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How Hindutva is squashing free speech

That's like comparing a condom to a Diwali cracker. People have the right to protest, you cannot take that right away form them.
When am I taking away people's right to protest? I am saying that they do not have a right to protest and impose their version of reality. Let me put it this way - if I write a book as a protest against a religion, and if that book is banned in India, isn't my right to protest being curtailed?
Why does it matter as long as actions are taken within the confines of the constitution .. ?
So Perumal is targetted for ostensibly no reason at all??
Thats not fair!!!
Such actions by random hindutva outfits is what is detrimental to our society or hindus as a community.
What is so offensive about the novel or story? Its a tragic story, which I am sure has repeated throughout history in many countries! The stigma associated with childlessness in any patriarchal society has been well documented over the years in many communities. So pray, why all the uproar against this particular novel?
The fact that practices where the female copulated with a stranger with the hopes of getting pregnant were commonplace in many communities and have occurred in India. Why, isnt the birth of pandava & kaurava clans in Mahabharat from such a union?
Seriously, WTF is wrong with these idiot hindutavavadi scumbags?
When am I taking away people's right to protest? I am saying that they do not have a right to protest and impose their version of reality. Let me put it this way - if I write a book as a protest against a religion, and if that book is banned in India, isn't my right to protest being curtailed?

Protesting or taking legal action is not "imposing". Nothing wrong with it. If there is legal action on the book then it means you have done something violating the constitution or the laws...

So Perumal is targetted for ostensibly no reason at all??
Thats not fair!!!
Such actions by random hindutva outfits is what is detrimental to our society or hindus as a community.

I don't know , i am simply pointing out they have the right to protest or take legal action.It was the writers decision to call of writing.If he really wanted to get the message across and he should not have given up..
Protesting or taking legal action is not "imposing". Nothing wrong with it. If there is legal action on the book then it means you have done something violating the constitution or the laws...
What exactly is offensive in the book? And havent we all seen posters or calenders with a form which is half Lord Shiva and half Parvati?
Then why so butthurt?
What exactly is offensive in the book? And havent we all seen posters or calenders with a form which is half Lord Shiva and half Parvati?
Then why so butthurt?

Am i talking in Hebrew ? i already told you, i don't know what in the book i am simply defending the right of a person to protest or take legal action.If you want to take that right away from people then you are the one imposing your views not the evil Yindoos.
Protesting or taking legal action is not "imposing". Nothing wrong with it. If there is legal action on the book then it means you have done something violating the constitution or the laws...
Either you are being being obtuse, or deliberately missing my point. When you take legal action, that results in a ban - how in hell is that not imposing your viewpoint. You are effectively misusing a broken system to shut somebody up.
And this is the problem with you guys - you people don't think through the implications of things. The free speech laws in India state it can be curtailed for public order. This section of the law itself is a colonial hangover, and is what always used for cases like these. And it is also used to jail two young girls in Maharashtra who criticized in Facebook bringing a city to stop for Thackeray's funeral. What I am consistently telling is that the law itself is wrong. There are thousands of laws that are wrong in India. This is one of them. The principle must be superior to legal theory, while your thinking cannot go beyond the textual content of the legalese.
Am i talking in Hebrew ? i already told you, i don't know what in the book i am simply defending the right of a person to protest or take legal action.
Exactly. Just because the Hindutava brigade is up upon the poor author and calling for a ban, you seem to have jumped the bandwagon. Without even knowing why you are protesting the book!

The point here is not about legal rights, but what exactly in the book caused so much butthurt feelings in the torchbearers of Hinduism's arses! As @Nihil so nicely put it, India's free speech laws are really a sham! A simple facebook political satire post can get one jailed!! WTF!
Either you are being being obtuse, or deliberately missing my point. When you take legal action, that results in a ban - how in hell is that not imposing your viewpoint. You are effectively misusing a broken system to shut somebody up.
And this is the problem with you guys - you people don't think through the implications of things. The free speech laws in India state it can be curtailed for public order. This section of the law itself is a colonial hangover, and is what always used for cases like these. And it is also used to jail two young girls in Maharashtra who criticized in Facebook bringing a city to stop for Thackeray's funeral. What I am consistently telling is that the law itself is wrong. There are thousands of laws that are wrong in India. This is one of them. The principle must be superior to legal theory, while your thinking cannot go beyond the textual content of the legalese.

No , if the court find something is wrong with the book then action is taken on the book. You want free speech and yet you want to remove the right a person to take action on a book legally. ?
No , if the court find something is wrong with the book then action is taken on the book. You want free speech and yet you want to remove the right a person to take action on a book legally. ?
The end result of a criminal proceedings may result in somebody being jailed. So going ahead to jail somebody is now free speech? Do you even understand what you are talking about?
I don't know , i am simply pointing out they have the right to protest or take legal action.It was the writers decision to call of writing.If he really wanted to get the message across and he should not have given up..
Yes they 've the right to protest but every right comes with certain duties. These galoots from hindutva groups protest against just anything. Thanks to 'em a good book will be off the shelves soon.
And if we let such 'peaceful protests' continue then we might end up with a mini version of a Taliban state in India where a few would decide whats "right" and whats "wrong", for the socitey.
Exactly. Just because the Hindutava brigade is up upon the poor author and calling for a ban, you seem to have jumped the bandwagon. Without even knowing why you are protesting the book!

God you are incredibly dumb, do you not understand English ? A person has the freedom to legally attack or ask for a ban of any book under the constitution. If you want to take that right away from a person it only proves how much you value freedom of speech when you are on the receiving end.

The point here is not about legal rights, but what exactly in the book caused so much butthurt feelings in the torchbearers of Hinduism's arses! As @Nihil so nicely put it, India's free speech laws are really a sham! A simple facebook political satire post can get one jailed!! WTF!

It is about legal rights, you can whine about it all day if you can but its not going to change.

There is no ban on Wendy Doniger's book.The publisher decided to withdraw it from publication. Still available if you pay for it. One of many Wendy Doniger's books I have.

Penguin pulls out Wendy Doniger's book 'The Hindus' from India - The Times of India

"The "amicable settlement" between the petitioner and the publisher was reached following a two year long legal battle in a trial court and a criminal complaint against the defendant."

Yes they 've the right to protest but every right comes with certain duties. These galoots from hindutva groups protest against just anything. Thanks to 'em a good book will be off the shelves soon.
And if we let such 'peaceful protests' continue then we might end up with a mini version of a Taliban state in India where a few would decide whats "right" and whats "wrong", for the socitey.

Yes comparing a legal action to 12 people brutally killed in france is like comparing a grenade with a nuclear bomb . You seculars are pretty desperate when it comes to comparing Hindus with Taliban. You people come up with the most stupidest of reasons.
God you are incredibly dumb, do you not understand English ? A person has the freedom to legally attack or ask for a ban of any book under the constitution. If you want to take that right away from a person it only proves how much you value freedom of speech when you are on the receiving end.
That's why I had specifically asked you is it OK to send somebody to death for being homosexual in Uganda? And your answer was:
That's like comparing a condom to a Diwali cracker.
Here we are discussing the state of free speech in India, or the lack of it, caused both by laws and citizens. And we are criticizing both. Because laws are not infallible. Neither are they divine.
That's why I had specifically asked you is it OK to send somebody to death for being homosexual in Uganda? And your answer was:

yes and my comparison is correct. you are desperately trying to make this into something which is "forced"

Here we are discussing the state of free speech in India, or the lack of it, caused both by laws and citizens. And we are criticizing both.

Yes , you have the freedom to publish anything you want but people should not have the freedom to legally protest ? Hypocrisy much ?
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