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How India's growth will outpace China's - The Economist

Hope for the best.:tup:

You guys should organise together in groups on the internet to get rid of any "corrupt politicians" in the system.

Like I have heard many Indians say... India is growing fast DESPITE the politicians.

Get rid of those bad politicians, and your economic growth will soar into the sky.
You guys should organise together in groups on the internet to get rid of any "corrupt politicians" in the system.

Like I have heard many Indians say... India is growing fast DESPITE the politicians.

Get rid of those bad politicians, and your economic growth will soar into the sky.

In my honest opinion and no offence intend towards the very thoughtful and intelligent Indian members here. India has under-performed with respect to its potential.

There are so many inefficiency in the system that when India gets ride of them, they would have sky rocketing growth and the same problems that China had in the late 90's. An Economy growing too fast!
I agree that some part of the money smaller contracts will be subject to corruption (like local roads, city infrastructure etc) ... but the good thing is that majority money some part will go into the projects. There are several infrastructure projects (majority) these days where the govt is executing with private partnerships.

For ex. number of expressways projects are being in PPP mode where the private company is responsible for maintenance and collecting toll for upto a period of 30 years. This ensures that the companies should stick to the maximum efficiency and quality standards during development.
In my honest opinion and no offence intend towards the very thoughtful and intelligent Indian members here. India has under-performed with respect to its potential.

There are so many inefficiency in the system that when India gets ride of them, they would have sky rocketing growth and the same problems that China had in the late 90's. An Economy growing too fast!

I believe they can get over these problems. (And even if they don't, their economic growth will still be enormous).

Like you said, it's best to arrive at a point where the Government is actually trying to DECREASE economic growth, because the economy is growing too fast. :cheers:
If money earned Nobel Prizes Saudia Arabia would be buried in them. The bottom line is India's growth will outpace China's because of freedom and democracy lead to innovations and discovery.

Is it still true that Chinese Web Sites that mention Tiananmen Square are being banned in China.

are you suggesting that all races are equally smart? how about check some research outcomes conducted by your favorite democratic and innovative western researchers?

people like you were born in a democratic society, you never spent a single minute to think about the problems of democracy, you never spent a single minute to think about how to achieve democracy with best efficiency. yet, you believe everything told to you.

what a shame. basically brain washed.
are you suggesting that all races are equally smart? how about check some research outcomes conducted by your favorite democratic and innovative western researchers?

people like you were born in a democratic society, you never spent a single minute to think about the problems of democracy, you never spent a single minute to think about how to achieve democracy with best efficiency. yet, you believe everything told to you.

what a shame. basically brain washed.

When I suggest something you will know it. Of course democracy has its problems. But I belive in freedom, democracy, liberty, basic human rights,

Right to live, exist.
To work for anyone
To own property
Free Speech
Safety from violence
Protection from the law
Fair trial
To be innocent until proven guilty
To be a citizen of a country
To vote
To seek asylum if a country treats you badly
To think freely
To believe and practice the religion a person wants
To peacefully protest (speak against) a government or group
Health care (medical care)
To communicate through a language
To been involved in love life
Not be forced into marriage
To pursue happiness
not to be forced to do something you do not wish to do.

Human rights - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

and i believe freedom, democracy and freedoms like free speech makes a better and more productive society in the end.
To believe any thing else would be to sell my soul.
and i belive freedom, democracy and freedoms like free speech makes a better and more productive society in the end.
To belive any thing else would be to sell my soul.

Do you believe in education and spelling? :azn:

Apart from that, those beliefs are fair enough I suppose. Next you can renounce racism.
Yes they can choose to be illiterate and therefore unemployed, because who would hire someone that can't even spell basic words?

Is my spelling so important to you? that you need to troll behind me and check every word and derail threads. Perhaps you are just trying to censor what ever I say like the Chinese goverments does to 1.3 billion people. Perhaps you just like to bully people that dont agree with you, or perhaps its just people that dont think the way China treats its people is all that great.
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