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How many Indians here would support annexation of Katchatheevu island from Sri Lanka ?

I don't support this move either. But then I question myself, if I supported Russia on Crimea why would I not support our Tamils on Katchatheevu ?
We are comparing apples to oranges...
1) its an uninhabited island while Crimea has about 60% ethnic Russian who speak and support Russia.
2) Crimea was Russia's summer destination.Ppl are emotionally connected to it.Nothing of that sort is in the case of Katchatheevu.
3) Somewhere in 1994 Crimea briefly flirted with independence and union with Russia. Russia has often accused Ukraine's government of infringing on the rights of ethnic Russians.Again kathacheevu has never been witness to any such activity.
4) crimea is huge in comparison to the small uninhabited island katchatheevu..it makes no sense for India to get into a row for such a petty issue.
I too supported Russia.But thats because Russia was trying to protect its own ppl.

Russia has naval bases that it is willing to take heat over to protect, India will take heat over fishing of all things? :happy:
You're underestimating it
Manmohan Singh asks Rajapaksa to treat fishermen issue in 'humane manner' - The Times of India
Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru did not donate Coco islands to Burma.
they were under Burma's administrative control since 18'th century ....
This is a propaganda started by George fernades ...
please see the wikipage on coco islands for details ....

Coco Islands - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Wikipedia says that it is closer to Andaman and nicobar islands.Very unfortunate that we have lost it.
We are comparing apples to oranges...
1) its an uninhabited island while Crimea has about 60% ethnic Russian who speak and support Russia.
2) Crimea was Russia's summer destination.Ppl are emotionally connected to it.Nothing of that sort is in the case of Katchatheevu.
3) Somewhere in 1994 Crimea briefly flirted with independence and union with Russia. Russia has often accused Ukraine's government of infringing on the rights of ethnic Russians.Again kathacheevu has never been witness to any such activity.
4) crimea is huge in comparison to the small uninhabited island katchatheevu..it makes no sense for India to get into a row for such a petty issue.
I too supported Russia.But thats because Russia was trying to protect its own ppl.

India has around 1200 islands strewn across Arabean sea and bay of Bengal ...we rather put these 1200 " INDIAN " islands to best use we can ...and then after we are done with 1200 " INDIAN " islands and then may be we can think whether we need to take this 1.2 sq km island ....
I have already elaborated my position on Coco.Indo Japanese army controlled it at the end of WW 2 and we gave it to Burma.
Regarding Kathaveechu, there other ways to get fishing rights.Like proclaiming it to be in India's ADIZ :D
Is relationship with Sri Lanka more important than the needs and desires of our Tamil people ?

Why do you have to be stupid to think this ? Elaborate kindly.

Yes, Certainly our relationship with Sri lanka or for that matter even our arc enemy Pakistan is important enough that we do not give into petulant whining of anyone.

The stupidity of the situation could be summarized on following lines

1. We willfully surrendered Kacchativu to Sri lanka;We did not under do that any duress. The rational of surrendering those Islands is as valid as today as it was at that time.

2. It is immoral to invade any country without any reason; apart from being imprudent. Kacchativu became part of Sri lankan territory the moment we ceded it to them weather we like it or not.

3. There is not a humanitarian ground to intervene in Sri Lanka. Tamils in India would have a right to demand intervention if Sri Lanka would have been doing an ethnic cleansing of Tamils but nothing like that is happening. Irrespective of deluge of postings that are going to come in response of this post of mine,there is pretty much no evidence of any mass slaughter of Tamils since the end of war. That channel 4 documentary that eelam nationalist brandish as proof is a hit job done by professionally lying channel. Channel 4 is famous for making legendary propaganda pieces like " Global warming hoax " and " Silicon implants as a preventive measure against breast cancer.

4. Tamil response in India is not based on rational though but inflamed passions. In absence of a mass murder committed by Sri lankans, India does not have a moral ground to intervene. It is similar to jingoists demanding bombing pakistan after every terrorist attack irrespective of practicality and morality of doing so.

I don't support this move either. But then I question myself, if I supported Russia on Crimea why would I not support our Tamils on Katchatheevu ?

