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How fast is Turkish Military Industry growing?

If Russia does nothing and so all US and west countries help you like now, over half of the century maybe turkey would catch Russia up in some fields.

I think sooner. Russia's population will be 90 million by 2050. Turkey's population will be 110 million by 2050. Plus we would have great relationship with Turkic countries by that time so add another 200 million.
I think sooner. Russia's population will be 90 million by 2050. Turkey's population will be 110 million by 2050. Plus we would have great relationship with Turkic countries by that time so add another 200 million.

What has this to do with anything? He is talking about military industry, not demographics...Stop ruining everythread

If Russia does nothing and so all US and west countries help you like now, over half of the century maybe turkey would catch Russia up in some fields.

I do not think catching up Russia in military industrial capabilities is farfetched in the long run..Most of our Naval and Land forces needs are already being met by our own industry but we need to invest some serious amount of money to meet our air forces needs..In that field you have some serious tech which i doubt we can catch that in near future
I think sooner. Russia's population will be 90 million by 2050. Turkey's population will be 110 million by 2050. Plus we would have great relationship with Turkic countries by that time so add another 200 million.

I give you 800 million more. no difference. we are not living in ww2. nowadays the warfares are different than before and all countries are going to make an professional Army. while the Number of soldiers in a professional Army is important too.

I do not think catching up Russia in military industrial capabilities is farfetched in the long run..Most of our Naval and Land forces needs are already being met by our own industry but we need to invest some serious amount of money to meet our air forces needs..In that field you have some serious tech which i doubt we can catch that in near future

naval forces like building all kind of naval ships,hovercrafts and submarines,torpedo,anti ship missiles, All kind of choppers,all kind of fighters and bombers, missile forces, space technology, there is a long list. Turkey is doing good, but you shouldn't forgot others are moving too,
What has this to do with anything? He is talking about military industry, not demographics...Stop ruining everythread
Demographics has everything to do with economy thus military, if you don't know anything.. stop talking. Next time I won't give nice reply.
I give you 800 million more. no difference. we are not living in ww2. nowadays the warfares are different than before and all countries are going to make an professional Army. while the Number of soldiers in a professional Army is important too.

naval forces like building all kind of naval ships,hovercrafts and submarines,torpedo,anti ship missiles, All kind of choppers,all kind of fighters and bombers, missile forces, space technology, there is a long list. Turkey is doing good, but you shouldn't forgot others are moving too,

An admirably mature answer to the Turkish vs Russian defense industries discussion, especially the bold part of the quote that sums in up pretty good. If only others could adapt the same attitude and mentality as Greenn's on this sub-section of Defence.pk so we could skip all those Turkey vs anything-and-everything-or-why-not-Iran discussions that eventually will lead us to the same level as WAFF.
IMO(I have not read the thread), turkey's situation is like where china was(in tech know how only, not the situation) in there 70-80s, i. e. you don't threaten the other big powers, so they(including every supplier, not just limited to US) are reluctant in sharing a decade or 2 old techs, because they know or think, time is moving quite fast in tech world.. if and when they see the turkey on opposite side, they will have enough lead to make the correction(whatever you want to imagine about this,but that is the calculated risk they have to take). In real world it is quite often true(their risk pays off) for any nation in their res. category.

So in SUMMARY - without a miracle kind of break through in some area or other it is not going to happen in anyone's life time who is reading it.
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