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Perhaps they have got strategic roles and thus do not care about monetary ones. Do ISPR website think of alexa ratings?

I would say that the management has the right to run their forum as they see fit, but Webby regards my saying that as "bullshit", so I will NOT say that. :D
PDF team, could you limit the display of long posts or replies with 20 lines trailed with "read more" link option.. it will be more useful and well organized.. :tup:
I would like to be able to organize a thread by comment likes in descending order.
I seriously hope that's not referring to me you'd be surprised AF what I actually look like but go ahead assume what you want, so long as it keeps d***s like you away. It's all good.
WTF are you high on and why did you quote me pinhead?

My post was directed at SyedAliHaider as he had posted a screenshot of PDF's alexa score and the second part was for the webby as i wanted to bring to his notice how annoying the layout looks when someone chooses a lengthy userhandle.

How did you conclude that I was talking about your looks and interestingly in CSS, of all languages? Since you clearly can't comprehend plain, simple English as you're too busy being paranoid about your looks, do me a favor and apply a liberal amount of display:none property all over your "hybrid" existence.

And just to clarify, I'm not a dikc, because if I were one, I'd be too big a dikc for a random stupid bithc to handle me.
No, it's not!

Here we are talking about better behaviour Divergent mate
and you had to include a mention of male organs?
How much sense does that make, mate?

Could you janitor your own post and write idiots instead?
Besides, I think FriendlyT was answering Syed not you?

That seemed contradictory to the thread and a bit "paro"*.

Don't take virtual stuff so personal and have a great day IRL, Tay.

* French modern slang for paranoiac.
Thank you for your support and the slang. :angel:
WTF are you high on and why did you quote me pinhead?

My post was directed at SyedAliHaider as he had posted a screenshot of PDF's alexa score and the second part was for the webby as i wanted to bring to his notice how annoying the layout looks when someone chooses a lengthy userhandle.

How did you conclude that I was talking about your looks and interestingly in CSS, of all languages? Since you clearly can't comprehend plain, simple English as you're too busy being paranoid about your looks, do me a favor and apply a liberal amount of display:none property all over your "hybrid" existence.

And just to clarify, I'm not a dikc, because if I were one, I'd be too big a dikc for a random stupid bithc to handle me.

Thank you for your support and the slang. :angel:

My bad bro shut up now blah.
@WebMaster @Horus lifting the ban off the member like overload who regularly hurled extremely vulgar personal insults ,threatened the members and shared their personal info against their will is a great way of making this forum better. thanks it shows how much you care about integrity of this forum and self respect of its members.after all he did least you guys could do was make him apologize to all the affected members instead of accepting him back with open arms and pretending like nothing happened .
@django @RealNapster @Zibago @The Sandman @Mentee
Last edited:
@WebMaster @Horus lifting the ban off the member like overload who regularly hurled extremely vulgar personal insults ,threatened the members and shared their personal info against their will is a great way of making this forum better. thanks it shows how much you care about integrity of this forum and self respect of its members.after all he did least you guys could do was make him apologize to all the affected members instead of accepting him back with open arms and pretending like nothing happened .
@django @RealNapster @Zibago @The Sandman @Mentee
Yeah lets pretend all those death threats and lewd comments never happened @Spring Onion
@Zibago @The Sandman
Calm down bros many of those ids not mine since my ban it became legit any new troll ID was me that was not true I do created many IDS but always let you people know how I am, the ids you are talking about not mines and for that check my post history I was and I am never support extremist views and I am quite a normal enlightened person.
I never make death threats to any one.
@WebMaster @Horus lifting the ban off the member like overload who regularly hurled extremely vulgar personal insults ,threatened the members and shared their personal info against their will is a great way of making this forum better. thanks it shows how much you care about integrity of this forum and self respect of its members.after all he did least you guys could do was make him apologize to all the affected members instead of accepting him back with open arms and pretending like nothing happened .
@django @RealNapster @Zibago @The Sandman @Mentee

Yeah lets pretend all those death threats and lewd comments never happened @Spring Onion



These were not my Ids. What else I can say.
My views are quite different since I am following Sunni Sufi Islam.

