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How Indians are Exploiting Azad Jammu & Kashmir's Youth

Internet certainly is today's most valuable necessity, it has reduced the distances between individuals, Nations, cultures etc. However, there are many Nations that have become Champions of of using Internet for their own agendas & Propaganda, predominant ones are USA, Israel, India, UK, France and Saudi Arabia.

Recently, I have interviewed several AJK students for internships and jobs and I have come to know that their is an uncertainty, disquietude and aversion towards Pakistan and Pakistani People. I may sound absurd but that's how they openly described their bound with the rest of the Pakistan.

Their explanation is that they have friends who are in direct contact with them from Jammu & Kashmir and according to them they are well off their lives are far much better than us and that Indian Government looks after them very well, things that weren't true off course, however their confidence was literally built up to it.

When I asked that what do you think of Indian Government revoking the article 370 and the curfew in Indian Occupied Kashmir, they replied that "According to them this is for the benefits of Kashmiri People" and that they are getting free education, free services, free medical, free food since their has been a curfew in the Valley.

I had to know that how is it possible when their is no Internet service available in Indian Occupied Kashmir these students and young fellas have found their way to connect with their friends. I somehow managed to make several friends over several social media accounts pretending to be the Kashmiri myself, and what I have find out that those who were claiming to be from Indian Occupied Kashmir weren't actually from there. They always hid their identities, according to them they have a freedom but they wish to conceal themselves because at this stage they don't believe me, I may be a Pakistani spy of something.

According to them Pakistan's Government is brutal and that whatever we watch over the Internet regarding Indian Occupied forces is not true, its all propaganda. And when I started to ask questions, they got really hasty about it.

What I concluded that RAW and likes of it in Indian Occupied Kashmir has hired a bunch of goons who pretend to be Kashmiris but they actually are not. They are exploiting our youth and running their propaganda machines. Since our young Kashmiri Brothers and sisters are naive predominantly the students, they have become the easy target.

The future ramification of this can be catastrophic. We have seen it in our Western border Areas, it took almost a decade to achieve a peace and stability in those regions. What consequences shall we face right now it's too early to conclude. However, one thing is certain, we really need to gear up against the Indian Propaganda machines.

You met some idiots that don't have any knowledge or facts about the situation. I met many such enigmas in the West who left Pakistan. Sometimes it seems every other American Pakistani is a MQM or ANP refugee in the US. They ran away because their own people disapproved of their racial politics.

Kashmiri civilians living in Azad Kashmir have to go into bunkers every time India fires on them. Anger at India is in fever pitch now. They are now being trained by the Pakistani military as they have refused to leave the area. They said they would rather die in jihad against India than leave their lands for safety in Islamabad or Lahore. They are living their lives bravely while the threat of Indian coward snipers on them, their women, and even children looms large.

Go and ask around more people from Azad Kashmir to get varied input. You will find the overwhelming majority of people support Pakistan more than us. They literally give their lives for Pakistan daily, on both sides of the LoC.

I don't support this plebiscite nonsense.

Muslim areas belong to Pakistan. Kashmir is Pakistan.

It is the same thing brother. They support us 100%. This is fact.

It is the same thing brother. They support us 100%. This is fact.

I don't doubt that brother. My issue is hanging to this useless UN resolution without doing anything for the last 70 years.

We just need to declare Kashmir as part of Pakistan and do business only with countries who recognize Kashmir as part of Pakistan. We need to deal Kashmir just like how China deals with Taiwan.
I don't doubt that brother. My issue is hanging to this useless UN resolution without doing anything for the last 70 years.

We just need to declare Kashmir as part of Pakistan and do business only with countries who recognize Kashmir as part of Pakistan. We need to deal Kashmir just like how China deals with Taiwan.

India wants us to change the status of Azad Kashmir to justify its illegal hold on Maqbooza Kashmir.

Pakistan Kashmir policy is led by pragmatism and international law, but make no mistake, when India declares war, all options are on the table.
India wants us to change the status of Azad Kashmir to justify its illegal hold on Maqbooza Kashmir.

Pakistan Kashmir policy is led by pragmatism and international law, but make no mistake, when India declares war, all options are on the table.

I call that nonsensical excuses.

And what happens if India does not declare war? The status quo continues? Are you okay with that?
Kashmiri civilians living in Azad Kashmir have to go into bunkers every time India fires on them. Anger at India is in fever pitch now. They are now being trained by the Pakistani military as they have refused to leave the area. They said they would rather die in jihad against India than leave their lands for safety in Islamabad or Lahore. They are living their lives bravely while the threat of Indian coward snipers on them, their women, and even children looms large.

I never doubted their loyalty towards Pakistan, and the way you described everything it seems you have never been to Kashmir before? There are areas that are far away from border.
Please read it out thoroughly what have I wrote earlier, I never said all of them, I said I interviewed freshly graduates who had a different point of view on how Indians treat Kashmiris because of Indian propaganda.
You talk about loyalty with Pakistan? Than there are numerous examples for your across borders too, why just Kashmiris? How about Afghan Taliban? Aren't they Loyal to Pakistan? I met many Iraqis who were extremely loyal towards Pakistan too, and same as Syrians and Turks and Emiratis, Saudis, Iranians, Tajika, Uzbiks, Kargz, Chachins.
But yes, if you want me to expose there identities because you don't believe what I just said, it's a different story than.
Don't always rush up to jump into a conclusion.
What stops Pak from rolling out their own abrogation policy and claiming it full ?

Do it already, make your slice de facto and call it a day

the nukes will keep the peace.

The Geneva Convention and POW rules, and President Donald Trump.

We have a commitment to Kashmiri people, that's why.

End of story.
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