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How do we make PDF better?

can we get a dark theme? that would be cool with some neon that would be cool just a suggestion.
can we get a dark theme? that would be cool with some neon that would be cool just a suggestion.
The previous theme attracted a lot of people and made this forum unique.
We are preparing to make an upgrade for 2015, so this is your thread to post your ideas and fantasies that can make PDF better. Soon this community will be a decade old so we must keep up with the demands and new age.

Shoot it out here.

Any suggestions regarding the management improvements (i.e. related to moderation) can be posted in the GHQ section.

To make it better please give us the previous interface. This new one is boring , de taste and worst . I can't stay here for a long time.
Please take into consideration members opinions.
To make it better please give us the previous interface. This new one is boring , de taste and worst . I can't stay here for a long time.
Please take into consideration members opinions.
Can't agree with you more.
can we get a dark theme? that would be cool with some neon that would be cool just a suggestion.

I am all for a dark theme here.
Can't agree with you more.
Why ? Which features of the new interface is better than previous one ?
Suppose, a thread has 500 pages, how you will navigate through pages with only rewind and forward button which was very easy in previous version.
It is hard to read names of the members here which was very cool and clear in previous one .
Please let me know your views on this.
I am new here, and actually it is the first time ever I've joined an online forum, although I've followed PDF as a guest for many years.

The main thing I noticed before, and have noticed it still since joining is the freehand given to Indian members to pose stupid questions that are designed to deliver a false narrative.

Pakistanis should be allowed to answer such questions with some freedom, a maligned intent should not be responded to in a respectful manner, the only way to deliver an answer to the malicious question is with a direct and a forthright answer.

Too often I have seen Pakistani try to answer stupid malicious questions in a respectful manner because it looks like they are fearful of breaking some rule. That's not right, because, it gives the impression the maligned question has value, it is just not right. Give some space, please.
After all, if Pakistanis cannot act freely in their own forum, then where?

I agree with this.

I found the most effective way to getting rid of trolls is to ignore and report them. If Mod action is coupled with zero direct response to trolls, they generally move on.

I have been talking to Mods about certain IDs which directly insult Islam and post blasphemies against us, who remain on this forum. Something needs to be done about this. Generally Shia-Sunni stuff is under control, but some Non-Muslim members still push anti-Muslim agenda here.

It is unfortunate that some of these Non-Muslim trolls are from Muslim countries like Pakistan, BD, and Iran.
How to do that?

In Chromium browser you do 'Ctrl +' to increase the font and 'Ctrl -' to decrease. You will find a small window the shows the confirmation. I think this is the same in other browsers too.

Another way in Chromium is, there is the magnifying glass symbol to the right in the address bar. Click on it and you will find '-' and '+' to decrease or increase.
We have a thread overload on this forum. Instead of posting stuff in the relevant threads, most members here will create new threads all over the place. Most of these threads end up with just a single post, which quickly gets lost in the flood of new threads and most members never see it.

Take the recent India-China border flashpoint, i must have come across dozens of threads on this, when all the news and discussion could have been consolidated into one thread, and we can just follow this thread to get all the updates.

Frankly, it makes this forum look very amateurish and gives the impression that the forum is un-moderated.

So here is what i suggest: Only mods/advisors should have the permission to create new threads. The mods create a thread for a particular topic, all members will be forced to find a suitable thread to post in. When needed, the mods can create new theads or (optionally) move existing stuff into these threads. This is how it is done in most forums on the web and it keeps these forums saner.

Something to consider @Horus @Foxtrot Alpha @AgNoStiC MuSliM @BHarwana @Irfan Baloch @Arsalan
I agree with this.

I found the most effective way to getting rid of trolls is to ignore and report them. If Mod action is coupled with zero direct response to trolls, they generally move on.

I have been talking to Mods about certain IDs which directly insult Islam and post blasphemies against us, who remain on this forum. Something needs to be done about this. Generally Shia-Sunni stuff is under control, but some Non-Muslim members still push anti-Muslim agenda here.

It is unfortunate that some of these Non-Muslim trolls are from Muslim countries like Pakistan, BD, and Iran.

I have a zero idea about these forums work, some people have more rights than others, some can give positive/negatives, some can give warnings, and so on, and to be honest I don't really care.
If I have something to say I will say it. If I get banned, who cares, and if I feel like being a b.st..d, I'll rejoin and create all the nuisance in the world, takes 5 minutes to open an email address, and 5 minutes to request to join here, right?

