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How Islamicised is the Pakistan army?

By that token we should leave the murderer,rapist, free to repent and not punish him.

Don't quote Quranic texts out of context to try to justify the unjustifiable.
How can you compare a sin that inflicts harm upon another with a sin of faith?

No sir, it is you who is distorting the Quran and comparing apples to oranges to justify something that the Quran does not allow.

Now you want to deny and distort Allah's word because it does not fit in with your intolerance and bigotry.

The verses are clear.
Surah 16:106
Any one who, after accepting faith in Allah, utters Unbelief,- except under compulsion, his heart remaining firm in Faith - but such as open their breast to Unbelief, on them is Wrath from Allah, and theirs will be a dreadful Penalty.

Once again, the penalty is from Allah, and not the government of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, nor from the Mullah in the corner mosque.

Negative, Just because Allah is informing us of the state of the disbeliever in the afterlife that does not mean that there is no punishment in this world.

The Sharia is clear on the issue

More references to divine punishment rather than worldly punishment, after the death of an apostate:

See my response above, what you are doing is trying to derive a legal ruling based on your lack of understanding of the texts.This task has been sufficiently performed by Islamic scholars who based their understanding on a holistic study of the texts and how they were understood by the companions of the Prophet salalahu alayhi wasalam. 1400 years of Islamic scholarship is worth a lot more than your attempt to change the legal ruling.
Negative, Just because Allah is informing us of the state of the disbeliever in the afterlife that does not mean that there is no punishment in this world.

The Sharia is clear on the issue
Hogwash - shariah cannot contradict the Quran, and the series of verses I posted clearly leave open the option for repentance for an apostate, and one cannot repent if one is killed outright by intolerant bigots.

The only punishment mentioned in association with apostasy in the Quran is divine punishment - that along with Allah's forgiveness over repentance point out that punishment in the material world for apostasy is against the Quran.
See my response above, what you are doing is trying to derive a legal ruling based on your lack of understanding of the texts.This task has been sufficiently performed by Islamic scholars who based their understanding on a holistic study of the texts and how they were understood by the companions of the Prophet salalahu alayhi wasalam. 1400 years of Islamic scholarship is worth a lot more than your attempt to change the legal ruling.
The Quran is clear here.

I can read and I can understand, and my previous point stands.
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Surah 73:011

"Leave Me to deal with the deniers, lords of ease and comfort (in this life); and do thou respite them awhile. "

How much clearer can it get than this?
Do you still think there is something wrong? after reading my arguments?
Yes...I think it is wrong to kill apostates.

I find your argument seriously naive regarding such a thing as 'hidden apostates' and 'declared apostates'. ALL apostates are hidden the moment they begin to formulate in their minds the ways they could leave the religion. If anything, declared apostates are probably the most dangerous of all, including Salman Rushdie, who just happened to be excellent with words. What you failed to understand is that converts ALWAYS tell their stories and they do not need the story telling skills of Salman Rushdie in order to have their stories believed. What they invariably bring to the discussion is comparative religion, what they were versus what they are, and the stories are ALWAYS captivating.
Where is Apostation in this line?
The issue is one level up from apostasy -- rejection. Apostasy is rejection. Refuse to convert is rejection. And rejection of god...Should it be punishable by death regardless of the original position? I say 'Yes'. Rejection of god is the gravest of sins. If you already have capital punishment for an axe murderer, you already have the foundation for capital punishment for a murder where firearms are involved, so why not make refusal to convert a capital offense?
Negative, Just because Allah is informing us of the state of the disbeliever in the afterlife that does not mean that there is no punishment in this world.

The Sharia is clear on the issue

See my response above, what you are doing is trying to derive a legal ruling based on your lack of understanding of the texts.This task has been sufficiently performed by Islamic scholars who based their understanding on a holistic study of the texts and how they were understood by the companions of the Prophet salalahu alayhi wasalam. 1400 years of Islamic scholarship is worth a lot more than your attempt to change the legal ruling.

Objector, first of all, I'm still waiting for your reply to my last post.

