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How INS Chennai Kills a Pakistani Agusta Sub

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Feb 25, 2012
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A Good Article for Layman's of How things Work at the High Seas.

For the Rest, Enjoy!


Like all female officer in the Indian armed forces Captain Urvasi never stopped trying to prove she is as good as the guys even after nearly ten years meritious service and now commanding one of the best state of the art destroyers of the navy .She obtained a degree in electronics and communication engineering fro IIT Kanpur after being commissioned in the navy through the usual route . Her problems were not just her good looks which she managed to hide very effectively behind shapeless uniform and dark glasses and an excessively authoritative behavior towards her sub ordinates.

But what was behind her meteoric rise was not her looks or rough behavior but a razor sharp intellect that allowed her superb situational awareness in a complex environment and her deep grasp of all things technical particularly the electronic guidance package of modern missiles and radars and digital control fo gas turbine engines . She was one of the very few in the navy to boast this dual advantage and naturally always landed with the latest technology equipped systems be a s the officer responsible for induction of BrahMos into Delhi class or the Bark missile systems . She did not like submarine life and as such never offred to volunteer for the scorpenes but helped her friends in an informal way whenever they landed up with an unusual control or guidance problem.

This time her task forces objective was not clearly defined ,atleast no yet but she has been ordered to proceed with her force of destroyers and frigates al the very best nay had Kolkata class and shivalik class with a pair of scorpenes to northern Arabian sea designated patrol area and watch Pakistani shipping but do nothing for the time being .Time for action will come later ,she was told by her commanding officer .

The orange sun bathed her in a golden glow as she watched the first of the three missile boats cleared the channel and entered the open sea of Indian continental shelf .The scorpenes followed and then submerged. Her ship started moving out slowly following the frigates through the highly mined entry exit channel to Mumbai naval base second only in importance to Karwar in Karnataka .

Captain Urvasi remembered the media reports and speculation about this new class of ship about 4 years back when Kolkata was launched but not even the smartest reporter had a clue about its true capability ar the fact that it was indeed euiped with nuclear tipped land attack missiles (yet to be named ) a modified version of brahmos with hypersonic speed . Whiel it will be patrolling the shores of Pakistan on conventional role its real role will be to carry out a devastating second strike should the need arise from a quarter no one expected .

She also happened to be almost completely stealthy to ship and shore radars beyond a specified range (classified ) so in fact invincible from other ships and shore .Her vulnerability was from air particularly from P3 orions and that is why she would always sail within the protective envelope of Vikramaditya even when operating independently .

The deck vibration increased as the turbines increased speed and the massive reduction gear converted that to additional torque . The nearly 7000 ton ship accelerated smoothly out of the channel and into open sea and blended into the waves effortlessly


Once the ship has entered open seas it was time for captain Urvasi to head for the combat information centre or ops room as called by the navy.The two sea kings have already lifted off the heli deck and now fast approaching their respective patrol zones . The four gas turbines effortlessly propelled the sleek ship to speeds in excess of 30 knots much in excess in fact . Most of her patrol duration she will move near maximum speed (fuel economy be damned thought Urvasi as she intended to make herself a very difficult target for the Pakistani agostas if some how they manage to break the outer underwater screen provided by the scorpenes .

Chennai looked good and sexy thought her captain but she also knew the lethal punch that the ship can generate at a moments notice . Compared to earler generation of destryers like Ranvir and Ranjit ,Chennai It is only a little heavier, longer and wider than . Yet, it has four times the number of anti-ship missiles all of them the latest variation of Brahmos -- its main armament -- as well as equipment that give it a generational jump in electronic warfare (EW) abilities. There is additional space for fuel, food and water to enable it to operate greater distances without touching base.

