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how can secular indians justify 17% hike in defence budget...

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What has secularism got to do with defence spending?
India also hiked railway fare inspite of being secular. You can start another thread about that.

he cant start another thread . he does not have enough post , that why this kid has posted a nonsensical thread in the members intro section.
That means only non-secular and communist country like pakistan and china only have to right to increase their defence budget who already spend more than us in term of GDP
Seculars indians justify it since they want to defend themselves against stone throwing Kashmiri Kids and fight against the
big bad wolf china and full fill their hindutva ideology of Akhand Bharat.

Now Our puppet will tell us about what master should do. BTW. Do you know the meaning of akhand bharat?
I know Pakistanis are burning and hurting from inside...they know they can not race with India so they are worrying about Indian poor...

Before writing this thread you should go and check what % of GDP India spend on defence and what % Pakistan spend on defence.
We have to be ready to defend ourselves against China which is rapidly modernising its forces.

Add to that a hostile Pakistan which is quickly becoming a satellite state of China.

We have to be ready for a possible conflict on two fronts as has already been outlined by the Indian Army.

BTW, what's secularism got to do with it?
Because you have only one religion in Pakistan may be.... I mean what`s the % of other religions over there??

Yea but Hindutva promotes only one religion from where I am sitting
Seculars indians justify it since they want to defend themselves against stone throwing Kashmiri Kids and fight against the
big bad wolf china and full fill their hindutva ideology of Akhand Bharat.

do you know Kashmiri hindus are thrown out of Kashmir.....and they are living like refugee in their own country..if India would have not been secular it would have been opposite.
what is the relation of budget with secular nature??:hitwall:
no doubt,pakistan is the most jealous nation in the world:laugh:

go india go..:sniper:
do you know Kashmiri hindus are thrown out of Kashmir.....and they are living like refugee in their own country..if India would have not been secular it would have been opposite.

Actually this is well off topic and I accept secularism has nothing to do with thread or India cos its not secular.

Its good that India is wasting so much money on procurement and defense research lol something which they are not very good at and in any event can never match the spending of China their nemesis.

I want India to keep bleeding whilst it has its evil eye on smaller peaceful neighbours
Actually this is well off topic and I accept secularism has nothing to do with thread or India cos its not secular.

Its good that India is wasting so much money on procurement and defense research lol something which they are not very good at and in any event can never match the spending of China their nemesis.

I want India to keep bleeding whilst it has its evil eye on smaller peaceful neighbours

do you know what is the source of chinesse defense industry??its russia nd their engineers which they recruited after fall of ussr:lol:
and its good that we are spending on defense coz it brings pain in your a@@ when our budget is announced:laugh:
and our gdp % on expenditure is way less than your expd:laugh:

so keep crying and india has to go..you can keep crying as much as u want:laugh:
Actually this is well off topic and I accept secularism has nothing to do with thread or India cos its not secular.

Its good that India is wasting so much money on procurement and defense research lol something which they are not very good at and in any event can never match the spending of China their nemesis.

I want India to keep bleeding whilst it has its evil eye on smaller peaceful neighbours

A Pakistani mocking failures of Indian R&D is a bit rich, don't you think? :laugh:

You do know where India and Pakistan stand on the global rankings of nos. of PhD.'s produced per year, right?

I really, really, really, really.... don't wanna spoil your weekend, kid. :lol:
Actually this is well off topic and I accept secularism has nothing to do with thread or India cos its not secular.

Its good that India is wasting so much money on procurement and defense research lol something which they are not very good at and in any event can never match the spending of China their nemesis.

I want India to keep bleeding whilst it has its evil eye on smaller peaceful neighbours

Bleeding ? India ?

Actually its the neighborhood that is hemorrhaging trying to keep up.


Education: The PhD factory: Nature News

P.S. ...and this is 6 years old data. :D
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