@django @Burhan Wani

@The Sandman @Hell hound
I wrote this before my ban my own article, read it and decide how can i be the same person?


“What is a constitution? It is a booklet with twelve or ten pages. I can tear them away and say that tomorrow we shall live under a different system. Today, the people will follow wherever I lead. All the politicians including the once mighty Mr. Bhutto will follow me with tails wagging.”
―Muhammad Zia-ul-Haq

General Muhammad Zia-ul-Haq, was the fourth chief martial law administrator and sixth president of Pakistan. He was born on 12 August, 1924 in Jalandhar, India, and died on 17 August, 1988. Zia was born in Jalandhar, India, in 1924 as the second child of Muhammad Akbar, who worked in the Army GHQ in Delhi and Simla pre-partition.
He completed his initial education in Simla and then attended St. Stephen’s College, Delhi for his graduate degree. After graduation from St. Xavier College, Zia joined the British Indian Army in 1943.Prime Minister Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto appointed him Chief of Army Staff in 1976, after retiring seven lieutenant-general in order to promote Zia ul Haq, to four star rank. On July 5, 1977 Zia Ul Haq, planned and overthrew the ruling Prime Minister Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto, in a coup d’état, getting advantage of widespread civil disorder. He became the state’s third ruler to impose martial law. The primary line of his military government was his idea of religious conservatism in Pakistan.

Military Service:
Zia was commissioned in the British Indian Army in a cavalry regiment on 12 May 1943 and fought against Japanese forces in Burma in World War II. After Pakistan gained its independence in 1947, Zia joined the newly formed Pakistan Army as a Major. His regiment was now the Guides CavalryFrontier Force Regiment. He was trained in the United States in 1962–1964 at the US ArmyCommand and General Staff CollegeFort Leavenworth, Kansas. After that, he returned to take over as Directing Staff (DS) at Command and Staff College,Quetta. During the Indo-Pakistani War of 1965, Zia was a tank commander. However, Zia is also said to have been the Assistant Quarter Master of the 101st Infantry Division.

Zia and the Black September in Jordan:

Zia was stationed in Jordan from 1967 to 1970 as a Brigadier, helping in the training of Jordanian soldiers, as well as leading the training mission into battle during the Black September operations as commander of Jordanian 2nd Division, a strategy that proved crucial to King Hussein’s remaining in power.
Brigadier Zia with the help of king Hussein forces kill thousands of protesting Palestinians to save the King. Once Israeli president said Zia managed to kill that much of Palestinian in 11 days that we failed to kill in 20 years.
After his return to Pakistan his name was suggested for Court Martial due to his role in Black September and for the killings of Palestinians. There was anger among people regarding this act. But due to unknown reason than Chief of Army Staff General Gul Hassan removed his name from the list which was sent to then President Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto. Instead of a Court Martial that Brigadier was promoted to the rank of Major General. He was than in next few years again get promoted to the ranks of Lt General by "special attention". He was latter made Chief of Army Staff ahead of seven other senior officials. All this top flight from Brigader to the Chief of Army Staff was completed in just 6 years after the Black September.

Operation Fair Play:
Operation Fair Play was of a covert operation to over through elected Govt, Perhaps the most significant event in the history of Pakistan. Yet ask anyone and all you will get is a blank stare. After 36 years, the nation is still reeling from the impact of the events that are known as Operation Fair Play.

