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How Hindutva is squashing free speech

I want my absolute right to offend people and mock religions.
She must have offended someone....

DRAY said:

Responding to your post here because the other thread is closed now.

This book is a work of fiction, ask Taslima herself. So this is the best you got when challenged with credible sources to back your outrageous claims? Shall I now fill up the rest of PDF server space with REAL stories on Gujarat carnage? :P

Btw, in Western academic circles, desi people (except Brahmins, those guys are smart) are looked down upon because they are lazy and lie to prove their point. You just proved it again!
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There 're a lot of books that came under attack recently like Wendy Doinger's "The hindus : an alternative history" faced the same fate.
And Perumal Murugam has been attacked for no reason at all.I hope the publishers havent decided to recall "one part woman" like Penguin books did.

Wendy Doingers book was blocked through the Courts.Absolute
legal movement through judiciary.
But in here some organization took law in their hands

Responding to your post here because the other thread is closed now.

This book is a work of fiction, ask Taslima herself. So this is the best you got when challenged with credible sources to back your outrageous claims? Shall I now fill up the rest of PDF server space with REAL stories on Gujarat carnage? :P

Btw, in Western academic circles, desi people (except Brahmins, those guys are smart) are looked down upon because they are lazy and lie to prove their point. You just proved it again!

I can give you plenty of proof of that episode, it is not something hidden or denied by Bangladeshis, neither the cause of rapidly declining Hindu population in Bangladesh is unknown to the world. Some people from cities try to show Bangladesh as a modern secular country, but things are not so rosy particularly in rural areas. And with the presence of blasphemy laws in Bangladesh, we can conclude that the persecution of minorities in Bangladesh is state sponsored.

Since this discussion started by your comment about Gujrat riot of 2002, let me remind you that Bangladeshi Hindus neither burned down a train full of haj pillgrims, nor they demolished any masjid to receive the kind of treatment they were given by the majority in Bangladesh.
Wendy Doingers book was blocked through the Courts.Absolute
legal movement through judiciary.
But in here some organization took law in their hands
And these organisations have some followers who follow 'em blindly. Take a look at this thread.
When am I taking away people's right to protest? I am saying that they do not have a right to protest and impose their version of reality. Let yme put it this way - if I write a book as a protest against a religion, and if that book is banned in India, isn't my right to protest being curtailed?
And the reason for such a protest against Perumal would be...??
So Perumal is targetted for ostensibly no reason at all??
Thats not fair!!!
Such actions by random hindutva outfits is what is detrimental to our society or hindus as a community.

I think the protest primarily came from the communities he wrote about, essentially he called some of them bastard child. Someone in a news channel was reading parts of the book, I felt the writing style was too blunt and raunchy, maybe he could be more subtle. Even free speech has its limitations.
I can give you plenty of proof of that episode, it is not something hidden or denied by Bangladeshis, neither the cause of rapidly declining Hindu population in Bangladesh is unknown to the world. Some people from cities try to show Bangladesh as a modern secular country, but things are not so rosy particularly in rural areas. And with the presence of blasphemy laws in Bangladesh, we can conclude that the persecution of minorities in Bangladesh is state sponsored.

Since this discussion started by your comment about Gujrat riot of 2002, let me remind you that Bangladeshi Hindus neither burned down a train full of haj pillgrims, nor they demolished any masjid to receive the kind of treatment they were given by the majority in Bangladesh.

Yeah yeah, now you can give plenty of everything. :blah: Typical desi guy. Big mouth, 0 sources.

Blasphemy laws in BD? :cheesy: Secularism and the right to blasphemy are worshiped in BD. I think you are confusing us with hindutva moulvis. :P

"kind of treatment they received" was "we saved their a$$ in 1971". ;) 99% of Mukti Bahini were Muslims, and my entire family fought to save our hindu brethren. What have you or your dad/grandpa ever done, with all this overwhelming love for them?
Yeah yeah, now you can give plenty of everything. :blah: Typical desi guy. Big mouth, 0 sources.

Blasphemy laws in BD? :cheesy: Secularism and the right to blasphemy are worshiped in BD. I think you are confusing us with hindutva moulvis. :P

"kind of treatment they received" was "we saved their a$$ in 1971". ;) 99% of Mukti Bahini were Muslims, and my entire family fought to save our hindu brethren. What have you or your dad/grandpa ever done, with all this overwhelming love for them?
and after saving your Hindu brethren, population of Hindus decreased from 22% to 8% today....
good job.. u jamatis...
Seriously the book review that I read tells a different story.
Review Of One Part Woman by Perumal Murugan | Sharanya Manivannan

Let me try to find out that times now newshour clip of yesterday ( could be ndtv also :( ) , a lady read parts of the book, I think the writting style was insensitive and insulting.

I didn't follow the case much, but legal help should be everyones right without any criticism, same goes for peaceful protest (even if they are wrong), but I agree they should not take law in hand if they did so.
This remind me the campaign against Modi. On every morning one congress person will pop up and and say modi a Hitler, Lahu purush, Pani Purush, Rat, Monkey, Marchant of death and even Impotent. Then they will add that In gujarat there is no freedom of speech and noody dares to speak against Modi. They want the freedom of speech but they deny freedom of speech to Sakshi maharaj and Yogi aditynath and sadhvi the same.

There are our sickulars. They do not utter a single word when missionaries carry out mass conversion drive but If 50 people do Ghar vapsi, it is anti democratic and something which deserve action.
Recently a UP mullah announced Rs 51 crore prize for Chalie hobo terrorist for killing Jurnos but there is hardly any discussion in Media but they are behind sakshi Maharaj for his 4 children comment. Muslims are systemically increasing population by producing more and more children but they are completly silent. You need a permission to sound some Garba for one week but Mosques can chant Namaz from Mike every day at any odd time.They have created an exclusive class who are over and above all laws and duties of Indian citizens. We as a citizen of India should eradicate this class for true unity of India in which All citizens should have an equal right.
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Hindutva terrorism in Tamilnadu - Tamil books burning

BJP - Murugan a maniac and has decayed mind

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Let me try to find out that times now newshour clip of yesterday ( could be ndtv also :( ) , a lady read parts of the book, I think the writting style was insensitive and insulting.
I can understand tamil in bits and parts, if its insensitive then I think I'll be able to figure that out.
Well, I had a recent real life experience with a Hindutva nut.

This guy was straight out of this forum - Modiji superman, India supa powa, Hindu culture fantastic, Muslim invaders, flying vimanas, ancient nuclear weapons, etc, etc.

I told him ancient space ships and nuclear weapons were mythological, and no one takes them literally. I also gave him a reality check on the road to supa powa.

This guy got real angry, told me I was not seeing the light because I was Pakistani.

He then went full retard.

We were staying in a hotel and he complained to the hotel management about me. Luckily, the people at the front desk know me very well -- I am on a first name basis with most of them -- and they ignored his "complaint".

I still found it interesting that this kind of mentality is getting so rife within India. A sign of the "Modi" times...
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