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You have GHQ to discuss. My observation says, decision cannot be taken based upon arguments of one side. If you reported any post and did not engage the troll in similar fashion etc; I would be glad to restore those posts. Any post left unchecked is nothing but an oversight as there are several posts of other members, removed as well. You noticed as such; report it on merit and move on.


Thing is, administration and moderation supposed to be thorough, when a person report a post, you don't just look at said post being reported, because there are always 2 sides of an argument and you need to get the whole picture before you can make a decision, otherwise you would just be doing the handy work of a troll, who try to remove post that they were trolling. And if you do check the thread thoroughly, you will find majority of the post in that section is not even supposed to be there, and yet, since the moderation team didn't, those post remain.

To make it clear, I HAVE NOT REPORTED any of the post, and I am not going to, as I said before and as with many of our previous conversation, I feel that report is useless. Because in this case, if I reported all 6 post (maybe more, I don't know and I didn't count) it will take me 6 minutes to do it. You need to report one, write down a reason, press report, wait for a few second then move on to the second post.

And to be fair, I don't really care whether my posting privileges is reversed in that section, I am just using this as an example as to how this things is going on. I mean, this is your forum, and you are the moderator, and if you don't care how this forum becoming, just rubber stamping on people request, who am I to say otherwise lol...

Basically...The burden of forum policing falls upon the members, not the admin staff.

Well, maybe they have a different standard on policing the forum than us, to us, this is their job.

I mean in a city, a police force don't just depend on their citizen reporting crime to enforce law, we assume the police force in our country would go on and actively do something to enforce law. Either by patrolling, or by intervention or by punishing those who broke the law.

Maybe the admin team in this forum did not see it this way....I don't know...
Thing is, administration and moderation supposed to be thorough, when a person report a post, you don't just look at said post being reported, because there are always 2 sides of an argument and you need to get the whole picture before you can make a decision, otherwise you would just be doing the handy work of a troll, who try to remove post that they were trolling. And if you do check the thread thoroughly, you will find majority of the post in that section is not even supposed to be there, and yet, since the moderation team didn't, those post remain.

To make it clear, I HAVE NOT REPORTED any of the post, and I am not going to, as I said before and as with many of our previous conversation, I feel that report is useless. Because in this case, if I reported all 6 post (maybe more, I don't know and I didn't count) it will take me 6 minutes to do it. You need to report one, write down a reason, press report, wait for a few second then move on to the second post.

And to be fair, I don't really care whether my posting privileges is reversed in that section, I am just using this as an example as to how this things is going on. I mean, this is your forum, and you are the moderator, and if you don't care how this forum becoming, just rubber stamping on people request, who am I to say otherwise lol...

As said reach GHQ. Secondly, seems like you are reading what I said "any missed post" was the emphasis for the such case. Doesn't seem you don't care much. What make you think that only your posts are removed & you are the one being thread banned? You are merely looking at one side, therefore, I will repeat, might have missed one or so posts further to be removed but still; doesn't prove anyone innocent of all.

I mean in a city, a police force don't just depend on their citizen reporting crime to enforce law, we assume the police force in our country would go on and actively do something to enforce law. Either by patrolling, or by intervention or by punishing those who broke the law.

Maybe the admin team in this forum did not see it this way....I don't know...

It works better by support of citizens. Point or name a single Police in the world that never missed or failed ever? Or you want to say that members that report as such; are doing nothing as compare to your take on this.
Reporting option is provided for the grieving members especially in-case where Mod misses anything.
I do not 'grieve'. In fact, for all the yrs I have be participating here, I have NEVER advocated censorship, not even when the post was the most offensive. And of those most offensive, ALL of them came from the Chinese.

But what a member believe, do, or does not do, DOES NOT absolve the admin staff the responsibility of keeping the forum according to the rules that they set out and DEMANDS everyone to abide by it. In that, the admin staff of this forum failed when they allowed the Chinese to run roughshod over others. Plus, you promoted Chinese members who were sympathetic to one ethnic group, a gross violation of forum ethics.

You set the rules, you have primary responsibility of them.
I do not 'grieve'. In fact, for all the yrs I have be participating here, I have NEVER advocated censorship, not even when the post was the most offensive. And of those most offensive, ALL of them came from the Chinese.

But what a member believe, do, or does not do, DOES NOT absolve the admin staff the responsibility of keeping the forum according to the rules that they set out and DEMANDS everyone to abide by it. In that, the admin staff of this forum failed when they allowed the Chinese to run roughshod over others. Plus, you promoted Chinese members who were sympathetic to one ethnic group, a gross violation of forum ethics.

You set the rules, you have primary responsibility of them.

The option of reporting is provided for the betterment of forum and so that members can point out about wrong doing. In fact, the one in hand with troll and following the same line cannot be treated different than the instigator.

However, Mod(s) are human and can miss a thing too so to make it simple especially if one wants to solve the matter rather than making it an issue to play victim card; is simply to report the matter and move. You are blaming one side being on other side and Admin of this forum looks at both from above and then take decision. That is simple to understand.