Some reasons:
After the general elections in Pakistan nation is deeply divided into several factions. We have the liberals, the democrats, the fundamentalists, the Islamic extremists and whatnot. One thing that everyone agrees on is this: Operation Fair Play was a bad thing.
If this was bad than the aftermath of the event were even worse!
For one, Pakistan became the international Jihadi Tourist Resort with people all over the world coming to satisfy their wish for martyrdom in the epic battle of Good vs. Infidels that happened in Afghanistan.
IT all started in 1976 when the right wing political parties decided that they needed a platform to counter the growing influence and strength of the PPP and its pseudo-socialist program. After much give and take, the collation, named PNA, was launched with a clear mandate; topple the Bhutto regime and install a right wing government with soft corner for religious politics.
The results of the 1977 General Elections came as a real surprise to everyone. The overwhelming success of PPP immediately drew criticism from all corners. The result was a chaos that engulfed the entire country. PNA.
Bhutto responded in the typical landlord manner. Instead of taking to PNA activists, he used his personal army, the Federal Security Force and the police to beat up and torture the opposition. One thing led to another and one of the PNA leaders wrote a letter to the GHQ, asking the military to “set things right”.
This was the signal General Zia was waiting for. The plan was already chalked out and the units responsible for the operation had their orders and targets. The operation was executed successfully with the following outcomes:
PPP’s government was sacked and all high ranking political office holders were arrested
Martial Law was declared across the country
Pakistan shifted nearer to the US and abandoned its ties to the USSR
Bhutto's trial and execution:
On March 18, 1978 Zulfikar Ali Bhutto was sentenced to death for the murder of Nawab Muhammad Ahmad Khan Kasuri, the father of PPP opposition leader Ahmed Raza Kasuri. Zia-ul-Haq was accused of influencing the court decision and the subsequent failed appeal to the Supreme Court of Pakistan. Despite the appeals from 55 heads of state, Zia refused to stop Bhutto's execution, which was carried out in 1979.

US Role:
It was widely speculated that US played a big role in Gen Zia's military coup and Bhutto's execution because Bhutto tries to free Pakistan from USA and allied with Russia, US sees this as a threat and Pakistan is much needed ally in the future proxy war against USSR and Bhutto proves a wall against it so US used anti Bhutto sentiments in the army who are against Bhutto for 1971 Bangladesh debacle.

Gen Zia and misuse of Islam:
Pakistan had been founded as a separate Muslim-majority nation-state for the Muslims of the British Raj, but its legal code was inherited from the British, and was secular, not based on Islamic law (sharia). Islamic activists advocating for Islamisation have been active throughout the country's post-independence history, but general enthusiasm has waxed and waned, "only lip service" being paid to the issue at times.
Several events in Pakistan and the Muslim World strengthened Islamic revivalism prior to and after the 5 July 1977 coup that installed Zia to power. The "1973 Arab oil Embargo" quadrupled the price of petroleum, enhancing the international prestige and vastly increasing the export revenues of the largest exporter -- Saudi Arabia. Saudi began to spend billions of its new wealth propagating its conservative, puritanical doctrine of Islamic revival known as Wahhabism in poor Muslim countries such as Pakistan
During his rule over Pakistan Zia Introduce many controversial Sharia Laws:
Hudood Ordinance:
Prohibition Order:
Adultery (Zina) Ordinance:
Sharia courts and constitutional amendments:
Blasphemy Laws:

Elections promises and referendum:

After assuming power as Chief Martial Law Administrator, Zia shortly appeared on national television, PTV promising to hold new and neutral parliamentary elections within the next 90 days

My sole aim is to organised free and fair elections which would be held in October this year. Soon after the polls, power will be transferred to the elected representatives of the people. I give a solemn assurance that I will not deviate from this schedule.

He also stated that the Constitution of Pakistan had not been abrogated, but temporarily suspended. Zia did not trust the civilian institutions and legislators to ensure the country's integrity and sovereignty therefore, in October 1977, he announced the postponement of the electoral plan and decided to start an accountability process for the politicians. On television, Zia strongly defended his decision for postponing the elections and demanded that "scrutiny of political leaders who had engaged in malpractice in the past". Thus, the PNA adopted its policy of "retribution first, elections later".[44] Zia's policy severely tainted his credibility as many, both domestically and internationally, saw the broken promise as malicious.[32]Another motive was that Zia widely suspected that once out of power the size of the Pakistan Peoples Party rallies would swell and better performance in elections was possible. This led to request for postponement of elections by the right-wing Islamist as well as left-wing socialists, formerly allied with Bhutto, which displaced Bhutto in the first place. Zia dispatched an intelligence unit, known as ISI's Political Wing, sending Brigadier-General Taffazul Hussain Siddiqiui, to Bhutto's native Province, Sindh, to assess whether people would accept martial law. The Political Wing also contacted the several right-wing Islamist and conservatives, promising an election, with PNA power-sharing the government with Zia. Zia successfully divided and separated the secular forces from right-wing Islamist and conservatives, and later purged each member of the secular front.
A Disqualification Tribunal was formed, and several individuals who had been members of parliament were charged with malpractice and disqualified from participating in politics at any level for the next seven years. A white paper document was issued, incriminating the deposed Bhutto government on several counts.
It is reported by senior officers that when Zia met federal secretaries for the first time as leader of the country after martial law, he said that "He does not possess the charisma of Bhutto, personality of Ayub Khan or the legitimacy of Liaquat Ali Khan" thereby implying how can he be marketed.

