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How good are the SSG's



New Recruit

Mar 11, 2007
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i dont know much about our special forces, but i was wondering how good they really are. how good are the ssg and ssgn? are they comparable to premier elite forces in training, equiptment/weapons, effectiveness, performance etc such as the sas or navy seals or delta force etc, or still arguably an immature force?
being pakistani i can answer it in two words VERY GOOD ahhaha but being serious i think they are pretty good they do training to ksa sometimes plus if you want to see there real ability go see cold war era they trained alot of afgan and mujahdeen fighter and look what happend to USSR now lmfao RASSIA ;)
I don't know, the Lal masjid episode showed they weren't as good as i thought... dunno how the other famed spec op forces would have fared.

I think they may be better than the indians but not other world class forces
they are as good as any other Special Force in the World.
They are well capable of challenging any other Special Force.

Masha'Allah, the SSG are a renowned unit. They train soldiers in many nations including sri lanka, saudia, and other middle eastern states.i've heard they will start training in the US and UK(SAS), if so I hope that they would become even more formidable. this link should shed some light on their reputation Orders of Battle - MSN Home Hotmail
wel, i dont know, they seem to be alright, but looking back at the lal masjid operation, im not sure. honestly, i dont think that there would have been 8 casualties and 30 plus injured if the sas or gign, gsg9 etc would have carried out the mission. but not much is known. all i herd is 70-100 deaths, no names, no mention who was civilion or militant, etc. the goverment made nothing transparent and covered up so much, that its hard to tel what really happenned. iv seen pictures of walls, ceilings, everthing of the room covered in bullet holes, and no blood. i doubt either side was stupid enough to shoot up at the ceiling during combat. many quentions...
wel, i dont know, they seem to be alright, but looking back at the lal masjid

operation, im not sure. honestly, i dont think that there would have been 8 casualties and

30 plus injured if the sas or gign, gsg9 etc would have carried out the mission. but not

much is known. all i herd is 70-100 deaths, no names, no mention who was civilion or

militant, etc. the goverment made nothing transparent and covered up so much, that its hard

to tel what really happenned. iv seen pictures of walls, ceilings, everthing of the room

covered in bullet holes, and no blood. i doubt either side was stupid enough to shoot up at

the ceiling during combat. many quentions...
Let me clear your doubts, it could have been even worse if SAS or GIGN etc have carried out

this operation , They dont knew the excet situation they usually deal with the situation

when there are few people & there location is also known , but in LM we dont knew how many

are in there & how many civilians are also present, The ones you see in the pictures are not

SSG they are from Rangers ATS, The total casualities of SSG are 6 & 5 of them were martyed

by an RPG fire from top tower of Mosque when SSG were trying to get on the roof top the JH,

the other 1 martyed due to Mine.
So over all it was a good operation carried by SSG they casualities they suffer were bcoz of lack of intelengence that was provided to them.
I hope it clears your doubt, but if still there is any doubt or any question in ur mind, we are all here to answer.

wel, i dont know, they seem to be alright, but looking back at the lal masjid operation, im not sure. honestly, i dont think that there would have been 8 casualties and 30 plus injured if the sas or gign, gsg9 etc would have carried out the mission. but not much is known. all i herd is 70-100 deaths, no names, no mention who was civilion or militant, etc. the goverment made nothing transparent and covered up so much, that its hard to tel what really happenned. iv seen pictures of walls, ceilings, everthing of the room covered in bullet holes, and no blood. i doubt either side was stupid enough to shoot up at the ceiling during combat. many quentions...

Newbie that situation would have taxed even renowned SF units like GIGN or the SAS.

The fact that the overall objective was achieved makes the mission a success.

A further point to show special forces are faliable is Delta Forces mission to rescue hostages from Iran which was a complete F*** up.

Pakistani SSG are very good---does that make you happy. They are as good as the weakest link in any chain.

Lal Masjid was a very successful operation under the given circumstances---the only problem over there was that, there was too much political involvement in the millitary part of the operation.

All the special forces have their good days and bad days. There is always a hype created behind any special services group to make them seem invincible. SAS and gsg9 have had days that they would rather not remember and have people forget them as well.
Lal Masjid from a CT operation standpoint was as bit a success as possible. Given the size of the complex where the operation was undertaken and the rooms that had to be cleared (70 or more) plus the library and the hostel, it was executed very well. SSG lost 8 operators during the actual entry phase and the entire duration of the operation. These 8 casualties could have been more than halved if the operation had started at 1:00 a.m. Given that it was day break when the operation began, the operators from the Karrar Company were exposed.

SSG in circumstances similar to the Iranian embassy takeover in London have done just as well as the SAS.

Bullet marks and incendiary residue etc. can all be explained if need be. Overall the operation was a success tactically and militarily. Politically it was a different thing.
Ok we all know that the SSG had a bad when it came to Lal Musjad.
There was nothing bad, All was good according to situation. & F2000 is not used by Any of Pakistani services.

Ok we all know that the SSG had a bad when it came to Lal Musjad. So can we move on. Chick out the new toy that the SSW (air force SSG) are using.

FN F2000 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Its the Belgium FN-2000 isn't that sweet.:sniper:

Echo, Please expand on the statement "SSG had a bad when it came to Lal Musjad"..I would also like to understand the criteria you have used to judge this operation.
There was nothing bad, All was good according to situation. & F2000 is not used by Any of Pakistani services.



I believe Echo is right. FN has been in use of the PAF Special Service Wing. Let me see if I can find a picture or something.
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