Both sides blames Admin or Mod(s) the same as you do,; so its not new. All we can do, is sit and talk as how to resolve the issue rather than blaming each other or maligning admin into this for mudslinging contest.
As said reach GHQ. Secondly, seems like you are reading what I said "any missed post" was the emphasis for the such case. Doesn't seem you don't care much. What make you think that only your posts are removed & you are the one being thread banned? You are merely looking at one side, therefore, I will repeat, might have missed one or so posts further to be removed but still; doesn't prove anyone innocent of all.

The thing is, I know I AM NOT INNOCENT, and I already said I don't really care much to that thread ban (if I can post on that thread again, what am I gonna post? Women Bride or Child Bride from Vietnam? lol)

I indeed don't care much, because if I do, you would already received a PM like you used to talking about this and if I weren't try to make a point with Gambit, I wouldn't even talk about it at all, and I didn't even know I was thread banned after I make that post.

As for what you did in that thread, that is your business, I don't know or I can't tell you what to do, the only thing is, as I said before, if someone start insulting me, I will fight back, you can come back and keep banning me, I will keep doing it until either I am banned for good, or they are banned for good.

It works better by support of citizens. Point or name a single Police in the world that never missed or failed ever? Or you want to say that members that report as such; are doing nothing as compare to your take on this.

I will say if you missed 1 post, yeah, you are "missing", but 6 (maybe more, I don't know as I didn't count) in 1 thread, that's hardly you can say you simply missed that. I don't think that thread have 60 post, which mean you missed 1 out of 10, that's a lot.

I am IN the policing business, I taught NSW police on Law Enforcement and Investigation technique, thing is, you cannot just depends on the citizens report to act on, because when they do, a crime have already been committed, which mean what you are doing is dealing with the consequence. That is fine however, if you hold the one that cause the report responsible, and give out appropriate punishment, that is what Law Enforcement is about. But in here, the consequence of report is literally nothing, yes, you might have the post removed, but by then the damage has already been done, and if there are no other punishment incur, people will keep doing so until either they cannot do it anymore, or you change and hold them responsible.

I mean if a robbery is in progress, you, as the job of the police officer, don't just simply stop the robbery and then release the guy who do it without any charge, right? It's not about missed or failed, because you have to do something so that you can miss something or failed at doing it, but moderator team didn't seems to do anything about it other than removing the post.

That is why I don't report anymore, talk about it for like 4 years, and still talking about it today, and if you are treating any other people like you are treating me, then you will probably have to say goodbye to the community support, because what good would it be to use "report" function when it does nothing and the insult keep coming?

As I said, I don't mind or care about their insult now, if they do it I will dish it back, but to other people, who still believe in the system, what the moderator doing here is losing the fight to police the forum.
@The Eagle

So, are you having ANOTHER OVERSIGHT on this thread as well?


Once again, you have deleted my post and banned me from posting in this thread, yet post that really insulting other is not at all affected, and the poster still posting.

Look, azz lickers, this is your image in the eyes of your masters...
BTW, I have nothing much against white skin animals, but their smell is really annoying, using too much perfume to cover their stinking body....

I don't even know how or what my post has done to be deleted for "Off Topic/Flame Bait" when all I talk about is the stock market and the name between "Different" Huawei company?.

Yet, it got deleted for off topic.

Not sure about you, but I am starting to think you guys "missed" it on purpose? I mean two thread and two things amissed, what are the odd??

Oh well, if you don't want me hang around your forum, you should have just say so......
@The Eagle

So, are you having ANOTHER OVERSIGHT on this thread as well?


Once again, you have deleted my post and banned me from posting in this thread, yet post that really insulting other is not at all affected, and the poster still posting.

I don't even know how or what my post has done to be deleted for "Off Topic/Flame Bait" when all I talk about is the stock market and the name between "Different" Huawei company?.

Yet, it got deleted for off topic.

Not sure about you, but I am starting to think you guys "missed" it on purpose? I mean two thread and two things amissed, what are the odd??

Oh well, if you don't want me hang around your forum, you should have just say so......
Pathetic troll, I sincerely request you to remove your Chinese flag for the sake of your mother and your ancestors, if you are not a refugee from the jungle...
You have GHQ to discuss. My observation says, decision cannot be taken based upon arguments of one side -
A number of my threads have been removed "based on the arguments" of one side. Yesterday's deletion is one such example.
@WebMaster @The Eagle

I don't have option to make a post when logged in my computer. I can only post via mobile . Is there maintenance going on or something on my end?
Maybe the Chinese shouldnt be allowed to visit other threads until they pass a ''Manners Exam''.
What this forum have -- in the Chinese membership -- is a group that is overly sensitive to any challenges to their claims, even when the challenges are strictly technical in scope.

When I said 'technical', I do not mean it in the 'scientific' context. If you said something about politics, I could challenge your comment strictly on the political issues and that would be 'technical'. I said nothing about you at the personal level. That is the major problem with the Chinese on this forum. They take everything at the personal level.

However, if you revealed that you are a 15 yr old still in high school, then this personal fact about you becomes relevant as political issues are highly influenced by experience. A 15 yr old should be asking questions, not making declarations.