A proxy war of USA against USSR and Gen. Zia:

Zia now found himself in a position to demand billions of dollars in aid for the mujahideen from the Western states, famously dismissing a United States proposed $325 million aid package as "peanuts". Pakistan's Inter-Services Intelligence and Special Service Group now became actively involved in the conflict, and in co-operation with the Central Intelligence Agency and the United States Army Special Forces supported the armed struggle against the Soviets.

In 1981, Ronald Reagan succeeded Jimmy Carter as President of the United States. Reagan was completely against the Soviet Union and its communist satellites, dubbing it "the evil empire". Reagan now increased financial aid heading for Pakistan. In 1981, the Reagan Administration sent the first of 40 F-16 jet fighters to the Pakistanis. But the Soviets kept control of the Afghan skies until the mujahideen received Stinger missiles in 1986. From that moment on, the mujahideen's strategic position steadily improved.

Charlie Wilson & The birth of Taliban:

Former congressman Charlie Wilson helped fund Afghanistan's resistance to the Soviet Union. His story was told in the book and film Charlie Wilson's War.
Wilson claimed that as a news junkie, he read an Associated Press dispatch in the early summer of 1980 that described hundreds of thousands of refugees fleeing Afghanistan, occupied by the Soviet empire. Around the same time, Wilson had been named to the Defense Appropriations subcommittee, a group of 12 men in the U.S. House of Representatives responsible for funding CIA operations. He decided to use his seat, through a series of backroom deals, to secretly steer billions of dollars to the Afghan rebels, known as the mujahedeen.

The appropriation for Afghanistan grew from a few million dollars in the early 1980s to an astounding $750 million a year by the end of the decade. As the money began to flow, the CIA put Gust Avrakotos in charge of the operation. Avrakotos formed a small band of agency officers who arranged to have weapons and satellite intelligence maps sent across Pakistan's border into Afghanistan on the backs of mules.

It was Gen. Zia who encourage Charlie Wilson to invest more in Afghanistan and milk more us support through him. Gen. Zia with US / KSA support formed madrasas in widespread to produce holy fighters Taliban to fight against USSR which for time being proved very successful but later proved counter productive for Pakistan and USA.

USSR breakup:
The Soviets declared a policy of national reconciliation. In January they announced that a Soviet withdrawal was no longer linked to the makeup of the Afghan government remaining behind. Pakistan, with the massive extra-governmental and covert backing from the largest operation ever mounted by the CIA and financial support of Saudi Arabia, therefore, played a large part in the eventual withdrawal of Soviet troops from Afghanistan in 1988.

Nuclear Policy and The Islamic Bomb:
Gen. Zia continues the nuclear policy of Mr. Bhutto and successfully managed to bring billion of Muslim dollars in the name of Islamic bomb specially he milk KSA very well who invested billions of dollars to have access of Islamic bomb, same way Libya's Colonel Qadafi invest heavily for this quest. Gen Zia managed to ward of US / Israel evil eye in the name of peaceful civilian nuclear tech and use their dependence on Pakistan to fight USSR in Afghanistan.

