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Reliance may not renew Iran oil import deal

Reliance Industries will not renew a contract to import crude oil from Iran for 2010, two sources familiar with the supply deal said on Thursday. India’s top privately-run refiner did not purchase any Iranian crude in February and March, the sources said, in line with a trend that has seen its purchases from the Islamic republic shrink rapidly over the past year.

It is not immediately clear why Reliance is not renewing its annual import deal with the world’s fifth-largest oil exporter, but sources said it could be due to a price disagreement when the refiner has easy access to competing grades.

“Currently for 2010 as of now, we don’t have a term contract with Reliance,” said a National Iranian Oil (NIOC) source who declined to be named on company policy. “It has nothing to do with the US,” he said, adding that the deal has not been renewed due to differences over pricing of Soroush and Nowruz crudes.

While the 90,000-100,000 barrels per day (bpd) of Iranian crude Reliance bought last year made up only 8% of its overall purchases, and just 2.4% of Iran’s sales, the move underscores a drift in Asia away from crude sourced from Iran.

Japan’s Iranian crude imports in 2010 are set to fall 11% on year to the lowest in 17 years, sources say, also citing high prices for Iranian grades, while China’s purchases from Iran fell nearly 40% in the first two months of the year.

Reliance did not respond to Reuters enquiries on the move and Iranian officials declined to comment on the record. In January, Reliance’s monthly crude imports from Iran fell 13% and shrank by a sharp 83% on a year ago. Reliance’s sophisticated complex at Jamnagar in western Gujarat can refine 1.24 million bpd of crude as varied as light West African to heavy sour Middle East grades, allowing it to switch to whatever crude is cheapest.

The acceptance among Asian refiners of Russia’s new ESPO blend crude offers Reliance another option. “It could be they are not happy with the general reluctance of NIOC to drop their prices especially with more attractive competing grades like Russia’s ESPO coming onto the market,” said an Asia-based trader.

Crude from the East Siberian-Pacific Ocean (ESPO) pipeline is gaining favour among refiners in Asia due to its attractive price and quality versus the Gulf’s heavier sour grades. “Reliance has been importing mainly Soroush and Nowruz from Iran, this is very heavy and extremely sour,” a trader said.

“If they can get a crude that is lighter and less sour and pay less, why would they not do it, at the end of the day they want to maximise their yields.”

ESPO’s API gravity is around 34 degrees, with sulphur content pegged around 0.6%, while Soroush and Nowruz have a sulphur content of up to 3.5% with the API, a gauge of how light or heavy a crude is in relation to water, at 18 to 19. “It’s probably price.

The US government is not particularly trying to cut off crude,” said John Vautrain, senior vice-president of Purvin & Gertz. “Cutting off crude has the potential to create some serious ramifications in global crude markets and that would penalise the whole world.”

Trading sources said pressure from the United States and its allies, who are seeking to force Iran to stop its nuclear programme with tougher sanctions, may be another reason for the Reliance move. “There is some politics involved with this as well, and at some level there seems to be a general move by people to distance themselves from dependence on Iran as a crude supplier,” a trader said.

Reliance stopped shipping gasoline to Iran in May 2009 on US pressure, as it looked to boost market share for its fuel in US markets. Last month, it was reported that trading firms Trafigura and Vitol have halted gasoline sales to Iran. China has agreed to serious talks with Western powers as US politicians work on legislation to slap sanctions on suppliers of fuel to pile pressure on Iran.

An Indian government source said the United States was more concerned about those selling fuel to Iran rather than buying. Purvin & Gertz’s Vautrain agreed. “The goal with sanctions is to sanction Iran, not to raise the price of crude. They are unlikely to have sought to cut off purchases by non-American companies.

Reliance may not renew Iran oil import deal - The Economic Times
we have signed the deal and India is still playing hot and cold over this pipeline. its not something new so i thing rhetoric sans actions is useless

Personally, India shouldn't even think about the IPI deal. I dont know what we were thinking when we signed on. To have our most vital fuel resources passing right through a hostile country, a big foly.
we have signed the deal and India is still playing hot and cold over this pipeline. its not something new so i thing rhetoric sans actions is useless

"very right and since US-India relations currently in molding phase would be kept high by Indians than keeping Iran closer so in future too it seems India will care less for Iran and may be more colder"

This is what you have posted...my reply was to that post.
It was not about who signed first or who signed second.
There are some differences over the project and in due course of time,they will be sorted out. So..dont jump to conclusions so early :)
@ Topic

The opening post is highly exaggerated IMO. Even if the OIC had passed a resolution, sanctions were supposed to be issued by the UNSC. It's a high exaggeration to assume that sanctions would have been imposed and those sanctions would have broken India economically.

Remember, sanctions were also imposed in 1998. I don't think they had much of an effect.
Reliance may not renew Iran oil import deal

This is unfortunate, but unavoidable, given the fact that Reliance has recently made huge investments in shale gas fields in the United States.

Iran should develop its own refineries.

From India's perspective, it is best if Iran and the US normalize relations. If that happens, it may help several things fall into place in both South Asia and West Asia.
Thank you Iran for helping us, hope someday India helps you as well.
There was no possibility of the sanctions being passed by the UNSC. Russia might have been licking its wounds, but it still had the veto and was a friend of India. It would not have thrown away 40 years of friendly relations with India for nothing.

Which brings me to the important point. There are no permanent friends, only national interests. India had to choice between friendship with Iran and potential friendship with the US combined with recognition as a legtimitate nuclear power; plus the access to technology that it would entail. It is not much of a competition, in my opinion.

And then there is the matter of close relations with Israel. Another demonstration of the "no free lunches in diplomacy" and "misplaced idealism is bad for diplomacy" theories. For decades, India avoided relations with Israel and supported the Palestinian casue. Tell me what did it get from the Arab countries? Constant chiding over Kashmir and them siding with Pakistan (Iran was the exception, I think). India still supports the Palestinian cause (internal politics also factors in it) but also maintains ever closer relations with Israel.

India and Iran have had close relations and I think India is wise enough to not let go of Iran. But its relationship with the US is more important and will remain so :usflag:

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