I am not concerned with anyone here for myself, let alone trolls, I've yet to find anyone here to even remotely take me out of my comfort zone. But, I agree there isn't a proper playing field here, that much I sussed out very early on.

But I read posts and you get a feeling of things, I was merely reflecting what I've found here. You should read the "save Indus Pakistan" thread, and the high and mighty attitude been taken by some there, it is simply ridiculous.

The ones from our own countries, one has to understand, they probably have built up frustrations because in their daily lives there isn't room for open discussions, especially on religion, so I assume they let out their frustration here in one go, and obviously not in an intelligent manner. It's still not right, but it is important to understand their possible motives.
I have a zero idea about these forums work, some people have more rights than others, some can give positive/negatives, some can give warnings, and so on, and to be honest I don't really care.
If I have something to say I will say it. If I get banned, who cares, and if I feel like being a b.st..d, I'll rejoin and create all the nuisance in the world, takes 5 minutes to open an email address, and 5 minutes to request to join here, right?

I am not concerned with anyone here for myself, let alone trolls, I've yet to find anyone here to even remotely take me out of my comfort zone. But, I agree there isn't a proper playing field here, that much I sussed out very early on.

But I read posts and you get a feeling of things, I was merely reflecting what I've found here. You should read the "save Indus Pakistan" thread, and the high and mighty attitude been taken by some there, it is simply ridiculous.

The ones from our own countries, one has to understand, they probably have built up frustrations because in their daily lives there isn't room for open discussions, especially on religion, so I assume they let out their frustration here in one go, and obviously not in an intelligent manner. It's still not right, but it is important to understand their possible motives.

That is good brother. You have a nice attitude for this forum, and I am glad you are here to speak your mind frankly.

When I first joined the forum, I joined because of Indus and another fellow now banned called Indus Priest King. I was interested in ancient Pakistani history and origins basically.

My other strong subject is Kashmir and Partition, both of which I am very passionate about. In my youth, I gobbled up anything I found on the subjects.

Imagine to my surprise that when I posted my thoughts on Kashmir and Partition, I was attacked repeatedly by the secular Indians on the forum. This was incessant and they even tagged other Non-Muslim members to attack me any chance they got.

The objective was obvious, to silence my voice from the forum. Mods know well as I have brought it to their attention many times, and alhamdulilah they have dealt with it quickly.

The second issue some people had and still have is due to my ID. Generally because I have the word Islam in my ID, many Non-Muslims on this forum find it an easy target to try to attack me using it, without discussing points I raise, mostly on international topics.

Some of our atheist Pakistanis, even now sometimes go from 0 to 100 when I comment on certain subjects. Somes time I am accused of being terrorist, Taliban, mullah, etc.

I do bring religious persepective at times to clear sectarian atmosphere or correct some misunderstanding someone has, but I keep it to a minimum in light of the rules of the forum.

My point here is that as the only major Pakistani forum on the web, we have a duty to portray the proper image of Pakistan on this forum, to educate our people, and to discuss and learn from each other.
Why ? Which features of the new interface is better than previous one ?
Suppose, a thread has 500 pages, how you will navigate through pages with only rewind and forward button which was very easy in previous version.
It is hard to read names of the members here which was very cool and clear in previous one .
Please let me know your views on this.
Only the previous theme should be brought back everything else should be kept same.
@WebMaster , @The Eagle and other concerning staff!

First of all, I would like to congratulate you for maintaining PDF - a very informative site where people belonging to various sector of our society, people from our neighboring countries, overseas Pakistanis share their valuable views, sometimes very thought provoking.

I also understand that it must be costly to maintain such a site containing thousands of pages.

Mostly I visit and surf threads related to aviation and Pakistan Air force, and observed some shortcomings which are appended below:

1. Posting of new threads should be controlled to minimize redundancy. My suggestion is to post a thread asking all the interested members to participate and provide their valuable input on this issue. Duration may restricted for one month. After completion of this period a final procedure should be made on posting of new thread and disseminated to all members.

2. Existing redundant threads should either merge with the main threads or grouped into a sub-section to ease surfing.
The previous version used to have page numbers on top & bottom with options to go to first page then actual page numbers i.e 1 2 3 4 5 and then the option to go to last page. that was very convenient to go through a large thread now the only options are go to first next or last, which is quite bothersome.

@WebMaster @Horus @waz
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