Plane crash & Death:

On August 17 1988, Pak One, an American built Hercules C-130b transport plane, took off from the military air base outside of Bahawalpur, Pakistan at 3:46 p.m, precisely on schedule. The passengers in the air-conditioned VIP capsule, which included Mohammad Zia ul-haq, the Army Chief of Staff and President of Pakistan. were returning to the capital city of Islamabad after a hot, dusty tank demonstration.Shortly after a smooth takeoff, the control tower lost contact with the aircraft. Witnesses who saw the plane in the air afterward claim it was flying erratically, then nosedived and exploded on impact. In addition to Zia, 31 others died in the plane crash, including chairman Joint Chiefs of Staff Committee General Akhtar Abdur Rahman, close associate of Zia, Brigadier Siddique Salik, the American Ambassador to Pakistan Arnold Lewis Raphel and General Herbert M. Wassom, the head of the US Military aid mission to Pakistan.Ghulam Ishaq Khan, the Senate chairman announced Zia's death on radio and TV. Conditions surrounding his death have given rise to many conspiracy theories

F16 fighter jets
Demolished USSR
Hataf Missile program
Nuclear Weapons development
Cobra Gunship
Kashmir Freedom Struggle
Khalistan movement
Stinger Missiles

Some Facts:

Because of his policies not only we are suffering but also the world.

Gun Culture
Afghan refugees
Sectarian violence etc

All the above mentioned problems we are facing because of his right wing deobandi / Wahabi policies.

he is cleaver he deceived many but failed to understand that he is going to create a fitna which haunt Muslims for centuries.

Pakistan History
militery Coups & histroy
Everything explained
Story of Pakistan
Awaz Pakistan

@WebMaster @Horus lifting the ban off the member like overload who regularly hurled extremely vulgar personal insults ,threatened the members and shared their personal info against their will is a great way of making this forum better. thanks it shows how much you care about integrity of this forum and self respect of its members.after all he did least you guys could do was make him apologize to all the affected members instead of accepting him back with open arms and pretending like nothing happened .
@django @RealNapster @Zibago @The Sandman @Mentee

If someone knows who you are outside of this forum, even if you don't get on they still need to preserve your personal identity and not issue threats - that is the most decent thing to do. Anyone who threatens to expose due to mishaps shows their own shallow characteristic flaws.

Bottom line - don't get personal.
Last edited:
These were not my Ids. What else I can say.
My views are quite different since I am following Sunni Sufi Islam.

@django @Burhan Wani

@The Sandman @Hell hound
I wrote this before my ban my own article, read it and decide how can i be the same person?


“What is a constitution? It is a booklet with twelve or ten pages. I can tear them away and say that tomorrow we shall live under a different system. Today, the people will follow wherever I lead. All the politicians including the once mighty Mr. Bhutto will follow me with tails wagging.”
―Muhammad Zia-ul-Haq

General Muhammad Zia-ul-Haq, was the fourth chief martial law administrator and sixth president of Pakistan. He was born on 12 August, 1924 in Jalandhar, India, and died on 17 August, 1988. Zia was born in Jalandhar, India, in 1924 as the second child of Muhammad Akbar, who worked in the Army GHQ in Delhi and Simla pre-partition.
He completed his initial education in Simla and then attended St. Stephen’s College, Delhi for his graduate degree. After graduation from St. Xavier College, Zia joined the British Indian Army in 1943.Prime Minister Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto appointed him Chief of Army Staff in 1976, after retiring seven lieutenant-general in order to promote Zia ul Haq, to four star rank. On July 5, 1977 Zia Ul Haq, planned and overthrew the ruling Prime Minister Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto, in a coup d’état, getting advantage of widespread civil disorder. He became the state’s third ruler to impose martial law. The primary line of his military government was his idea of religious conservatism in Pakistan.

Military Service:
Zia was commissioned in the British Indian Army in a cavalry regiment on 12 May 1943 and fought against Japanese forces in Burma in World War II. After Pakistan gained its independence in 1947, Zia joined the newly formed Pakistan Army as a Major. His regiment was now the Guides CavalryFrontier Force Regiment. He was trained in the United States in 1962–1964 at the US ArmyCommand and General Staff CollegeFort Leavenworth, Kansas. After that, he returned to take over as Directing Staff (DS) at Command and Staff College,Quetta. During the Indo-Pakistani War of 1965, Zia was a tank commander. However, Zia is also said to have been the Assistant Quarter Master of the 101st Infantry Division.