Also, do you seriously have any idea how many different interpretations of Shariah there are? There's no point of going around stating that you want Shariah law until you identify one particular form and stick with it. The Taliban's outlook on Shariah and many other things is very different from the current Ulema in Pakistan. btw, if you support the Taliban, by default you support their tactics. Do you actually think that suicide bombing against Mosques is an acceptable tactic?
All they have done is replaced religion—for which one is not allowed to fight—with some principles that they have concluded—for which one is allowed to fight! Why should more weight be given to their devised principles rather than the principles that one believes has been revealed from God? Isn’t fighting for man-made principles nothing more than a “secular holy war

Contradiction between the teachings of the Sermon of the Mount and the conscription imposed on citizens have for a long time been subject to debate. Personally i have read two books by the russian author L.Tolstoy on the subject.
However which secular states do you mean ? :police:
Voluntary military service gives the individual the choice ,if his religious beliefs are or are not in contradiction with the military service.

I too would like to know why according to some apostates have to be killed according to Shariah, for the sole reason of apostasy.

Agnostic Muslim has highlighted several verses from the Qur'an that deal with those who reject the religion, yet none of these verses go on to say that such individuals have to be killed.

In fact, no such verse exists.

The verses that do exist seem to allude to the complete opposite of having apostates killed. Agnostic Muslim has highlighted some good examples, and here is another:

Noble Verse 4:137

"Those who believe, then reject faith, then believe (again) and (again) reject faith, and go on increasing in unbelief,- Allah will not forgive them nor guide them nor guide them on the way."

There is absolutely no mention of having such people killed here.

The different incidents in Hadith whereby certain individuals were hunted down were almost all for the grave crime of Gustakh e Shaan e Rasool. Like for example Muhamamd Ibn Muslima sluaghter of Abu rafa the Jew was solely for the purpose of the latter - a ***** mongering blasphemer who wrote blasphemies against Nabi Kareem . We have incidents in Hadith whereby certain apostates were put to death yet there are incidents where some apostates were not put to death like for example:

A bedouin gave the Pledge of allegiance to Allah's Apostle for Islam. Then the bedouin got fever at Medina, came to Allah's Apostle and said, "O Allah's Apostle! Cancel my Pledge," But Allah's Apostle refused. Then he came to him (again) and said, "O Allah's Apostle! Cancel my Pledge." But the Prophet refused Then he came to him (again) and said, "O Allah's Apostle! Cancel my Pledge." But the Prophet refused. The bedouin finally went out (of Medina) whereupon Allah's Apostle said, "Medina is like a pair of bellows (furnace): It expels its impurities and brightens and clears its good. [Sahih al-Bukhari, Vol. 9, No.318]

Along with this there are certain situations in history whereby the death penalty wasn't meted out to apostates. Like for example:

Hadrat Umar Ibn Abdul Aziz(Rahimullah) [d. 97 AH/720 AD]

Some people accepted Islam during the period of Umar bin Abdul Aziz. All these people renounced Islam sometimes later. Maimoon bin Mahran the governor of the area wrote to the caliph about these people. In reply Umar bin Abdul Aziz ordered him to release those people and asked him to re-impose jizya on them. [Musannaf Abdur Razzaq, pp. 171-10, cited in M. E. Subhani,Apostasy in Islam (New Delhi, India: Global Media Publications, 2005), pp. 23-24. Abdur Razzaq ibn Humama (d. 211 AH). This is the earliest musannaf (a hadith collection arranged in topical chapters) work in existence.]

Imam Abu 'Abdullah Al-Qurtubi [d. 1273 AD]
[Eminent Malike Scholar of hadith and fiqh]

"Al-Samara'i in his comment on this verse (an-Nahl:107) has quoted from Qurtubi's al-Jami the remark that the verse conveys an admonition that the wrath of Allah will be incurred by the apostate but there is no hint of any other punishment." [S. A. Rahman's Punishment of Apostasy in Islam, p. 47, referring to Nu'man 'Abd al-Razzaq al-Samara'i. Ahkam al-Murtadd fi al-Shari'at al-Islamiyyah, Beirut, Lebanon: Dar al-Arabiyyahya lil-Taba'at wal Nashr wal-Tauzi, 1968]

It can be concluded that The prophet (peace be upon him) and the caliphs (RA) did not melt out the death penalty for apostacy alone, there were other factors taken into account like for example taking up arms against the state, and trying to cause corruption in the state etc.

