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How Kashmir was stolen from Pakistan by Mountbatten

Kashmir needs a referendum

Please do the necessary research for the UN specified requirements for holding a plebiscite, and come to your own conclusions wwhich country is responsible for violations of the requirements.
There is only one solution and that is making loc as border ..
There may be people in kashmir who want to live in pakistan and there may be minority people in pakistan who wants to live in india ..give them a final chance to migrate ..and make the partition complete .
Maybe there is a small minority of kashmiris who may be ambivalent about joining Pakistan or may want to become an Independent country, but most want to be with Pakistan. However there is no ambivalence about leaving India amongst Kashmiris. Every Kashmiri who introduces himself/herself says they are from Kashmir. They NEVER introduce themselves as Indians. That should tell you something.

You see you want me to admit that Kashmiris of the Kashmir valley want freedom form India but you don't want to admit that most Kashmiris of the valley also don't wish to join you even though this has been found in various Indian and international opinion pool result . They want an indipendent country . you want me to be honest while being completely dishonest yourself.

check out the Chatham house kashmir - paths to peace poll that was funded and initiated by Saif al Qaddafi , muamar gaddafis son .

Hello ! I'm an ethnic Kashmiri myself...no way do we want 'Independence' either...! Maybe some guys on the Indian side of Kashmir but here in Pakistan - Proud to be a Pakistani, sir jee ! :pakistan:

There are a dozen different reasons why we shouldn't be with Pakistan but we followed Jinnah to get 'Our Pakistan', we gave so many sacrifices to have a homeland of our and by God we're not going to give up on it...just yet !

P.S Don't pull any surveys, guys ! Around 4 families on my Dad's side were cut down in Jammu and near Srinagar...so nah, we're pretty set calling ourselves Pakistanis ! And so are those of my family who remained on the Indian side...about 3 families left.

I am talking about ethnic Kashmiris in the Kashmir valley which is in India . Most of them want indipendence not Pakistan .What the few ethnic Kashmiries living in pakistan want is none of our concern .They can live there or go to Uganda for all we care .

when i say Kashmir i mean ethnic Kashmiris from the Kashmir valley who speak the Kashmiri language , not people of azad kashmir .

If plebiscite happens according to un resolution i bet you will loose gilgit baltistan and your part of kashmir and we will loose our part and china has to give back aksai chin.. Majority will go for independent state .. Thats the reality .. Emotion drives the people .. No one thinks about consequences ..
Mate, the first step would always be to understand what the TNT was before either espousing its success or declaring its failure. It was never about 'We don't want to live with you guys because your Hindus' or anything of the sort. It was that Islam is a lot more than just praying 5 times a day and it has a profound and pronounced socio, political, economic and legal dimension to it and as Muslims we need the space to express it. Iqbal talked about how Muslims needed a platform where we'd be able to shun Taqid (or blind imitation) and engage in Ijtihad (or consensus to form a legal opinion, a fatwa in other words) to reinterpret Islam in the light of modernity. And for him the Parliament where Sunnis, Shi'ites and the sects within our sects will be represented so that they can exchange ideas, compromise with each other, engage in debates and try to come up with a brand of Islam that not only transcends our 'Sectarian' differences but presents solutions to some of our concerns. For example, Islamic finance is based, fundamentally, around two notions : 1) Making money off money is unethical and a Muslim will not indulge in this, i.e a certain kind of Interest is unacceptable to us. And 2) the Risk and Rewards of any financial venture should be equitably shared between the 'investor' and the 'manager of wealth' i.e Banks getting back their capital with interest whilst the lessee is virtually destroyed is unacceptable for us. What Iqbal wanted was for us to have a platform where we'd decide upon whether we'd need to reinvent the wheel to accommodate these Islamic Injunctions, whether there was an already existing model out there which fits this cent for cent or whether a compromise between the two would be established.

Further more the TNT recognized that many of Our Heroes were not your Heroes, many of our practices were the opposite of yours, many of our habits were in contravention to your own and within this existed a potential for a backlash if they were suppressed or a potential for a 'loss of identity' if they were ignored. Whether our view was right or yours....these fault lines were there ! No amount of political machinations could have ignited 'Our People' enough to butcher each other at the time of the Partition as they did.

