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How India's growth will outpace China's - The Economist

Who cares about CAPTAIN AMERICA? Chill out plp.......

We are just sick and tire of him trolling on every single China themed threads on Pak Defence. Check his past 100 posts if you don't believe me.

We've had a fake Chinese troll earlier so I guess it is only appropriate to have a fake American one as well.
We've had a fake Chinese troll earlier so I guess it is only appropriate to have a fake American one as well.

Despite the fact that his spelling and punctuation are below high school level... I don't think he's a false-flag troll. I think he's actually an American.

He ruins America's image better than anyone else I've seen. Bin Laden should pay him for helping out the anti-American cause. :azn:
Apart from lending money to the bankrupt US government you mean? :azn:

If money earned Nobel Prizes Saudia Arabia would be buried in them. The bottom line is India's growth will outpace China's because of freedom and democracy lead to innovations and discovery.

Is it still true that Chinese Web Sites that mention Tiananmen Square are being banned in China.

: Nobel laureates of India
1.Venkatraman Ramakrishnan*, Chemistry, 2009
2.Amartya Sen, Economics, 1998
3.Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar*, Physics, 1983
4.Mother Teresa, born in then Ottoman Empire, now Macedonia, Peace, 1979
5.Har Gobind Khorana*, Medicine, 1968
6.C. V. Raman, Physics, 1930
7.Rabindranath Tagore, Literature, 1913
8.Rudyard Kipling*, Literature,1907
9.Ronald Ross*, Physiology or Medicine, 1902

Mainland China 0
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If money earned Nobel Prizes Saudia Arabia would be buried in them.

Nobel Prizes are just a political tool. Even Al Gore and Yasser Arafat got one. :rofl: And of course, your favourite person, Obama.

Come here to China and see who regards the Nobel Prize as anything but a political tool. Nobody at all. :azn:
India will outpace china in economic growth because of it lower level of development in comparison china .

India is assumed, if world economy continues to recover will grow 8 percent for the next 2 to 3 decades.India going to invest 500 billion alone in infrastructure in this decade to help maintain growth .(less than china stimulus package for the recession)

However Chinese growth will slow to 6 percent by end of the decade and will continue to slow down in next decades.

This does not mean India's economize will overtake china any time soon.But it will be catching up to china in size then slow down like china .Because it hard to maintain higher growth at higher development base ,there growth will slow down to sustainable level . EG in 2007 America economic growth rate was 3 percent and china was 11.3 roughly .

Unless both countries found miraculous way to perpetuate rapid economic growth .Possibly through new technology

Then as result a possible multi-polar world will emerge by 2050 where china will no 1 ,US no 2 ,India 3 .But india might overtake take china by the end of the century .Anything is possible .But current trends show that china will emerge richer from this century than india.
If money earned Nobel Prizes Saudia Arabia would be buried in them. The bottom line is India's growth will outpace China's because of freedom and democracy lead to innovations and discovery.

You completely misunderstand economics, but I doubt my explanation will help you there.

The bottom line is that China is going to displace the US as the world's top economy in a little over a decade, leaving the US as the shortest-lived superpower in history. Even India will surpass the USA...

Let's hope those Nobel political awards help your government from their current bankruptcy, and maybe then they can stop asking China to help finance their 13 trillion debt. :azn:
If money earned Nobel Prizes Saudia Arabia would be buried in them. The bottom line is India's growth will outpace China's because of freedom and democracy lead to innovations and discovery.

Is it still true that Chinese Web Sites that mention Tiananmen Square are being banned in China?

Comparing a nation with 200 years of industrialization with one with only 50 years, aren't we? Sounds unfair to me. Since you claim that the "commies" were so complete and utterly incapable of innovations how do you explain this list:

6.Iosif Aleksandrovich Brodsky*, Literature, 1987
7.Pyotr Leonidovich Kapitsa, Physics, 1978
8.Ilya Prigogine*, Chemistry, 1977
9.Andrei Dmitrievich Sakharov, Peace, 1975
10.Leonid Vitalyevich Kantorovich, Economics, 1975
11.Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, Literature, 1970
12.Michail Sholokhov, Literature, 1965
13.Nicolay G. Basov, Physics, 1964
14.Aleksandr M. Prokhorov, born in Australia, Physics, 1964
15.Lev Davidovich Landau, Physics, 1962
16.Boris Pasternak, Literature, 1958 (forced to decline)
17.Pavel Alekseyevich Cherenkov, Physics, 1958
18.Igor Yevgenyevich Tamm, Physics, 1958
19.Ilya Mikhailovich Frank, Physics, 1958
20.Nikolay Nikolayevich Semyonov, Chemistry, 1956
21.Ivan Bunin*, Literature, 1933

Note how most of the winners won prizes in Physics and Chemistry. Also keep in mind how the "evil commies" who "suppressed innovations" launched the first object in orbit as well as sending the first human being into space and performing the first space walk.