There was an extensive debate between a friend of mine and an Individual who converted to Islam (incidentally, the individual who converted to Islam was supporting the notion of death to apostates for the sole reason of apostasy)

Please read post 7 onwards on page 4 of this discussion:

Questions Regarding Apostasy according to Sharia Law
Hogwash - shariah cannot contradict the Quran, and the series of verses I posted clearly leave open the option for repentance for an apostate, and one cannot repent if one is killed outright by intolerant bigots.

No one is denying that a apostate cannot repent,if you were to repent sincerely then InshaAllah Allah is oft forgiving most merciful,what we are discussing is the one is brought before an Islamic court and convicted of apostasy,in such a case the punishment of apostasy would be death if the conditions are met.

Ibn Qudaamah(a famous scholar of the Hanbali madhab) said in al-Mughni, 9/18:

"The apostate should not be put to death until he has been asked to repent three times. This is the view of the majority of scholars, including ‘Umar, ‘Ali, ‘Ata’, al-Nakhaii, Maalik, al-Thawri, al-Awzaa’i, Ishaaq and others. Because apostasy comes about because of doubt, and cannot be dispelled in an instant. Time should be allowed for the person to rethink the matter, and the best length of time is three days."

The only punishment mentioned in association with apostasy in the Quran is divine punishment

Allah has said that he will punish the apostates in the hereafter,he subhanu wa ta ala has not commanded not to punish an apostate in the dunya there is a difference.

What you are doing here agnostic is deriving legal rulings, this is a science known in Islamic terminology as ijtihad,this process needs to be carried out by a mujtahid.In order for one to be a mujtahid capable of ijtihad certain Islamic sciences need to be mastered.

i) Learning the Arabic language to the extent that is required. Knowledge of the colloquialism of Arabic and the language of the people to whom the Qur’an and the sunna was addressed to.

ii) Commentary (tafseer) of the Qur’an.

iii) Logic (mantiq). Every branch of learning in which reasoning is used needs logic (understanding).

iv) The study of Ahadith.

v) Knowledge of the transmitters of ahadith (rijal), to the extent where one is able to discern the validity of the ahadith.

vi) The study of the principles of fiqh (jurisprudence).

vii) Thorough research and study of the views of others.

viii) Review of the verdicts and narrations of the Ahlus Sunnah.

ix) Striving to make use of all of one’s abilities in deducing the rules.

Once these pre-requisites have been met, then to be able to derive the laws of Shari’a a mujtahid uses the following four sources:

1) The Qur’an :-This is no doubt the first source for the laws and regulations of Islam. Approximately one thirteenth of the Qur’an pertains to laws.
2) The Sunnah : This means the words, actions and assertions of the Ma’sumeen. The study of the narrators is an important part in asserting the validity of the hadith.
3) Ijmaa (Consensus) :-Consensus means the general agreement of the ulema of a particular period on a particular issue. Consensus in it’s own right is not binding, and must be supported by the Sunnah.

However, the Ahlus Sunnah believe that complete agreement of all the Muslims of one period on an issue is a divine revelation and it cannot be wrong.
4)Aql (Reason) :-What is meant here is that sometimes a law of shari’a is determined by the proof of reason.

The required knowledge encompasses such things as knowing usool ul hadith,usool ul fiqh, tafsir of the Quran i.e the asbab u nuzool(the reason for the revelation of particular verses)the nasikh and the mansookh i.e knowing what is abrogated and that which abrogates it, the laws of khas and aahm(general and specific) etc etc.

This task is not for tom dick or harry to undertake.

that along with Allah's forgiveness over repentance point out that punishment in the material world for apostasy is against the Quran.

Not at all, like I said the fact that there are punishments for crimes in no way contradicts the fact that Allah is all forgiving.

