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How fast is Turkish Military Industry growing?


Jul 15, 2012
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By which year will Turkish Army equal Russian Army?

I know it is long way to go and hard to estimate, but I mean approximately..
Can you clarify yourself please.
Do you mean the Army or Defence industry?

because the title says military industry, but in the post you say the army.
if we get enough ToT, we catch'em up to next millenium..
What i can see and think is Russian army is far with Airforce, Ballistic missile and SAM systems. The rest of stuf are we better. I think we wil get better SAM systems finally but airforce wil be a long journey. Ballistic missile is not a problem. The technology is in our hand only the money we want to spent is quastion.

We wil not make BM but cruise missiles. And we are much better shape with cruisemissiles. There are ups and downs between Turkisch army and Russian army.
Let's say army..

Well from that point of view, I don't consider Turkish Army any less than Russian one.
They may be on the edge technologically, but that's not the only thing that matters. Turkey has got the 2. largest army in NATO.

So basically the difference is not THAT big. I think, if defence industry policies keep going as it is (and even if we could push it further) it would be only a matter of a couple of decades before we catch up with them.
I think We now have the technological edge over the Mikoyan and Sukhoi fighter aircraft of the Russian Air Force but they have the numbers on their side. I think F35 and B737 peace eagle will change the game here and our greatest need for the airforce is a good air-defence network. We need a THAAD-equivalent system.

Considering the naval power in the surrounding seas seas we are obviously superior, they are the ones who needs to catch-up :)

As for the land forces; the addition of Altay and T129 will be more than enough to balance already out of shape Russian army inventory. Our greatest need here is a good heavy-lift helicopter. We have two options, we can either wait for the CH53K or we can buy CH47F almost immediately.

Logistically speaking, I think we have more chances in Caucasia, we have third army assigned there and 1. and 2. armies can come to their aid in mere hours but most sophisticated equipment of the Russian army is located near the Chinese border so it can take weeks for them to until they can mobilize enough forces to overrun what we have in caucasia.

Eventually Turkish army is going to have to re-route their over-sophisticated weapons currently assigned to protect the Greek border. Threats are changing and east side is getting hotter by the day.
Why do we have most sophisticated equipment at Greek border? Greece is not even a worthy threat compared to what is going on in the east.

Almost all of you say Turkey is close to Russian army but if I look on top 10 fire power. Russia is on top 2 and Turkey top 13 place.
Global Firepower - 2013 World Military Strength Ranking

Last year Turkey was on 6th place and in one year time we dropped to place 13. How can this even happen, while we make so much progress? We were right after UK who still holds top 5 place.
@atawolf global firepower is for clueless noobies, it's very inaccurate

+Firepower doesn't mean a damn thing in itself if you can't mobilize and project it as a strategical instrument.

Greek armed forces are still the most advanced threat near our borders. They may be broke, they may lack the industrial means to reach the self-sufficiency level of us but it's still a NATO army that is armed with NATO-standard equipment.

For now, because of financial problems they lost the ability to adapt but when the financial resources become available they'll update their forces not just from European suppliers but from Israel too.
@atawolf global firepower is for clueless noobies, it's very inaccurate

+Firepower doesn't mean a damn thing in itself if you can't mobilize and project it as a strategical instrument.

Greek armed forces are still the most advanced threat near our borders. They may be broke, they may lack the industrial means to reach the self-sufficiency level of us but it's still a NATO army that is armed with NATO-standard equipment.

For now, because of financial problems they lost the ability to adapt but when the financial resources become available they'll update their forces not just from European suppliers but from Israel too.
I don't think Greece has the money to keep their old budget. They have to cut it down because EU stopped EU subsidies. Why? Greece has lost its strategic position.

I see them upgrading but they won't be able to keep up with Turkey, not on industry and also not if they buy everything off the shelf. They simply don't have the money to do that.

Only way I see Greece upgrading to our level is when foreign party like Russia or Israel provides Greece the funds and I don't see that happening.
Our greatest need here is a good heavy-lift helicopter. We have two options, we can either wait for the CH53K or we can buy CH47F almost immediately..

Well put, brother!
Speaking about helicopters though; given that we already operate Russian UH's like the Mi-17/Mi-8, why couldn't we go for a Russian made heavy-lifting helicopter as they - AFAIK - would be at least as much eager to sell it to us as USA is to sell hers?
No, they'll never catch-up. But they'll always pose a threat. At some point they'll buy F35 too, if not EF or Rafale
Baykuş;4284606 said:
Well put, brother!
Speaking about helicopters though; given that we already operate Russian UH's like the Mi-17/Mi-8, why couldn't we go for a Russian made heavy-lifting helicopter as they - AFAIK - would be at least as much eager to sell it to us as USA is to sell hers?
Mi26 is the world's largest helicopter ever built. But I don't think it's in the same technological level with the two options that are available.

CH53K will come up with a new generation of turboshaft engines. Fuel efficiency and P/W ratio of the platform will be astonishing. + I'm not sure if Russia would be more eager than USA about selling us these items. A heavy lift helicopter is a pretty strategic aircraft and there are only a handful of suppliers.

I think 14 is somewhat low, if we can start a tender between Boeing, Sikorsky and Mil with increased numbers it might be attractive enough for them to compete. Things get more interesting.
russian defense industry is another level. stop comparing. lol. turkey is very much like singapore. they can make some pretty cool not so complex ground weapons and some small air vehicles that doesn't a require a lot money and long time experience. that's pretty much it, unless you plan to spend 100+ bn budget. i don't see they'll ever catch up..
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