There is no one , our or theirs, alive on that Island.

Katchatheeva is uninhabited. Area is only 1.15 square km. But the Tamils want it for their fishing rights around the island.

We won't get any fishing rights even on annexation. It is situated deep inside Sri Lankan EEZ.
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If there is any state that we should even think about annexing is Nepal and maybe Bhutan to an extent . But then again I dont support military action against them . Develop India so much as to they deliberately would want to join us afterall they are culturally very similar and preach the religion that 85 percent of the Indians follow I.e. the peaceful religion .
Wikipedia says that it is closer to Andaman and nicobar islands.Very unfortunate that we have lost it.

Coco islands are very close to Myanmar ...

It was under Burma's administrative control....we have many other islands within Andman and nicobar group..
I mean having another one very close to myanmyar would have been good ...

It's not something a great loss to crib over ...

As long as it does not fall in China's hands we should be content with it ....
It is not right morally to capture the Island as long as the presence of that Island in Sri Lankan or any other country's authority causing security threats for India and/or Indians.

The plight of the Indian Tamil fishermen is really a fault of the Tamil Nadu Govt. They are not forceful enough in making the fishermen understand that they cannot legally fish in Lankan waters.

And the only reason they fish in Lankan waters is because they have depleted the fishing resource in Indian waters by fishing in non environment friendly ways for decades.
If there is any state that we should even think about annexing is Nepal and maybe Bhutan to an extent . But then again I dont support military action against them . Develop India so much as to they deliberately would want to join us afterall they are culturally very similar and preach the religion that 85 percent of the Indians follow I.e. the peaceful religion .

Religion things does not apply to Bhutan ....
and there are more important tasks in nation building than annexing neighboring nations.

agree 100 % with your contention that India should develop so much that need to annex would be irrelevant ...Like countries are clamoring to join EU ...due to its soft power ....

I have already elaborated my position on Coco.Indo Japanese army controlled it at the end of WW 2 and we gave it to Burma.
Regarding Kathaveechu, there other ways to get fishing rights.Like proclaiming it to be in India's ADIZ :D

Japanese army controlled lot of islands in WW II , should India lay claim to those islands and territories too ?
On the map this is the place

and more info as per wikipedia, now I want my kachhathief back
Ownership of the island was controversial up until 1974 as during British Rule this island was administered by both countries. India recognized Sri Lankan ownership. The legality of the transfer is challenged in the India supreme court since the recognizing was not ratified by the Indian parliament.This recognition of an island that is culturally important to fishermen of Tamil Nadu state in India has led to some agitations by Tamil Nadu politicians that it should be claimed to Indian sovereignty. The island is also important for fishing grounds used by fishers from both the countries.The Indo-Sri Lankan agreement allows Indian fishermen to fish around Katchatheevu and to dry their nets on the island.But as part of the Sri Lankan civil war, this arrangement has led to many difficulties with the Sri Lankan Navy that is deployed to prevent smuggling of weapons by the rebel group LTTE. The island has a Catholicshrine that attracts devotees from both the countries.[1] On 2009, Tamil Nadu Government declared that the area is controlled by the Sri Lanka against the original pact of allowing Indian fishermen to access the water of Sri Lanka. This tensions and the atrocious killings of Tamil fishermen by Srilakan forces created a diaspora in and across India and the governments of both the countries held conversation and finally the Sri Lankan government allowed a full access term to Indian fishermen till Jaffna Line and released the fishermen jailed for a while. The problem continue to grow as more fisherman move into the Sri Lankan sea area. In 2010 the Sri Lankan government issued a notice to the Tamil Nadu government saying the Indian court cannot nullify the 1974 agreement.[2]
Japanese army controlled lot of islands in WW II , should India lay claim to those islands and territories too ?
yes we should have done our atmost get as many as we could.Not hand the ones we did get to someone else.
It is not right morally to capture the Island as long as the presence of that Island in Sri Lankan or any other country's authority causing security threats for India and/or Indians.
Since when does morality come into international diplomacy ?
Does morality stop Pakistan from sending over lunatics to India ?
There was a Roman saying

"The strong take what they can, the weak suffer what they must"
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