The Quran is clear here.

I can read and I can understand, and my previous point stands.

The Quran is clear for those who understand all the laws/sciences mentioned.There are thousands of ahadith and many factors that need to be taken into consideration.

If you want to argue against the death penalty for apostasy I suggest you do it from the angle of our american friend gambit who is a non believer and as such rejects the Quran and the sunnah anyway, and not from an Islamic perspective of someone who believes and then tries to argue his case using Islamic texts as evidence.You are in no way qualified to undertake such a task and will misquote and take texts out of context.

When you say things like "ignorant bigots" etc you are taking a very dangerous and offensive path.Would you consider all the ulema of Islam who have said the punishment for apostasy is death to be ignorant bigots? This view is held by all schools of thought including the school that many of the forum members here belong to.Maybe one of the members from Lahore would do the honours and ask this question to one of the Ulema in the late dr Naeemi's madrassa, his son is available and I'm sure he can be contacted for clarification.

I too would like to know why according to some apostates have to be killed according to Shariah, for the sole reason of apostasy.

The reason is that our beloved messenger may the peace and blessings of Allah be upon him commanded it.

Imam Al-Bukhaari (narrated that Ibn ‘Abbaas (ra)said: The Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Whoever changes his religion, put him to death.”

Imam Al-Bukhaari and Imam Muslim narrated that ‘Abd-Allaah ibn Mas’ood (ra) said: The Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “It is not permissible to shed the blood of a Muslim who bears witness that there is no god except Allaah and that I am the Messenger of Allaah, except in one of three cases: a soul for a soul (i.e., in the case of murder); a previously-married person who commits zina; and one who leaves his religion and separates from the main body of the Muslims.”

Agnostic Muslim has highlighted several verses from the Qur'an that deal with those who reject the religion, yet none of these verses go on to say that such individuals have to be killed.

The verses quoted are only dealing with the state of the apostate in the akhira and not in the dunya

In fact, no such verse exists.

The rulings of the sharia are derived from the Quran and the ahadith as well as the other methods I have mentioned in my previous post,the Ulema of al Islam may Allah have mercy on them have derived these rulings through extensive and comprehensive research of all of the texts with the permission of Allah.

The verses that do exist seem to allude to the complete opposite of having apostates killed. Agnostic Muslim has highlighted some good examples,

The sharia is not based on what we may think any particular text "seems to allude to" this is why it is haram for us to interpret texts based on our own limited knowledge.

and here is another:

Noble Verse 4:137

"Those who believe, then reject faith, then believe (again) and (again) reject faith, and go on increasing in unbelief,- Allah will not forgive them nor guide them nor guide them on the way."

Just because there is no mention of something in a particular verse that in no way means that a particular ruling has not been mentioned elsewhere.You will not find the method for performing salah (namaz) in the Quran, do we then say that just because something has been omitted in one place that it therefor does not exist at all? No this would be totally ridiculous.

There is absolutely no mention of having such people killed here.

Again omission in one place does not necessitate that it does not exist at all, I hope you understand this.

The different incidents in Hadith whereby certain individuals were hunted down were almost all for the grave crime of Gustakh e Shaan e Rasool. Like for example Muhamamd Ibn Muslima sluaghter of Abu rafa the Jew was solely for the purpose of the latter - a ***** mongering blasphemer who wrote blasphemies against Nabi Kareem . We have incidents in Hadith whereby certain apostates were put to death yet there are incidents where some apostates were not put to death

The general meaning of the ahaadeeth I have quoted above indicates that it is essential to put the apostate to death whether he is waging war on Islam (muhaarib) or not.

