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How France Fought a Lightning War in Mali

Holding other nations of different cultures to Western standards especially after the west pillaged, raped and enslaved them for so long doesn't make sense. Just because a nation GDP per capita isn't as high as sweden's doesn't mean they have not progressed in their culture and are backwards. Africans are getting richer and richer and can afford more goods such as smart phones, tvs and more clothes than ever before much of it thanks to China exports. Their quality of life has improved dramatically over the years. Just because they are not rising as fast as China did doesn't mean they are backwards and need to be slaves/debtors to whites.
They are not slaves. Their quality of life hasn't exactly dramatically increased except for a few african countries.
@Foinikas You are courageous,I wouldn't even waste my time debating with the low IQs and madrassa educated lots on this thread who spread BS out of their butts just because they hate anything related with "the western world" ......while many live in the "western world" they love to spit on.
@Foinikas You are courageous,I wouldn't even waste my time debating with the low IQs and madrassa educated lots on this thread who spread BS out of their butts just because they hate anything related with "the western world" ......while many live in the "western world" they love to spit on.
Exactly. Many of them live in this "western world" that they hate so much and still despise it. The problem is that many still nag about the colonial era. The colonial era ended in the late 40's to the late 60's depending on the country and colony.

So what were they doing all these years? It's a fact that as soon as the white man was kicked out of the black african countries,they became worse.

Some people here think that islamist groups are "people fighting for their freedom". They're not. They're fighting to enforce their own viewpoint and version of Islam on others and conquer more and more land. That's what was happening in Mali and other African countries like Nigeria,Somalia,Central African Republic etc.

Who will help their collapsing governments and incompetent armies? You send in a few French,Germans,Dutch,Italians and Portuguese and they recapture city after city fast.
Exactly. Many of them live in this "western world" that they hate so much and still despise it. The problem is that many still nag about the colonial era. The colonial era ended in the late 40's to the late 60's depending on the country and colony.

So what were they doing all these years? It's a fact that as soon as the white man was kicked out of the black african countries,they became worse.

Some people here think that islamist groups are "people fighting for their freedom". They're not. They're fighting to enforce their own viewpoint and version of Islam on others and conquer more and more land. That's what was happening in Mali and other African countries like Nigeria,Somalia,Central African Republic etc.

Who will help their collapsing governments and incompetent armies? You send in a few French,Germans,Dutch,Italians and Portuguese and they recapture city after city fast.
Only certified idiots say that and guy you were talking to comes very close to that description
Atleast nowadays

Other things can and should be debated, it isn't exactly as crystal clear

Your denial of extremist groups is one of the main problems of the islamic world right now.

And what did these African countries do after they kicked out all the white people? Nothing. They had corrupt leaders,civil wars,no water and a lot of poverty. Where was the progress? What was the army of Mali,Ivory Coast,Central African Republic and other countries doing against rebels,terrorist groups and civil war? Nothing. They were losing more and more ground.

Colonialism is at the root of all Africa's problems. African society was prosperous when Western European people got involved. It has not been prosperous since.

Western Europeans have colonised Africa directly and then by proxy in modern times. France has regularly orchestrated military coups in Africa, you yourself gave Libya as one example. How can those countries be successful under these conditions?

Exactly. Many of them live in this "western world" that they hate so much and still despise it. The problem is that many still nag about the colonial era. The colonial era ended in the late 40's to the late 60's depending on the country and colony.

More foolishness. Colonialism is not over - it is by proxy.

14 countries are paying a colonial era tax to France. The British commonwealth is still an active relic of Africa.

The USA is the biggest imperialist in the world, with military bases around the world. They've fought 30 wars since WW2 and not a single one has been in their own country. They have supported military dicatators and sponsored coups in every single region in the world.
Colonialism is at the root of all Africa's problems. African society was prosperous when Western European people got involved. It has not been prosperous since.

Western Europeans have colonised Africa directly and then by proxy in modern times. France has regularly orchestrated military coups in Africa, you yourself gave Libya as one example. How can those countries be successful under these conditions?
Prosperous still fighting with spears and shields in the 19th century?

Will you mention about the golden age of Mali in the Medieval times? It still cannot compare with European civilization of the ancient times. The majority of black Africans were too far behind when the Europeans and Arabs and Ottomans arrived,that's why they were conquered so easily. Remember I'm not talking about North Africa and Ethiopia. I'm talking about the rest of black Africa,especially the West,Central and South parts.
Prosperous still fighting with spears and shields in the 19th century?

Will you mention about the golden age of Mali in the Medieval times? It still cannot compare with European civilization of the ancient times. The majority of black Africans were too far behind when the Europeans and Arabs and Ottomans arrived,that's why they were conquered so easily. Remember I'm not talking about North Africa and Ethiopia. I'm talking about the rest of black Africa,especially the West,Central and South parts.