And the TNT is just as valid today as it was in '47. Bangladesh despite their independence reclaimed their roots by giving patronage to Islam, explicitly, in their constitution. Israel is the living breathing example of the TNT where Jews and Muslims said we're too different and so we think it best to separate.
It is the idle state, please remember that those who created this TNT made a theory which was ideal and not based on the actual realities. Israel, lets see here goes the Israeli makeup 75.4% Jewish, 16.9% Muslim, 2.1% Christian, and 1.7% Druze also they have a parties representing every group of its citizens, which goes against TNT which is a religion based theory, what about minorities, the basic flaw of TNT was that it put religion above the state and its subjects rather than the other way round...
Really ? The 90% Happy include the 3000+ Gujarati Muslims Massacred on Modi's orders.

So the 3000+ innocent Indian Muslims who were Slaughtered died HAPPY ?

Or the Muslims butchered during the Ayodhya Massacre were dying HAPPILY by the Hindu Fundamentalists.

Are'nt you even Embarrased making such Bogus and BS claims ?

Or are you so brainwashed that you have lost sight of right and wrong ?

3000 muslims ?:rofl:
Modi's orders ? :rofl:

Ayodhya massacre ?:rofl:

Stop pulling numbers and facts out of your a$$ then we can probably have a discussion.Till then :wave:
Demography of gilgit baltistan has changed due to influx of other people
demography of kashmir valley is changed due to mass migration of pandits
geography has been changed due to china taking a part
and according to un resolution pakistani army should have vacated the occupied land ..
Due to all these issues there is zero possibility of plebiscite happening ..
I am talking about ethnic Kashmiris in the Kashmir valley which is in India . Most of them want indipendence not Pakistan .What the few ethnic Kashmiries living in pakistan want is none of our concern .They can live there or go to Uganda for all we care .

when i say Kashmir i mean ethnic Kashmiris from the Kashmir valley who speak the Kashmiri language , not people of azad kashmir .

Kashmir: Paths to Peace | Chatham House: Independent thinking on international affairs

I'm an ethnic Kashmiri thank you very much with roots in a town near Gulmarg which in turn is about 60kms (I think !) from Srinagar ! And consequently I do have relatives on the Indian side who don't want to go to Uganda but either way if the majority wants Independence and the majority by far on our side, wants Pakistan....then things aren't exactly alright are they ?
It is the idle state, please remember that those who created this TNT made a theory which was ideal and not based on the actual realities. Israel, lets see here goes the Israeli makeup 75.4% Jewish, 16.9% Muslim, 2.1% Christian, and 1.7% Druze also they have a parties representing every group of its citizens, which goes against TNT which is a religion based theory, what about minorities, the basic flaw of TNT was that it put religion above the state and its subjects rather than the other way round...

On the contrary the TNT theory never asserted anything of the sort ! What you're talking about are extrapolations from the TNT. If you read Jinnah's 11th August Speech he talks of, in a nut-shell 'freedom and equality for all in the eyes of the State'. And yet one would find ample mention of words like 'Islamic Socialism' (Dhaka Broadcast of '48) and 'a system of economics inline with Islamic Principles' (At the inauguration of the SBP), in Jinnah's speeches. What he was talking about, essentially, was 'a democratic state' and for religion that extends beyond 'spirituality' and adds these 'socio, political, economic and legal, dimensions to it' be treated as a viable alternative to 'the isms' out there. For every Socialism and Capitalism let there be 'Islamic Finance', for every 'English Civil Law' or 'US Judicial System' let there be a 'Shariah' and for every 'Secularism and Confessionalism let there be an Islamic Polity'; in essence don't treat Islam as something thats between you and your maker alone and should, as such be practiced in the privacy of one's home, but treat it as something that provides models (economic, social, political or legal) that have a deep...deep history of their own and hence can be used as an ideology and a model put forth to the People to choose or refuse. The religious minorities will cease to be minorities because of the strong constitutional guarantees his 11th August Speech entailed which, by the way, is a mirror image of the 'Constitution of Median written on the behest of the Prophet (PBUH)' ! A Jew can table a resolution in the Parliament that wants the imposition of some aspect of Talmudic Law, a Hindu can do the same, a Catholic can talk about the 'Justinian Code' and an atheist can talk about, say, 'Swiss Civil Code' and let all of them be put forth to the People to choose or modify and then choose or to outright reject.

Unfortunately what was once a dream...a beautiful dream, remains, till date, just a dream !
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