In simple terms, platforms like Chennais "sustainability multiplied by reach will help effectively establish the country's presence in the Indian Ocean," said Commodore C. Irani , deputy director of the Delhi-based Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses. Executive Officer Commander S.S. Randhawa pointed out that the task of linking sensors from various manufacturers into a coherent display and action sequence is an awe-inspiring achievement. "This enormous steel fortress is also a precision war machine," he says. Thousands of tonnes of special-strength steel, hundreds of thousands of miles of cable, transducers, transistors, valves and pistons, located in 437 compartments of various sizes, are all integrated into a platform which can launch a volley of missiles and, with some luck, send a dozen ships to Davy Jones' locker in a matter of minutes .

This T-Rex of the seas has powerful enemies -- missiles and torpedoes. They are most effectively tackled by destroying their launch 'platforms' -- submarines and aircraft. The outer defensive screen of Chennai must prevent intruders from coming within 300 km of the ship. This distance is defined in a sense by Pakistan's Harpoon missiles which can be launched from submerged submarines or P3C Orion aircraft and have a range of 110 km.

The outermost screen is provided by two Sea King 42B helicopters, equipped with a radar, dipping sonar, British-made Sea Eagle missiles and depth bombs. These helicopters can fly up to 400 km around Delhi and have electronic data links to download what they see or hear to the combat information centre in the ops room.

Targets under water are tracked by sonar, a device which sends out sound waves that rebound off the metallic hulls of enemy ships or submarines. This is not as simple as its sounds: temperature, salinity, currents and pressure alter the speed and direction of the returning sound wave. In addition, as in radar, other sounds clutter the readings. Processing the signals to filter these out and give the accurate range and bearing of the hostile intruder requires sophisticated software, while the accuracy of the readings themselves requires hardware of great sensitivity. The Navy and the DRDO have designed and engineered Chennais sonar, based on the success of their earlier apsoh system. The BEL-manufactured unit is called HUMVAAD. It has one sensor mounted on the hull to detect submarines near the surface and another towed, going down deeper to ensure that no vessel is lurking in depths where varying salinity distorts the sonar beam. Once detected, submarines are immediately attacked by anti-submarine rockets within a range of 5 km, and beyond that by torpedoes, mounted on a quintuple launcher in the middle of the ship.

Incoming aircraft or ships are also picked up by a BEL-made early warning radar and then tracked on planar-array radar, which provides information on the location of a target in three-dimensional form. This radar can track multiple targets, be they aircraft or missiles and identify the most threatening ones. As the object comes closer, it is "illuminated" or locked on by another radar on which rides a Barak surface-to-air missile that is fired from an automatic launcher at the front and the back of the ship. Missiles pop out from two launchers, each with a 24-unit carousel, and are fired automatically. The warship's designators can lock on to 18 targets at a time and engage the eight most threatening ones simultaneously.

The operations room looked more like a space launch complex than a combat centre thought Urvashi as she went to each of the console operators and confirmed all systems and sensors are performing as they should before committing the ship to combat /interception mode . Both the radar displays and sonar screens were for the moment clear .The radar showed usual commercial traffic coming in and out of Mumbai airport and the sonar showed only the two escorting scorpenes spreading out in a v formation ahead of the ship before initiating their respective circular search and sanitize pattern . The engine display showed all the turbines are running normal and prop rpm maintained at 95 rpm which is about 85% of max output of the 64 MW turbines two which powered each propeller.

She walked over slowly to the sat terminal where the latest extra high resolution ocean images from ocean sat 2 and 4 were being downloaded .The images were about 3 hours old and for Urvashi that was good enough for the time being . Most were commercial shipping and local fishing boats but as she moves farther north she expected more contact with naval ships of USN and may be some very foolish Pakistani navy ship who will dare challenge the might of INS Chennai.
She had the operational mandate to search any ship outside Pakistani territorial waters which in her opinion may be carrying contraband and take any action to protect the ship and her crews. As far as Captain Urvasi was concerned it gave her just the right amount of lee way to sink any Pakistani warship she would come across whenever she felt it is “threat” to Chennai.

But before all that she has sail into the “envelope “ of Vikramaditya now sailing in north Arabian sea . She would stay within a 400 km radius of Vick and start her operations at random .