Those people didn't need the military development that Eurasia did. They had the Sahara seperating them from the rest of us. It's only when colonialists arrived that spears, swords and arrows became not enough. Also Africans were using firearms in the 18th century.
They did,but they did it with their hard work and ideas. Especially the Boers.

But they didn't share and care with the rest of Africa. :) South Africa instead allowed its jurisdiction to be used for Israel's nuclear weapons testing and Israel in turn was part of the Western Bloc. And South Africa was engaged in military action against the Communists who wanted to take USSR's help in developing their region.

I think the most succesful South African country was Rhodesia and the black population there was probably the best fed and treated in all the ex-colonies.

But what about Mugabe and his people ?

I don't think they have the welfare level of Gaddafi's Libya,I don't think they are anything close to Gaddafi's Libya in general,but apparently,from what I've read,they are one of the fastest-growing economies in south africa and they have been making a lot of progress economically and as a society,I think.


The USA is the biggest imperialist in the world, with military bases around the world. They've fought 30 wars since WW2 and not a single one has been in their own country. They have supported military dicatators and sponsored coups in every single region in the world.

The underlined is a very good point. USA's military is not a defensive force that was busy in repelling invaders crossing into USA. USA's military is an invasive military that invaded for no rational reason at all.
But they didn't share and care with the rest of Africa. :) South Africa instead allowed its jurisdiction to be used for Israel's nuclear weapons testing and Israel in turn was part of the Western Bloc. And South Africa was engaged in military action against the Communists who wanted to take USSR's help in developing their region.
Well...what can you do. British and Dutch. I don't know.

But what about Mugabe and his people ?
You see how Mugabe turned Rhodesia after the white people left...to one of the poorest countries in the world.

Watch this video if you want

Those people didn't need the military development that Eurasia did. They had the Sahara seperating them from the rest of us. It's only when colonialists arrived that spears, swords and arrows became not enough. Also Africans were using firearms in the 18th century.
We're not just talking about military development. We're talking about civilization in general. The Europeans,the Asians,the northern Africans were far more advanced than them.
Prosperous still fighting with spears and shields in the 19th century?

Not every culture is in favour of enacting a water loo or chemical gasing its enemies . But you guys are a special case in history.

We're not just talking about military development. We're talking about civilization in general. The Europeans,the Asians,the northern Africans were far more advanced than them.

This kind of thinking has cost Europa two infernos . By Germanic standard you are all broke .
We're not just talking about military development. We're talking about civilization in general. The Europeans,the Asians,the northern Africans were far more advanced than them.
Their civilisation was tribal, it was sufficient for them. The same is true for South America and the Aborigines.

The push for civilisation in Asia, Europe, North Africa was because of competition. Even in these continents the really remote regions didn't see development as quick as the areas that formed the trade routes for example.
Look up the net of pacts and agreements with which France has tied down the Francophone countries in Africa.

I admire France, but their cynicism in this diplomatic entrapment of the Francophone countries is staggering. This might be the 19th century, even, as we look at the current state of affairs, the 18th.

All their hoopla about égalité and fraternité is just BS.

France is still dependent on siphoning resources and raw material inputs from West Africa by controlling the regime-changed petty dictators. In most of these countries, there is no civil society. The French take full advantage of the chaos and societal inequality - faida uthana maximization...as long as they control the top 2% by educating them in France, all good.

I had a Ghanaian colleague (probably one of the more educated countries in that area besides Nigeria, and he told me the same thing.

You guys have the agreements list, I've read about some if any African countries want to do development the French have the 1st right, money stored in French accounts, etc.

The French are like leeches, I have no remorse for what Hitler did I fully suport him on invading the French they were brutal and cruel and what happened to them in WWI & II they had it long coming.
Not every culture is in favour of enacting a water loo or chemical gasing its enemies . But you guys are a special case in history.

This kind of thinking has cost Europa two infernos . By Germanic standard you are all broke .
So when you see Europe,you only see weapons and wars? You don't see art,philosophy,sciences,architecture,engineering,curiosity of exploration and progress?

Only weapons and destruction?
You see how Mugabe turned Rhodesia after the white people left...to one of the poorest countries in the world.

I suppose during the Mugabe years Zimbabwe was suppressed like North Korea except that NK was self-sufficient and also in my understanding Mugabe didn't manage the country's socio-economics well after many of the Whites left. When I used to listen to BBC World Service radio until 2010 there was occasional reports about Zimbabwe with accounts of the remaining White farmers crying because their farms snatched by the Mugabe government. Mugabe could have enlisted help of say Russia and North Korea to develop agriculture and the mineral industry, those two countries especially since from his Wiki he was a Socialist. So he didn't seem to have a long-term vision apart from ending White dominance.

Watch this video if you want

Watched it in full. Two points :

1. What problem did the prime minister have against the Communists since his complaint was that the "free world" was also against him ?

2. The contradiction in the song : "Free human race" yet "Great White tribe".
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