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How India betrayed Pakistan

then going by your logic Pakistan is doing the right thing by supporting Kashmiri rebels because your coward army is massacring and raping Kahmiris am i right?

there is a difference dude...kashmiris are not flocking to Pakistan ,are they?and seriously, the hypocrisy displayed by you people about kashmir is bewildering.any country has the right to deal with the insurgents.China does it, US does it and so do you , why India should be the only victim of your chest beating crowds ranting and foaming at the mouth?
woooo thankfully everything single stuff on this article i already knew by reading a school book of my relative.

This is one good thing our government has done never let out next generation forget about what India did and is doing with us.
Did they ever teach you about "Direct Action Day" in school ? And the real reason why "Direct Action Day" was carried out and what happened subsequently in the "week of Long Knives" ? In case you do not, then read up on Sengupta's A city feeding on itself if you can manage it.
Based on the neutral accounts the Mukhti Bahini terrorist started harrasing the Begnali intelactual base by sending threats to them and their families to turn their back against Pakistan. One the fake uprising was fabricated and news started going upstream then India unleashed upon camps of terrorist on east-Pakistan backed by their own regular army. The terrorist would engage the PA and then the fire would be returned by IA regulars. Sending PA personal in total shock and awe as to what is happening. Today the Indians portray themselves as part of reactive politics in doing the right thing however any think tank would understand that such measures cannot take place without 3-6 years of careful pre-planning. Much of the brain behind this staging was blessing of KGB and Indias "treaty of friendship and co-operationg" with soviet union. When uncovered by CIA, it forced Pakistan to take stake in Afghan war at any cost. While many people only remember ISI role in training afghan jehadis they fail to look on other fronts ISI opened against Soviet union. A large number of qualified professional were sneaked out with the help of covert ISI agents and the menance of narcotics abuse was unleashed in mainland Russia by ISI-CIA hired smugglers to break the fabric of soviet society.

The alleged Pakistani massacares in east-pakistan was last resort damage by outnumbered and outgunned troops totally left to fend on their own in completely unfamiliar and untrusted terriotry.

One would have little faith in nationalist uprising by a socialist puppet who was gunned down for his own treason by the millitary.

Thanks, I am looking forward to heard the Indian side as well. (no doubt to follow very soon)
there is a difference dude...kashmiris are not flocking to Pakistan ,are they?

tell me the difference please? As far as i'm concerned i see no difference, you indians justify your intervention in Pakistan's internal matter during the 1971 war because Pakistan was oppressing the bengali minorty and wasn't granting them freedom but isn't your coward army doing the same in Kashmir by occupying it against the will of its people and by raping its women and killing its young men!

and seriously, the hypocrisy displayed by you people about kashmir is bewildering

the only hypocrites here are you indians, whenever we do something in our national interest you indians cry like babies, even if we buy a bullet you indians cry!

.any country has the right to deal with the insurgents.

now here your contradicting yourself, so Pakistan was doing the right thing by dealing with those Terrorist mukhti bahini who were supported by both your gov and army at that time! And just when the Mukhti Bahini were being beaten back by our soldiers your coward army crossed international border and interfered in our internal matter!

And you know what other right Pakistan has? we also have the right to support Kashmiri rebels because of what your coward army has been doing to the Kashmiris in Kashmir!

, why India should be the only victim of your chest beating crowds ranting and foaming at the mouth?

actually its you indians who chest thump, rant, and foam at the mouth whenever Pakistan buys weapons and whenever something goes in Pakistan's favor!

why don't you indians look in the mirror before ranting, chest thumping, and mouth foaming about Pakistan!
there is a difference dude...kashmiris are not flocking to Pakistan ,are they?and seriously, the hypocrisy displayed by you people about kashmir is bewildering.any country has the right to deal with the insurgents.China does it, US does it and so do you , why India should be the only victim of your chest beating crowds ranting and foaming at the mouth?

What kind of typical brahmin hypocrisy is this?? The Kashmiris are also evading Indian burtality and we should start allowing them to cross the borders and be trained by PA under the shade of supporting human rights. Seriously all the Indian accusations of cross border infiltration are legacy of wet dreams circa 1971. There is no more soviet union to save their arse and create a naval blockade of Pakitan. Further what Pakistan did to soviet union with some infiltrated fighters and to Indra Gandhi indirectly is a subject of much fear among Indian political circles.
Anyone who wants to understand classic indian shrewed, ethicless and self-centered mentality should spend a month with a native south indian bania. ( Not in a degoratry sense but a real person belonging to "bania" caste. Those who cant afford the honour can do one internet search or resort to vintage Indian movies about poverty)

We can bash out army and ISI for being India centric all we want but the top guns sitting at NDU arent naive like us or our politicians. Pakistan to India is what Israel is to Arabs. Its not about religion or identity, its about idealogy.

