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How many Indians here would support annexation of Katchatheevu island from Sri Lanka ?

Gandhi G in da house

Nov 5, 2010
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Since most Indians (including me) on here supported Russia in it's move to annex Crimea, I would like to ask what do Indians feel India should do since we are in a very similar situation with the Katchatheevu island which the Indian government ceded to Sri Lanka in 1974. now some Tamil Indian politicians are talking about taking it back ?

I presume that Indians would support India's annexation of Katchatheevu to reclaim it from Lanka ? I have been thinking about it but couldn't reach a conclusion.

What are your views on this ? In fact do you think India should make a move on Pakistani Kashmir or what about against China in Aksai Chin (if we can) ?

@Star Wars @karan.1970 @OrionHunter @Joe Shearer @Rajaraja Chola @ranjeet @AUSTERLITZ @KRAIT @Indo-guy @IndoCarib @Ayush @kurup @Srinivas
Since most Indians (including me) on here supported Russia in it's move to annex Crimea, I would like to ask what do Indians feel India should do since we are in a very similar situation with the Katchatheevu island which the Indian government ceded to Sri Lanka in 1974. now some Tamil Indian politicians are talking about taking it back ?

I presume that Indians would support India's annexation of Katchatheevu to reclaim it from Lanka ? I have been thinking about it but couldn't reach a conclusion.

What are your views on this ? In fact do you think India should make a move on Pakistani Kashmir or what about against China in Aksai Chin (if we can) ?

@Star Wars @karan.1970 @OrionHunter @Joe Shearer @Rajaraja Chola @ranjeet @AUSTERLITZ @KRAIT @Indo-guy @IndoCarib @Ayush @kurup @Srinivas

thanks . for putting forth this question ...
Now adays Indian defense section is full of non military posts ( myself included in culprit llist ) and there are little original and relevant threads like this one ...

Now back to your original question .

India is not Russia .
and Sri lanka is not Ukraine ...

although Katchatheevu may resemble like Crimea .

therefore I won't support such an action .

For the record .. is the population of Katchatheevu Pro Indian .. ? ( .just asking out of curiosity )
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Are you suggesting to make Katchatheevu an independent nation??
Cos Russia just do that to Crimea, not make it a part of Russia ..
thanks . for putting forth this question ...
Now adays Indian defense section is full of non military posts ( myself included in culprit llist ) and there are little original and relevant threads like this one ...

Now back to your original question .

India is not Russia .
and Sri lanka is not Ukraine ...

although Katchatheevu may resemble like Crimea .

therefore I won't support such an action .

For the record .. is the population of Katchatheevu Pro Indian .. ? ( .just asking out of curiosity )

Katchatheeva is uninhabited. Area is only 1.15 square km. But the Tamils want it for their fishing rights around the island.

Are you suggesting to make Katchatheevu an independent nation??
Cos Russia just do that to Crimea, not make it a part of Russia ..

Katchatheeva is uninhabited. Area is only 1.15 square km. But the Tamils want it for their fishing rights around the island.


what was the reason to hand over this island to Sri Lanka in first place ?

That island is so minuscule what is the point of creating an international incident over something so irrelevant? o_O

agree . the political cost of such move outweighs any gains !
Expect people from Tamil Nadu, an average Indian would not bother himself with Sri Lanka, however on issues from Pakistan, average Indian would certainly be concerned
what was the reason to hand over this island to Sri Lanka in first place ?

agree . the political cost of any such move outweighs any gains !

Such a small island was probably ceded out of goodwill, if India does something like this now they would be bombarded with negative feedback from the media who will compare it to Russia. Western nations are already pissed at India not siding with them during the Crimean fiasco.
That island is so minuscule what is the point of creating an international incident over something so irrelevant? o_O

I don't support this move either. But then I question myself, if I supported Russia on Crimea why would I not support our Tamils on Katchatheevu ?
Such a small island was probably ceded out of goodwill, if India does something like this now they would be bombarded with negative feedback from the media who will compare it to Russia. Western nations are already pissed at India not siding with them during the Crimean fiasco.

agree with your analysis ...

well nobody is doing that.

this is just a hypothetical question being discussed ...
Expect people from Tamil Nadu, an average Indian would not bother himself with Sri Lanka, however on issues from Pakistan, average Indian would certainly be concerned

Is relationship with Sri Lanka more important than the needs and desires of our Tamil people ?

I Won't

Reason: You need to be stupid to think of doing that.

Why do you have to be stupid to think this ? Elaborate kindly.
I don't support this move either. But then I question myself, if I supported Russia on Crimea why would I not support our Tamils on Katchatheevu ?

we all including our Tamil brothers should keep nation above narrow and meaningless desires ....
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