So here are some personal but general facts about me:

- First generation immigrant to the US. Naturalized US citizen.

- USAF veteran of the F-111 and F-16. Hard TF over the hills of Scotland at dusk in the F-111 and 9g over the Gulf of Mexico on a clear summer day cannot be matched by anything in the civilian world.

- Post military, experienced in radar and ECM for a company that shall remain unnamed. I used to design radar field tests for drones, as in how to defeat them and how to make them better at penetrating defenses. I played both sides of the EM fence. I worked at the tactical, not theoretical, level, meaning I do not need to be a design engineer but I must know how the system works at the functional level. I have made negative recommendations about hardware that ended up with it rejected.

- Currently, am in the semiconductor manufacturing industry, not in any peripheral supporting areas but directly in manufacturing from wafer start to wafer ship. I am in Process Engineering, meaning I either design or maintain the processes that works on a wafer. That means I do not need to know chemical engineering but only what a Chemical Engineer does in order to design new processes or improve current ones. Same goes for a Photolith or a Vacuum Pump engineer.

I have revealed things about those areas that only those who are deeply experienced can know and can put them in the theme of this forum, which is military related.

Calling out someone's inexperience in military affairs when that person has not even served the often minimum 2 yrs time is not insulting or 'trolling'. Of that 2 yrs time span, one yr is used for training, so what else is left for the other yr? The person is always used for menial duties in that last yr. There is next to no motivation about professional military issues or defense of country and people. So how are we supposed to take seriously an assertion from someone who never served?

So at 55 yrs old and been around the world a few times, my words should carry more weight than that over someone who has no experience relevant to the theme of this forum, one would think so, right?

But that is not how the Chinese membership sees it. To them, it is either their way or the highway. And they take everything at the personal level. If I challenge their claims even strictly at the technical level, I must have done it because I hate China and the Chinese people in general, and that hate must be racially originated. Simply put, I am a 'racist' if I challenge their claims about anything of China.

This forum cannot grow intellectually with this kind of members -- in numbers -- and it is amazing at least to me that the admin staff cannot see that. Considering the diversity of this forum, I do not advocate distinct standards for each group. But given the immature and generally hostile attitude of the Chinese members towards anyone who does not support China in everything, it is necessary to monitor the group more closely regarding forum rules.
@gambit @T-123456 @Solomon2 @Dai Toruko

Pathetic troll, I sincerely request you to remove your Chinese flag for the sake of your mother and your ancestors, if you are not a refugee from the jungle...

Chinese troll are non-removable, nor was they non-refundable. And most of them cannot be touched or even dealt with by moderator, even in this thread these people still insulting another person and their mother, and what did moderator like @Slav Defence @The Eagle do? Nothing.

I was out of state at a conference last 3 days, I did not even log on at all, which mean this post were there just about that long, and it will stay there until anyone do something about it, and I am not going to. let this be the evidence of the "standard" of these Chinese member, I mean, there are nothing better than let the post stay where it is, and I wasn't hurt by it, it only show how much "manner" and "education" these people have to make post like this. LOL:enjoy::lol:

And I am not going to have my only day off reporting post, as I am again going back to work tomorrow...
Dude, you now come back and say I am strongly biased? If you saw me as strongly Biased, then yourself included, so please do not give me this "I am just a normal member" BS. It just won't fly.

As for whether or not you call me on, you DID call me on, where you already admitted it, and by your own word, even if you do not, I still have a right to express my opinion because your post is about me, and by saying this is my self-concocted a reason to interfere and muddle up a discussion, that mean you are trying to silence my opinion. So, basically, if you have not noticed, you are doing the same stuff you have accused me of doing to the Chinese member..

Honestly? I don't care about you, I don't think we have anything in common so we can debate, but seeing how you "claim" this and that is simply funny, and what's more is when you constantly put your own foot in your mouth is even more of a priceless moment.

You keep on running in circles and are persistently arguing over something which is nothing but mere palaver. For the last time: I never said you have no reason to reply or interfere. To your offensive proverbial analogy, my reply was.
I am sure the Chinese got a counter proverb. But this buck-passing is the reason that this squabbling contest never comes to an end. Oh man, what a waste of time. :tsk:
To which you replied:
yes it is, so why quote me in the first place? When I already said the moderator should look at it themselves?
And all my subsquent replies from here onwards where to clarify that I never QUOTED your post as I wasn't even talking to you in the beginning, but you tried to make a case that mentioning you means, "I invoked your response and if I don't admit that, then it implies that I am trying to silence you":cheesy:.

If you can refer to webmasters post, he asked for names and that's exactly what members were doing. If that didn't sit well with you, don't blame us.

Regarding, Chinese members, this is what you said earlier on:
There are a few member from China behave like a normal Chinese, really 2 to 3 max, all other have a abnormal behaviour if you ask me.

You on your own are doing a bang up job at exposing yourself. If the above excerpt from your post doesn't reflect on your bias, then I am sure the word bias needs your personal semantics treatment just as 'Quote' :lol:. Anyways, it's time for me to show maturity and not have to put up with your ad hominem responses, you may carry on though. :cheers:

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