The inhabitants of modren day Pakistan made their living by trading between middle east, China, Centra Asia and India. They also rose as great warriors and invaded around, looted wealth, annexed terriotries, taught a lesson to few Indians and went back to their hindings in mountains. This is a very strategic cross road. Conquering this for India is what bring it back to the age of "golden bird" which they hopelessly chant about to sing once again.
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What kind of typical brahmin hypocrisy is this?? The Kashmiris are also evading Indian burtality and we should start allowing them to cross the borders and be trained by PA under the shade of supporting human rights. Seriously all the Indian accusations of cross border infiltration are legacy of wet dreams circa 1971. There is no more soviet union to save their arse and create a naval blockade of Pakitan. Further what Pakistan did to soviet union with some infiltrated fighters and to Indra Gandhi indirectly is a subject of much fear among Indian political circles.

pakistan has already attempted cross border terrorism,India successfully blocked it, in the 90s .India still has defence treaty with Russia and no offence , it can create naval blockade (as it did during kargil war)

Thing is it does not want to.Do you realize what the loss would be to India to go to war ? thankfully there are saner heads in both the nation's government right now.

Regarding the USSR ,you are stretching it ,Pakistan's role was that of an intermediary, a pathway to afghanistan for US.providing weapons to mujahids.had US not allowed the stingers to be smuggled,war would have been a different story.See Charlie Wilson's war, an insightful movie about the afghan war..
There are many people on both sides who wants to improve relations, but this damm politics won't let it do so.
Anyone who wants to understand classic indian shrewed, ethicless and self-centered mentality should spend a month with a native south indian bania.

We can bash out army and ISI for being India centric all we want but the top guns sitting at NDU arent naive like us or our politicians. Pakistan to India is what Israel is to Arabs. Its not about religion or identity, its about idealogy.

The inhabitants of modren day Pakistan made their living by trading between middle east, China, Centra Asia and India. They also rose as great warriors and invaded around, looted wealth, annexed terriotries, taught a lesson to few Indians and went back to their hindings in mountains. This is a very strategic cross road. Conquering this for India is what bring it back to the age of "golden bird" which they hopelessly chant about to sing once again.

Your statement smacks of Racism.Remove the derogatory comment.

It is the same way of saying that all Jews are crass and greedy...not done...:disagree::disagree::disagree:
pakistan has already attempted cross border terrorism,India successfully blocked it, in the 90s .India still has defence treaty with Russia and no offence , it can create naval blockade (as it did during kargil war)

Thing is it does not want to.Do you realize what the loss would be to India to go to war ? thankfully there are saner heads in both the nation's government right now.

Regarding the USSR ,you are stretching it ,Pakistan's role was that of an intermediary, a pathway to afghanistan for US.providing weapons to mujahids.had US not allowed the stingers to be smuggled,war would have been a different story.See Charlie Wilson's war, an insightful movie about the afghan war..

You forget the role of China and Israel in war against Soviet Union. And while indians boast about defence treaty with Russia, what did India do on diplomatic or millitary front to save their friends?? Russia did not even bother inviting India on their recent forum about Afghanistan attended by Pakistan and Tajiskistan as well? They couldnt even block engine sales.

Gone are the days of taking desperate soviet union for a ride.

India blocked cross border Pakistani terrorism in the 90's yet they still cry about it in 2010. Was the spanking too hard?? Indra's 30 holes might be a horrible memory for many of you in Lok Subha.
You forget the role of China and Israel in war against Soviet Union. And while indians boast about defence treaty with Russia, what did India do on diplomatic or millitary front to save their friends?? Russia did not even bother inviting India on their recent forum about Afghanistan attended by Pakistan and Tajiskistan as well? They couldnt even block engine sales.

Gone are the days of taking desperate soviet union for a ride.

India blocked cross border Pakistani terrorism in the 90's yet they still cry about it in 2010. Was the spanking too hard?? Indra's 30 holes might be a horrible memory for many of you in Lok Subha.

The primary difference in the insurgency in 90s and current period is the number of insurgents involved.

Earlier Pakistani sponsored terrorists came in hordes,now they can hardly get through due to increased border vigilance.

I am not sure that you have read the facts correctly,It was the US which arranged the great game.Weapons were procured from China(the klashnikovs)
Stingers and other weapons(Israel had loads of them from 65 war)

Currently India enjoys great relations with Russia,China and US.And regarding Spanking should I start trolling about how your country was dismembered.
Indra's 30 holes might be a horrible memory for many of you in Lok Subha
That is a dead person you are talking about.You are not doing your religion and culture a great service by speaking of her in this derogatory manner.
There are many people on both sides who wants to improve relations, but this damm politics won't let it do so.

more than politicians, it is the radicalized people who wont allow peace.
They are more happy in their past.the times of alif laila and magic carpets.
Based on the neutral accounts the Mukhti Bahini terrorist started harrasing the Begnali intelactual base by sending threats to them and their families to turn their back against Pakistan. One the fake uprising was fabricated and news started going upstream then India unleashed upon camps of terrorist on east-Pakistan backed by their own regular army. The terrorist would engage the PA and then the fire would be returned by IA regulars. Sending PA personal in total shock and awe as to what is happening. Today the Indians portray themselves as part of reactive politics in doing the right thing however any think tank would understand that such measures cannot take place without 3-6 years of careful pre-planning. Much of the brain behind this staging was blessing of KGB and Indias "treaty of friendship and co-operationg" with soviet union. When uncovered by CIA, it forced Pakistan to take stake in Afghan war at any cost. While many people only remember ISI role in training afghan jehadis they fail to look on other fronts ISI opened against Soviet union. A large number of qualified professional were sneaked out with the help of covert ISI agents and the menance of narcotics abuse was unleashed in mainland Russia by ISI-CIA hired smugglers to break the fabric of soviet society.