A fast moving *** appeared out of north western sky .The air intercept officer called out over the PA
- Unidentified aircraft -325 –speed 1200 km/hr –altitude – 200 ft
The young Lt commander on air defense duty acted quickly as Urvasi moved near his display .
-request permission to activate air defenses captain
- permission granted –do we have IFF confirmation on incoming
- no captain – possible F-16 /Mig 29 – We don’t know yet –the flight profile is surely not friendly .
Up on the deck a pair of Barak missiles turned on their launcher as their dedicated tracking radar activated
- contact the aircraft and warn him off
- Sure captain – unidentified aircraft -this is Indian navy ship Chennai –you are entering restricted airspace – turn back immediately or you will be fired upon –over
- Chennai – relax – this is flight sierra orange from Vick – having IFF problem – was investigating a contact –over
Urvasi was now real mad ,how can they allow an aircraft to fly in so close without operational IFF ,she decided to personally take this up with the rear admiral commanding Vikramaditya at earliest opportunity
- target 40 km –speed 1200 – altitude 100 meters
-siera orange – you are still un identified and be treated as hostile if you enter active air defense zone –change heading to 015 and leave the area immediately .
Commaander get in touch with Vick and report this immediately –thundered the captain of INS Chennai as she strolled out of the ops room and into the engine room below.
Far above her the lone Mig 29 banked sharply into a new course .The young Lt commander ,Never even knowing how close to sure death was .
The day for her has just begun.


Captain Imran like tea and like it hot. As he finished his 7th cup of the day it was time to get a news update from Karachi , his home base and also home town. When out on patrol he always worried about the safety of his wife and two daughters. The city was now infested with fanatic Taliban who would try to enforce medieval type laws whenever they can which included public flogging and executions at the slightest pretext .All they were doing was in fact terrorizing the general population to unquestioned obedience to their dictates . His family though living in highly protected naval base residential area could not but avoid go into the city and there lay the unspoken danger.

It was time to get daily update from Karachi ,the only time his state of the art underwater fighting machine is truly vulnerable .

- xo I have the con
- captain has the con
- make periscope depth – make climb angle 5 degree
- coming up to periscope depth – angle on plane 5 degree
The deck canted upwards gently as the diving planes moved on hydraulic actuators changed position smoothly pushed the nose of the ship up .
The digital depth guage showed 32 ft and the submarine leveled out . At the depth the effect of rough sea top side could be clearly felt inside
- up periscope –quick sweep xo
The periscope moved out of its cylinder smoothly and silently with the first officer going for a quick 7 second scan
- all clear captain . A high definition digital camera recorded the scan on a dedicated memory stick to be viewed again later
- up com antenna
- com antenna up – receiving
- down periscope
- message received – com antenna down
make depth 150 ft – dive angle 15 degree – change to heading 085 –XO take the con

The message for Pakistani naval head quarters was brief and to the point


Captain Imran wiped his brows ,it was hot and damp in side the air conditioned control room . He knew the basic capability of Chennai and also aware even if makes successful strike the chances of him making back to base in one piece is small mainly because of the enemy aircraft the 142 and 38 s which patrol the Arabian sea 24x7.

But like a true professional he ordered a search grid to be set up around the expected location of the Indian task force and torpedoes loaded. As he chalked out an attack plan ,he forgot one element in the entire equation –the Phalcons .

He did not even know the traditional rules of under sea engagement and decade old naval tactics are no longer valid .The arrival of IAF Phalcons have changed them forever .Surprise will never be his


- Sir – better have a look at this
- What is it squadron leader asked group captain Pandey as he came out of the toilet .
- Sir looks like we have surface to sat communication in burst mode from some where in north Arabian sea grid sector bravo delta
- Can you get an exact fix
- Yes sir –take a few minutes
- Is the transmission encrypted
- Yes sir –looks like navy type message –forwarding the recorded message to delhi for de encryptation
- Why your comp no good
- Not that sir but I no navy guy
- Ok go ahead –and confirm the surface contact position pronto too.
- We have a no fly violation – two mirage taking off from Karachi
- Inform air force sector commander and also alert the patrolling aircraft for a snap intercept
- Ocean star flight – sea gull one – make course 280-speed 1400 – intercept mission –possible military aircraft north west of Karachi – you are not weapons free yet –over
- Sea gull one –ocean star one –on our way