The view that the apostate who is to be put to death is the one who is waging war on Islam (muhaarib) only is contrary to these ahaadeeth. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said that the reason why he should be put to death is his apostasy, not his waging war against Islam.

like for example:

A bedouin gave the Pledge of allegiance to Allah's Apostle for Islam. Then the bedouin got fever at Medina, came to Allah's Apostle and said, "O Allah's Apostle! Cancel my Pledge," But Allah's Apostle refused. Then he came to him (again) and said, "O Allah's Apostle! Cancel my Pledge." But the Prophet refused Then he came to him (again) and said, "O Allah's Apostle! Cancel my Pledge." But the Prophet refused. The bedouin finally went out (of Medina) whereupon Allah's Apostle said, "Medina is like a pair of bellows (furnace): It expels its impurities and brightens and clears its good. [Sahih al-Bukhari, Vol. 9, No.318]

Along with this there are certain situations in history whereby the death penalty wasn't meted out to apostates. Like for example:

Hadrat Umar Ibn Abdul Aziz(Rahimullah) [d. 97 AH/720 AD]

Some people accepted Islam during the period of Umar bin Abdul Aziz. All these people renounced Islam sometimes later. Maimoon bin Mahran the governor of the area wrote to the caliph about these people. In reply Umar bin Abdul Aziz ordered him to release those people and asked him to re-impose jizya on them. [Musannaf Abdur Razzaq, pp. 171-10, cited in M. E. Subhani,Apostasy in Islam (New Delhi, India: Global Media Publications, 2005), pp. 23-24. Abdur Razzaq ibn Humama (d. 211 AH). This is the earliest musannaf (a hadith collection arranged in topical chapters) work in existence.]

Imam Abu 'Abdullah Al-Qurtubi [d. 1273 AD]
[Eminent Malike Scholar of hadith and fiqh]

"Al-Samara'i in his comment on this verse (an-Nahl:107) has quoted from Qurtubi's al-Jami the remark that the verse conveys an admonition that the wrath of Allah will be incurred by the apostate but there is no hint of any other punishment." [S. A. Rahman's Punishment of Apostasy in Islam, p. 47, referring to Nu'man 'Abd al-Razzaq al-Samara'i. Ahkam al-Murtadd fi al-Shari'at al-Islamiyyah, Beirut, Lebanon: Dar al-Arabiyyahya lil-Taba'at wal Nashr wal-Tauzi, 1968]

It can be concluded that The prophet (peace be upon him) and the caliphs (RA) did not melt out the death penalty for apostacy alone, there were other factors taken into account like for example taking up arms against the state, and trying to cause corruption in the state etc.

Undoubtedly some kinds of apostasy are more abhorrent than others, and the apostasy of one who wages war against Islam is more abhorrent than that of anyone else. Hence some of the scholars differentiated between them, and said that it is not essential to ask the muhaarib to repent or to accept his repentance; rather he should be put to death even if he repents, whereas the repentance of one who is not a muhaarib should be accepted and he should not be put to death.

Ibn Taymiya discussed this in detail

"Apostasy is of two types: ordinary apostasy and extreme apostasy, for which execution is prescribed. In both cases there is evidence that it is essential to execute the apostate, but the evidence indicating that the sentence of death may be waived if the person repents does not apply to both types of apostasy. Rather the evidence indicates that that is allowed only in the first case – i.e., ordinary apostasy – as will be clear to anyone who studies the evidence that speaks about accepting the repentance of the apostate. In the second type – i.e., extreme apostasy – the obligation to put the apostate to death still stands, and there is no text or scholarly consensus to indicate that the death sentence may be waived. The two cases are quite different and there is no comparison between them. It does not say in the Qur’aan or Sunnah, or according to scholarly consensus, that everyone who apostatizes in word or deed may be spared the death sentence if he repents after he is a captured and tried. Rather the Qur’aan and Sunnah, and scholarly consensus, differentiate between the different kinds of apostates."

Al-Hallaaj was one of the most well known heretics who were put to death without being asked to repent. Al-Qaadi ‘Iyaad a famous Maliki scholar (author of Ash Shifa) (ra) Said

The Maaliki fuqaha’ of Baghdad at the time of al-Muqtadir were unanimously agreed that al-Hallaaj should be killed and crucified because of his claim to divinity and his belief in incarnation, and his saying “I am al-Haqq [God],” even though he outwardly appeared to adhere to sharee’ah, and they did not accept his repentance.

Ash-Shifa bi Ta’reef Huqooq al-Mustafa, 2/1091.