Zia and the Black September in Jordan:

Zia was stationed in Jordan from 1967 to 1970 as a Brigadier, helping in the training of Jordanian soldiers, as well as leading the training mission into battle during the Black September operations as commander of Jordanian 2nd Division, a strategy that proved crucial to King Hussein’s remaining in power.
Brigadier Zia with the help of king Hussein forces kill thousands of protesting Palestinians to save the King. Once Israeli president said Zia managed to kill that much of Palestinian in 11 days that we failed to kill in 20 years.
After his return to Pakistan his name was suggested for Court Martial due to his role in Black September and for the killings of Palestinians. There was anger among people regarding this act. But due to unknown reason than Chief of Army Staff General Gul Hassan removed his name from the list which was sent to then President Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto. Instead of a Court Martial that Brigadier was promoted to the rank of Major General. He was than in next few years again get promoted to the ranks of Lt General by "special attention". He was latter made Chief of Army Staff ahead of seven other senior officials. All this top flight from Brigader to the Chief of Army Staff was completed in just 6 years after the Black September.

Operation Fair Play:
Operation Fair Play was of a covert operation to over through elected Govt, Perhaps the most significant event in the history of Pakistan. Yet ask anyone and all you will get is a blank stare. After 36 years, the nation is still reeling from the impact of the events that are known as Operation Fair Play.

Some reasons:
After the general elections in Pakistan nation is deeply divided into several factions. We have the liberals, the democrats, the fundamentalists, the Islamic extremists and whatnot. One thing that everyone agrees on is this: Operation Fair Play was a bad thing.
If this was bad than the aftermath of the event were even worse!
For one, Pakistan became the international Jihadi Tourist Resort with people all over the world coming to satisfy their wish for martyrdom in the epic battle of Good vs. Infidels that happened in Afghanistan.
IT all started in 1976 when the right wing political parties decided that they needed a platform to counter the growing influence and strength of the PPP and its pseudo-socialist program. After much give and take, the collation, named PNA, was launched with a clear mandate; topple the Bhutto regime and install a right wing government with soft corner for religious politics.
The results of the 1977 General Elections came as a real surprise to everyone. The overwhelming success of PPP immediately drew criticism from all corners. The result was a chaos that engulfed the entire country. PNA.
Bhutto responded in the typical landlord manner. Instead of taking to PNA activists, he used his personal army, the Federal Security Force and the police to beat up and torture the opposition. One thing led to another and one of the PNA leaders wrote a letter to the GHQ, asking the military to “set things right”.
This was the signal General Zia was waiting for. The plan was already chalked out and the units responsible for the operation had their orders and targets. The operation was executed successfully with the following outcomes:
PPP’s government was sacked and all high ranking political office holders were arrested
Martial Law was declared across the country
Pakistan shifted nearer to the US and abandoned its ties to the USSR
Bhutto's trial and execution:
On March 18, 1978 Zulfikar Ali Bhutto was sentenced to death for the murder of Nawab Muhammad Ahmad Khan Kasuri, the father of PPP opposition leader Ahmed Raza Kasuri. Zia-ul-Haq was accused of influencing the court decision and the subsequent failed appeal to the Supreme Court of Pakistan. Despite the appeals from 55 heads of state, Zia refused to stop Bhutto's execution, which was carried out in 1979.

US Role:
It was widely speculated that US played a big role in Gen Zia's military coup and Bhutto's execution because Bhutto tries to free Pakistan from USA and allied with Russia, US sees this as a threat and Pakistan is much needed ally in the future proxy war against USSR and Bhutto proves a wall against it so US used anti Bhutto sentiments in the army who are against Bhutto for 1971 Bangladesh debacle.