- Captain –we have a sub alert –burst transmission recorded by Phalcon in the area and passed on – as of 3 hours back a possible agosta surfaced in grid sector bravo delta for few minutes
- Xo where the hell is bravo delta
-captain that is exactly 290 km north west of our present position
- Ok divert one of the sea kings to the last reported position and tell him to start a dunking ops asap
- call up command and ask for a Tupolev
- Any news from sonar
-nothing as yet captain
- Ok standby to deploy towed array
- make full speed ahead for 5 minutes then all stop
- Engine room full speed for 5 minutes then all stop
- tow sonar get ready to deploy the moment we stop
- Xo –get in touch with the Phalcon – tell them we need to know immediately whenever the pak sub breaks water
-copy that captain
- Captain – command has just confirmed a Bear on patrol near Mumbai is being diverted to us
- Ok –patch me onto the bear as fast as you can
- Captain – the bear sorry flight blue sky is on line
- Morning commander –this is Chennai- authentication code zulu sierra alpha 37 –confirm –over
- Authentication code valid – go ahead captain sir
- we have a possible enemy sub –type possible agosta 90b – in the area – no sonar contact as yet –suspect circling for a night strike – last know position grid sector bravo delta
- Standby to do a MAD run and possible weapon drop – once we get some damned contact –over
- Yes sir captain – changing course to bravo delta
- oh one last thing please also keep the air force net frequency open – the phalcon should come in line anytime soon
- copy that captain
-Captain –we have the Phalcon on line
- sir this is captain Urvahi on Chennai – authentication code – zulu sierra alpha 3 7 – do you copy over
- go ahead captain
- sir we need you to keep a close watch on grid sector bravo delta /bravo Charlie and bravo alpha –suspect agosta circling in for a sneak night attack – no positive sonar contact as yet –over
- Captain shall do best only if she comes surfaces or send s a signal
- Thanks sir – appreciate your assistance – over
- All stop
- Deploy towed array –passive
-towed array deployed
The long line of hydrophones reeled out scanning the ocean for any sign of hostile sub . The sonar officer in his dark cubicle watched the waterfall display .Apart form task force ships there was no unidentified mad made acoustic signals .
- captain this are is clean
- engine room make full speed
- xo change course to 090

The deadly game of cat and mouse began, where the winner will take all.


Air commodore Manjit singh finished his some what late working dinner . The screechy monotonous drone of four engines at minimum power setting and good air conditioning inside could make any one go to sleep quickly thought as he took a small walk along the row of consoles all ghostly in blue green display and red overhead light . Outside he could occasionally see the flashing navigation lights of the escorting flankers armed to teeth and more making endless pattern of eight on the ink black night sky .He decided to talk to his navy liaison officer on board an young lt commander called Bhupinder specializing in undersea warfare and sub to surface communication .He started the conversation in his usual formal way .It always started like that before the heat of discussion may turn it into something less than civil and language too followed the general trend

- ok navy – so what we are looking for
- sir we are trying to locate a Pakistani submarine ,somewhere in the ocean under us
- so how do you propose to do that
- sir we have several options like using high power active sonar or a MAD run but for all that to happen we need a rough fix of the area where the enemy sub is
- and how do you propose to do it
- sir by tracking its emission and if he surfaces for any reason ,by spotting his radar shadow it is a big ship even when half submerged
- are you sure it will surface
- not 1005 sir but pak navy usually keeps their sub commanders on a tight leash particularly after they installed the nuke tipped missiles on their agostas .So the ocmmander will surface even if for a few seconds to take the final clearance before committing his ship to high risk offensive action
- ok what kind of transmission we are talking about
- sir a typical high speed burst transmission and response from a satellite in a ,matter of minutes .In that window the submarine will be on surface or at least on periscope depth open to location confirmation
- and how do you propose to take that out
- Sir that depends on the ship commander , he surely did not want to elaborate to an airforcce guy even if a commodore