Based on this, it is clear that the assertion that the apostate should not being killed unless he is waging war on Islam is mistaken, and the differentiation that I have quoted from Ibn Taymiyah may dispel any confusion and make the matter clearer.

Waging war against Islam is not limited only to fighting with weapons, rather it may be done verbally such as defaming Islam or the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him), or attacking the Qur’aan, and so on. Waging verbal war against Islam may be worse than waging war against it with weapons in some cases.

How can you compare a sin that inflicts harm upon another with a sin of faith?

(1) This is the ruling of Allaah and His Messenger, as the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: "Whoever changes his religion, kill him." (reported by Imam al-Bukhaari, al-Fath, no. 3017).

(2) The one who has known the religion which Allaah revealed, entered it and practiced it, then rejected it, despised it and left it, is a person who does not deserve to live on the earth of Allaah and eat from the provision of Allaah.

(3) By leaving Islaam, the apostate opens the way for everyone who wants to leave the faith, thus spreading apostasy and encouraging it.

(4) The apostate is not to be killed without warning. Even though his crime is so great, he is given a last chance, a respite of three days in which to repent. If he repents, he will be left alone; if he does not repent, then he will be killed.

(5) If the punishment for murder and espionage (also known as high treason) is death, then what should be the punishment for the one who disbelieves in the Lord of mankind and despises and rejects His religion? Is espionage or shedding blood worse than leaving the religion of the Lord of mankind and rejecting it?

(6) None of those who bleat about personal freedom and freedom of belief would put up with a neighbour’s child hitting their child or justify this as "personal freedom," so how can they justify leaving the true religion and rejecting the sharee’ah which Allaah revealed to teach mankind about His unity and bring justice and fairness to all

No sir, it is you who is distorting the Quran and comparing apples to oranges to justify something that the Quran does not allow.

Nowhere in the verses that you quoted was there an explicit command not to execute the apostate,yet there are other evidences which clearly instruct this.Do not talk about Allah's religion without knowledge.

Now you want to deny and distort Allah's word because it does not fit in with your intolerance and bigotry.

Again I strongly urge you to refrain from accusations of bigotry and intolerance, I have not made this ruling up, you are indirectly insulting our scholars, and that includes the scholars of the barelvi school of thought the school adhered to by many forum members here

The verses are clear.

Yes the verses are clear but that which you are seeking to prove from them is incorrect according to the vast majority of our Ulema,this is your D.I.Y interpretation where as those who are qualified have arrived at a different conclusion based on their expertise.
Not as much a theoretical question but a practical one :
How do you (or anyone ) identify hidden apostates ?

I think you are missing a Gazwa between muslims and Apostates of madina. Where their mosque also got destroyed by the muslim. Also, you can see Ghulam Ahmed Qadiyani, who himself used to call a muslim but he was not in real. Because he was rejecting the Aqeedah.

Who were khuwarjies? and throughout the history you will find many who rejects the aqeedah but still call themself a muslim, are actually from the category called hidden apostate.
The issue is one level up from apostasy -- rejection. Apostasy is rejection. Refuse to convert is rejection. And rejection of god...Should it be punishable by death regardless of the original position? I say 'Yes'. Rejection of god is the gravest of sins. If you already have capital punishment for an axe murderer, you already have the foundation for capital punishment for a murder where firearms are involved, so why not make refusal to convert a capital offense?

Lolzz.. they are not Apostate, neither they come under the Apostasy category. Neither it is allowed anyone to convert other non-muslim to become a muslim. You can do Tabligh, but force is prohibited. I know from where you are coming from, you will now raise a point "Islam spread through sword" Get a Life man. I am Hard Core Islamist, and even i think converting any one by force is prohibited in Islam. Since Faith comes from the heart, not the tongue.
I find your argument seriously naive regarding such a thing as 'hidden apostates' and 'declared apostates'. ALL apostates are hidden the moment they begin to formulate in their minds the ways they could leave the religion.

Sorry, if after so much explanation you don't understand then, i can't help much :)

Enjoy, btw why you are worried of. Enjoy your religion.
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