Gen Zia and misuse of Islam:
Pakistan had been founded as a separate Muslim-majority nation-state for the Muslims of the British Raj, but its legal code was inherited from the British, and was secular, not based on Islamic law (sharia). Islamic activists advocating for Islamisation have been active throughout the country's post-independence history, but general enthusiasm has waxed and waned, "only lip service" being paid to the issue at times.
Several events in Pakistan and the Muslim World strengthened Islamic revivalism prior to and after the 5 July 1977 coup that installed Zia to power. The "1973 Arab oil Embargo" quadrupled the price of petroleum, enhancing the international prestige and vastly increasing the export revenues of the largest exporter -- Saudi Arabia. Saudi began to spend billions of its new wealth propagating its conservative, puritanical doctrine of Islamic revival known as Wahhabism in poor Muslim countries such as Pakistan
During his rule over Pakistan Zia Introduce many controversial Sharia Laws:
Hudood Ordinance:
Prohibition Order:
Adultery (Zina) Ordinance:
Sharia courts and constitutional amendments:
Blasphemy Laws:

Elections promises and referendum:

After assuming power as Chief Martial Law Administrator, Zia shortly appeared on national television, PTV promising to hold new and neutral parliamentary elections within the next 90 days

My sole aim is to organised free and fair elections which would be held in October this year. Soon after the polls, power will be transferred to the elected representatives of the people. I give a solemn assurance that I will not deviate from this schedule.

He also stated that the Constitution of Pakistan had not been abrogated, but temporarily suspended. Zia did not trust the civilian institutions and legislators to ensure the country's integrity and sovereignty therefore, in October 1977, he announced the postponement of the electoral plan and decided to start an accountability process for the politicians. On television, Zia strongly defended his decision for postponing the elections and demanded that "scrutiny of political leaders who had engaged in malpractice in the past". Thus, the PNA adopted its policy of "retribution first, elections later".[44] Zia's policy severely tainted his credibility as many, both domestically and internationally, saw the broken promise as malicious.[32]Another motive was that Zia widely suspected that once out of power the size of the Pakistan Peoples Party rallies would swell and better performance in elections was possible. This led to request for postponement of elections by the right-wing Islamist as well as left-wing socialists, formerly allied with Bhutto, which displaced Bhutto in the first place. Zia dispatched an intelligence unit, known as ISI's Political Wing, sending Brigadier-General Taffazul Hussain Siddiqiui, to Bhutto's native Province, Sindh, to assess whether people would accept martial law. The Political Wing also contacted the several right-wing Islamist and conservatives, promising an election, with PNA power-sharing the government with Zia. Zia successfully divided and separated the secular forces from right-wing Islamist and conservatives, and later purged each member of the secular front.
A Disqualification Tribunal was formed, and several individuals who had been members of parliament were charged with malpractice and disqualified from participating in politics at any level for the next seven years. A white paper document was issued, incriminating the deposed Bhutto government on several counts.
It is reported by senior officers that when Zia met federal secretaries for the first time as leader of the country after martial law, he said that "He does not possess the charisma of Bhutto, personality of Ayub Khan or the legitimacy of Liaquat Ali Khan" thereby implying how can he be marketed.

A proxy war of USA against USSR and Gen. Zia:

Zia now found himself in a position to demand billions of dollars in aid for the mujahideen from the Western states, famously dismissing a United States proposed $325 million aid package as "peanuts". Pakistan's Inter-Services Intelligence and Special Service Group now became actively involved in the conflict, and in co-operation with the Central Intelligence Agency and the United States Army Special Forces supported the armed struggle against the Soviets.

In 1981, Ronald Reagan succeeded Jimmy Carter as President of the United States. Reagan was completely against the Soviet Union and its communist satellites, dubbing it "the evil empire". Reagan now increased financial aid heading for Pakistan. In 1981, the Reagan Administration sent the first of 40 F-16 jet fighters to the Pakistanis. But the Soviets kept control of the Afghan skies until the mujahideen received Stinger missiles in 1986. From that moment on, the mujahideen's strategic position steadily improved.

