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how can secular indians justify 17% hike in defence budget...

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I know that What I am writing will never be considered since the thread is started by a troll and supported by the same kind.

Secularism is a form of govt not the form of people. Govt is secular to the core, secularism does not tie the hands of individuals to not believe in what they believe but gives license to preach, convert do what ever possible under the limits of Law. And the Limit extends to the people being Incited.

Govt does not control an Individual in a secular govt, and being secular does also give the right to fight for it. A Mob is un controllable in any part of the world and in any form of govt. India has never shut its doors in any profile of work for any cast, creed or community.

Many may argue, people form the govt. The answer is point blank "Yes" but the govt is run by the constitution of India not the people of India but for the people of India. So blaming a Mob or individuals action against the secularity of this Great nation is just absured.
Bit of a stupid title actually I mean what has secularism got to do with spending hike in defence
I am not been caring I simply don't like most Indians on this forum

and vice versa.................:yahoo::smitten:

and their govt policies

its our government right bro?????????????
if we don't like our govt policies,we'll vote them out!!!:taz:

and I want you lot to waste your moneys

BTW.who are you to instruct us on how to spend our money? :hitwall:if you are so particular,send us some money as aid and we shall spend it in the way you say!!:chilli:

and do lots of FXX ups

we are already doin a lot FXX ups bro!!
we already got the second largest population in the world bro!!:whistle::dance3::super:
Well atleast we arent getting this money from a foreign country, this spending is still about 2% of the GDP - well below what pakistan spends.

and what is this obsession of pakistanis with India's secularism? :cheesy: yeah, we arent secular.. if that makes you feel comfortable.

anyways we will continue to raise defence spending.in future too, inshallah
A higher defense budget, makes one wonder how many more deadly weapon systems will India be procuring for its armor from the increased spending.

On the Topic and title.........................:hitwall:

LCA From That Money
Mate we have about 2% in Pakistan who proscribe to religious parties. You in India have a main party whose philosophy is Hindutva

You have an entire nation which is religious, we just have a national Party which has more Muslims anyways and for your information the party which you think is hindutva in nature also has Alpasankhyak Morchas (minority wings) in All the states of India.
What the hell has secularism to do with hike in defense budgets ? lol...are u a nut case or just trying to be one :laugh:

Even after the hike, our defense budget is just 1.9% of a our GDP....care to compare it with urs...huh ? :meeting:

LCA From That Money
You guys are so into movies even you rolling out yr war planes with fake smoke and movie effects ...still thanks some heroine in wet clothes is not sittin in cockpit...have some decency yar let it look like a war machine not a movie scene....:rofl:
Oh wow!! I appreciate your sentiments toward the poor, hungry, deprived, underprivileged, unfortunate, disadvantaged, destitute, dispossessed, homeless, depressed, and pitiable people of India.

But why the dickens should it effect you? Please don't worry. Be happy.

Now go have a Cappuccino and relax. :pop:
Mate we have about 2% in Pakistan who proscribe to religious parties. You in India have a main party whose philosophy is Hindutva

Still that party always remains in opposition. Thats secular India.

Got it??? If No, leave it, you wont.
I want India to keep bleeding whilst it has its evil eye on smaller peaceful neighbours

Did I heard India bleeding???
Where is the "by thousand cuts" part :lol:
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