The alleged Pakistani massacares in east-pakistan was last resort damage by outnumbered and outgunned troops totally left to fend on their own in completely unfamiliar and untrusted terriotry.

One would have little faith in nationalist uprising by a socialist puppet who was gunned down for his own treason by the millitary.

“Kill three million of them,” said President Yahya Khan, “and the rest will eat out of our hands.” Robert Payne writes in his book titled ‘Massacre’, referring to a meeting of Pakistan army’s top brass held on February 22, 1971.

Okay, this might be a long winding post, so i will keep it to the bare facts, all from the NSA Archives.
Pakistan's December 1970 elections, the first free democratic elections for the National Assembly in Pakistan's history, saw Sheikh Mujibur (Mujib) Rahman's East Pakistan-based Awami League party (AL) win 167 out of 169 seats contested in Pakistan's Eastern flank, giving the AL a majority and control of the 313-seat National Assembly. This was the first time that political power in Pakistan would be concentrated in its Eastern half.(1)

West Pakistan's loss of political power over East Pakistan was devastating. Threatened by this development, on March 1, 1971, with the Assembly set to open in two days, the military dictator General Agha Muhammad Yahya Khan (Yahya), postponed the opening indefinitely. Outraged by the West's disregard for their political rights, the ethnically Bengali East Pakistanis took to the streets demanding that Yahya and West Pakistan respect the election results.

On March 25, 1971, West Pakistani forces, commanded by General Yahya and the Martial Law Administrator, Lt. General Tikka Khan began a self-destructive course of repressive actions against their fellow Pakistanis in the East. The Martial Law Administrators did not discriminate, targeting anyone from Awami Leaguers to students. Large numbers of Bengalis -- Muslims and Hindus, businessmen and academics -- were killed during this period of martial law. The final tally of the dead, as reported by Mujib was approximately three million.

Now a brief look into the Genocide.

From the U.S. Consulate (Dacca) Cable, Selective Genocide, March 28, 1971, Confidential, 2 pp. Link here.
Here in Dhaka, we are mute and horrified witnesses to a reign of terror by the Pak military...Among those marked for extinction in addition to AL hierarchy are student leaders and university faculty. Morever, with support of Pak Military Non Bengali muslims are murdering Bengalis and Hindus. Full horror of Pak military atrocities will come to light sooner or later. I therefore question present USG posture of pretending to believe GOP false assertions and express our shock at this wave of terror directed by Pak military.
From the U.S. Consulate (Dacca) Cable, Killings at University, March 30, 1971, Confidential, 3 pp Link here.
Students wither shot down in rooms or mowed down when they came out of building in groups. Saw tightly packed pile of 25 corpses. Major atrocities took place at Kokeya girls hall where building set ablaze and Girls machine gunned as they fled. Girls had no weapons
U.S. Consulate (Dacca) Cable, Sitrep: Army Terror Campaign Continues in Dacca; Evidence Military Faces Some Difficulties Elsewhere, March 31, 1971, Confidential, 3 pp. Link here.
Wanton acts of violence by military are continuing in Dacca. Hindus undeniably special focus of Military brutality. Atrocity rales rampant. Bengali Businessman saw six naked female bodies at Rokeya hall, feet tied together. Apparently raped, shot and hung by heels from fans.

In fact the earliest decision whether or not to support Mukti Bahini by India was only made on March 29 when the Genocide was already gung-ho in Pakistan. Link here.

And the involvement as already seen on May 25, 1971 as per the link here.
i don't think there can be an impartial debate here on the subject. title alone is enough to flame the thread. both sides will have their own stories to say. none of them can be anywhere near the truth. anyone wanting to have a real perseption about who did what, who is right & who is wrong, please don't follow this. you will never get a nutral perspective!!
i don't think there can be an impartial debate here on the subject. title alone is enough to flame the thread. both sides will have their own stories to say. none of them can be anywhere near the truth. anyone wanting to have a real perseption about who did what, who is right & who is wrong, please don't follow this. you will never get a nutral perspective!!
Absolutely not. All you require is an unbiased mind to read and understand facts from Neutral sources and then come to conclusions. Any pontification of opinions or biasing towards a parochial outlook will only lead yourself to misery. The TNT is the very bedrock of Pakistan and hence they will fight you tooth and nail to stand by it, however much you counter them with instances claiming the failure of it.
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