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How Hindutva is squashing free speech

And these organisations have some followers who follow 'em blindly. Take a look at this thread.

In fact I dont like when a writer used his pen for criticizing other peoples belief or religion.
Why should we target others belief?
But I dont support organized atrocities like this.If you have some objections about a book then you should go to court like that in Wendys Case.
In this case the writer was criticised about barbarian custom prevelent in his land around 100 years ago.
But some goons cant recognize the reality.

Oh well every nations will have their fare share of hard right wingers we should reject them.
Well, I had a recent real life experience with a Hindutva nut.

This guy was straight out of this forum - Modiji superman, India supa powa, Hindu culture fantastic, Muslim invaders, flying vimanas, ancient nuclear weapons, etc, etc.

I told him ancient space ships and nuclear weapons were mythological, and no one takes them literally. I also gave him a reality check on the road to supa powa.

This guy got real angry, told me I was not seeing the light because I was Pakistani.

He then went full retard.

We were staying in a hotel and he complained to the hotel management about me. Luckily, the people at the front desk know me very well -- I am on a first name basis with most of them -- and they ignored his "complaint".

I still found it interesting that this kind of mentality is getting so rife within India. A sign of the "Modi" times...
I like your story. But considering that in bold(Modi fanboy) I suspect it was Areesh. :D
and after saving your Hindu brethren, population of Hindus decreased from 22% to 8% today....
good job.. u jamatis...

Can't help it if both Muslims and Hindus (especially Hindus) from BD migrate to NE (a land without people) to lay their claims to large tracts of lands. :P

Bangals are smarter than ghotis, richer in WB and if they can make a fortune in India, they will migrate. Many Hindus I know have a second home in Kolkata!
I can understand tamil in bits and parts, if its insensitive then I think I'll be able to figure that out.

Isn't the book in English?
The lady was reading it in English though, not sure if the book has a English version or she translated it.

Can't help it if both Muslims and Hindus (especially Hindus) from BD migrate to NE (a land without people) to lay their claims to large tracts of lands. :P

Bangals are smarter than ghotis, richer in WB and if they can make a fortune in India, they will migrate. Many Hindus I know have a second home in Kolkata!

So why the mass exodus of Hindu Bangals happened from Bangladesh 1946 onwards? If the Bangals are successful today, then it is because of their never-say-die attitude, otherwise they came as beggers here ( not all, but those who survived the genocide). Open a different thread and tag me there.
Nobody cried 'free speach squashed' when India became the first country to ban 'Satanic verses'
True Its the thing that India is the most Free and Fare Country Than any other country in the world.
Isn't the book in English?
The lady was reading it in English though, not sure if the book has a English version or she translated it.
The book was originally released in Tamil titled "Madhorubhagan". Later it was translated and released again as "one part woman".
Well, I had a recent real life experience with a Hindutva nut.

This guy was straight out of this forum - Modiji superman, India supa powa, Hindu culture fantastic, Muslim invaders, flying vimanas, ancient nuclear weapons, etc, etc.

I told him ancient space ships and nuclear weapons were mythological, and no one takes them literally. I also gave him a reality check on the road to supa powa.

This guy got real angry, told me I was not seeing the light because I was Pakistani.

He then went full retard.

We were staying in a hotel and he complained to the hotel management about me. Luckily, the people at the front desk know me very well -- I am on a first name basis with most of them -- and they ignored his "complaint".

I still found it interesting that this kind of mentality is getting so rife within India. A sign of the "Modi" times...

What you wrote is solly your opinion and perceptions. It has a little value in proving anything. Had you been a neutral analyzer, you would not have used the words like Hindutva Nut, Hindu culture fantastic, supa powa etc. What he has said about you is absolutely right. A perosn interested in rational discussion never uses the word and language you used.
This is really shamefull from the caste outfits and considering Tamil Nadu was always at the forefront of free speech from the days of Periyar, its astonishing to see the Dravidian outfits- anti-Hindu groups are keeping quiet.

Freedom of speech and novels should be preserved, and #IsupportPerumalMurugan. India is taking a dangerous trend , and I believe the days of Jesuischarlie in India is not too far if the trend continues.
What you wrote is solly your opinion and perceptions. It has a little value in proving anything. Had you been a neutral analyzer, you would not have used the words like Hindutva Nut, Hindu culture fantastic, supa powa etc. What he has said about you is absolutely right. A perosn interested in rational discussion never uses the word and language you used.

Until someone can provide physical evidence, anyone who believes in ancient spaceships and nuclear weapons is a nut.
Until someone can provide physical evidence, anyone who believes in ancient spaceships and nuclear weapons is a nut.

Is your logic applicable to those mythological stories of Kuran and Bible too?

At leaset we have a huge encient book of viman shastra available with us.
In this case the writer was criticised about barbarian custom prevelent in his land around 100 years ago.
But some goons cant recognize the reality.

finally you have seen the Light , its not a barbaric custom , when the custom is endorsed in Hindu scriptures - Manusmriti - “Devra…sapinda………” – 9/58. On failure to produce offspring with her husband, she may obtain offspring by cohabitation with her brother-in-law [devar] or with some other relative [sapinda] on her in-law’s side
Has the book been banned? NO
Has the author come to any physical harm? NO
Is it 4 years since publication and there was a dip in sales YES
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