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How France Fought a Lightning War in Mali

So when you see Europe,you only see weapons and wars? You don't see art,philosophy,sciences,architecture,engineering,curiosity of exploration and progress?

Only weapons and destruction?

Philosophies like social Darwinism? Moral relativism? Sexual revolution , Or those tedious time and space mental gymnastics churning out sadistic psychopaths ?

Kudos to France for it's intervention. It's good how they used troops from neighbouring countries to support.

Some parts of Africa will only have stability if their domestic forces are more capable. The African Union should be doing this sort of work.
They are not slaves. Their quality of life hasn't exactly dramatically increased except for a few african countries.
I just think using Western standards to judge people of other cultures who live by other standards is not fair. Its actually racist because eventually it leads to how even African Americans in America are criminals/drug dealers etc so all black people are inferior.

And most sub saharan african countries are debt slaves to IMF, Paris group etc who took advantage of Africans who just don't understand economics and money. They live by their own rules and their own ways like australian aboriginals while whites always judge them by western standards just so they can look down on them.
I just think using Western standards to judge people of other cultures who live by other standards is not fair. Its actually racist because eventually it leads to how even African Americans in America are criminals/drug dealers etc so all black people are inferior.

And most sub saharan african countries are debt slaves to IMF, Paris group etc who took advantage of Africans who just don't understand economics and money. They live by their own rules and their own ways like australian aboriginals while whites always judge them by western standards just so they can look down on them.
Well said.
You guys have the agreements list, I've read about some if any African countries want to do development the French have the 1st right, money stored in French accounts, etc.
I thoroughly agree with this paragraph above.
The French are like leeches, I have no remorse for what Hitler did I fully suport him on invading the French they were brutal and cruel and what happened to them in WWI & II they had it long coming.
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