. “In such a situation it is very hard to control the troops,” he added.

Answering another question, he said the ensued exchange of fire involved artillery, and there were also traces of the use of tank rounds.

INDIA DENIES CHARGES: New Delhi on Saturday denied charges by Pakistan that the Indian army had tortured and killed one of its troops on the border, saying the soldier was shot dead as he tried to illegally enter the Indian area.

“There is no question of any torture,” an Indian defence ministry spokesman said, AFP writes.

“The soldier was trying to infiltrate into India and was killed during an encounter. One of our officers, assistant commander of the Border Security Force, Sumer Singh, was also killed in the clash. The soldier’s body was handed over at a flag meeting on Thursday.”
We don't support any kind of torture on POW's which never happened with Capt Saurabh Kalia and is just part of propaganda that India launched during Kargil War.

We however fully and proudly support PA's swift and effective action against the aggressive patrol of Capt Kalia and his party.

His death however was unfortunate but then again deaths always happen in wars.

I hope this answered the OP's and other Bharatis concerns on this topic.
Are you trying to tell them that we are humans?We breath, sense and feel like them? Areesh,they consider us zombies.They are the only human beings left on earth with capability to feel and spare the innocent.
We on the other hand are animals, with least patience, small heart and no sense of humanity.Imagine what their students were demanding with Mr.Obama when he visited-declaring us terrorists?Look at their mentality at university level and that of ours at this level.
Look at the question op initiated. They think as if we don't have heart to condemn such inhuman actions across the world.
The Fate of Atta Muhammad and Capt. Md Iqbal SSG and their companion

By Lt Col Ishfaq Ali

1."When the bodies of the Shuhada of Quaid OP were received at an Indian Outpost in the Holding Sector in the middle of July, it was a stirring spectacle. They had preserved the bodies with greatest care and respect knowing that the valiant ought to be honoured. Wrapped up in parachute cloth the bodies lay quite fresh in the beautifully prepared coffins on the top of which was written the holy Kalima. They handed over the body of each Shaheed after giving it a general salute and the solemn ceremony concluded. The bodies were heli-lifted and immediately taken to their places of burial.

There wasn’t a clean 2 inches of Atta’s body which was without any injury, his chest quite perforated with bullets. This is what lends some authenticity to the account of hat happened at the Top when Atta became its lone defender.Bana Singh pays a rich tribute to the defenders of Quaid OP. “They were obstinate fighters and they fought hard” he confessed.

Any soldier who lays down his wewpon shud have immunity from torture. Only those involved in war crimes should be punished swiftly by a bullet to head.. any lack of descipline from own troops should also be dealt with harshly...

Having said that in capt. Kaalia's case it must be kept in mind that claims are being made by same govt who just imprisoned a pigeon for spying for pakistan..
Are you trying to tell them that we are humans?We breath, sense and feel like them? Areesh,they consider us zombies.They are the only human beings left on earth with capability to feel and spare the innocent.
We on the other hand are animals, with least patience, small heart and no sense of humanity.Imagine what their students were demanding with Mr.Obama when he visited-declaring us terrorists?Look at their mentality at university level and that of ours at this level.
Look at the question op initiated. They think as if we don't have heart to condemn such inhuman actions across the world.

Actually Indians love to play victims. They love it. They like it.

They take full pride in their actions in former East Pakistan but start whining and moaning and playing victims at the same time in front of whole world to look innocent and victim of terrorism and violence which is being surrounded by worst evils of the world. Look at their media, their politicians, their nation. They all work in the same manner.

Nature stood vigil over his body. Immediately it showered flakes of snow that cloaked and shrouded his earthly remains and embalmed him in thick folds of ice. The ethereal spirits could visit him in his icy vault. When the snow began to melt the next rear, the Indians caught a glimpse of the crystal encasement of Capt Iqbal and his 13 companions. They tried to dig out their bodies but couldn’t. In a flag staff meeting they agreed to let Pakistani soldiers retrieve them.Nature delivered the bodies of these martyrs untainted and unsoiled to their kith and kin.
Oh look, another thread by a holier than thou Indian troll throwing stones from his glass house.

Wikileaks: India 'tortured' Kashmir prisoners - BBC News

The mass graves of Kashmir | World news | The Guardian

PressTV-Torture widespread in Kashmir despite right activists' criticism


7000 Kashmiri women raped by Indian troops in IHK -Justice Foundation(UK) Kashmir centre- Best Kashmir News,kashmir dispute, kashmir Reviews, kashmir articles, kashmir photos, kashmir stories, kashmir books

Politics of rape in Kashmir - The Hindu

So this is acceptable stuff for Indians?

Actually Indians love to play victims. They love it. They like it.

They take full pride in their actions in former East Pakistan but start whining and moaning and playing victims at the same time in front of whole world to look innocent and victim of terrorism and violence which is being surrounded by worst evils of the world. Look at their media, their politicians, their nation. They all work in the same manner.

Yep, they will always portray themselves as some innocent little bunny's. Sure we just made a nuclear bomb, but we'l name it after peaceful Buddha to emphasize what cute little bunnies we are.
Most stupidiest thread started just to bring out dark face of his own country men!!
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Nature stood vigil over his body. Immediately it showered flakes of snow that cloaked and shrouded his earthly remains and embalmed him in thick folds of ice. The ethereal spirits could visit him in his icy vault. When the snow began to melt the next rear, the Indians caught a glimpse of the crystal encasement of Capt Iqbal and his 13 companions. They tried to dig out their bodies but couldn’t. In a flag staff meeting they agreed to let Pakistani soldiers retrieve them.Nature delivered the bodies of these martyrs untainted and unsoiled to their kith and kin.
These people were the ones who captured the post and fought for days... But couldn't be responded from the base... They ran out of ammo and the post was siezed by indians after taking heavy casualties....
View attachment 226664

Nature stood vigil over his body. Immediately it showered flakes of snow that cloaked and shrouded his earthly remains and embalmed him in thick folds of ice. The ethereal spirits could visit him in his icy vault. When the snow began to melt the next rear, the Indians caught a glimpse of the crystal encasement of Capt Iqbal and his 13 companions. They tried to dig out their bodies but couldn’t. In a flag staff meeting they agreed to let Pakistani soldiers retrieve them.Nature delivered the bodies of these martyrs untainted and unsoiled to their kith and kin.
He was an honest an good man who Inspired several thoudsand ASC troops to join the SSG. He himself was a symbol of Pride for the Pakistan Army service corps. HIS LAST LETTER IS A NSEEHAT for all of us he knew death was indeed inevitable. He wrote this letter saying that his father should give 600 rupees which he had borrowed and look after his mother and sister and his childeren with care. While he and his squad overran the enemy postion , the indian officer was a muslim who ordered artillery fire on his own position resulting in shahadt of all present. The indian officer was awarded veer chakar and our boy's bravery was officially recognized by the indian army. He was, He is and He will inspire countless generation of ASC troops to join SSG.

Self respect, honour, dignity ,self sacrifice and fear of Allah is in the heart of every muslim soldiers. He will think a millions times before commiting such action. A child was beheaded in india as a sacrifice to kalia which I saw aand read on a news article

I know my Army and My people do you know Yours ?
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