- sir came the excited voice of the communication control officer monitoring the standard surface to sat communication spectrum – we may have something here – high speed burst communication on Ku band -6 seconds –

- get a fix on the transmission source

Manjit was off his seat in a flash ,a difficult feat considering his size and age as he rushed out his chair and straight into the flight deck
- wing commander –I want you to fly to this location
- do we have a fix yet
- not exactly but in grid sector bravo alpha – 75 km off –heading 218 –surface contact
- sir we have a radar return weak type possibly submerged but near surface –possible submarine
- Wing max speed to this new contact
- Com alert Chennai
- Radar donot loose touch –closing in at max speed

The phalcon did the unthinkable ,it initiated a shallow dive to the suspect location and all engines on full power .


-Captain we have a possible sub alert from Phalcon – grid bravo alpha –they are trying to get a better radar fix – on surface or periscope depth
- ok guys sound battle station – full speed ahead
- missile –ready for a snap launch if we get a fix
- xo divert the bear to bravo delta immediately
- blue sky –rush to bravo delta – possible sun contact made by phalcon
- copy that Chennai – going max speed
- blue sky –sea gull one – possible sub on or near surface contact bravo delta –co ordinates ------
Still firming up
- noted sea gull – starting search MAD at target location in 6 minutes max

- xo – get the missile crew ready for a snap shot moment we get a confirmed mad fix –maintain full speed

The deck vibration increased as the four gas turbines spooled up to maximum rev ,quickly narrowing the gap between the suspect submarine and the destroyer Chennai which was now on a scent trail –excited fast and very dangerous .


The ocean was rough and the ship was making full speed in excess of 34 knots (close to 38 knots actually) and captain uravashi held on to the guard rail on operation centre as Chennai rushed on regardless from one series of violent pitching to another with the hot scent of a kill in her nose . The high pitched whine of the gas turbines could be heard even through the not so good soundproofing

- blue sky –Chennai – you in position
- yes captain – in bravo delta
- xo are we ready to launch missiles
- yes captain whenever you say on the last reported co ordinate of the sub
- where are the sea kings xo
- captain sea eagle one is along north south axis of bravo delta and sea eagle two is on east west axis
- ok let us start bracketing the bast----
- sea eagle one you are cleared to drop a line of buoys 200 meter separation – start now –maintain present speed and course
- sea eagle two start dropping your load after two minutes along your present course and maintain speed
- blue sky stand by for mad run
The tension in the ops centre was electric .Urvashi could physically smell the tension and the sweaty stink of many bodies packed together even with the air conditioning going full blast.

- Chennai – sea eagle one we have a weak signal from B3 ,medium on B4 weak on B5- one sec strength on B5 is now medium – B3 is very weak and getting very weak on B6
- Sea eagle 2 – start dropping your load now
- Copy that Chennai –
- Chennai – sea eagle one signal on b5 is fading – medium on B6 looks like it is making straight for you on slow speed
- Chennai sea eagle 2 we have a weak signal on N3 and N4
Urvashi leaned forward over the sonar console, still no clear signal ,obviously the Agosta captain was good very good; he is approaching the destroyer at an angle which makes positive sonar identification difficult at a very slow speed and now most likely slowly going deeper to make any bracketing attempt more complicated and difficult. She had to do something now before the agosta is lost and surfaces somewhere inside the protective screen . Where she can fire her exocet and torpedoes at will may be at Chennai or the carrier Vick

She will have to act now ,she will have to make the agosta disclose its position and she will have to do that before it comes in sure kill envelope of her own anti ship missiles .
- xo – prepare for multiple Brahmos launch –target last known position of enemy sub and as confirmed by the helo sonar data
A few seconds delay as the data from phalcon and sea kings were processed and the Brahmos fire control computer came up three possible location of the target designated sierra one ,two and three