Charlie Wilson & The birth of Taliban:

Former congressman Charlie Wilson helped fund Afghanistan's resistance to the Soviet Union. His story was told in the book and film Charlie Wilson's War.
Wilson claimed that as a news junkie, he read an Associated Press dispatch in the early summer of 1980 that described hundreds of thousands of refugees fleeing Afghanistan, occupied by the Soviet empire. Around the same time, Wilson had been named to the Defense Appropriations subcommittee, a group of 12 men in the U.S. House of Representatives responsible for funding CIA operations. He decided to use his seat, through a series of backroom deals, to secretly steer billions of dollars to the Afghan rebels, known as the mujahedeen.

The appropriation for Afghanistan grew from a few million dollars in the early 1980s to an astounding $750 million a year by the end of the decade. As the money began to flow, the CIA put Gust Avrakotos in charge of the operation. Avrakotos formed a small band of agency officers who arranged to have weapons and satellite intelligence maps sent across Pakistan's border into Afghanistan on the backs of mules.

It was Gen. Zia who encourage Charlie Wilson to invest more in Afghanistan and milk more us support through him. Gen. Zia with US / KSA support formed madrasas in widespread to produce holy fighters Taliban to fight against USSR which for time being proved very successful but later proved counter productive for Pakistan and USA.

USSR breakup:
The Soviets declared a policy of national reconciliation. In January they announced that a Soviet withdrawal was no longer linked to the makeup of the Afghan government remaining behind. Pakistan, with the massive extra-governmental and covert backing from the largest operation ever mounted by the CIA and financial support of Saudi Arabia, therefore, played a large part in the eventual withdrawal of Soviet troops from Afghanistan in 1988.

Nuclear Policy and The Islamic Bomb:
Gen. Zia continues the nuclear policy of Mr. Bhutto and successfully managed to bring billion of Muslim dollars in the name of Islamic bomb specially he milk KSA very well who invested billions of dollars to have access of Islamic bomb, same way Libya's Colonel Qadafi invest heavily for this quest. Gen Zia managed to ward of US / Israel evil eye in the name of peaceful civilian nuclear tech and use their dependence on Pakistan to fight USSR in Afghanistan.

Plane crash & Death:

On August 17 1988, Pak One, an American built Hercules C-130b transport plane, took off from the military air base outside of Bahawalpur, Pakistan at 3:46 p.m, precisely on schedule. The passengers in the air-conditioned VIP capsule, which included Mohammad Zia ul-haq, the Army Chief of Staff and President of Pakistan. were returning to the capital city of Islamabad after a hot, dusty tank demonstration.Shortly after a smooth takeoff, the control tower lost contact with the aircraft. Witnesses who saw the plane in the air afterward claim it was flying erratically, then nosedived and exploded on impact. In addition to Zia, 31 others died in the plane crash, including chairman Joint Chiefs of Staff Committee General Akhtar Abdur Rahman, close associate of Zia, Brigadier Siddique Salik, the American Ambassador to Pakistan Arnold Lewis Raphel and General Herbert M. Wassom, the head of the US Military aid mission to Pakistan.Ghulam Ishaq Khan, the Senate chairman announced Zia's death on radio and TV. Conditions surrounding his death have given rise to many conspiracy theories

F16 fighter jets
Demolished USSR
Hataf Missile program
Nuclear Weapons development
Cobra Gunship
Kashmir Freedom Struggle
Khalistan movement
Stinger Missiles

Some Facts:

Because of his policies not only we are suffering but also the world.

Gun Culture
Afghan refugees
Sectarian violence etc

All the above mentioned problems we are facing because of his right wing deobandi / Wahabi policies.

he is cleaver he deceived many but failed to understand that he is going to create a fitna which haunt Muslims for centuries.

Pakistan History
militery Coups & histroy
Everything explained
Story of Pakistan
Awaz Pakistan

Let bygones be bygones.Kudos Rattay sahib
Let bygones be bygones.Kudos Rattay sahib
The main reason of my return Sir / Bhai lots of ids associated with me not mine I never let my friends to know who I am / was an I always tells them who I am and was.
Kudos to Bhai @Horus
I never denied that I made fake Ids but it was only initial phase of my ban but latter The Ids associated with me was not mine and my friends believes on that accusations hurts me lot since I know I am true Muslim and patriotic person.
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