As for censorship in China, I don't see why you should be the one commenting. They may have the "great fire wall" in China but here in America we have people like you who choose to stick their heads in the sand.
If money earned Nobel Prizes Saudia Arabia would be buried in them.

CAPTAIN, you are being reported for non stop trolling since this thread is about growth of China and India.
Tell me how does "Nobel Price " is related to the topic except for the sake of trolling?
And don't complain people are trying to get you ban, after all thats the consequence for your excessive trolling.:mod:
PS: you still haven't answer my question="Why are you stealing post"?? :D
Comparing a nation with 200 years of industrialization with one with only 50 years, aren't we? Sounds unfair to me. Since you claim that the "commies" were so complete and utterly incapable of innovations how do you explain this list:

6.Iosif Aleksandrovich Brodsky*, Literature, 1987
7.Pyotr Leonidovich Kapitsa, Physics, 1978
8.Ilya Prigogine*, Chemistry, 1977
9.Andrei Dmitrievich Sakharov, Peace, 1975
10.Leonid Vitalyevich Kantorovich, Economics, 1975
11.Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, Literature, 1970
12.Michail Sholokhov, Literature, 1965
13.Nicolay G. Basov, Physics, 1964
14.Aleksandr M. Prokhorov, born in Australia, Physics, 1964
15.Lev Davidovich Landau, Physics, 1962
16.Boris Pasternak, Literature, 1958 (forced to decline)
17.Pavel Alekseyevich Cherenkov, Physics, 1958
18.Igor Yevgenyevich Tamm, Physics, 1958
19.Ilya Mikhailovich Frank, Physics, 1958
20.Nikolay Nikolayevich Semyonov, Chemistry, 1956
21.Ivan Bunin*, Literature, 1933

Note how most of the winners won prizes in Physics and Chemistry. Also keep in mind how the "evil commies" who "suppressed innovations" launched the first object in orbit as well as sending the first human being into space and performing the first space walk.

As for censorship in China, I don't see why you should be the one commenting. They may have the "great fire wall" in China but here in America we have people like you who choose to stick their heads in the sand.

Look closer, delete Nobel Prizes Peace and Literature and you have about a dozen noble prizes out of half of the worlds population that live in Mainland China, USSR and Islamic Countries in 110 years.

And I can stick my head in sand or tell the goverment to go to hell and not be put in prison for it.
India will outpace china in economic growth because of it lower level of development in comparison china .

India is assumed, if world economy continues to recover will grow 8 percent for the next 2 to 3 decades.India going to invest 500 billion alone in infrastructure in this decade to help maintain growth .(less than china stimulus package for the recession)

The investment plan for the IIFCL(India Infrastructure Finance Company Ltd) calls for a total investment of over $492 billion in infrastructure projects from 2007-2012. It is estimated that 30.5% of these investments will be in the power sector, 15.4% in roads and bridges, 13,2% in telecommunications, 12.6% in railways, 3.7% in ports, 1.7% in airports, and the remaining in sectors such as irrigation, gas, storage, water, and sanitation. The total investment plan from 2007-2017 is estimated to be about $1.48 trillion.That is their aim.
The investment plan for the IIFCL(India Infrastructure Finance Company Ltd) calls for a total investment of over $492 billion in infrastructure projects from 2007-2012. It is estimated that 30.5% of these investments will be in the power sector, 15.4% in roads and bridges, 13,2% in telecommunications, 12.6% in railways, 3.7% in ports, 1.7% in airports, and the remaining in sectors such as irrigation, gas, storage, water, and sanitation. The total investment plan from 2007-2017 is estimated to be about $1.48 trillion.

That's sounds good. :cheers:

India is entering a vital demographic window in the next few years. Effective infrastructure will turn "good" economic growth, into "fantastic" economic growth.
The investment plan for the IIFCL(India Infrastructure Finance Company Ltd) calls for a total investment of over $492 billion in infrastructure projects from 2007-2012. It is estimated that 30.5% of these investments will be in the power sector, 15.4% in roads and bridges, 13,2% in telecommunications, 12.6% in railways, 3.7% in ports, 1.7% in airports, and the remaining in sectors such as irrigation, gas, storage, water, and sanitation. The total investment plan from 2007-2017 is estimated to be about $1.48 trillion.

What's important is that none of this money whether 1.5 or 0.5 trillion ends up in the pockets and bank accounts of the babus.
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