- clear deck for missile launch
- captain –missile – permission to launch 3 missile salvo
- permission granted – authentication code orange river 456 –over
- authentication code entered – request enter launch key in your console and turn on my prompt
- launch key inserted –ready to turn
- 3 2 1 now
Both the missile officer and captain turned the key and the 3 supersonic anti ship missiles went on autonomous launch mode .The countdown clock started its reverse count and exact 9 seconds after the three missiles came out of its canister and leaped into the dark sky on pillars of fire almost 36 ft high .As it reached a height of 80 ft the noses started tipping over and the ramjet ignited the three missiles changed course accelerating fast towards the last know position of the Pakistani submarine .

Each carrying a 250 kg high explosive warhead enough to sink a carrier, the missiles flew on a flat trajectory acting as worlds first supersonic oversized depth charge . In a few minutes they were over the target are and dived hitting the water at three times the speed of sound and the warheads exploded in sequence just under the surface of water sending in massive shock waves all around .


Captain Imran’s plan was working. He has got his authorization to missile launch and he was almost within launch range of his anti ship missiles . At 3 knots peed he ken was practically undetectable at 115 ft depth which sonar predicted the first thermo cline . He was aware of Indian anti sub helos searching the area for him and he also knew the destroyer Chennai was closing in at maximum speed but still much outside any torpedo launch zone. At this depth he was almost impervious to any magnetic anomaly detection also from the Indian topples that might have reached the area. Even if some weak signal the tupolevs may get on their MAD gear it will not be good enough for an accurate weapon drop.

It was time to get into missile launch position ,by the time he levels out the Indian destroyer should nicely come into kill zone and then it will be upto him and his dependable excocets to make the prize kill which he was sure will break the moral of Indian navy .
he SM-39 Exocet is a short-range, solid propellant, single warhead, submarine-launched cruise missile developed and manufactured by France. Several hundred were fired in combat during the Falklands conflict and the Iran-Iraq War in the 1980s.

France initially designed the Exocet (“Flying Fish” in French) family of cruise missiles to attack and destroy large warships. The SM-39, on which development began in 1979, is the submarine-launched version of the AM-39. It is currently deployed on the “Le Triumphant,” “L’Inflexible,” “Rubris,” and “Agosta” class submarines.

The Exocet family of missiles are all the same basic shape, the only differences being the length and wing shape. The SM-39 has four delta-shaped wings at mid-body, and four delta-shaped control fins at the rear. The missile is 4.69 m long, 0.35 m in body diameter, and has a launch weight of 655 kg. It carries a high explosive fragmentation warhead weighing 165 kg. The SM-39 is stored in a launch container along with propulsion and guidance units. The entire module, designated VSM “Vehicule Sous-Marin,” is fired from standard torpedo 533 millimeter launch tubes. The missile and VSM together weigh 1,345 kg. After breaking the surface, the SM-39 separates from the VSM at a low altitude of about 30 m.

The SM-39 then stabilizes in the direction of its target at its first cruising altitude, low enough to avoid detection by its target yet high enough to allow its active radar seeker head to acquire the target. Midcourse guidance is by an inertial navigation system (INS) and a radio altimeter, allowing the missile to fly a sea-skimming trajectory to its target. The SM-39 descends to its second cruise altitude for the terminal phase, with a final approach at an altitude determined by prevailing sea conditions, sometimes as low as 3 m. Terminal guidance is provided by an active radar. The SM-39 is reported to have a maximum range of 50 km

It was then the brahmos stuck water and exploded with horrendous force followed by the second and then the third.

