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How did the Hindu rulers become so powerful in the 15th century in India?

You mean madrassa?Anyway the original untouchable category was made for criminals and theifs,who were outcasted from society for their crimes.

lol delusional hindu, the original untouchable category is made for native aborginals of India. Do you think we as original ex-hindus don't know what the **** hindusism is all about? :lol:
Beta caste system like that only worked in our country. As soon as our ancestors left for India they changed that and it became by birth, historical fact.
Yup,Pakistani were and are corrupt and evil people we know that.This caste/varna system what I mention is currently being practised in most areas of India,the older corrupt version is being routed out.
Yup,Pakistani were and are corrupt and evil people we know that.This caste/varna system what I mention is currently being practised in most areas of India,the older corrupt version is being routed out.

You are one delusional Indian indeed. The older and pure version was only practised in land of pure. Dalits are being killed everyday, let alone accepted as brahmin dalits.
You are one delusional Indian indeed. The older and pure version was only practised in land of pure. Dalits are being killed everyday, let alone accepted as brahmin dalits.
Lolz.No one is killing dalits because they are dalits anymore.Personal feuds do not come in casteism.There are around 17% Dalits in India's government jobs,higher than their population proportion.Also the biggest scam of India was done by a Dalit called A.raja the 2g scam.We have advanced I assure you.
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