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How do we save ourselves from these jahils

I know exactly what you mean, i have given up on my family members. Its like when i used to tell them to vote PTI before 2013 and they were stuck in voting for ANP or MQM.
Thing is they will wait till someone in the immediate family is effected by it - and by effected I mean dies.. Only then would these fools take this seriously. It could be late by then. It's like telling a toddler not to mess with the crayons knowing full well that they will do it the minute you turn your back on them. Quite sad really.
First of all remove the unnecessary panic you have developed and react rationally. .We cant make everyone think alike.
If you are wearing a mask and washing your hands nobody can do anything to you.Your elderly parents or someone with a condition you meet will be safe.

First thing first..trust your immunity. number 2 remember these viruses are here to stay in the world.. human beings will adapt to live with them ..you cant wear a mask your whole life nor you can get vaccinated 5-6 times every year to dodge different variants..So what you can do? just keep the elderlies safe ..and get them the shots they need ,We were always supposed to do that incase of influenza and other virals .. the virus will will get weak over time.. the number of people it will kill will be more or less the same regardless what the best scientists in the world do.. Flattening the curve only prolongs the curve.
Its understandable people are panicked after seeing scenes coming from India but remember its mainstream media being used to push Modi as well ..Im sure there are other diseases in india causing much more deaths than COVID but the media never mentions about them. COVID has become a political tool unfortunately.
Stop the lockdowns and try to move towards a normal life .your emotional being is also important. imposed lockdowns only create new powerful variants which no one wants.
Lastly never totally trust the numbers.. Numbers can be fudged and be floated to have people react. but stay safe and make sure your loved ones are safe as well.
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Thing is they will wait till someone in the immediate family is effected by it - and by effected I mean dies.. Only then would these fools take this seriously. It could be late by then. It's like telling a toddler not to mess with the crayons knowing full well that they will do it the minute you turn your back on them. Quite sad really.

Absolutely spot on, when the shit strikes its already too late, unfortunately most of Pakistani public is too ignorant about the dangers of Covid-19 by not taking it seriously, even if you try to educate them they will think its a conspiracy.
I think they should all sign waivers that they will not expect medical treatment in the event on catching corona. Let nature take it's course.
I think they should all sign waivers that they will not expect medical treatment in the event on catching corona. Let nature take it's course.
Wish natural selection was still going on, unfortunately these days everyone is wrapped in cotton wool end result is that our world is full of idiots.
GOP needs to enforce all media channels in Pakistan to run 24*7 footage of the grim and horrific scenes that are coming out of India. Force the citizens of Pakistan to see the cost of negligence that India is paying right now.
You can't until you stop those Madrassa education system...you will keep getting this breed. High time to invest and focus on modern education.

Madrassa are hardly contributing to the shitshow in India, as we speak. In Europe and America there has been many big anti lockdown protest right in the middle of pandemic.
Idiotic logic, if a truck came speeding your way ignorant lady, would you move out of the way or accept your fate? Also the mask isn’t just for you, you must wear a mask so that you can’t spread disease to others. :hitwall:
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