The first casuality was the sonar operator, his eardrums ruptured and he collapsed in a heap on the console table. The lights went off and in a few seconds the emergency lights came on .Imran could not believe what has happened .There was no warsip in the vicinity and he was far too deep for an aerial strike. There was no torpedo launch warning either. He took control immediately
- captain has the con
- xo damage assessment
- sir we have sonar in operative
- diving plane damaged – unable to maintain depth
- pressure hull shows no sign of leakage –depth 103 ft –speed 3 knots
- AIP OK –on standby
- Minor leakage on prop seal
- Weapon can we launch missiles
- Affirmative sir but we need to come up to launch depth first
- Ok xo – main ballast – let us come up to 50 ft – prepare to launch missiles at target Charlie as soon as possible

The crippled Agosta started climbing slowly as the main ballast tanks started pushing out water .On the missile launch console the lights started turning green as one after another the various launch and arming sequences were being completed by the fire control computer.


- captain – sea eagle 1 the damn agosta is hit –she is blowing main ballast – coming up to periscope depth
- sea eagle –please note that can also be the missile launch depth
- blue sky –you heard me – commence MAD run now
- sea eagle one and two –standby to drop weapon the moment a positive MAD fix
is obtained
- copy Chennai – blue sky – starting MAD run – altitude 50 meters – east west line grid bravo delta

The four engine bear turned in sharply and dived for the ocean tops . As it quickly quartered area in classic grid search pattern the magnetometer on her tail listened for slightest magnetic anomaly on earth’s magnetic field as may be expected by a large mass of iron like a submarine.

It took more than 3 minutes before the first spike appeared on the screen

- mad man mad man smoke away ,shouted the Bear pilot as he quickly turned outwards and gained altitude for a weapon drop ,dropping an orange smoke buoy
to mark the position

- sea eagle one – Chennai -weapons free – go ahead
- sea eagle two –stand by
- blue sky stand by


Captain Imran took out his missile launch key and pushed it in simultaneously with the missile systems officer. The launch authorization code was already in when all hell broke loose as the missile system officer was about to push the launch button that will initiate the irreversible launch initiation sequence

The nervous voice of his first officer came over the PA system

-captain –xo – aerial activity overhead – a fast moving fixed wing and two choppers closing in
There was no time to loose ,either he continue with the launch and surely loose the ship or dive an try to escape however low the chance may be

- rig ship for emergency dive – blow main ballast

It was then the first torpedo hit water followed by another

- captain –we have two torp in water
- deploy noise maker – make depth 300 ft – blow ballast –make diving angle 15 degree

The agosta responded but sluggishly as the damaged diving planes tried to come to their new setting as dictated by the computer one of the hydraulic hoses burst spraying the area with a high pressure jet of dark brown oil.

-sir we are loosing hydraulic pressure
- change over to emergency circuit –maintain dive angle –full speed –change course 120

- sir we have one more torpedo in water –the first one has missed but the second one ahs gone on continuous pinging
- change course 060 – level out – keep up maximum speed

Captain Imran knew his game was lost .But he had no regrets . He always knew attacking a Indian navy task force in open ocean was another name for suicide but still he had tried .

It was then the first torpedo stuck home , opening up the pressure hull like a can of sardine followed quckly by the second follow on one dropped from the TU 142 .As billions of tons of sea water tried to enter the tiny submarine the pressure hull imploded inwards as no longer it was able to resist the forces of oceans depth. It was over in a matter of minutes .Only few patched of oil and scraps of metal remained where once the pride of Pakistan navy once sailed .

It was a sad but in inevitable end to a proud captain and her ship.
IN UR Dreams baby
dont u remember PNS Ghazi she made indian navy sailor **** in ther pnts :D
Dont even forget the PNS Hangor remember that name made a history
ye kya next bollywood film ka script hai :undecided:

and this BS scrap is not for enjoy article hurt me :disagree: stupid writer hater :tdown:
Yaar denial mode ki bhi hadd hoti hai. CMon, we all know what IN is and always has been. We arent talking bout IAF or IA but IN.
IN UR Dreams baby
dont u remember PNS Ghazi she made indian navy sailor **** in ther pnts :D
Dont even forget the PNS Hangor remember that name made a history

:lol::lol: Yeah, i still remember when she comitted suicide without even touching anyone of our RAJPUTs..:whistle: And she was dreaming of sinking VIKRANT:eek:
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