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How Hindutva is squashing free speech

Where does free speech stop and hate speech begin ? Should we allow hate speech for the sake of freedom of speech ?
Yes, we should allow hate speech, but severely punish anyone who tries to implement it (may be special hate crime category). hate speech thrives only because there are followers, once there are not many followers (so less moolah), "hate speakers" will find some different profession.
You mentioned Taliban, not much of a difference

No, i said stupid reasons and trying to make a comparison of Taliban with people taking legal course is stupid.

You don't need support the protest, you need to support their freedom to protest, which is what i am doing.

As long as protests are peaceful and does not turn violent there is nothing wrong.Even Muslims have the right to protest as long as they do it peacefully within the confines of the constitution. Hindus Protested against PK , court disagreed. Did we go Taliban on everyone ? Then why make such a comparison? Why are you people so desperate to compare Hindutva to extremism or terrorism? Seriously you people need the flimsiest of reason to target Hindus or "Hindutvadi" as Taliban or extremist and yet when we can't talk back.
You ppl??
I'm not sure with whom 're you bracketing me with, but I speak for myself only.And be assured I would 've not taken anything inconguruous to hinduism,lying down.
Yes these ppl 're hindu talibans who oppose just anyone and anything which might be naught but anything remotely against hinduism.
I object to that.
And if you think I am stupid then so be it. IDC!!!
Atleast am not supporting a few goons.
And thankgod we dont have the concept of jihad in Hinduism.
You guys are missing the point.

Protest the law which is being used if you like, perhaps you have a point there, unlike Doniger's book, this is labelled a work of fiction so it is not being misrepresented as fact.

Do not protest the right of an individual to take measures through the legal route.

The courts will decide if the offending material is legally deemed to be printable/etc.

You are nobody to decide that somebody, anybody, who has decided to take a matter to court is now breaching your right to freedom of speech.

Maybe some laws need to be changed, but until that day comes, I fully support these Hindutva groups as would any who are not viewing this incident with tinted eyewear.
You ppl??

Those people who don't even want hindus to take legal route to defend themselves..

Yes these ppl 're hindu talibans who oppose just anyone and anything which might be naught but anything remotely against hinduism.
I object to that.

Yes they are Taliban because they object legally ....right ?

And if you think I am stupid then so be it. IDC!!!
Atleast am not supporting a few goons.

I called your reasoning stupid, learn the difference. You call people Taliban and insinuate me of supporting "goons" and yet you are upset about being called stupid ?

And thankgod we dont have the concept of jihad in Hinduism.

Am sure the seculars and their supporters will invent one out of thin air just like they did Hindu Taliban. I mean you are protesting the freedom of a person to take the legal route and at the same time claiming to protect freedom of speech ? You brandish and insinuate anyone taking the legal route as goons and Taliban and you are talking about freedom ?
Those people who don't even want hindus to take legal route to defend themselves..
And whats being defended in this case I mean Perumal Murugam's case???

Star Wars said:
Yes they are Taliban because they object legally ....right ?
Object to what exactly???
were you not the one who sounded a lil confused as to WHY these guys were "peacefully protesting"???

Star Wars said:
I called your reasoning stupid, learn the difference.
The same applies to you who is ready to support any random hindutva group, even when you dont know the reason why they 're protesting.
Star Wars said:
You call people Taliban and insinuate me of supporting "goons" and yet you are upset about being called stupid ?
I just replied back to your posts in kind.

Star Wars said:
Am sure the seculars and their supporters will invent one out of thin air just like they did Hindu Taliban
Whats the logic behind that sentence??
I mean seriously??
Stop sounding so vacuous and fatuous.
And whats being defended here??

Good lord, am i talking to a brick wall ??

Object to what exactly???
were you not the one who sounded a lil confused as to WHY these guys were "peacefully protesting"???

Where exactly was i confused ? Should i speak in another language for you to comprehend what i am saying ?

The same applies to you who was ready to support any random hindutva group with out even knowing the reason why they were protesting.

OH right, tell me , in which post did i support the banning or removal of this particular book. Quote me. I was supporting their freedom to protest within the confines of the constitution. Which you apparently are upset about.

I just replied back to your posts in kind.

You started with the Hindu Taliban comment, if you are willing to give it you should also be willing to take it..

Whats the logic behind that sentence??
I mean seriously??
Stop sounding so vacuous and fatuous.

Its a rather straight sentence, Secualrs in this country will go to any extent to willfy Hinduism even if it means inventing things were none exist.
What is Dharm Yudh then?

1)Dharma Yudha is nothing but "a war fought in accordance to ethics" or "chivalrous war". It is what you call a just war.
2) It is NOT a war against non believers.
3) Dharm Yudha war should only be started in self-defence, after attempts at a peaceful solution, and with a real chance of victory.

How is it even close to jihad???
I will die laughing. :lol:
God you are incredibly dumb, do you not understand English ? A person has the freedom to legally attack or ask for a ban of any book under the constitution. If you want to take that right away from a person it only proves how much you value freedom of speech when you are on the receiving end.

It is about legal rights, you can whine about it all day if you can but its not going to change.

Penguin pulls out Wendy Doniger's book 'The Hindus' from India - The Times of India

"The "amicable settlement" between the petitioner and the publisher was reached following a two year long legal battle in a trial court and a criminal complaint against the defendant."

Yes comparing a legal action to 12 people brutally killed in france is like comparing a grenade with a nuclear bomb . You seculars are pretty desperate when it comes to comparing Hindus with Taliban. You people come up with the most stupidest of reasons.

bro , u r trying too hard to expalin things, but atlast it wl be invain..we have sme wannabe liberals who go to a extent where they leave even a true liberal in aww...

Yes these ppl 're hindu talibans who oppose just anyone and anything which might be naught but anything remotely against hinduism.

i thought going through legal proceedings to let u r displeasure known makes a difference between hindus and talibans... :o:

1)Dharma Yudha is nothing but "a war fought in accordance to ethics" or "chivalrous war". It is what you call a just war.
2) It is NOT a war against non believers.
3) Dharm Yudha war should only be started in self-defence, after attempts at a peaceful solution, and with a real chance of victory.

How is it even close to jihad???
I will die laughing. :lol:

Just to clarify dear..... Jihad literally means struggle against injustice/something wrong, It doesn't have be done violently. The definition you gave for Dharm Yudh is very similar to what a muslim would give about Jihad... Now please don't start out with ISIS, Taliban etc... I am speaking about the term and its literal meaning.

I hope I have given you a good laugh....:toast_sign:
Just to clarify dear..... Jihad literally means struggle against injustice/something wrong, It doesn't have be done violently. The definition you gave for Dharm Yudh is very similar to what a muslim would give about Jihad... Now please don't start out with ISIS, Taliban etc... I am speaking about the term and its literal meaning.

I hope I have given you a good laugh....:toast_sign:
I did 've a good laugh. :lol:
You stopped me from bringing ISIS and Taliban because you know their definition of Jihad is not even remotely close to what you've mentioned.
I did 've a good laugh. :lol:
You stopped me from bringing ISIS and Taliban because you know their definition of Jihad is not even remotely close to what you've mentioned.

Yes I know, they tend to get all the attention and we don't....:angry:
I want my absolute right to offend people and mock religions.
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